eTwinning We Will Survive 2020-2021
A Greece is located in southern Europe. C
It is bordered to the north by Albania, North Macedonia and Bulgaria; to the east by Turkey, and is surrounded to the east by the Aegean Sea, to the south by the Cretan and the Libyan Seas, and to the west by the Ionian Sea which separates Greece C from Italy.
Athens is the capital city of Greece. It is one of the most famous cities in the world. The city is named after Athena, a goddess in Greek mythology. Her symbols are an owl and an olive branch. During ancient Greek times the city was the center of knowledge and culture. Athens has a recorded history that dates back more than 3,000 years. C Athens was a great center for art, literature, philosophy, and education. It was also the first Greek city-state to adopt a fully democratic system of government.
Our school is in a lovely northern suburb of Athens , called Ekali
Arsakeia Tositseia Schools are private schools which were founded by a non-profit organization in 1836. Since then, they have continued to offer high-quality education to young people.
It is a big school which includes a kindergarten , a primary school and a secondary school .
We take part in European Programmes like MUN (Model of United Nations) and eTwinning.
Our eTwinning team : We are in the 3rd grade of Junior High School . We come to school at 8 in the morning and leave at 3 at noon. We have a very strict school schedule with lots of subjects like : Ancient Greek, Literature, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, 2 foreign languages (English and French or German ), Physical education, computer programming, religious education, art, music, sports.
25 students will be taking part in our project WE WILL SURVIVE
We are very happy to be part of this lovely project . We will have the chance to exchange information about survival skills of the 21st century and make new friends.