Seacoast Bark Magazine Aug Sept 2021

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design Mrs. and Mr. Design

publisher ’s note

publisher Nancy Dewar

We recently marked our 3-year publishing milestone and continue to get wonderful comments about the magazine from both readers and our partners. Shortly after we launched, Massimo (of Ristorante Massimo) told me, “I’ve advertised my restaurant for many years in many places. But I’d never heard one word about any of my advertising until Seacoast Bark. Now I’m getting comments and emails from many about being in the magazine. Even from people in Byfield!”

thanks to our contributors… Gayle Davis - Janice Kanteres Lexi Leddy - Josh Linker Published by Bark Media Group LLC six times a year. Hampton, NH Copyright © 2021 Bark Media Group LLC Seacoast Bark is distributed at stores & businesses in: Portsmouth, Exeter, Rye, North Hampton, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Greenland, Stratham, Seabrook, Kittery, Newburyport & everywhere in between!

Interested in advertising with us? Have a good story idea or a suggestion on a great animal or person to feature?

Linda Cloutier (of Linda Cloutier Kitchens & Baths) recently said, “It’s so funny. I keep hearing from a lot people that they love seeing Sophie & Bentley in the magazine!” And I often hear, “I read the magazine cover to cover…and love the ads cause they have dogs in them!”

Please email Nancy Dewar/Publisher (603) 498-3237

We’re so happy to continue to spread happy news! The magazine wouldn’t be possible without our partners and our loyal readers. Thank you all, and I hope you enjoy our 21st issue!

We’d love to have you start following us on Instagram! (


Cheers + Chow… Nancy

6 4.

words of wisdom Senior Helpers

animal lover's profile 10. 12. fun things to bark about 6.



PAWsitive thoughts 16. I love my job 18. big little thoughts 19. meet our team 14.

Knowles 3

local tails 21. in the dogs house 22. let's pawty 20.

Ristorante Massimo


flips + flops

words of wisdom

Walter’s WORDS OF WISDOM By Walter Eugene Davis Senior Helpers – Stratham, NH

Your Window to the World “We get most of the input from our surroundings through our eyes; they convey more input than any of our other senses. Every second the eyes absorb ten million pieces of information and pass it on to the brain.” When was the last time that you thought about the health of your eyes? It’s recommended that if you are forty or older, have the health of your eyes checked every one to two years. There are a few things that you can do to enhance the health of your eyes. So, lets get started!

Uncle Robbie with my Dad Dwight

Watch your diet! You have probably heard before that “you get out of it what you put into it!” This is very true. Eating foods that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids (salmon, tuna, oily fish), lutein (carrots, sweet potatoes, green leafy vegetables), vitamin C (oranges and other citrus fruits and vitamin E (vegetable oils, nuts, spinach, and broccoli). A balanced diet is necessary to fuel the sophisticated human body. Don’t forget folks that us dogs need a good diet including vitamins too!

Do you smoke? If so QUIT! Smokers are highly likely to get cataracts and

macular degeneration. Tobacco smoke breaks down the lip layer of the tear film, which causes dry eye. This is the source of discomfort, including a gritty feeling, redness, and stinging.

Wear your shades! If you are outside, you need to find a pair of sunglasses

that work for you. Ultraviolet rays are damaging to your eyes and increase your chance in getting cataracts and/or macular degeneration and yes, even cancer. When shopping for glasses, look for a pair that blocks 99% to 100% of UV rays. Consider purchasing a pair that wraps around to provide protection for your eyes from the side. Did you know that dogs can develop eye issues too? That’s why I always have my shades close by.

Look away! Are you spending hours on your computer, tablet or phone?

If you are having issues with eyestrain, blurry vision, dry eyes, headaches or trouble focusing at a distance, consider taking a break every 30 minutes. Let your eyes rest – they get tired too! If it persists, get your eyes checked. Make certain that your prescription is correct. You can also ask your doctor about blue light filtering glasses.

So why are we talking about eyes? Let me tell you. Three years ago my Uncle Robbie went to renew his driver’s license, and when they did his eye exam he was not satisfied. He went to his eye doctor to get a re-check. It was during the exam they saw a “freckle” on the retina of his eye. He was immediately sent to a specialist. It was found that he had ocular melanoma. Not only did he have it on one eye, but he had it on both - which is incredibly rare. He wasn’t in pain; his vision had changed. Thankfully, he acted on his gut! According to the American Cancer Society, in 2020 3,320 new cases of cancers of the eye and orbit were reported (1,750 in men and 1,570 in women). Due to early detection and increased treatment options, survival rates have improved over the past decade. On September 21st my uncle will be celebrating his birthday cancer-free. Happy Birthday Uncle Robbie. For more information on eye cancer, visit or

Stay healthy & take care of yourselves, my friends… Walter Eugene

A big thanks to Dwight & Gayle Davis,

owners of Senior Helpers, for encouraging Walter Eugene to write this column! Walter is a 6-year-old Lab mix rescue. They all found each other via New England Lab Rescue. Walter came from Hartsville, SC, and ended up hitting the jackpot with his new family! He participates in the family business providing love and comfort to many, with his official title being “Director of Security & Pet Relations.” Walter is also an active member of the welcoming committee! Senior Helpers provides in-home, non-medical care offering tailored services ranging from companion care for those who need daily assistance to in-depth specialized care for those with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s and other chronic diseases. They’ve worked with clients ranging in age from 25 to 104. Senior Helpers was voted “Best of the Seacoast” in home health care and received the “Business Excellence Award” and “Top 200 Most Influential Business Leaders in New Hampshire” from the New Hampshire Business Review. Stratham, NH – (603) 583-4580

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animal lover's profile

Meet Julie Burke a.k.a.

Dr. JUL-little! By Nancy Dewar

Rye resident Julie Burke grew up in Portsmouth and because of her immense love of animals, her family sometimes called her Dr. JUL-little! As a child she would wander down to the Griffin Farm on the corner of Richards Avenue and South Street to visit the geese and sheep. Sheba (an English Sheep dog) and Shari (a gray cat) were the first of her childhood pets, and trips to visit her aunt’s horses were frequent. Little did she know that someday she would be caring for hundreds of creatures…4,000 miles from home in Nicaragua! Julie met her husband Matt through a mutual friend. At that time she had an infant daughter (Addie), Matt was living in Rye building houses, and Julie owned a gardening company. They married in 2004, adopted their daughter Natalia from Guatemala in 2005 and their family was complete with their rescued cattle dog named Zuzu. When the housing and building market tanked in 2008, the Burke’s took a leap of faith and acted on Matt’s dream of opening a burrito joint. For years he had wanted to start “Fatty Matty’s Burritos.” They ended up calling it Las Olas which means “the wave,” as Matt is crazy about surfing. Their first restaurant opened in Exeter, and there are now locations in Hampton and Wells, Maine. Matt began taking annual surf sojourns to Playa San Diego in Nicaragua in 2009. Julie

and the girls joined him on a trip in 2012. “It is poor now, but it was really poor then. Lots of wood houses covered in plastic,” Julie explained. “Back then people were getting around on horses, bikes and motorcycles. Now there are more cars, and the town is a recognized municipality. It’s about a 1 ½ hour drive from Managua to the coast. When I first started going down, we had to take a dirt road from the highway to Playa San Diego. It was mud puddles and severe dust. Now it’s cobble stone and much faster.” They stayed for two months, and Julie and the girls began volunteering at a local orphanage. “We live in a pretty privileged area, and I wanted the girls to make a connection with others less fortunate. We played with the kids and did lots of crafts.” They volunteered again on their next trip,


and Julie fell in love with a special 5-yearold little girl named Belen who had recently come to the orphanage. Julie smiled and said, “I called Matt and asked if we could adopt again!” They hired a top adoption lawyer, and remarkably Belen was home with her new family in New Hampshire within one year.

While back in New Hampshire, Nicaragua was always in Julie’s heart. She started her “Double-Play Gear” project in 2013, where she gathered used baseball equipment and gear for the kids. They end up shipping over four pallets to Nicaragua. The Burkes continued to travel to Nicaragua a few times each year and bought a house in Playa San Diego in 2017. Julie was well aware of all the animals that needed help. When they were moving into their home, a scruffy dog with shredded ears showed up

animal lover's profile

NicaLove’s mission is to help animals in vulnerable Nicaraguan communities. They partner with local animal welfare organizations to rescue and rehabilitate domestic and working animals, and host wellness clinics to provide health care and sterilizations.

The Burke Family…Belen, Julie, Natalia, Addie & Matt

wagging his tail. “He was a very sick street dog covered in mange. We fed him, got him medicine, and named him Flaco (Spanish for ‘skinny’). He was a special boy. Sadly, we had to let him go in February 2020 because of a tumor.” Julie’s involvement with the local animals really began because of her kids and her friends Dave and Heather Cropper’s daughter. The girls decided to do a lemonade stand at Cinnamon Rainbow in Hampton, owned by the Croppers. They wanted to donate half of the money to the NHSPCA and the other half to help dogs in Nicaragua. So, Julie went online to find a group to donate to and found Elisa Quiroz, the founder of a large animal rescue (Fundacion ADAN) based in Managua. Julie began sending funds and supplies to Elisa and eventually established as a formal non-profit in 2019. NicaLove’s mission is to help animals in vulnerable Nicaraguan communities. They partner with local animal welfare organizations to rescue and rehabilitate domestic and working animals, and host wellness clinics to provide health care and sterilizations. The way our animals are treated versus those in Nicaragua are worlds apart. Ju-

lie explained, “Cows are viewed as dollars, not pets. If you have cows, you have money. Horses are for work and not treated well. Dogs are guards or herding animals. They don’t live in homes and eat off the streets. Two to three years is the average life span. They often die from distemper, parvo, parasites, tick diseases or starve.” Julie initiated and hosted the first local vet clinic in 2018 in Playa San Diego with a local veterinarian. They tended to about 25 animals that day and since have hosted close to 20 clinics with the attendance increasing every time. “Our largest clinic saw over 300 animals. It’s really been an education process. Locals weren’t educated about animal care nor have the money or access to help them. Initially it was a hard sell to get them to spay and neuter. Especially neutering, as they felt it took their dog’s manhood away! Over time it’s become less stigmatized, and we are seeing more repeat people arriving.” It costs about $20 for a spay or neuter; much more affordable than here but takes a lot of fundraising to do! 7

The Burkes recently purchased 10 acres near their home in San Diego to create a facility to house rescue animals. The plan is to move the animals from the 13 foster home locations that Elisa Quiroz oversees to one place that will provide housing and a vet clinic. The infrastructure is

animal lover's profile

now place. The next step is building a structure that will include a small living area for the caretakers, an emergency quarantine area and covered fenced areas for the animals. Through fundraising efforts, Julie will cover the overhead, utilities, staffing, etc. for the facility. Ultimately, the long-term master plan includes an on-premise vet clinic (offering reduced or sliding scale fees for locals) and long- and short-term volunteer opportunities. NicaLove’s current goal is to raise $50,000 to cover the infrastructure and first building. They received $25,000 this summer as a gift from the New Hampshire Gives program and raised $5,000 from a recent community yard sale. Julie also posts individual animals and their specific medical needs on Facebook and Instagram for donations for needed procedures. Her next big fundraising event, a Zoom call with certified animal communicators, will be held on October 21st in partnership with the Animal Communication Collective. These professionals graciously offer complimentary fundraisers for a variety of animal rescue groups. More information on this public event will be posted on NicaLove’s website in early September.

“Cows are viewed as dollars, not pets. If you have cows, you have money. Horses are for work and not treated well. Dogs are guards or herding animals. They don’t live in homes and eat off the streets. Two to three years is the average life span.”

Meeting Julie was such a treat! I loved her the minute we met, but I’m not sure how she does all that she does! A wife, mother of three daughters and two rescue pups, involvement with three restaurants, running an animal rescue in Nicaragua, fundraising and oh, not to mention…also assisting with other overlooked needs for her community in San Diego such as English and computer classes!

If you’re interested in collaborating with Julie, she’d love for you to reach out to her. (

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"HOW I MET MY TRUE LOVE" love stories about real dogs + their humans

By Janice Kanteres – Hampton, NH

We have had dogs most of our married life, from Siberian Huskies while living in Massachusetts to Shih Tzus in St. Louis. We both considered eventually bringing another one into our lives after moving back to New Hampshire three years ago. Should we get one now or wait until retirement? My husband has yet to retire, so like many others in COVID hibernation, we began open discussions once again. Though Greg was quite reluctant to entertain the idea, in early Spring 2020 I began my own silent search. Realizing that having the commitment of a puppy might change our travels and lifestyle a bit, my yearning for dog companionship took over, and he finally gave in! Our sweet boy arrived in late April at 13-weeks-old… into an empty Bradley International Airport in Connecticut from a breeder in Florida. Initially, the transition from warm Florida temps to a cold New England spring was rough for our little guy, but he was a trooper. He quickly decided that he absolutely loved playing in the snow! We had tossed names around, but when Greg blurted out "Sherlock" (for his favorite detective), it seemed to fit his inquisitive nature; and my husband was immediately more in love than ever. He had his own special little Sherlock!

All our dogs were puppies, so we knew what to expect in the days ahead; but we were unprepared for the sleepless months to follow! Let's just say, Sherlock was not an easy pup to train. Sleepless nights, constant barking due to separation anxiety, messes in the pen and numerous nightly potty-training trips outside in the cold reminded us of our days with infants. I often thought, “What have I gotten us into!" Sherlock was not a fan of being enclosed in a crated environment. We shared "night duty" sleeping in separate bedrooms with his pen by our side for at least two months. With advice and training classes from My Dog’s Mind, our consistency paid off and sleep was finally a welcome relief.

Sherlock is such an energetic Shih Tzu (unlike our others); walking or hiking with endless zeal. He brings smiles and makes many friends along the way with his happy trot on our long daily walks! He loves children, gives kisses on demand, brings us many laughs and really keeps us on our toes with the boundless energy of a 1 ½-year-old. Sherlock is a very verbal dog, with various barks for different needs. Surprisingly, we have readily included him into our daily lifestyle; much more than we ever did with our other dogs. He is a great car traveler, adjusts well with others and loves to go shopping! He takes after his mom! And he was our biggest gift during a challenging year…thank you so much Sherlock!

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out and about Aloha…For Dog-Loving Dudes

fun things to


Dover Dog Howloween Event

Dover Dog Howloween Event

Calling all dogs to help raise money for Pope Memorial Humane Society. Join Sit.Stay.Smile. Pet Photography and the NH Dog Walking Club for the 3rd annual Dover Dog Howloween Event on Saturday, October 9th from 11:00 to 4:00. Their first costume parade and contest in 2019 raised over $1,900.00. Despite COVID and moving the event online, over $3,000.00 was raised last year. “This year we’re excited to have the event in person again and raise even more money,” said Greg West, photographer and co-owner at Sit.Stay.Smile. “Since we had such great attendance in 2019, we’re moving it to Henry Law Park this year.” Costume categories include Scariest, Funniest, Dog + Owner Team Costume and Best in Show. The event will also include raffles, dog demonstrations, an array of vendors as well as a food truck and beer garden. So don’t wait…register soon! (

ABOUT Aloha… For Dog-Loving Dudes

Do you know a guy who happens to love the beach? Likes the Hawaiian look? And…loves dogs? If so, we’ve found the perfect look with these dog-themed beach shorts! They are offered in almost every breed imaginable on This site also has breed specific Hawaiian shirts and beach towels. We think these are a fun end-of-summer find for beach loving dog dudes! (

Wine for Wags

Dog-friendly Zorvino Vineyards in Sandown is hosting a Wines for Wags event on Saturday, August 28th to raise funds for Live Free Animal Rescue. It’s an easy drive to this beautiful vineyard and certainly worth the trip on this special day. You may reserve a PAWtio table for $1 per person, which will be donated to Live Free. Or purchase their


Adopt Scout!

special label wines, Bottles for a PAWZ, featuring vineyard dogs (Vinny and Brewer); and 25% of the proceeds will be donated. There will also be raffles and various animal-related vendors. Perhaps the best part…meet some adoptable dogs that are ready for a loving home! You may apply online in advance on the Live Free Animal Rescue’s website, and pre-approved applicants will be able to bring home their new best friend right from the event. Leashed dogs are welcome. ( (

Sip & Shop for Pups

Thanks to realtors Anne & Chris Nettleton of Coldwell Banker in Portsmouth (a.k.a. The House Finch Team) for alerting us to this fundraising event for Lucky Pup Rescue. On Friday and Saturday, August 27th & 28th, J. McLaughlin, a classic clothing store in Wells, will be hosting a Sip & Shop event to benefit pups in need. 15% of all sales on these days will be donated to Lucky Pups…a foster-

out and about

Mandy & Mylo

Christmas Count Down

Photo by @pupsonpar

based rescue that believes all dogs deserve a safe and happy forever-home…and an organization that Anne & Chris proudly support. J. McLaughlin is located at 2178 Post Road. This could be a fun day trip…shop for timeless women & men’s clothing, sip a bit and lend support for local rescue pups. ( ( (

Sweet Paws Barktoberfest

Sweet Paws Rescue will be holding their 2021 Barktoberfest on Saturday, October 16th from 11:30 to 4:00 at the Spencer-Pierce-Little Farm in Newbury, MA. This is their largest annual fundraising event and a fun festival for all ages. There will be music, food and a lot of happy dogs. This is a great way to meet the Sweet Paws team and their Southern rescue

paw-tners from Mississippi and Alabama, the women who’ve literally rescued thousands of dogs on death’s door from the side of the road. Sweet Paws Rescue has saved over 5,000 dogs since 2011. We love their tagline…Saving People One Dog at a Time! How true. Please visit their website for details. (

M&M Island Cruises

Not only does M&M Island Cruises offer a top-notch cruise on gorgeous Lake Winnipesaukee, they also are raising funds to provide diabetic service dogs to children in need. This luxury cruise service was launched by Kevin Grier whose daughter, Mandy Grier, passed away at the age of 42 from complications of Type 1 diabetes. She was diagnosed with this disease as a child, and her loyal medical alert dog, Mylo, truly transformed her life. The typical cost for a diabetic alert dog ranges from $15,000 to $30,000. Kevin came up with this 13

idea to honor is daughter and raise funds to train more service dogs. Through donations from the cruises and a GoFundMe page set up by Mandy’s sister, they’ve already raised over $20,000 which covered the training of their first dog. Kevin’s goal is to provide for the training of at least one medical alert dog per year. Why not head over to the Lakes Region and enjoy gorgeous views aboard a fully equipped 18-seat double-decker pontoon boat…a great day getaway! ( (

Christmas Count Down

We’re highlighting these fun advent calendars early, as they sold out quickly last year! Count down the 25 days till Christmas with daily wholesome treats for your pup. Order soon for an end-of-November delivery. This tasty calendar is sure to get tails wagging. (

on a positive note

PAWsitive Pup-fluence in My Life

PAWsitive Thoughts from Petey & Bub

By Lexi Leddy – Rye, NH – Owner of Lexi Leddy Real Estate

I’ve always had a connection with dogs. After going through a divorce, I missed having the companionship of a canine. I had heard good things about Mary's Dogs out of Northwood, NH and decided to adopt a puppy. Instead, a 2-year-old brindle pit bull mix adorned with a patched eye, named Petey who was sitting quietly in a room by himself stopped me dead in my tracks. He had been abandoned down in Mississippi and was completely emaciated when found by some local heroes who thankfully brought him back to health. Knowing he had been through a rough time, as well, I took Petey home instead of the puppy. I knew he didn't have the best of beginnings, and I knew I would love him with everything I had. He needed me. But I needed him more. Few knew what a sad place I was at in my life at that time.

Petey: “Everyday I put my best paw forward without even thinking about it. I urge everyone to try to do the same!”

Bub: “Wag well. Love often. Bark much. Or something like that!”

About a year and a half later of this dynamic duo living their best lives, I was informed of another pit bull mix abandoned on the side of the road in Mississippi – this time a puppy. I hadn’t thought of adopting another dog, but for some reason this guy called to me! I named him “Bub,” and the hijinks Petey and Bub get into always keep me on my toes and put a smile on my face. The outpouring of love and adoration that has been shown to these dogs from everyone they meet and everyone who follows them on social media is heartwarming to say the least. Lovingly nicknamed, “Peteball the Meatball” and "The Grem” (short for Gremlin), in addition to unconditional love, they have taught me so much about both the animal spirit and the human spirit – resiliency, forgiveness, humor, and kindness are just a few words to describe this pair that have brought so much happiness to so many. None more than me. I established my Moving Communities Campaign in 2017 where for every home I help sell, a portion of my commission is donated to a local non-profit. I decided to make Mary’s Dog’s (where I met Petey and Bub) the deserving charitable recipient of the 2021 Campaign and have set a goal to donate $10,000 to them this year. It was more evident than ever in 2020 how much our dogs help us and so many dogs need our help, too.

A big thanks to Lexi Leddy for writing this wonderful article!

Lexi, a New Hampshire native, is passionate about her real estate career and has enjoyed educating her clients for over 7 years. She recently started her own brokerage firm, Lexi Leddy Real Estate. Lexi prides herself on her high level of client service utilizing her listening and communication skills and keen attention to detail. She has an innate ability to build trusting relationships while always practicing integrity, honesty and transparency.

My Clients with their Pups

Nickie & Nate with their rescues Frankie & Perdy

When not spending time with her clients, Lexi enjoys spending time with her two pittie rescues, Petey & Bub, and writing in her blog, "What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid?" She is also heavily involved in the community, an active member of Portsmouth Rotary, SMART Women's networking group, and is a Co-Founder of Catapult Seacoast, the Seacoast's Young Professionals Networking Group. Second to giving Petey and Bub the life of their dreams, she is most proud of having started her Moving Communities Campaign in 2017 where a portion of her commission for each home sold is donated to a local charity. To date, because of her clients' trusting in her with their real estate needs, over $60,000 has been donated back to their communities. Lexi’s energy and positivity are truly contagious…so writing this article on PAWsitivty is simply a natural for her! Anna & Adam with their pup Daisy

Phone: 603-828-2601 Email:


I love my job

A New Definition of House Calls By Nancy Dewar

Veterinarians Dr. John Flood and Dr. Kate Domenico have taken the meaning of “we do house calls” to an entirely new level; sea level! As partners in Island Veterinarian Services based in South Portland, they provide residents of islands in Casco Bay with weekly boat service vet care; meeting them at the public docks to provide routine wellness checks, vaccinations, sick visits and small procedures. The four primary islands they serve are Peaks, Diamond, Long and Chebeague…all about a 30-minute boat ride away. Dr. Flood came up with this unique idea when he had Brackett Street Veterinary Clinic in South Portland. “We’d watch clients get off of the ferry and tow their dogs up the hill or lug their cat carriers up; and I thought there had to be an easier way for them to get general vet care,” John explained. Island Vet has been making house calls since 2003, and Dr. Domenico joined John as a partner about two years ago. Their shore-toshore services are offered from April through October, and clients call in advance to make appointments. They go out every Thursday and alternate the weekly trips between the two of them accompanied with a vet tech or assistant. If inclement weather strikes, rain dates are scheduled. It’s an early morning; leaving the marina around 7:00 a.m. and returning mid-afternoon, usually seeing an average of 10 to 12 animals a day. Their floating clinic, a 27’ Eastern named the Rita Joan, was made in Milton, New Hampshire.

Both have interesting backgrounds. John started Hampton Veterinary Hospital in 1979. He and his wife moved to New Zealand in the late ‘80’s where he did post-graduate work in small animal surgery. They moved back to the States a year later after their first child was born, and he opened a mixed-animal practice in Acton,

Maine, which he sold to an associate years later. His next venture was Brackett Street Veterinary Clinic which ultimately evolved into his current Island Vet Services. In 2008 John purchased 65 acres in Acton, which was the beginning of Terra Firma Farm, an organic farm he runs with his partner Dane Giallongo. They raise slow-grown, pastureraised organic lamb and chicken on the farm where their loyal dogs, John’s two Brittany Spaniels (Moxie & Mojo) and Dane’s young black Lab named Leo, roam freely.

Kate grew up in Chicago and moved to Maine eight years ago. While a board member at the Maine Veterinary Medical Association, Kate met John’s daughter in law who told her that he was looking for someone to help on the boat. “I jumped at that! I couldn’t think of doing anything better!” In addition to her weekly island visits and her full-time work in emergency and critical Care at Maine Veterinary Medical Center in Scarborough, Kate also is a Veterinary Medical Officer for the National Veterinary Response Team of the Department of Health and Human Services. So, what does that mean, I asked! “Vets are deployed at all large government events to care for the Secret Service dogs. For example, national political conventions. We go where the dogs go.” When Kate hits the sea, her girl River


usually joins her…as Labs are right at home on the water.

I love John and Kate’s job! What fun to be on the ocean, visiting islands in Casco Bay and meeting locals with their precious pups. But, oh yeah… I could never stomach the medical part of it. I can’t even look at a needle! However, I’m joining John on the water in this fall and am excited to experience their “island house calls” first-hand. It will be a day to remember, for sure; and I’ll just look away when needed! ( (

big little thoughts

Josh & Tia Linkner with DaVinci & Kids

A New DaVinci Code By Josh Linker

I never had a dog growing up. In fact, for years I didn’t really understand what all the fuss was about. Pets seemed messy, expensive and illogical. And then my wife Tia and I found the smallest Yorkie you could imagine, and I discovered a new partner-in-crime. My little sidekick with a big name… DaVinci. Today, I’m amazed at how much wisdom can come from such a small creature. As this little pup brings joy, he’s also been an unexpected teacher of some important life lessons. We can all learn a lot from this new DaVinci Code. Shake it Off — After a setback (such out new smells, tastes and sounds. as being alone for the last three hours or being jolted from a restful sleep), dogs give a big, full-body shake and then they’re done. They let go of the past and get on with living instead of dwelling on previous injustices.

He realizes that life is an adventure, and new opportunities only emerge when they’re hunted down. He has the courage to lose sight of the house to uncover new fascination. DaVinci has also helped me further

Treat Everyone Equally — There’s develop my own compassion. I realize no judgment when it comes to new people. DaVinci doesn’t care about your career path, circle of influence or fashion choices. He treats everyone with the same openness and extends the benefit of doubt.

it’s not the end of the world when he pees on the rug, and that forgiveness is much more productive than sharp criticism. Empathy trumps abrasiveness. Patience beats anger. These principles are universal and can

Enjoy the Small Stuff — The simple help even the most stubborn human-

folk live more fulfilling lives. It’s easy to get caught up in the challenges of the day, but sometimes reconnecting to the fundamentals can be liberating. Give this back-to-basics DaVinci Code a try for yourself. You’ll find, as I did, a renewed sense of peace and purpose. And as a byproduct, you’ll be happier Live in the Moment — Rather than than a dog with a new bone. wallowing in regret from the past or anxiety for the future, DaVinci Josh Linkner is a New York Times lives firmly in the here and now. He’s bestselling author, 5-time tech grounded in the present and can enjoy entrepreneur, venture capital investor the high definition of every moment. and jazz guitarist. His latest book, joy of chasing around a blowing leaf or feeling the wind while running through the backyard is what this little guy lives for. Since his expectations are small, he’s never disappointed. He doesn’t long for what he’s missing; he savors what he has.

Big Little Breakthroughs: How Small, Everyday Innovations

Explore — This curious creature loves Drive Oversized Results, is now

to discover new things. With his nose available worldwide in all formats. to the ground, he’s constantly seeking (


meet our team

Meet Jeremy Salvatore (a.k.a. “Sal) & Suzzie

Sal has been part of the Knowles’ team for four years and lives in Chichester, NH with his dog Suzzie, his fiancé Katie and her 13-year-old son Kadyn. Your job at Knowles? I drive the bucket truck that lifts crew up into

the trees and also operate the chipper machine. I work closely with our foreman Jamie…a great guy!

Best part of your job? It’s just a fun job, and I can bring my dog to

work! Suzzie used to go every day, but that’s changed a bit. Some mornings when I let her out, she heads straight back to bed, which tells me she’d rather stay home. Other mornings, she’ll go outside and then head to the truck. So now I just leave it up to her. Another bonus…I no longer need to work out at the gym, as I get a great workout on the job.

A bit about Suzzie? I got her when she was 7 weeks old. She’s now 3 ½. She came from Maine, was the runt of the litter and was one of the cutest puppies ever. I’m not just saying that because she’s my dog. We camp a lot, and everyone at the campground always said the same. She’s a Boxer/Lab mix. Suzzie is a really friendly. She always greets our neighbors while camping and also loves kids. She’s great with my nieces and nephews.

Does Suzzie have any annoying habits? Only one! She loves to Sal with Suzzie

Beach time!

take her time when I call her. She always comes to me, but sometimes very slowly.

What do you love most about her? I love how loving and affectionate she is. She truly is one of the most affectionate dogs I’ve ever met.

P.S. An apology to Sal. Suzzie’s picture has been in the magazine before & we called her Susie. Glad to finally get her name right! 19

local tails

Meet Some Special Seacoast Pups… Here are some of our readers’ adorable dogs. If you’d like your pup’s picture in an upcoming issue, send an email with “Local Tails” in the subject line to: All breeds welcome!

Faust - Portsmouth Douglas - Fremont

Hank - Porstmouth

Guinness - Newburyport

Spencer, Cooper & Pepper - Rochester

Sky - East Kingston

Penny - Hampton

Stewie - Portsmouth

Theo - Plaice Cove

Libby - Newbury, MA

Dexter - Newburyport


Dakota - Hampton


great home goods… By Nancy Dewar

As publisher of Seacoast Bark, it’s obvious that I love animals. But what you may not know is my other true passion is homes! So, I’m now doing both, as I recently joined Carey & Giampa Realtors as a sales associate. I was previously licensed in the mid-2000’s, have been staging houses for years and have purchased, renovated and sold 10 homes on my own. If you know of anyone thinking of buying or selling a home in New Hampshire, I’d really appreciate your passing my name along. And if you’re looking for great pooch-related HOME GOODs, here are a few of my favs…all worth barking about!

Let’s Hang (Out)

Let’s Play

Nancy Dewar, Realtor Carey & Giampa Realtors 560 High Street, Hampton NH Office: (603) 929-1100 – Cell: (603) 498-3237 Email:

Wine Time

Agnes Dog Wall Hooks

Dog Wisdom Wine Glasses

Dog Toy Storage Basket

Route 1 Antiques & The Collector’s Eye doggone great finds Support Over 100 Small Businesses Under 2 Roofs!

Something for everyone & prices for every budget. How crazy is this? I’ve had a beach house on the Seacoast for 20 years & just discovered The Collector’s Eye this summer! I now stop in often as I’m finding fun things at great prices. Wish I’d found it years ago. Jim G. (Interior Designer - Boston)

Lionel & Greg

I’ve been in the antique business for years & am an avid collector. Route 1 Antiques is one of my favorites. I’m a regular there & have become friends with Greg, Lionel & all of the team. Betty L. (Hampton)

Route 1 Antiques (603) 601-2554

106 Lafayette Road, Hampton Falls, NH The Collector’s Eye (603) 772-6205 132 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham, NH 21

Doggone Grrrrr…eat Entertaining Sponsored by Ristorante Massimo

let's pawty

Photography by Jasmine Inglesmith Photography



Eat Inside…Outside…or Take-Out

Pumpkin WOOFIE Pies for Pups

Take-out menu. DIY At-Home Pasta Kits.


Super Easy Woofie Pies Ingredients “Puppy Cake Pumpkin Spice Cake” mix for dogs* Icing (included in cake mix package) 1 egg

¾ C of water ¼ C of oil


Mix cake batter according to box directions. Place 12 dollops of batter on greased baking sheet. (Note: about 1 tablespoon per dollop) Bake at 350 for 5-7 minutes & cool. Mix icing according to directions. Add spoonful of icing to 6 of the cakes. Top each with other half of cake.

*Note: Puppy Cake mixes are available online & locally at Woof Pet Supply (Hampton) & Just Dogs (Newburyport).

Enjoy Massimo’s wonderful cuisine under the stars…a European flair right in the heart of downtown Portsmouth!

59 Penhallow – Portsmouth (603) 436-4000

Cheers to All!

What a great summer, but it’s flying by a bit too quickly! My wonderful staff and I are thrilled to be welcoming familiar and new faces to the restaurant…upstairs, downstairs or on our charming outside dining area; The Terrace at Massimo’s. The patio truly twinkles and sparkles…almost as brightly as my pups’ (Mia & Logan) eyes do when I return home to give them belly rubs after a long night at the restaurant! Cheers & Saluti to All…Massimo, Mia & Logan



The Terrace at Massimo’s

(Recipe Source:

doggy thoughts

FLIPS + FLOPS By Flip-Flop

Editor’s Note: These are simply musings from Flip-Flop, an exuberant & opinionated shaggy dog. They are not any sort of product endorsement or “dis” by this publication or any member of our editorial team. Just a bit about stuff she likes (Flips) and stuff she doesn’t (Flops)!

Plain Water

On a hot summer day (or any day), there’s nothing better than a bowl of clean cool water. If you want to jazz up your pup’s drinking habits, consider getting a PetSafe Drinkwell water fountain. They filter regular tap water, and drinking from a fountain sure is fun! Another bonus? As many cats are mesmerized by streaming water, your kitty will love it too! (

Flip -Flop DoggieWater

Though I’ve no medical background, I’m really struggling with his one. DoggieWater seems to be like the new “sports drink” for pups! It’s a vitamin water designed specifically for dogs and has lots of key vitamins and nutrients in it. It’s available in chicken, bacon or steak flavors, and apparently our parents just add it to our water bowls. I don’t know about you…but I think plain fresh water is just fine! (

Cool Canine Fashion

I love these collars I recently found from “Wild One.” They’re made with super strong flex-poly strap and are easy to clean. I guess they’re also odor resistant…a bonus for dogs who swim a lot. No more stinky wet collars! This clean, simple design complements all dog breeds and works well with all coat shades, as they come in a variety of great colors. (

Crazy Canine Fashion

Once again, what will humans come up with next? Well, here you go…croclike shoes for dogs! Personally, I’ve always thought Crocs® looked a bit funny on people. But I can’t imagine the humiliation of having to wear a pair to the beach, dog park or strutting around town…yikes! (

Snooze in a Garlic Bud

Snooze in Style

If you love home decor and great fabrics, you’ll love the great selection of dog beds from Lilly & Abbie! Each custom bed is handmade, and you may select from over 250 stunning fabrics to create a look that will complement your décor…or your pet’s coat color! ( 23

Well, this pet bed really takes the cake! I couldn’t stop barking when I came across it online recently. Even though I often ‘diss’ on cats, I wouldn’t want any little kitty to have to sleep in a garlic bud! This sure is a stinky design in my book. Once again, peeps are taking petdesign a bit too far! (

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