Seacoast Bark Magazine April/May 2019

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society tails

animal lover's profile


fun things to bark about

i want this job 28. let's pawty


work like a dog


Hydro Dog Dr. Nicholas Dodman

bark list 16. 14.




k9's + wines

Carivintas Winery


Ristorante Massimo



Artisans, Eateries, Merchants

flips + flops


Publisher’s Note Dogs and animals unite us. They are the core of basic, unconditional love. So, in light of the political divisiveness we’re now experiencing…I’d like to share this story. It’s about respect and kindness. Last summer I wrote a letter to President George H. W. Bush asking if he’d be willing to write a few words about his service dog, Sully, and how this special Lab was helping him. “I think sharing your story would be of immense interest and bring joy to our readers. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll say Yes!” I sent the letter to Walker’s Point in Kennebunkport via Priority Mail on Tuesday, the day before the 4th of July, knowing it would arrive on Thursday.

Photo by @sullyhwbush - Instagram

Thursday afternoon I received a voice message. It was something like this. “Hi Nancy, this is Evan, President Bush’s personal assistant. We got your letter. Thank you so much. It won’t be possible as Mr. Bush is in his 90’s, though we wish you great success with your magazine.” I was floored. They got back to me! They didn’t say “yes,” but they responded.

publisher Nancy Dewar 603.498.3237

design Mrs. and Mr. Design

director of sales & marketing BlakeLee Greene (978) 317-5846

thanks to our contributors… Tara Datro Margot Kopp Dawn Price Published by Bark Media Group LLC six times a year. Hampton, NH Copyright © 2019 Bark Media Group LLC

Seacoast Bark is distributed at stores & businesses in: Portsmouth, Exeter, Rye, North Hampton, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Greenland, Stratham, Seabrook, Kittery, Newburyport, Rowley, Ipswich & everywhere in between!

Interested in advertising with us? Have a good story idea or a suggestion on a great animal or person to feature? Please email Nancy Dewar/Publisher (603) 498-3237

Imagine, the personal assistant of a President took the time to call. Maybe because dogs truly do unite us. Or maybe because this team operates from a strong sense of respect and kindness. Probably both. I think we should try to take our cues from dogs and from this story. When it comes to dogs, there are no PAW-litcal PAW-ties. We need to really try to treat each other with kindness and respect…regardless of one’s PAWL-itics….which dogs don’t have. How lucky for them!

With kindness + gratitude… P.S. I read a funny story about Sully & Evan recently. Sully was trained to push a button if the President woke up in the night. Evan would come in to check on Mr. Bush and give Sully a treat to thank him. Sully quickly learned this was an easy way to get a treat…and pushed the button often… in the middle of the night! Awe…the wisdom of dogs!!!

Nancy acoast Bark Want to get Se Visit our in the mail? bscribe! website to su m SeacoastBarkM Photo by @sullyhwbush - Instagram

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A Passionate Aussie Family of Five Helping Dogs in America By Nancy Dewar

Recently I saw this big blue dog vehicle; literally a big blue dog van-type of thing on Route 1 in Hampton! It simply made me laugh. I Googled it and learned that it was Hydro Dog Mobile Grooming Service, a franchise that began in Australia and is now in the US. Two days later I saw the “big dog” buzzing down Route 1 in Portsmouth. Ahh…a sign! I drove like a bat out of hell. Now I was dogging the dog! We were next to each other at the light but didn’t connect. As I was honking, the handsome driver was singing, jamming and never looked my way! Oh well. So, after one more search (digging a bit deeper), I discovered that “Bubbles” (the name of the grooming mobile) was much more than a mobile grooming service! I learned that Anthony and Rachel Amos had recently completed a 2 ½-year cross country tour with their three children to help save shelter dogs. During their Bathe to Safe tour they visited 48 states and over 150 cities, bathing dogs to raise money for hundreds of rescue organizations and

to help rescue pups get adopted. They crisscrossed the country in a 40’ motor home with the “Bubbles” mobile in tow along with their new rescue dog (also appropriately named “Bubbles”) and three bunnies! I reached out to the Amos’ and was thrilled to learn that they’d just moved to New Hampshire and would love to get together!

The family hails from Australia and exudes that wonderful Aussie warmth and humor. “G’Day mate!” Hydro Dog Mobile Grooming began years ago with one trailer and grew to over 200 units after they franchised the concept. Anthony, a former professional rugby player, bought a second-hand hydro bath for $1,400 at the age of 21 during a down-season, attached it to a garden trailer and set up the mobile grooming business with his brother and a rented cell phone. He had never professionally bathed a dog in his life but booked nine dogs within a few days. On their very first job, Anthony was chatting it up with the client when his brother pulled him aside and said, “We’ve got a problem, mate. I didn’t grab the dog


shampoo but rather dishwashing soap!” So, the first nine dogs they ever bathed were washed with liquid dish detergent! In two years they grew to seven trailers and employees. “We found employees to be a pain,” Anthony said laughing. “When it rained, they stayed in bed. If they had a hangover, they wouldn’t come in. So, we decided to go back to one trailer and no employees!”

Their shift to franchising was serendipitous. While walking through a business expo, they met a man who had been in franchising for 30 years. Anthony said that a lightbulb went off. “You mean we can make a ton of money up front with each franchise and get royalties every month for doing nothing?” The business morphed to include grooming and their goal was 100 franchises in four years. Once accomplished, they’d fly to Geneva and buy Rolex watches to celebrate. Sure enough, they went! “We had a trip of a life time!” They sold the rights to Australia and New Zealand in 2006, retaining rights for the rest of the world. They were developing a


The mission of the Bathe to Save tour was to create a massive impact with a unique solution and to raise money and awareness for animal rescue. Rachel said to her family, “Let’s get an RV and really make some noise!” resort when the recession hit in 2008 and the funds from their American investor locked up. Now what to do? Rachel said, “What about moving to America?” They visited New York City, fell in love with the city and the United States. The Amos family ended up moving to Southern Florida and established Hydro Dog Mobile Grooming here in conjunction with some investors. Anthony explained, “I really needed Americans to help me understand the culture. Though we all speak the same language, our cultures are very different.

When the partners pushed to become a corporation rather than a franchise, they sold their share of the business, wanting nothing to do with employees again. However, they had the thought that somehow they’d get the business back one day. Anthony, Rachel and the kids started wearing their Hydro Dog shirts again and visualized having the company back. Sure enough, a year and a half later they got a call from the owners saying they wanted to sell!

Before diving back into the business, their remarkable kids came up with the idea for the Bathe to Save tour! They wanted a mission that would impact the world in a positive way, and the entire family is passionate about animal rescue. “The numbers are staggering,” Anthony said. “Every 26 seconds a dog is euthanized in a shelter somewhere in America. It is estimated that 1.2 million adoptable dogs are killed simply because there is no one to adopt them. Many shelters do not have the funds or resources to meet the needs of these adoptable animals, and over 5,000 dogs each day are euthanized in the US.” The mission of the Bathe to Save tour was to create a massive impact with a unique solution and to raise money and awareness for animal rescue. Rachel said to her family, “Let’s get an RV and really make some noise!” And make noise they did! Their children (Isabella, Austin and Aria) are professional dog washers, and did all the bathing on the tour. The kids 7

literally washed thousands of dogs. The tour was 100% self-funded. Anthony was the driver, and Rachel planned the logistics that included creating their own events as well as partnering with others. Dogs were washed for $20-$40 with all the money going to local rescues. Rachel proudly stated, “The kids were the washers for no compensation. This was their form of contributing and giving back.”

The Amos family also made a lot of noise with the media. They were featured on Rachel Ray, Larry King and numerous other TV and radio talk shows. The Work Shop, a television production company, reached out and together they struck a deal with Animal Planet. They’ve filmed six episodes of their new show, “Furever Home,” and sports have entered the mix, as well. Bathe to Save will be involved in the 2020 New Year’s Day annual Puppy Bowl show, and they are working with Animal Planet to create another Puppy Bowl to run in conjunction with the Rose Bowl!


The children are professional dog washers, and did all the bathing on the tour. The kids literally washed thousands of dogs. The tour was 100% selffunded.

Living on the road for 2 ½-years in a motor home was quite an experience. The front features the living, dining and kitchen area. The middle section has a closet with bunk beds for the girls, and Austin sleeps on the pull-out couch. Rachel and Anthony’s bedroom is at the back. When we met, Isabella (their now 15-year-old daughter) said, “I miss living in the van. I feel like I don’t see everyone as much.” North Hampton will be their home for at least a year. This is the first time that their rescue dog “Bubbles” has ever lived in a real house as he was adopted while on the road! Apparently, he is loving it…running around and up and down the stairs! After 2 ½-years on the road,

Anthony and Rachel are now focusing on building the Hydro Dog franchise in the United States. To date, there are franchisees in 10 states. Remaining true to their mission, each franchisee is required to do one Bathe to Save event a month in their local communities. Though their mission was accomplished, it certainly isn’t over. Last October they did an event with the Cocheco Valley Humane Society in Dover in conjunction with Tri-City Subaru that resulted in reaching their 2nd record. They washed 85 dogs that day. In December, the family hit the road again and did events in the following states before returning home for Christmas: NY, AZ, MI, ND, MN, PA, TX and SD! They plan to continue partnering with other local rescue groups and events during their time here in New England.


A big thanks to the Amos family for their amazing journey and commitment to rescue animals. Also, a big hearty WELCOME to Anthony, Rachel, Isabella, Austin, Aria, Bubbles…and Buttercup, Peppermint & Strawberry (the bunnies!). Aye…we’re very lucky to have you here, Mates! ( ( 9

animal lover's profile

“Dogs Should Have a Home for Life”

Dr. Nicholas Dodman By Nancy Dewar

Dr. Nicholas Dodman is one of the leading animal behaviorists in the world, well known for the brilliant research he’s published, his best-selling books (the first being The Dog Who Loved Too Much) and his appearances on numerous (like too many to list) radio and television shows including Oprah. He was among the first faculty members of Tufts’ Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine (founded in 1979) and went on to become the university’s chief anesthesiologist. Dr. Dodman then founded their Animal Behavior Clinic in 1986, one of the first of its kind.

Born in England, he trained to be a vet in Scotland. After finishing his surgical internship in Scotland in the 70’s, Nick received an invitation to come to San Francisco to work with esteemed DVM Dr. Michael Floyd. Reflecting on his first stint in America, he said, “It was then I learned the joys of northern California weather, ice cold beer and good tasting pizza!” He returned to Scotland where he was a faculty member at Glasgow Veterinary School for ten years and then received a call from Dr. Robert Cook, associate dean of Tuft’s new vet school, inviting him to come to Boston and join the faculty. “Sure. Is it anywhere near the sea? Does it have good seafood?” Nick responded, as he is an islander who doesn’t like being far from water. As an anesthesiologist, Dr. Dodman worked with horses, cows, bulls, dogs, cats; you name it. He fell in love with animal behavior and was absorbed in learning what makes them tick. In an early study in the 1980’s, he and his team

discovered that a repetitive disorder in horses called cribbing (compulsive biting on a stall or fence) could be managed with drugs like Narcan (now used to treat opioid overdoses). In one experiment horses were hooked up to infusion pumps that would deliver the meds at a fixed rate. When the drug level went up, the cribbing stopped. When it went down, it started again. “Essentially, we had radiocontrolled horses,” Nick explained. His work was first reported in the American Journal of Veterinary Research and later in the popular press. “Tufts Researchers Breaks Cribbing’s Addictive Hold” was the cover story in EQUUS magazine. The work outlined the causes of cribbing and how a whole family of narcotic antagonists disrupts cribbing by cancelling out the influence of nature’s own morphine-like compounds, endorphins. It was like an anti-OCD medication for animals, and this discovery resulted in extensive research on compulsive disorder behaviors for Nick across the spe-


cies. Nick’s team also researched new treatment for aggression, thunderstorm phobia, separation anxiety, house soiling and more; resulting in highly esteemed research papers.

After 35 years at Tufts, Dr. Dodman retired but remains a professor emeritus. He lives in the Boston area with his wife, Linda, who is also a vet. The Dodman’s spend a lot of time at their home on the Chesapeake Bay. When I spoke with Nick, he was there watching the birds just a hand’s throw from the Bay. “I recently saw two eagles frolicking in the water. We often see herons and osprey here. It’s a wonderful place to be. The winters are milder as there’s a different weather pattern, so it avoids the harshness of nor’ easters that we face in New England. It’s like Cape Cod but on steroids.” Nick is now focusing his efforts on helping find forever homes for all dogs through his work with the Center for Canine Behavior Studies (CCBS), a research

animal lover's profile

Nick is now focusing his efforts on helping find forever homes for all dogs through his work with the Center for Canine Behavior Studies (CCBS), a research organization he co-founded in 2014. organization he co-founded in 2014. One of the big goals of CCBS is to reduce the number of dogs surrendered to shelters in order to reduce the euthanasia rate by being proactive in helping people address behavior problems. Approximately three million dogs are surrendered each year. Research suggests that approximately 40% are surrendered due to behavior issues. “One of my favorite quotes is: My favorite breed is a rescue,” Nick told me. “About nine million puppies are born annually in the US. And with three million dogs surrendered each year, that represents 1/3 of all puppies born being surrendered. CCBS has embarked on three important studies with over 3,000 human participants reporting on over 4,000 dogs. We call them our ‘Citizen Scientists.’ These monster studies ask tons of questions and garner a huge amount of data. You can sign up on the website and become a member for free. We also have an ‘Ask the Experts’ sec-

tion which addresses the common challenges people have with their dogs; a place where people who need help can get input from highly qualified trainers.”

The first study was the largest of its kind to explore the influence that an owner’s personality, psychological status and choice of training methods can have on a dog’s behavior. The second focused on the demographics of canine behavior problems, with the most common reported being fear and anxiety (44%). This study will be published sometime this year and was designed to identify and quantify the different types of behavior problems that owners experience with their dogs.

They are now working on their third project which will consolidate information from the first two and provide the foundation with data to build actionable tactics. “We’re looking at statistics from dogs in the first 11

study to determine who actually sought help with their dog’s behavior problem. What type of trainer or behavior specialist did they go to for that help? What types of behavior modification programs did they use? Did they use medications? What was the level of improvement?”

The CCBS board is considering developing online training advice for owners of dogs with behavioral problems. It would be an algorithm where one inputs the problem, breed and other details; and then would receive some general suggestions and input. “It’s like follow this yellow brick road. Here’s what the dog is doing. This appears to be the problem. Here are suggested solutions.”

Nick’s rescue dog, Rusty, arrived anxious and skittish. When Nick took his belt off, Rusty would run, shiver and shake; obviously from past trauma. He’s now as confident as ever, having worked through issues from his previous life. Nick shared a story

animal lover's profile

“One of my favorite quotes is: My favorite breed is a rescue,” Nick told me. “About nine million puppies are born annually in the US. And with three million dogs surrendered each year, that represents 1/3 of all puppies born being surrendered. about a parrot, again exemplifying the impact of an animal’s past experiences. “My friend acquired a parrot that had been rescued from an abusive hell hole where lots of drinking had been going on. Every time anyone would tip a glass to take a drink, the parrot would scream and start burping.”

If not limited to two pages, I could go on and on about this amazing, passionate man whose years of research and actions have made such an enormous, positive impact on creatures and people all over the world. Hopefully, we can write more about Dr. Dodman again and chat about his involvement in helping launch Dog TV, his consultancy work with the pet food industry on contaminants and so much more.

Of course, prior to ending our conversation, I had to ask just one last question: You were on Oprah. What was it like? Nick chuckled and said, “She’s amazing. She had nine dogs at that time including two Springer Spaniels that she brought

to the studio. She wanted me to come back and meet them after the show. As I was waiting while she was wrapping up a few out-takes, I glanced at my watch and said ‘Please tell Oprah I have a plane to catch and can’t wait. I have to leave now.’ And then at the airport I realized I had never changed my watch. It was still on Boston time, and I could have had an hour with her and maybe have become the next Dr. Phil!” Nick’s motto is: “Dogs should have a home for life. Do what you need to do.” He certainly lives his motto, as our interview ended when he said, “I’ve got to run now. It’s 3:30 already, the light will be failing soon; and I need to take Rusty for a walk.” What a gift to speak with such a brilliant man who has dedicated his life to helping and understanding animals and their humans. Thank you, Dr. Dodman! For more info on the Center for Canine Behavior Studies, to become part of their studies or donate, please visit: (Nicholas H. Dodman: BVMS, DVA, DACVAA, DACVB)


gear up for summer

Seacoast bark List great gear + goods to go fetch…

Beast-Dressed for Summer One of the fun things about new seasons is switching out our wardrobes! For our canine pals, now is the time to sport a summer look or go for “fabrics” that work well with water-fun. Green Bean Dog’s red & navy striped collars & leashes offer a crisp, classic look. For dogs that prefer a bit more zip, check out the array of bright, colorful laminated designs from Mimi Green. If your pooch is a die-hard water dog, “Dry Collars” from Stunt Puppy are waterproof, stink proof & set the standard for hunting, field & water dogs. If you’ve a fashionforward pooch (one that prefers bandanas), Billy Wolf NYC has some great striped & camp-style designs.

Summer Stuff for Pooch Lovers

Lab lovers will love this galvanized ice bucket.


Mark your territory on the beach with this oversized plush monogrammed beach towel.


Skecher’s “Bobs Plush-Best Friends” are not only fun, but also help support the Best Friends Animal Society. (

Get the conversation going with these “Bad Dog” tumblers. Everyone knows a stubborn pup who does the opposite of the commands being barked! (


"How I Met My True Love" love stories about real dogs + their humans

By Anne Nettleton – North Hampton, NH

Realtor – Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage (

Like people nowadays, who meet their love interests on line, we followed suit by meeting our newest pets on the internet too. Six years ago, we said goodbye to our beloved husky mix who was part of our family for fifteen years. One of our children was out of the nest and the other was on her way too. Floors bare of bowls and bedding, feeding and walking routines shattered; the house was deafeningly quiet. My husband Chris knew - it would be soon. Whoever we found would be different but would need a home and love too.

Within days I was searching the internet, looking for dog breeds that I liked or resembled our past rescues. She caught my attention quickly. A young black female chow mix who resembled our very first dog who we adopted the first year of our marriage. He was a handsome black chow/shepherd mix. We found him the “old fashioned way” - by going to a shelter and meeting him. This young pup had been transported from a North Carolina kill shelter to K9 Safehouse Rescue in suburban New York. Barbara, who operates the shelter, and I emailed and talked by phone. We agreed to a trial visit, and she brought Violet (she

has a full purple mouth) down to New Jersey. Violet was not socialized as a pup. To this day she cannot “play bow,” and it is difficult for her to look someone in the eye. She was extremely timid, but slowly adjusted to her new surroundings and was able to love us and our extended family. I decided she needed a canine companion.

November arrived, I had worn Chris down and he agreed that I could look for a second dog. Bertie came to us in December from Eleventh Hour Rescue in Rockaway, New Jersey, by way of a kill shelter in Georgia. We drove to meet him in the middle of a snow squall. He, too, was all black and a chow mix. We introduced the two dogs,


and a half-hour later he jumped into our car with no reserve. He and Violet bonded immediately.

We decided that some training was in order, and our new-found hobby became dog training classes. Training is really for the owners, not the dogs, as we learned. It was challenging but fun. Bertie and Violet were known at school as “the twins” since many people could not distinguish between the two. Bertie was smart enough to devote himself to Chris. They have brought immeasurable joy to our household. They may not be the bestbehaved canines in the world, but for us they are just right!

society tails

Happenings & Events Around the Seacoast A Sweet Event for Sweet Paws Rescue Excentrique, a wonderful boutique in Newburyport hosted a fun and successful fundraising event on February 9th for Sweet Paws Rescue, a shelter-less rescue based in Groveland, MA that is supported by a large network of volunteers. Excentrique’s owner, Brenda Bradley, is a big dog lover and the proud Mom of one special Golden named Isabel! Raffle tickets were sold for a crate filled with animal-themed home décor items. In addition to cookies and punch, there were biscuits for all pups that attended. Cynthia Sweet (founder of Sweet Paws), volunteer Tammy Messina and Brenda selected the winning ticket, which ended up being a double winner. Not only was a lot of cash raised for the rescue group, but the raffle winner donated the prize back to Sweet Paws to use for another fundraising event!

More good news…new homes were found for all the rescue dogs featured at the event! Some of the guests included Golden Retriever Izzy and her mom Tatiana, Otter the Schnauzer, Mali (a rescue from Aruba) and Rosie…a Pit Bull who is a comfort dog who visits local area hospice facilities. Thanks to all who participated.


out and about

‘Just Dogs’ Adoption Event

Doggie Paddle Plunge

Tails2Trails Dog Walk

fun things to


About Tails2Trails Dog Walk

The Cocheco Valley Humane Society’s annual fundraising event, Tails2Trails Dog Walk & 5K Run, will be held on Sunday, June 2nd in Dover, NH. The 5K road race begins at 10:00. The dog walk, a half-mile jaunt along the river and through Henry Law Park, begins at 11:00. This is a fun event for peeps and pups even if you don’t do the walk or run, as there will be a variety of vendors; and charming downtown Dover is worth exploring. For more information, please visit their website. (

Doggie Paddle Plunge

For the ninth winter in a row, animal lovers from all over New Hampshire came together to raise money and awareness for the New Hampshire SPCA by taking part in the Doggie Paddle Plunge. The Plunge challenges the strong and the brave to jump into the icy cold waters of the Atlantic to demonstrate their

commitment to ending animal homelessness. The event raised over $23,000 for homeless and helpless animals. Thanks to all the participants, donors and community partners!

Labs Rule

For the 28th year in a row, Labrador Retrievers remain the most popular breed in the United States according to the American Kennel Club’s 2018 registration statistics. The next five most popular breeds are German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, French Bulldogs, Beagles and Poodles.

‘Just Dogs’ Adoption Event

Newburyport’s Just Dogs (boutique & dog bakery) is teaming up with TD Bank and Last Hope K9 Rescue (LHK9) on Saturday, June 1st, to find new homes for dogs in need. Judy Hoover, owner of Just Dogs, is an ardent supporter of various dog rescue groups. Artist Francisco Colom will be at the store and will


Retro Dogs

donate a portion of the proceeds from orders to Last Hope. LHK9 is a Boston-based all-breed foster/rescue dedicated to saving abandoned, neglected and abused dogs from high-kill shelters throughout the US. (

Retro Dogs

Dogs that are into camping are sure to love these fabulous “retro dog houses,” designed and custom built by Judson Beaumont from Vancouver. Judson is a sculpture and designs funky children’s furniture. The inspiration to create a line of “moveable dog houses” (complete with wheels) came to him when his daughter got a dog. He wanted to design one that wouldn’t be stuck in the living room or yard…and that one could vacuum or cut the grass around! Photos of vintage camping trailers from the 40’s and 50’s were the impetus behind his line, which gives a whole new (PAWSITIVE) meaning to “He’s in the dog house!” (www.

out and about

Dog-Friendly 5K Run/ Walk

Presented by Northeast Delta Dental

Sunday, June 9, 2019 Northeast Delta Dental, Concord, NH

Bunny Yoga

To benefit: Paws on the Pavement

State Dogs

Run for the Dogs

State Dogs

We’re all familiar with U.S. state flowers, trees, etc. But did you know that there are “state dogs?” Thirteen states have designated an official breed. Maryland was the first, recognizing the Chesapeake Bay Retriever as their official state dog breed. New Hampshire’s state dog is the Chinook. This is a sled and working dog, and the breed originated in New Hampshire in 1917. The state breed for Massachusetts is the Boston Terrier… surprise, surprise! What’s really great? The following states have designated “Shelter” dogs as their state canine: Colorado, California, Georgia, Illinois, Ohio and Tennessee.

Paws on the Pavement

The 2nd annual Paws on the Pavement 5K Run will be held on Sunday, June 9th in Concord, NH. Canines are welcome to join their humans for this fun run. All proceeds

from the event will be donated to the Animal Rescue League of New Hampshire (ARLNH). This rescue organization helps over 2,000 cats, dogs and small animals annually. Speaking of small animals, the ARLNH also offers “Bunny Yoga,” a professionally instructed 90-minute class where their adoptable bunnies roam around the room in hopes of finding a new home! The next class will be held on April 26th. More info is available on their website. (

Another “Run for the Dogs”

If you can’t make it to Concord on June 9th, head to Deerfield, NH for the annual “Run for the Dogs” 5K Run/Walk event to raise funds for Mary’s Dogs Rescue & Adoption. The race kicks off at 8:30 at the Deerfield Fairgrounds, and leashed dogs may also participate. Mary’s Dogs works with a close- 21

My Ollie

knit group of rescue partners in the South, bringing homeless dogs to New Hampshire to help find their fur-ever homes. (

Real Meals for Canines

Many of us have heard of Blue Apron, HelloFresh and other home meal delivery services that ship fresh ingredients and meals to you on a weekly basis. Well, this concept is now available for your beloved canine! My Ollie is a subscription-based company that creates nutritious meals made with real food that are delivered right to your home! They customize recipes based on your dog's unique needs, recommend the perfect portion and deliver the precise amount of food…ready-to-serve and devour! As their website states, this is “paws down, the easiest way to feed your dog real food!” (

work like a dog

The Gift

By Margot Calandra Kopp – Newburyport, MA

Today was a positive day. Today we spent the morning at the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire for their monthly sensory-friendly hours for children affected by autism. Today I saw a girl touch a pup on the head for the first time. I saw a boy get a doggie kiss and smile. I saw another boy quietly visit every service dog or puppy-in-training there, rubbing their paws. Our entire team of volunteers from our local chapter of Canine Companions for Independence saw these things, and it was a very good day.

As a mother of a 12-year-old child severely affected by autism, here’s what else I saw. I saw the plastered-on smiles of parents pulling their children to “just come look.” I saw the boy on the second level, rocking back and forth, while his dad pointed. I saw the boy with his fingers in his ears, humming to make it all go away.

Autism (whatever that means) took away the-son-we-thought-we-had when he was 2. His words stopped coming. He started falling down. He stopped finding the world interesting. After intense medical testing, the doctors told us they could find no cause but “some kind of regressive autism” and that the prognosis for him, based on onset age and severity of symptoms, was poor.

Photo by Scott Mace

We didn’t believe them. We tried every reasonable and researched therapy and intervention available to get our smiley, lovable, bright-eyed little guy back. We spent years buried in autism books, trolling autism sites, visiting specialists, and carefully crafting educational and medical treatment plans. It all made very little difference to his progress. When Jonah was 5, I began researching the possibility of a therapy or service dog. My quest led me to Canine Companions for Independence for two reasons: 1) the level of training given to the dogs and 2) the cost to the recipient, which was nothing. We were accepted after a rigorous application process. When our time finally came, Jonah and I traveled together to the training center in New York with high hopes for a potential match.

The first time Jonah met Ellie, he touched her with one finger because I begged him to. After that he screamed, bit himself, and went running from the room. I couldn’t hold in the tears. I had gotten us so far. I had wanted so much more from him. I was disappointed in him. I was angry at him.


That afternoon the head trainer approached me and said, “This is his disability. This is why you need a Canine Companions dog.” That evening it all hit me. My son was extremely disabled and always would be. Ellie had been bred and raised for something special. She had been expertly trained and knew over 40 impressive commands. She was highly skilled, eager to work, and had passed every single rigorous test along the way. She had made it to the final stage of the process and these highly experienced trainers – who had spent 6 months completely invested in her – had decided that she was best suited to be with an 8-year-old boy who couldn’t speak, couldn’t walk calmly, couldn’t control his own hands, and screamed when he touched her. And they were, inexplicably, absolutely right. It’s been 4 years since we rode home from NY, mentally and emotionally exhausted, with Ellie in the back of our minivan. She learned quickly to lay absolutely still when close to Jonah, with her face turned away. She always had an intuitive sense around him, and at some point, he started patting her. It took two years for him to learn all the steps to feed her on his own, but he did it. It

work like a dog

Ellie on CCI Graduation Day… with Jonah, Margot & her Puppy-Raisers Elaine & Ken Rhoda.

took three years of harness walking while she pulled him along before he walked down the street with a consistent gait, but he did it. She visited his classrooms and attracted all the children near him. She came with us to parks and restaurants and did the same. Ellie was such a bright light after the years of darkness. With her, we felt LUCKY. She was, and still is, the greatest gift. And a gift she was. She was raised until 18 months by a lovely couple, who returned her to Canine Companions for professional training in the hopes that one day she would become an assistance dog. They did this for one simple selfless reason: to make a difference in the life of someone with a disability. How do you possibly repay that?! We try. We cherish Ellie. And Jonah and I volunteer to raise awareness and funding for this amazing organization, so that the next person – whether it be a child or adult with a disability or a wounded veteran – can be matched with the next Ellie.

People often ask me how exactly Ellie supports Jonah. It’s a hard question for me to answer, particularly in front of him. With neurological

challenges at his level, he needs help with everything. Every day, every task, every step of the way. Ellie fits into that as much as we ask her to.

We’ve programmed a few answers into Jonah’s voice output program on his iPad:

She is a good friend. I take care of her everyday by feeding and walking her. She helps me meet new people. She helps me feel comfortable in new places.

All these are true. She’s a companion to a child who has very few relationships. Caring for her needs is good for him. Leaving our home is a less anxious experience for him. I think the biggest change with having Ellie, however, has to do with OTHER PEOPLE and their comfort level with Jonah. Would people engage with him if Ellie wasn’t there? Or would they look away, smiling tightly and moving quickly past the mom and her nonverbal, sometimes-squealing pre-teen? I know the answer - Ellie changes people. She serves as the social bridge between him and 23

the rest of the world. She is friendly, calm, and has the most endearing little Lab face I’ve ever seen. She makes him accessible and approachable. Strangers stop us downtown. Middle-schoolers run over to say hello. People smile real smiles.

Yes, today was a good day. A few years ago, my son would never have walked into that sea of people and dogs, no matter how much I encouraged him. Today he was IN that beautiful chaos. Today, he sat there for hours, while people approached to meet his sweet service dog and to ask questions he could answer with his iPad. I offered him a break a few times; he declined.

The future road he and I will walk will not be an easy one. But today was positive. There he was -- a tall, handsome, gentle guy with a stellar service dog by his side. And one proud mama. For more information, to donate, or to learn about raising a puppy, please visit www. You may also contact the Northern New England Volunteer Chapter via email (

dogs and wine

K9’s+Wines Blending Wine

with Philanthropy By Diana Sheffield Photography by Carivintas Winery

Carivintas Winery is located in Solvang, California about 35 miles north of Santa Barbara and situated in the beautiful Santa Ynez Valley. The winery’s tagline, "blending wine with philanthropy," says it all. Not only was this winery founded with the purpose of making quality wine, but also with the goal of donating some of the profits from wine sales to charity. Non-profits the vineyard supports to benefit animals include Vicktory Dogs, Return to Freedom and other local rescue organizations. in the early 1900’s. It has several bakeries, restaurants and merchants; and offers a taste of Denmark in its architecture. The tasting room at Carivintas was designed with dogs (and kids!) in mind. Dogs are always welcome, and the atmosphere is relaxed and unpretentious.

Vicktory Dogs, a program through Best Friends Animal Sanctuary based in Utah, was started to rehabilitate and re-home the pit bulls rescued from Michael Vick's fighting ring. These dogs have been the inspiring subjects of the documentary "The Champions" and the TV series "DogTown," which was filmed at Best Friends. They have been a major success story - many of them receiving their Canine Good Citizen certification - and many having been adopted out to loving homes and families.

Return to Freedom, located in Lompoc, California, is dedicated to preserving the freedom, diversity and habitat of America’s wild horses through sanctuary, education, advocacy and conservation. They focus on meeting the immediate needs of rescue and sanctuary for wild horses and burros. This non-profit also works on solutions to preserve the animals in viable free-ranging herds for future generations.

The labels for Carivintas wines feature artwork of cuddly creatures that are illustrations of actual animals at shelters like Best Friends. Fleet Hamilton, owner/winemaker of Carivintas, chooses these bright and eyecatching labels because he believes that they bring awareness to the fact that these animals need help. Before starting Carivintas in 2004, Hamilton had worked for companies that encouraged giving back to the community, and


he felt a responsibility to integrate this idea into his own company. As a dog owner himself, he knows that you can't save every animal that needs a home but this is his way of trying!

Carivintas produces a multitude of wines from grapes sourced throughout California. If you are interested in supporting Carivintas in their endeavors, wines can be purchased online. If you happen to be near Santa Barbara, a trip to Solvang and Carivintas Winery should be on your itinerary! Solvang is a small historic town that was founded by a group of Danes


Diana Sheffield graduated with a degree in Viticulture and Enology from UC Davis. She is now a winemaker and resides in Northwest Montana.

i want this job

Talking WITH the Animals…

By Nancy Dewar

“If we could talk to the animals, just imagine it.” These are the opening lyrics of the infamous song written for the film Dr. Dolittle. It first appears in the movie when the doctor realizes from his parrot Polly that communicating with animals is an acquirable skill. However, local animal communicator Sarah Robinson sees this differently. “Dr. Dolittle got it wrong. Communication with animals is really a two-way street. We can talk WITH them. Animals are much more intelligent than we give them credit for.” Sarah, who lives in West Newbury, Massachusetts has been honing her connection with animals for over fifteen years. However, animals have always been a part of her life having grown up on her family’s farm in Rhode Island surrounded by nearly every specie one can imagine. She smiled when she said, “I could have any pet that I wanted, as my Dad loved animals. He always told me that the animals come first. They eat before us. They are our responsibility.”

As an animal communicator, Sarah connects with them through telepathy in a mind-tomind way. Being an empath makes her especially aware of how animals feel. Her foray into this field began years ago when her feral cat (who had become very at home in their home) did not come home. Sarah reached out to an animal communicator who told her that Widgeon wasn’t lost but rather had run away and was doing fine. That made sense as since getting her, the family had grown to include two young children, another cat; and the cat door had been taken away. Widgeon returned 2 ½ years later and lived with the Robinson’s the rest of her life. “When the kids let her out, they’d tell her not to get lost. She hadn’t been lost at all, but rather had

left on her own accord!” Subsequently, Sarah took courses from this communicator; and her new career was born.

Sarah’s clients are all over the world, as she primarily works from photographs. With a photo, the animal’s name and a bit of general information, she connects with them through pictures and words that come to her. She “chats” with the animals telepathically a few times and then sets up a time to speak with the person. “The less I know, the better.” She once chatted with a cat in France who was missing. It was feared he had escaped outside. While conversing with the cat’s human, it was day time; yet Sarah saw darkness. She saw the cat sitting on a metal ledge but didn’t feel like he was trapped or stuck. What was clear was that the cat had not left the house. “Often what comes to me doesn’t make sense to me but does to the owners. It gives them clues.” Spooky was found hiding in the chimney flue. “He could have come out when called, but instead was just being a cat!”

Inquiries on behavioral issues are a large part of Sarah’s work, especially with rescue dogs. Learning the root of issues can help make the transition to a new home easier and more successful for all. With horses, she can tell things such as the animal doesn’t like their tack or you’re not asking them to do a maneuver correctly, and it’s frustrating the horse. She also is often asked about end-of-life questions and said, “They can tell you when they are ready to let go, and animals don’t fear death like people do.” “But HOW do you do this? I don’t get!” I said as we chatted. “I think everyone has this ability.” Sarah responded. “But you have to be open to


it. It’s like meditation. If you do it enough, it gets easier.” Sarah also feels that animals not only hear what we say, but also can understand what we are thinking. An example she used was, “You head to the attic thinking about getting the cat carrier. When you get back downstairs the cat is nowhere to be seen, and you haven’t said a word!”

“We often think that our dogs are waiting at the door because they heard our car. But if you’re thinking of them, they know you’re on your way home long before they hear the car.” Once Sarah and her late husband took care of an older Jack Russell for a weekend. The dog was sweet but a bit mopey, missing her humans. While at their barn on Sunday afternoon, the dog suddenly perked up and wanted to go back to the house. “What’s up with Lily,” Clif asked Sarah. About five minutes after they were back in the house, Lily’s people pulled in the driveway!

“Communication can improve the understanding between people and animals. Animals are listening to you. I think animals can also understand time. If you’re going away for three nights, show them in your mind visually three dark skies followed by three dawns, and they can understand.” Wow! Such fun, interesting information; but it made me think that I might need to clean up my thoughts at times! You know…like when you’re thinking, “I really don’t want to walk the dog right now!” What a gift and what an interesting profession…I want this job!

Note: Sarah is also a board member for the New England Equine Rescue ( & can be reached via email (Buttonwoodrobinson@ 27

let's pawty

Doggone Grrrrr…eat Entertaining A Cool Spring Classic with a Twist… Recipe by Ristorante Massimo

“Authentic Italian Food Is More Than Our Passion… It’s Our Life’s Work.” Photography by Jasmine Inglesmith Photography

Lemon Basil Popsicles

Fruit & Yogurt Pup-sicles

(makes one quart)

Ingredients 3 C water 1 C granulated sugar 1 1/2 C fresh squeezed lemon juice (about 8 lemons) 1 C lightly packed fresh basil leaves (1/2 oz)

Ingredients 1 C plain non-fat yogurt ¼ C fresh blueberries 2 C fresh strawberries 1 banana, peeled and cut into chunks 1/2 of a peeled & seeded cucumber Preparation Place all ingredients in blender & blend until smooth. Pour into ice cube trays & freeze. (Recipe Source:

Directions Simmer water & sugar till sugar has dissolved. Set in fridge to cool. Squeeze lemons & strain. Blend lemon juice & basil leaves in blender then strain. Add lemon basil juice to cooled sugar water. Freeze in your favorite popsicle molds.

Massimo’s Mia

59 Penhallow – Portsmouth (603) 436-4000

Photo Credit Jane Eisensmith

A big thanks to restauranteur Massimo Morgia for sponsoring ‘Let’s Pawty.’ Massimo is not only passionate about food, but also dogs! He’s the proud Dad of adorable Mia, a precious little Maltese/Shih Tzu. Also, a big thanks to Jasmine Inglesmith, Ristorante Massimo’s pastry chef, for this recipe. Jasmine also is a big animal lover and the proud Mom of a few rescue pups.


We couldn't do it without our furry friends! Lexi, Rufus, Jax, Layla, Ruby, Bailey and Newman

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-the Seacoast

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Hiking from the NH Seacoast trails up to the White Mountains. 603-491-7620 (instagram) @canine_climbs

doggy thoughts

flips + flops By Flip-Flop

Editor’s Note: These are simply musings from Flip-Flop, an exuberant & opinionated shaggy dog. They are not any sort of product endorsement or “dis” by this publication or any member of our editorial team. Just a bit about stuff she likes (Flips) and stuff she doesn’t (Flops)!

Flip Flop Crazy Cats

Cats may be as confusing to dogs as women are to men! Though I love cats, I sure don’t understand them. There is this crazy toy called the SHRU that they are crazy about. This little battery-operated egg-shaped gadget wiggles around on the floor mimicking a mouse and is billed as “the intelligent cat companion designed to be your cat’s new best friend.” It also squeaks and one may purchase a variety of different tails! This next-generation of cat companionship truly puzzles me. Why not simply get another cat so they can play together…and be real cat friends? (

Cool Cats

Cats crack me up! I don’t get their fascination with boxes, but they sure love them. Any box entices them—big, small, corrugated, pretty or ugly—it doesn’t matter. Put it out & in they’ll go. A word of advice to my feline friends…if you want to be a really cool cat, you should check out the Ice Cream Truck cat box. If you’re going to hide in a box & be unentertaining, at least you can entertain your humans a bit. I mean, truly, who wouldn’t get a few chuckles out of a cat “driving” an ice cream truck? (

The “D” Word

I love the “D” word…DOG! But I’m also an eternal optimist. Every time I hear the word “dog,” I’m pretty sure (well, I hope) it’s going to be followed by the word “park. Dog park…two of my favorite words in the world. I bet a lot of dogs feel the same. Sometimes my Mom tries to fake me out & says “DP,” but I’ve got that one figured out.

Dog-Friendly Dining

The ”F” Word

Yikes, I hate the “F” word! Maybe I’m not being politically correct even talking about it here, but whatever! When I hear it, my tail drops & I slink out of the room knowing something’s not quite right. It’s funny…I’ve run into other pups that feel the same. My friend Jorja told me she hates it too. So my advice to humans is “please watch your language around us canines,” as we are much smarter than you think!

Unfriendly Dog Dining

I want to give a heart-felt BARK-out to a few of the restaurants & bars I know of that welcome pooches on their patios. Speaking for most of the dogs on the Seacoast, we really appreciate your hospitality! A few of my favorites include The District in downtown Portsmouth, Rudders Public House in Kittery and the Newburyport Brewing Company.

Okay, I know it’s all about those laws you humans make about food safety & all of that stuff...the reason we aren’t allowed in restaurants. But why are our laws so different than those across the pond? Geesh, in Europe dogs are a common site in many restaurants & cafes. In fact, there is one in England that goes even a step further in a salute to canines. The Varsity Warwick Pub offers “The Dog’s Dinner” on their menu. The kicker…it’s a dish for humans served in a dog bowl! That may be taking it too far. We pups aren’t advocating for people to eat out of dog bowls…just let us join them on their culinary adventures. 31

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