American Academy Of Professional Coders

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So you have completed your medical coding training.

You have big plans to make a career in the medical coding field.

Smart move!

Your next step is to take either the Certified Professional Coder (CPC) exam or the Certified Coding Specialist-Physician Based (CCS-P) exam.

You were pretty enthusiastic when you first started studying but as the exam draws nearer you are starting to feel

“a sense of dread�

Maybe even


Maybe you are one of the people who is: Not sure if you are prepared for the pass or fail exam (70% correct minimum!)

Having a hard time managing your study time

Wondering if you will finish in the allotted 5 and a half hours

‌ you are basically freaking out with the thought of failing your next attempt at your CPC exam!

How to Pass the CPC Exam On Your Very Next Try-Without Fear, In The Required Time, And With Ease‌


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