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helpful hints

The Knowles Dogs Hard at Work

helpful hints “Mulch 101” for Pet Owners
While mulch makes flower beds more attractive and benefits the soil, it’s important to select the right one if you are a pet owner. Following are a few tips to keep your animals safe: Natural & Organic are Best…
They contain no toxins.
Mulches to Avoid…
Cocoa-Shell & Cocoa-Bean mulches contain theobromine which is toxic to dogs. Rock mulches can cause obstructions if eaten. Avoid all mulches that contain insecticides, herbicides or fertilizers.
The Benefits of “Outta My Tree” Mulch…
Ours are all-natural and contain no toxins or chemical treatments. They are made of recycled natural wood, the right choice for pet owners. We also offer delivery! Mulch increases water retention and decreases weed growth. In addition to a natural mulch, we also offer dyed mulches in black, brown and red; all toxin-free.
Helpful Hints for Dog Owners…
If you have a dog that likes to dig in the garden, spray your mulch with garlic water or bitter apple spray. Another idea…lay down metal mesh on the soil under the mulch.
P.S.We also offer super loam, compost, stone and stone dust!