Seacoast Bark Magazine Dec '21/Jan '22

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Happy Holidays!

publisher Nancy Dewar

In the coming year be sure to nuzzle with noses you love, make time to play, hang with a loyal pack, live life with a wag and get to the beach as often as possible. There is nothing more healing or calming than the ocean; especially when we’re there with our wonderful dogs! - 603.498.3237

design Mrs. and Mr. Design

thanks to our contributors… Gayle Davis - Lexi Leddy Published by Bark Media Group LLC six times a year. Hampton, NH Copyright © 2022 Bark Media Group LLC Seacoast Bark is distributed at stores & businesses in: Portsmouth, Exeter, Rye, North Hampton, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Greenland, Stratham, Seabrook, Kittery, Newburyport & everywhere in between!

And please know how grateful I am to have you…our readers & loyal PAW-tners…as part of our very special pack.

Interested in advertising with us? Have a good story idea or a suggestion on a great animal or person to feature? Please email Nancy Dewar/Publisher (603) 498-3237

With immense gratitude…


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words of wisdom Senior Helpers

animal lover's profile 10. feature 6.

We’d love to have you start following us on Instagram! (



fun things to bark about 14. PAWsitive thoughts 18. i love my job 12.

Fairmont Copley Plaza 3

local tails 22. let's pawty 20.

Ristorante Massimo


flips + flops

words of wisdom

Walter’s WORDS OF WISDOM By Walter Eugene Davis Senior Helpers – Stratham, NH

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year We just cleaned up from Thanksgiving dinner and the holiday season is upon us. This year Hanukkah will be celebrated November 26th through December 6th, followed by Christmas, and then Kwanza from December 26th through January 1st. The month of December is filled with traditions, compassion, giving, quality time with family and highlights what is truly important in life. It is not the packages under the tree, it’s the time spent with families and friends. I like to give to my humans from my heart – they know that I love them when I come running when they come into the office or come home. I wag my tail when asked “Want to go for a walk?” I don’t bark often, but I am a talker, and I tell them that I love them every day! Here are a few suggestions that you, too, can give from your heart:

Pick up the phone! To make a call, not send a text. Call a family member, a friend, a neighbor or a former colleague that you have not spoken to in a while. Keep the conversation brief, let them know that you are thinking of them. Share a pleasant memory. Tomorrow is not promised – tell people how you feel NOW!

Create with your own hands! Don’t take the easy way out and buy a gift card. Carve out some time to make a loaf of banana bread, bake some cookies or take a walk in the woods to cut some fresh greens and red berries for a stunning arrangement. Some of these things don’t take much time, so don’t confuse TIME with EFFORT. As they say, there is always time to do something that is worth doing!

Random Acts of Kindness – It does not take much to thank those people

that make your life easier every day. The man who pumps your gas (yes, there are still some), your mail carrier who never lets you down, the Amazon driver who makes multiple stops to your house weekly, to the groomer who cuts your dog’s nails (thanks Janice!), to your Vet who keeps your furry kids healthy (Love you Docca Hannah), to the caregiver that gives you piece of mind making sure that your loved one is safe and looked after. A thank you, a note, even a smile! In a world that is so divided these days, spreading love and kindness is more important than ever. Don’t discount giving a gift by assuming that it is just about buying something for someone. Keep in mind when you have the opportunity to give someone a present, put your heart into it …and you will get so much back. It’s worth the effort!

My best wishes to you and yours for a Happy & Healthy Holiday Season. See you next year…Walter Eugene ♥

Happy Holidays… And Cheers to a Healthy & Happy 2022!

We are extremely blessed to work with our very special clients. Spending time with so many wonderful people in their homes is a huge gift; one that we value and cherish greatly. Thank you all so very much. Fondly…Dwight & Gayle Davis, our special team & Walter too! Senior Helpers provides in-home, non-medical care offering tailored services ranging from companion care for seniors who need daily assistance to in-depth specialized care for those with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s and other chronic diseases. They’ve worked with clients ranging in age from 25 to 104. Senior Helpers has been voted “Best of the Seacoast” in the Home Health Care 3 years running and was recently awarded the Provider Circle of Excellence and National Employer of Choice by Listen 360 client and caregiver ratings. Stratham, NH – (603) 583-4580

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animal lover's profile

Meet The Nettleton’s & Their Little Pack By Nancy Dewar

Chris, Anne, Cosmo, Bertie & Violet

Anne and Chris of North Hampton are originally mid-Westerners from the Chicago area. I asked them how they met. “We met the good old-fashioned way. No internet. No apps. We met at a bar on Division Street, which was the single’s scene in Chicago” Chris said with a laugh. Both had recently graduated from college, and they’ve been together ever since… two grown children later with some very special dogs along the way. Chris grew up in a dog-loving family. “We always had Irish Setters. They are the most beautiful and the dumbest dogs on earth. All of them were given to us. Probably because they are crazy!” Anne grew up surrounded by Pugs. “We had Pugs until my sister brought home a mutt given to her for Christmas by her boyfriend. She named the dog Noel, and my father immediately said, ‘This dog is going back.’ And then we came home a few days later and caught him in the kitchen kissing her. I think that’s when my love for mutts started,” Anne said. After living in an apartment for a year in the city, Anne and Chris bought their first condo. “We really wanted our own place so we could get a dog,” Anne explained. The next weekend, Labor Day 1983, they went to a local rescue and

I first met Anne Nettleton a few years ago when she reached out to me and said, “We came across Seacoast Bark and would love to become a part of it.” We had met for lunch at Joe’s Meat Shoppe in North Hampton, and I loved Anne the minute I met her! I felt the same when I met her husband Chris, as these two are huge animal lovers… especially when it comes to black mutts! found their amazing Asta; a one-year-old Shepherd/Chow mix who turned out to be their heart-dog. They were blessed with him for 15 ½ years. “He was so smart and truly stole our heart all of the years we had him,” Chris said.

First Rescue Asta with Baby Ian

After living in various Chicago suburbs, Anne and Chris moved to Stratham in 1992 due to a job transfer. I asked Anne how she felt about her move to the Seacoast. “At first I was heartbroken, and then I fell madly in love with the area. We had no idea what New Hampshire was about nor that it even had a coastline!” Though only here for three years before eventually ending up in New Jersey, New Hampshire captured their hearts and they always looked forward to “coming home.”


Anne and Chris’ second dog was Shelby, a Huskey mix. “She was beautiful, smart; and we had another dog that lived 15 ½ years. We lost her in 2013 while in New Jersey.” Shortly after losing Shelby, a darling black rescue named Violet joined their family. “We found Violet about a week after. I could hardly wait a week before getting a new dog. Not that I was trying to replace Shelby” Anne said. “I just needed another dog to love.”

Violet was an abused mixed breed from North Carolina they found online. “We got her when she was nine or ten months old, and she was a train wreck. She had been returned once, probably because of her fear. She still is a bit fearful and nervous but has settled in with us.” The Nettleton’s always did “one dog at time.” Well, that is until another black mutt came to their attention. Bertie, a rescue from Georgia, joined the family in December 2013. In describing him, Chris said, “Bertie is like Ronald Regan. Older than he looks but his hair is all black; no gray!” Anne and Chris (and Violet and Bertie) moved back to New Hampshire when Chris retired in 2016. The plan was to simply relax and en-

animal lover's profile

Bertie, Violet & Cosmo


joy a more carefree life after years in corporate America. That lasted about one year until Anne talked Chris into going into real estate. “I didn’t want to just sit around, and I’d always wanted to get into the real estate business,” Anne explained. Chris expounded, “We had really been in real estate for 35 years. Having bought and sold eight homes in five states, we know all that’s involved in a transaction.” Hence, they created “The House Finch Team” and are affiliated with Coldwell Banker Realty in Portsmouth. As John Lennon said, “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans;” and the Nettleton’s can attest to this. New careers after retirement. And their old “one dog at a time” motto, that had now become two dogs, changed to three when a few of Anne’s friends posted a photo of a precious black mutt on her Facebook page at the beginning of COVID. This little guy with one missing eye immediately caught their eye. Their daughter Tory and her boyfriend (who lived in Brooklyn) picked him up from Rescue Dogs Rock in NYC and drove him home to New Hampshire. Cosmo arrived on April Fool’s Day 2020. “He’s now about two but still acts like a teenager,” said his Mom.

In addition to being busy with real estate, Anne is also actively involved with Maine-based Lucky Pups Rescue. She connected with founder Sue Richardson through a friend and said it’s a perfect match. “I wanted to work with a grass roots shelter, rather than a large one as they are generally more well-funded.” Prior to COVID, she did home visits to perspective adoptees. Anne currently assists in garnering monetary support as well as phone interviews with adoptees’ references. “I’ve had some wonderful conversations with people while getting references. Of course we connect, as we’re all dog lovers!”

When visiting Anne and Chris at their home, one is greeted by a barrage of barking from an adorable little black pack…who eventually settle down and snuggle in. It’s definitely an animal house and even more so when their kids are home and the pack expands to six dogs and one cat. And Anne and Chris would have it no other way…the more the merrier!

( (LuckyPups ( 7

Cosmo Hard at Work

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Born to Run By Nancy Dewar

If you’re in the mood for a winter getaway and an amazing experience filled with beautiful scenery and big dog love, a visit to Muddy Paw Sled Dog Kennel in Jefferson, New Hampshire is sure to delight you. Located about an hour north of Mount Washington, Muddy Paws is home to sixty-two sled dogs that all love their jobs, as they were born to run! And the 2-legged folks at Muddy Paws all love their jobs, as was evident when I connected with Kasey Halliday, Senior Musher and son of the kennel’s founder, Neil Beaulieu. It all began years ago while Neil, a Maine native, was teaching in Alaska and helping with the annual longdistance sled dog race, the Iditarod; a grueling 1,182mile race from Anchorage to Nome. One year a female musher decided to drop out and offered her ten dogs to Neil, who then began running them and moved back to New England in 2004 with his team. Neil and Kasey initially were racing their teams regionally, but Kasey explained, “It really wasn’t fun for us. We wanted to experience more enjoyment with our dogs and have other people experience this enjoyment, as well. So, we started Muddy Paws Sled Dogs in 2006. Most of our dogs are rescues, and we received 20 Siberian Huskies from Minnesota that first year from a retiring musher.” Kasey’s passion for his work is undeniable. I told him that I’d heard an amazing radio interview with an au-

thor who had recently passed away. “I can’t remember his name, but he was a big musher and told fascinating stories about his experiences running the Iditarod.” Kasey immediately said, “Was it Gary Paulsen? He’s one of my favorite authors ever. I’ve read most of his books. Winter Dance is probably the best!” Upon arrival at Muddy Paws, people are greeted by the mushers and then led to what Kasey calls “the OMG corner” where they get their first glimpse of 60-plus dogs in the yard living their best life! It’s really quite a view. Most of their dogs are Siberian Huskies or Alaskan Huskies. Kasey explained the difference. “Siberians are a purebred while Alaskans are a combination of Siberians and another working dog breed like a Shepherd or Lab. Alaskans are usually a bit smaller and less prone to injury.” The dogs live outside year-round and each has their own plywood doghouse complete with a


deck to stay out of the mud and to provide them shade in the summer. These dogs love being outside, and their ideal temperature is around negative ten degrees; the colder the better! “We put hay in their houses to insulate from the cold, but some of our dogs often pull it out,” Kasey said with a laugh. The average age of their current dogs is six to seven. “Dogs typically stop running around the age of nine to eleven, and the average life of these breeds is 14 to 16.” Kasey said that there are definite red flags that indicate when a dog is ready to retire. They don’t get excited when they see the harness or even shy away from it. It’s like their saying, “Hey man, I’m done. I’m tapped out.” One of their oldest dogs, who was part of their initial rescue from Minnesota, was Guinness who they lost this fall at the age of eighteen. “He enjoyed living in the house after he retired, and he was ‘the

feature greeter’ at the property. He’d been with us so long; had such sentimental value; losing him hit us harder than a freight train.”

These big dogs have a pretty long life span. I asked Kasey what he thought contributed to this. He explained, “Well, it’s probably partially in their DNA but these dogs are treated and live like trained athletes. We feed them high protein-based kibble, fish oil, powdered egg and frozen chicken. They consume about 10,000-12,000 calories per day and begin training in the fall for the winter season. Our target goal per dog is five hundred miles before the first snowfall. When they are running, they average 5-10 miles a day; about 40-60 miles a week.” In the winter the dogs are fed what is called “slump” twice a day; all of the above ingredients mixed with warm water to hydrate them. It’s kind of like a dog stew. In the summer they get kibble and water. The grocery bill for 60-plus dogs can’t be cheap! The kennel goes through 2,000 pounds of kibble and 1,000 pounds of frozen chicken every 3 ½ weeks.

The dogs usually run in teams of ten and get two days off a week. The teams are rotated, and Monday is what they call “Dog Day” where everyone gets the day off! In describing the make-up of a team, Kasey compared the set up to that of an airplane. There are two Leaders in the front (pilots), followed by two Point dogs or Co-leaders (co-pilots), followed by four Transitional dogs (crew members and flight attendants) and ending with two Wheel dogs (the engine). All need to work together to make the team run. Regarding learning their skills, these dogs seem to fall into it naturally, “When we start a new dog, they tend to be a bit out of sync and can sometimes be overwhelmed by the adrenaline of the team. The first 100 feet it’s like they are thinking…I don’t know what’s going on. After that, they’re like…hey, I got this. I can do it!”

I loved my conversation with Kasey. His enthusiasm is infectious. Before we wrapped up, I had a few other things I was curious about. Do you ever breed your dogs? “We do about every other year and all litters have themes. Our ‘Candy Bar’ littermates were named Reece, Twix, York, Baby Ruth, Rolo, Chip and Crunch!” How do you remember the names of so many dogs? “Well, think of it like our friends! We know their names. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that their names are on their houses!” And lastly, any favorite dogs? “That’s a tricky question I’d have to answer it two ways. In terms of a kennel dog, my favorite is Mayhem. In terms of a running dog, it’s Snow White. She’s hands-down my little girl!”

Photo by Sarah Miller

A visit to Muddy Paws isn’t simply about the sled ride but the whole experience of interacting with the dogs. People are encouraged to play with them and help with harnessing.

A visit to Muddy Paws isn’t simply about the sled ride but the whole experience of interacting with the dogs. People are encouraged to play with them and help with harnessing. “Our dogs thrive on human interaction.” The average run is five miles and lasts about 45-50 minutes. Guests are then welcomed into the hut room to socialize, perhaps buy some homemade maple syrup or other momentos and warm up a bit. They’ve greeted visitors from all over the United States, Australia, Ukraine and more. Many of their guests return each year. Sounds like a great winter getaway to me…right here (almost) in our own backyard. To contact or learn more about Muddy Paw Sled Dogs. visit their website: 11

fun things to

Head Tilters

out and about

Photo by Molly Shanahan

Cotton Candy Lobster


ABOUT Photos by Ray Bisson

Dover Dog Howloween Event

Dover Dog Howloween, a community event produced by Sit.Stay.Smile. Pet Photography and the NH Dog Walking Club recently donated $4,495.00 to support Pope Memorial Humane Society (PMHS) as part of their ongoing fundraising effort. The 3rd annual celebration attracted over three hundred dog owners. “Funds raised from this event will give the animals that depend on us for their care a second chance and the opportunity to find loving forever homes,” said Deborah Shelton, Development Director at PMHS. “The animals need to be spayed/neutered, updated on their vaccinations, and given preventative treatment for heartworm and flea and ticks.” Over $9,500 has been raised from this event over the past three years. Kudos to all that produced and attended it.

Cotton Candy Lobster

We’ve been writing a lot about crazy colored lobsters these days! In our last issue we highlighted Pinchy, an orange lobster. Banana, a yellow lobster was featured last summer. Well, a lobsterman from Maine recently caught what is known as a “cotton candy” lobster; a multi-colored crustacean that is about a 1-in-a100-million catch. Bill Coppersmith found the female lobster, which he named Haddie after his granddaughter, in Casco Bay. Lobsters with bright colors are easier for predators to spot, which is why Haddie wasn’t returned to the sea. Instead, she will live out the rest of her life at the Seacoast Science Center in Rye.

Head Tilters

Have you ever wondered why your dog gives you that cute tilted-head look? In a study recently published in Animal Cognition, a peer-


reviewed scientific journal, researchers proposed that head-tilting in dogs may be related to “processing relevant, meaningful stimuli.” The researchers watched the reactions of forty dogs during “object-label knowledge tests” and analyzed the presence of head tilts when owners verbally asked their pups to fetch a familiar toy. “Only a few dogs can learn the name of objects even after a few exposures, while most typical dogs do not,” read the report, adding that dogs that rapidly learn labels are identified as “gifted word learner” (GWL) dogs. "We expected that if head-tilting is related to processing meaningful or relevant auditory stimuli, dogs that learn object labels would tilt their heads more frequently upon hearing the toy’s name than typical dogs." Their hypothesis proved correct. In a three-month-long program aimed at teaching both GWL and "typical" dogs the names of two toys, GWL dogs tilted their heads much more frequently than typical dogs: 43% vs 2%.

out and about

Lt. Kris Kerkensen & K9 Officer Jasper Photo by Sit.Stay.Smile. Pet Photography

Maine’s Original Lobster Dip

Paw House Inn

Pooch in Print

Pawlice Dog Calendar

Sit.Stay.Smile. Pet Photography has been working on an exciting project, a 2022 calendar called Pawlice Dogs of New Hampshire. The goal of the project is to raise funds for both Hero Pups and the New Hampshire K9 Trooper’s Association. The calendars are printed ondemand and are now available to purchase. Sit. Stay.Smile donated its time and resources, so 100% of each purchase will go directly to the non-profits. To purchase, contact Sit.Stay.Smile. Pet Photography at: (

Paw House Inn

Some hotels readily accept dogs; others tolerate them! Since 2001, the historic Paw House Inn (built in 1786) in West Rutland, Vermont has been catering to dogs and their parents who bring them. Each private room provides tail-proofed creature comforts for their twoand four-legged guests, and all offer easy access to a guest kitchenette stocked with most anything you might need to prepare a simple lunch, dinner or snack for yourself or your

dog(s). In addition to two dog-friendly cottages, there are eight guest rooms…with fun names such as “Good Dog,” the “Bad Dog Room,” “The Chase” and “Rin Tin Tin” (with a back-story for all names). The Paw House Inn is a wonderland in the winter and a fun-loving doggie playground all year round. It’s located just minutes to Killington and Pico, making for a fun Dog & Ski weekend getaway. (

Take the Polar Plunge

Support the Special Olympics of Maine by participating in the annual 2022 Maine’s Original Lobster Dip on January 1st in Old Orchard Beach in front of the Brunswick Hotel. You can take “the dip” in person or participate virtually with either “a dip” or a “lobster roll” (a roll in the snow!) elsewhere on your own before or on New Year’s Day. There are lots of great prizes for dippers, depending on the funds they raise. The “Top Lobster” (the individual who raises the most money over $1,000) will receive twenty-five live lobsters, with the prize to be claimed in July-August 2022. Visit this website to get complete details: 13

Your Pooch in Print

How fun is this? offers you the opportunity to have a custom book all about your pup! This is a pawsome gift for dog lovers. Simply choose your dog’s breed and the name you’d like featured in the book and they’ll do the rest! With over three hundred breeds available, you’ll have a unique book that stars the furbulous dog in your life. Get ready to unleash your inner detective with their popular Search & Find book, ‘Where’s (insert dog name)?’ With twelve beautifully illustrated locations to explore, you’ll be challenged you to find your adventurous pooch on each action-packed page. Their personalized story book ‘Wondrous Adventures’ is a dreamy tale of your dog drifting into the land of nod. Who knows what exciting landscapes and characters they’ll encounter? Perfect for a birthday present or thoughtful gift, these personalized books are sure to be adored by anyone who’s simply mutts about their dog. (

on a positive note

Coco…My First Most Love-A-Bull Dog By Lexi Leddy – Rye, NH – Owner of Lexi Leddy Real Estate

Lexi & Coco

I got my first dog when I was thirty. It was actually my boyfriend’s idea at the time, and I was wary as I was worried about how much work they were. A friend mentioned adopting an older dog instead of a puppy. I found myself on PetFinder a few days later. What I didn’t know was that a few months earlier our (soon to be) Coco girl was found roaming the streets of Harlem. She was taken into a kill shelter and on the day she was supposed to be put down, an amazing woman in Maine, Chris Pacheco and her family, took Coco in and fostered her for the next few months.

“A random act of kindness saved my life. Try to do a random act of kindness every day.”

Fast forward to that day I was perusing PetFinder. Coco's photo caught my eye. I have no idea why her photo got to me, but it did. Her description read, "Pit mix - age approximately 3-4 years old." "What…are you crazy,” my boyfriend said when I showed him her picture, and the phrase "pit bull" is what elicited the "crazy" comment. We all knew I was, so I reached out to the contact about meeting this dog!

Chris Pacheco and her family did a home visit a few days later. I had no idea that the plan was to leave her here with us for a trial week. I thought it was just a "meet and greet" and then later we would take her in. After an hour of chatting and Coco playing, Chris turned to us and said, "Okay, so we'll talk to you in a week?" "Oh... you're... leaving her?" "Yes, is that okay?" "Uh... sure." I didn't have anything for this dog. No food, no blankets, no toys. Nothing. Shortly after they left, I turned to my boyfriend and said, "I need to go to the store. Are you ok with her?" "Uhhhh....." An hour later. I returned with easily $500+ of supplies to make this week for this dog better than anything she'd ever experienced only to find my boyfriend cuddling with her on the couch. "We're keeping her, right?" he asked. That was ten years ago this past November. An act of kindness by an amazing woman toward a random dog who was supposed to be put down hundreds of miles away, instead led to ten years of immeasurable joy this dog has brought to so many. This random dog has taught me unconditional love, companionship and a deep love of dogs in general. She has proven to be an incredible ambassador for shelter dogs, an amazing ambassador for pitties, and taught me a million other intangible lessons.

Chris Pacheco, Bub & Coco

PAWsitive Thoughts from Coco

We estimate Coco is now about 15 years old. We feel lucky for every day we have with her because we know we’re on borrowed time, but time well spent shows what a saved life is capable of.

“Never judge a book by its cover.”

A big thanks to Lexi Leddy for writing this wonderful article!

Lexi, a New Hampshire native, is passionate about her real estate career and has enjoyed educating her clients for over 7 years. She recently started her own brokerage firm, Lexi Leddy Real Estate. Lexi prides herself on her high level of client service utilizing her listening and communication skills and keen attention to detail. She has an innate ability to build trusting relationships while always practicing integrity, honesty and transparency. When not spending time with her clients, Lexi enjoys spending time with her two pittie rescues, Petey & Bub, and writing in her blog, "What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid?" She is also heavily involved in the community, an active member of Portsmouth Rotary, SMART Women's networking group, and is a Co-Founder of Catapult Seacoast, the Seacoast's Young Professionals Networking Group. Second to giving Petey and Bub the life of their dreams, she is most proud of having started her Moving Communities Campaign in 2017 where a portion of her commission for each home sold is donated to a local charity. To date, because of her clients' trusting in her with their real estate needs, over $60,000 has been donated back to their communities. Lexi’s energy and positivity are truly contagious…so writing this article on PAWsitivty is simply a natural for her! Phone: 603-828-2601 Email:

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Meet Some of the Knowles’ Team…

And Their Special 4-Legged Friends!

Tara & Don

Don Knowles is the owner of Knowles Tree Service and Tara Datro is the company’s customer service manager. They have three adored dogs. Ruby is a 14-year-old Boston Terrier mix. Fouryear-old Georgia is a Pitbull, and Drax is a 19-month-old Pitbull/Siberian Huskey/ Shepherd mix.

A bit about your dogs?

A bit about your dogs?

Toby is the older, fearless brother. They both came from the same parents but are from different litters. Toby enjoys eating and swimming at the lake. His favorite treats are apples! Wally, the younger brother, is a real snuggler. He loves attention and is truly “the baby” in our family. Wally’s favorite treats are blueberries!

What do you love most about them?

They are a huge part of our life, and we are fortunate they are with us every day! They bring us so much love, laughter and are great company.

If they were people, who would they be & why?

They all would be characters from our favorite movie “Guardians of the Galaxy.” Drax would be Star Lord…strong, kind, handsome and protector of his girls. Georgia would be Strong-Serious…a heart of gold and protector of her Ruby. And Ruby, she’d be Rocky Raccoon…sassy, strong, very loving and despite her small size, she is the boss!

Jeremy Salvatore

What do you love most about them?

Toby has a goofy, independent personality. Wally loves to cuddle with everyone. They both are friendly, loving and want to be everyone’s best friend.

If they were people, who would they be & why?

Toby would be Kevin McAllister from “Home Alone” because he has the independent, can-do attitude; but at the end of the day really loves his family. Wally would be Winnie-the-Pooh because he loves everyone and is cuddly and kind.

Jeremy, better known as “Sal,” is a climber at Knowles Tree Service and the proud dad of Suzzie, a fouryear-old Lab/Boxer mix.

A bit about your dog?

Suzzie is a very friendly, intelligent and loving dog. She loves to go on walks and enjoys wondering through the woods. She also loves fetching a ball but sometimes forgets to bring it back. Suzzie absolutely loves people but has a really big bond with toddlers. She will stop in her tracks when she hears the word cheese, as that’s her favorite treat. And we all look forward to nighttime because she loves to hog the entire bed. But that keeps us nice and warm!

What do you love most about her?

She is such a well-behaved dog. And I love it when I get home from work, as she’s super excited to see me and always greets me with extra kisses. She then jumps on the bed and barks until I go in to play with her.

Austin Brown

Austin is the bucket crew supervisor at Knowles and the proud dad of Charlie, an adorable Beagle/ Bulldog mix.

A bit about your dog?

Charlie is funny and sweet. He loves to cuddle while watching TV. He is also very playful and energetic on his walks.

What do you love most about him?

I love how sweet and obedient he is. I also love his playful personality.

Austin & Charlie

Jeremy & Suzzie

James works as a grounds man at Knowles. He has two special Golden Retrievers; two-year-old Toby and one-year-old Wally.


Toby, Georgia, Drax & Ruby

They all are rescues. Georgia came from Georgia from Go Dogs Go Rescue. We got Drax from Paws of New England, and Ruby came from a special family friend who I promised that I would take care of her.

James Hume

James, Kayla, Toby & Wally

Don Knowles & Tara Datro

By Nancy Dewar

When Joe Fallon, longtime concierge at the luxurious Fairmont Copley Plaza hotel in Boston, heads to work from the South Shore, greetings abound when he arrives at the Back Bay train station; but not for Joe! Local commuters can be heard saying, “Hi Cori.” “Oh, there’s Cori.” “Have a great day, Cori!” Cori is the hotel’s beloved Canine Ambassador and has an ever-growing fan base around the city and on Instagram! “Not many know my name, but they all know Cori,” Joe said with a chuckle. The hotel’s first Canine Ambassador was Catie Copley, a black Lab from the Guide Dog Foundation who joined the staff in 2004 after the hotel’s general manager had attended a conference where a hotel salesperson brought a dog to work. Seeing the positive affect the dog had

on the staff and guests, he told his team about it, and said, “Let’s do this too!” Joe Fallon joined the hotel about 17 years ago and said the final selling point in accepting the job was when he was asked to be Catie’s dog-Dad. “I thought to myself…I guess I have to take this job, as I’ve never been offered a job that included a dog!”

Catie became so well known and loved that two children’s books have been written about her. She was with Joe day and night…at the hotel and back home swimming in the ocean when they weren’t working. She crossed over the Rainbow Bridge in 2017, and the city of Boston declared June 23rd “Catie Copley Day.” Joe choked up a bit when he spoke about her. “She was diagnosed with spleen cancer and given a year to live. Dana Farber frequently held conferences at the hotel, and a group of their lovely ladies suggested talking to their top spleen doctor. He meticulously went through her records and wrote down his recommendations. Angell Memorial followed them, and Catie lived another 2 ½ years.”


Photo courtesy of Fairmont Copley Plaza

Photo by Zack Deus Photography

I love my job

Meet the Fairmont Copley Plaza Concierge Team

I love my job

“People often look at our dogs like they are celebrities, but they’re really just normal dogs that have a cool job!” And it’s obvious that Joe loves his job too. “Often I don’t feel like I work for a hotel. I work for a dog!” Photo by Zack Deus Photography Joe & Cori Photo by Zack Deus Photography

Photo by Joe Fallon

A second Canine Ambassador joined the hotel (and concierge team) alongside Catie in 2013; another black Lab adopted from the Animal Rescue League of Boston named Carly Copley. She retired in 2019 and died shortly after. “I spread their ashes in the ocean near my home. Both had a sendoff party and many local friends attended. Everyone loved Catie and Carly…and now Cori is the newest love.”

Catie Copley was not only a greeter in the hotel’s magnificent 5,000 square foot lobby, but she also played the role of a therapy dog at times. The Boston Marathon ends close to Fairmont Copley Plaza, and Catie ended up comforting many after the 2013 bombing. Joe

explained, “We urged people to come into the hotel. Kids were upset. Everyone was upset. We read Catie’s books to the kids, and Catie’s presence really helped calm people down.” Now Cori presides over the event and is doing a wonderful job filling her predecessor’s paws…with the marathon and on every other level. This year she was named the “Official Dog of the Boston Marathon.”

chase Smurf balls up there!” Though pricey, this iconic hotel is worth visiting to see the architectural splendor, book a dog friendly “Furiend Package” overnight stay (as pups are welcome) or just stop in to meet Cori Copley and her dad Joe Fallon! Joe and the concierge team stock a biscuit jar with treats from Polkadog Bakery, complimentary for all dogs who visit.

The Copley Plaza Hotel opened in 1912 and is truly one of the grand dames of American hotels. I laughed when I heard that the 30,000 square foot ball room, an elegant venue for weddings and more, periodically becomes somewhat of an indoor dog park. “On rainy days, we let Cori and other hotel dog guests

Cori’s Instagram: @CoriCopley ( ( (

I asked Joe what it’s like to be the dog-Dad of the hotel. Any fun stories? He said that Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman were often guests and big dog lovers. “They’d call me on their way up from Connecticut and ask… is Catie going to be there? I rarely let her into guests’ rooms as I didn’t want her to have too many treats, but they were an exception. She always got to go into their room!” “Actress Bernadette Peters also stayed here when performing in Boston because of Catie. She loves dogs and started the annual star-studded NYC adoption event, Broadway Barks, with Mary Tyler Moore,” Joe added. 19

Cori loves her “job” at Fairmont Copley Plaza. Though raised as a guide dog trainee, the Guide Dog Foundation decided that she was better suited for a career in hospitality, and they were doggone right! Joe expounded, “We never learn why guide dogs don’t make it. In Cori’s case she made a career change to work in a beautiful hotel. People often look at our dogs like they are celebrities, but they’re really just normal dogs that have a cool job!” And it’s obvious that Joe loves his job too. “Often I don’t feel like I work for a hotel. I work for a dog!”

local tails

Meet Some Special Seacoast Pups… Here are some of our readers’ adorable dogs. If you’d like your pup’s picture in an upcoming issue, send an email with “Local Tails” in the subject line to: All breeds welcome!

Jeni & Maddie - North Hampton

Chase Michael - Hampton

Stella - Rye

Ole Miss - Portsmouth

Stella - Portsmouth


Opie & Millie - South Berwick 21

Doggone Grrrrr…eat Entertaining

Photo by Kate Lewis

let's pawty

Sponsored by Ristorante Massimo



Paw-permint Puppy Cookies 1/2 C unsweetened applesauce 2 t peppermint extract 3 C white whole wheat flour 2 C rolled oats 1 T salt


Ingredients 1 C coconut oil 1/4 C flaxseed mixed with 1/2 C warm water 2 ripe bananas, broken into small pieces Directions

Cream coconut oil, flaxseed mixture, bananas, applesauce & peppermint together in a mixer (or mash together using a pastry cutter) till banana is mashed well & coconut oil is thoroughly incorporated. Add salt, 2C of the flour and 1 C of the rolled oats. Mix well. Add remaining oats & flour. Press batter evenly on cookie sheet spreading it into each corner. Take a dough scraper or knife & score the dough. Bake for 40 minutes. Break into small pieces & serve! (Recipe Source:


Happy Howl-a-days!

Tis the season to celebrate with friends & family, which Mia & Logan do every day with their beloved Dad, Massimo! Every day is a celebration for these two precious pups! Ristorante Massimo offers delectable, fresh Italian cuisine, from start to finish. For a very special dining experience this is the place to go…over the holidays or anytime! 59 Penhallow – Portsmouth (603) 436-4000

Happy Holidays, Cheers & Saluti to All… from Massimo, Mia & Logan


Massimo & Mia

Oil large cookie sheet & preheat oven to 350°.

doggy thoughts

FLIPS + FLOPS By Flip-Flop

Editor’s Note: These are simply musings from Flip-Flop, an exuberant & opinionated shaggy dog. They are not any sort of product endorsement or “dis” by this publication or any member of our editorial team. Just a bit about stuff she likes (Flips) and stuff she doesn’t (Flops)!

S t y l e a s h M u s t s f o r P u p s + Pe e p s In the spirit of paw-sitivity, I’m only featuring “Flips” in this issue…goods that are stylish, fun and may make a few tails wag. Happy Holidays to all!

Flip -Flop

Rope Dog Toys


Sleek + Unique Collars (

Classic Cable Knit Sweaters (

Calming (and snuggly) Furniture Protector (

Simple Solid Bowl + Dog Bowl Stand ( 23

Custom Pet Puzzle (

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