Celebrate the True Spirit of Christmas
Give Gifts that Make a Difference Friends, it’s time to make a difference. Let’s demonstrate the true spirit of Christmas by giving gifts that offer hope and not allow ourselves to get caught up in the commercialism of Christmas this year. Instead I would like to invite you to consider using this catalog to give gifts that will make a difference and be treasured long after the holidays are over. Real Needs. Real Help Each year we partner with local and international missionaries to determine the practical needs of the people they serve. Those needs become items in this catalog that you can purchase on behalf of your family and friends. When you purchase gifts like school supplies, warm clothes or a desk and chair, you are meeting the real needs of real people. You are also providing an opportunity for our missionaries to distribute the presents and share the ultimate gift of salvation. Buy Now Throughout the pages of this catalog (and online at www.nwc.org) you can find the perfect gift for each person on your list whether it’s family, friends, a teacher or a co-worker. These are memorable gifts for those who give AND those who receive. You can: • Choose a gift to help someone in need • Give that gift in the name of a friend, relative or co-worker Order online at www.nwc.org between November 4 and December 12 or join us in the Live & Loud Building, Room G101 on Sunday, November 11 or November 18 to see some of the available items in person.
Pastor Will Stoll
“I hope you’ll join me and my family this year by doing your Christmas shopping here. I’ve seen firsthand how gifts from Star Bazaar can positively impact people and change lives forever. Being a part of this is a true blessing to me as your pastor, as a husband, and most importantly, as a father.”
Jesus God sent Jesus, the perfect gift, the everlasting
savior, to be all we need for a relationship with god. Now, we give gifts so God’s gift won’t be forgotten.
We pray that the love of Jesus, the purpose of His life, and the gift of His salvation touch your heart in a special way this Christmas season. The Christmas Star Bazaar, held at Northwest Church in Fresno, California is a benefit for world missions. A gift to meet a specific need was purchased in your name. “ T h a n k s be t o G od f or Hi s i n d e s c r i b a bl e g i f t ! ” I I C or i n t h i a n s 9 : 1 5
With each purchase you’ll receive a personalized gift card that features the gift and describes the project and purpose that it is going to serve.
Indonesia Tiffany (C amPbell) & P hil C osTello Northwest Church has supported Tiffany Campbell for several years as a missionary in Indonesia. Tiffany married Phil Costello this past summer and together they are continuing their work to bring help and hope to the hidden and hurting in Indonesia through Global Hope Network International (GHNI).
susTaining h oPe The vast, hidden majority of the world’s poorest people live in rural villages, where the assistance never reaches. GHNI believes it’s possible to bring sustainable transformation and the accompanying hope of a better future to end the perpetual cycle of poverty.
Providing for T anah K eKe
f amily
Provide fertilizer for fish ponds on this small fishing island where Tiffany and Phil work and evangelize. Families depend predominantly on fish ponds for their livelihood.
Fertilizer for Fish Ponds
GIFT $20.00
ParTnering & emPowering Help support a local believer who is trained to work fulltime in the poor villages promoting relationships and sharing opportunities of hope with them.
Partial Support for a National Trainer GIFT $50.00
life-C hanging g ifT On the small island of Tanah Keke, a wooden-fishing boat is used for absolutely everything, from providing food to transportation to and from the tiny island.
Wooden Fishing Boat GIFT $500.00
Indonesia evangelism sPreading in indonesia Northwest Church is committed to supporting Kalimantan Theological Seminary (STK) which was the vision of our own “Borneo” Bob Williams who served as a missionary to Indonesia for 60 years. STK’s mission is to equip, empower and mobilize evangelists, church planters and Christian educators to bring spiritual transformation to Indonesia.
PlanTing s eeds K nowledge
Evangelists, pastors and church planters use books in their own language to take the gospel to remote locations in Indonesia. Since electricity and internet access are often limited, books become essential for these dedicated men and women to learn and share everything they can. Your dollars will help to fill up the libraries at the satellite training centers which will enable more evangelists, pastors and church planters to reach the lost with the gospel.
Library Books
GIFT $10.00
C hairs
s eminary
The classrooms at seminary in Pointianak are greatly in need of more chairs. Many students end up sitting on the floor for lack of chairs. If the seminary students are comfortable in their classrooms they learn more quickly and study is more enjoyable.
Chairs for Seminary Classrooms GIFT $35.00
sTudenT s CholarshiPs The seminary underwrites much of the cost for the seminary students because they come from backgrounds that limit their ability to pay. You can help by providing scholarships or partial scholarship for students to help the seminary meet its budget.
Full Scholarship for a year
Half Scholarship for a year
Partial Scholarship for a year
Lebanon youTh for ChrisT (yfC)
i n g od ’ s P laCe
The Lebanon YFC office is strategically located near a large community of Iraqi refugee families. Most of these youths are extremely poor and have a weaker education level. YFC sees a strong desire by these youth to learn English as they hope to one day immigrate to the West, away from the unstable Middle East.
Tuition for English Classes
GIFT $60.00
Pouring g od ’ s w ord Their h earTs
As relationships build, YFC is able to share God’s word with the young Iraqi refugees. Young people all over the world are hungry for truth. This is especially true in war torn parts of the world like Lebanon. Arabic Bibles lets young people study God’s Word on their own to find out if it really says what they are told. They are able to find truth.
Arabic Bibles for Iraqi Refugee Youth GIFT $15.00 11
a s afe h aven In addition to the education program, YFC will have a regular outreach program for the Iraqi youth. These young refugees need to have fun in a safe environment to help overcome their traumatized experiences. YFC provides a safe place where they can play games, sing, eat refreshments and hear Bible teachings.
Outreach Program for Iraqi Refugee Youth GIFT $30.00
Sri Lanka youTh for ChrisT (yfC) 12
n o C hild l efT b ehind YFC conducts tutorial classes and other activities to help students in their education. Most students in Sri Lanka are unable to meet their basic school needs (clothes, books, shoes, etc.) because of the very high cost of living. As a result, many drop out of school before completing their education. During Christmas time, we give these students a small gift pack with school necessities.
School Packets
Know g od ’ s l ove T hrough s PorTs
GIFT $10.00
Football is a favorite sport for many youth in the Colombo region. YFC Colombo has started a football team to give these boys an opportunity to play. This ministry has activities with all three languages (Sinhala, Tamil and English). By having boys from all these language groups on our football team, unity is encouraged among the youth who have experienced ethnic war for the past 30 years. This would give YFC an opportunity to introduce them to the love of God.
GIFT $12.00
To The
l ord
Youths in Sri Lanka thoroughly enjoy singing, so music is an important aspect of their ministry. An acoustic guitar would enhance their worship and have a positive impact on their teen ministry.
Acoustic Guitar
GIFT $125.00
Haiti haiTian ChrisTian develoPmenT fund Jean and Joy Thomas are missionaries who have faithfully served In Fond des Blanc, Haiti to bring God’s word and education. They feel blessed and encouraged with the opening of their new school. Cafeteria supplies are greatly needed to meet the needs of hungry students
The m any f aCes
h unger
Simple eating utensils are a luxury for many students who enjoy their only meal of the day. Through your donations, we can provide these essentials for the new cafeteria.
Dish, Bowl & Silverware
god ’ s l ove
GIFT $10.00
C hrisTmas
Christmas is made special by sharing God’s love by providing a special Christmas Dinner to over 1,000 children on this Holy day.
Christmas Dinner Per Child GIFT $2.00
C afeTeria
The school cafeteria will serve the entire community as a meeting place and feeding center as well as for many other community functions.
Tables for New School Cafeteria GIFT $100.00
Every Neighborhood Partnership - Addams Elementary
b uilding d eePer r elaTionshiPs Northwest Church partners with Every Neighborhood Partnership in developing relationships with the Addams students and community through on-going programs such as Saturday Sports, classroom volunteering and one-on-one tutoring. Sharing the love of Jesus is easy when you know the children on a deeper level
Crafts for Saturday Sports
GIFT $15.00
Whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me.
-Matt 18:5
feed a f amily
f our
Northwest Church wants to continue to develop relationships with children who come faithfully to our Saturday Sports program. Many of the student’s families are struggling to meet daily needs. Your gift provides a wonderful opportunity to share God’s love during this Christmas season.
Christmas Dinner
GIFT $25.00
World Impact every young Person… one aT a Time World Impact in Fresno offers hope for the trouble and chaos in our inner city. They are committed to planting culturally relevant churches in urban Fresno that work to evangelize, equip and empower members of low income communities using clubs, camps, ESL classes, sewing classes, and job training programs. By developing personal relationships on a daily basis, they meet the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of those seeking the only hope for lasting change-new life in Jesus Christ.
C hildren’ s b ible C lubs Games, crafts, Bible lessons and snacks draw kids to after-school neighborhood Bible clubs. Children have fun and learn about the God who loves them.
Bibles for Bible Club
GIFT $10.00
sharing g od ’ s l ove Christmas is a special time for families and World Impact shows God’s great love by providing a Christmas Food Box to needy families.
Christmas Food Box
GIFT $25.00
Youth for Christ
Praising g od …o ne y ouTh
aT a
T ime
With a world of gangs, drugs, poverty, abuse, Youth for Christ (YFC) is a bright light in the city. Whether they are on school campuses, after-school programs, or Juvenile Hall, YFC reaches out with various service projects overseen by caring adults.
h i , my n ame
P edro ( a noTe
from an inmaTe )
I am currently incarcerated at the Juvenile Justice Campus. I am a 16 year old teen trying to turn my life around. I read the Bible often. I think it is very great that you guys donate Bibles to jails…I am very grateful to have a Bible in here.
Bibles for Juvenile Hall
GIFT $10.00
for e very K id …o ne
aT a
T ime
YFC combines healthy relationships with creative programs to help young people make good choices and establish a solid foundation for life. YFC seeks to engage young people as life-long followers of Jesus Christ with a balanced life—mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.
Pizza for Campus Life Club
GIFT $20.00
Valley Teen Ranch b uilding y oung l ives Building young lives is the motto of Valley Teen Ranch (VTR) which assists vulnerable young men and their families in rebuilding their lives through caring relationships and opportunities to grow mentally, physically, socially and spiritually by offering young men a secure living environment.
h ungry b oys There are many challenges of running a home for boys including keeping the kitchen working smoothly. Your donations will go a long way to replace broken appliances and restock worn-out utensils.
Kitchen Supplies
GIFT $25.00
goTTa r un ‌ Gasoline is one of the many costs of running VTR. Whether it is taking kids to doctor appointments, special outings or shopping for food, clothes and necessities of the ranch, gasoline is a sizeable amount of their budget.
Tank of Gas
GIFT $50.00
Let there be light in the darkness. -2 Cor 4:6
Evangel Home
w here h oPe
e aCh h earT
w aiTing
Evangel Home is devoted to serving homeless women and children. It is a home where the cycle of crisis ends, where lives are reconciled to Jesus Christ, where families and relationships are restored and where the future holds hope.
l ove
J esus
Whether it is meeting basic physical needs, promoting personal development and responsibility or encouraging spiritual growth, Evangel Home honors Jesus Christ in all ways. Recovery Bibles are always in need and a true blessing to the women.
Recovery Bibles
GIFT $20.00
m y s helTer The s Torm
in The
m idsT
Many of the bedrooms in the Evangel home are in need of a face lift. This is home to many in crisis and their surroundings can increase their sense of comfort and well being.
Room Refurbishing
GIFT $35.00
Trust in the Lord‌ and do good. -Psalm 37:3
Pregnancy Care Center saving a ll g od ’ s C hildren Pregnancy Care Center (PCC) of Fresno offers free and confidential counseling, ultrasound exams, basic infant care classes, birth classes, nutrition, abstinence education, abortion recovery support groups and friendship to girls and women throughout the valley. Many are led to Christ through the efforts of the caring staff and volunteers.
d iaPers
d ry b oTToms
PCC offers infant care classes for those who choose life. Upon completion of a class, the mothers are rewarded by shopping in the “baby store” at the center. Diapers are always the biggest demand.
Infant Diapers for Newborns
GIFT $10.00
s eCure
What a gift to bring to a newborn! God’s love wrapped up in a safe and secure car seat. Each mother in the program receives an infant car seat to protect her child.
Infant Car Seat
GIFT $50.00
Hope Now for Youth from g angs T o J obs Hope Now for Youth is a Christian emergency rescue team for young men, ages 16 to 24, who are gang members or have criminal records. Through God’s word, a former gang member sees hope to turn his life around and have a relationship with Jesus Christ. 30
Travel s afeTy Many of these young men rely on bikes to get to work and bike lights allow them a safe ride to and from work early in the morning or late at night.
Bike Lights
GIFT $20.00
n ew l ife, new y ou Hope Now for Youth provides opportunities and support for young men who want to break their ties with gangs by changing their lives and becoming productive, responsible and law-abiding individuals. Sometimes tattoos reflect a past life that they no longer want to associate with. Tattoo removal is the first step in changing the outside when the inside has already begun a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Tattoo Removal
GIFT $25.00
Gap Christian Ministries sTanding in The g aP f or s eniors P roviding loving C are in The n ame of C hrisT. GAP Ministries is an outreach program to assist churches and individuals in building relationships between Jesus Christ and the elderly.
C are
C omforT
God wants all to know Him. Many elderly who reside in local care facilities may be trying to read the Bible for the first time, but not be able to see the print. This is where GAP Ministries can step into the gap and provide the necessary materials so those who want to participate in a Bible study can continue to do so.
Large Print Bibles and Devotionals
GIFT $20.00
The J oy
s inging
Singing hymns is a great inspiration and comfort to the elderly in nursing homes. The large print song books allow them to sing their favorite songs of old and reminisce.
Large Print Song Books
GIFT $15.00
‌So that everyone might believe. -John 1:7 15