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flips + flops

By Flip-Flop

Editor’s Note: These are simply musings from Flip-Flop, an exuberant & opinionated shaggy dog. They are not any sort of product endorsement or “dis” by this publication or any member of our editorial team. Just a bit about stuff she likes (Flips) and stuff she doesn’t (Flops)!


Fifty Shades of Grey

I love “50 Shades of Grey!” Oh God, I’m not talking about the book or the awful movie. I’m talking about my coat, which is made up of 50 shades of grey or more! Nature is truly astounding to me. I came into this world as a pure black and white pup. Somehow I gracefully became many shades of gorgeous grey and absolutely love the coat I’m in. Not sure why so many peeps want to “wash their grey away.”

Feed the Dog

I love this simple gadget designed to remind our peeps to feed us. Why? Because they truly have to think about our well-being and think about US! There are no batteries, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or autoanything. After we’ve received our chow, they simply slide the button over showing “dinner has been served.” Or if you happen to have a bit of a forgetful parent…they will be reminded that they forgot to feed you. I think this a win/win for all & a real flip! (www.didyoufeedthedog.co)

Old-Fashioned Outdoor Fun

Ahhh…to be a dog on the Seacoast! How lucky are we with the endless fun right at our paws! Beach walks, hiking, swimming, camping with our peeps and all the fun festivals we’re welcome at. Not to mention strutting our stuff around all the cute towns and sniffing-out other fun dogs. We are truly blessed. The Seacoast is a total flip to me.


Bright, Primary Colors

I think most pups love the coat they’re in. Well, leave it to some crazy humans to change that by creating “PetPaint.” This spray paint for dogs comes in a variety of ridiculous colors (Poodle Pink, Pug Purple & Beagle Blue) and is touted as the DIY solution for creating costumes, decorating us for the holidays and even making us look like other species…stenciling us into tigers, zebras & more! If my Mom ever brought a can of that stuff near me, my shaggy grey bum would fly out the door so darn fast & I swear to Dog I’d never look back.

Water the Dog

I recently discovered K9 Water on the internet…flavored, vitamin-fortified bottled water for dogs. I think this is taking the “humanizing of pets” a bit too far! It comes in four flavors (chicken, beef, liver and lamb) and is named Toilet Water, Puddle Water, Hose Water & Gutter Water. Not only do I find the product names insulting, but when I drink water…I want it to taste like water, which tastes like nothing & is why it’s so good!

New-Age Outdoor Dumb

I’m not really into “contrived” fun; fun created by humans that they think we canines will like. I’m more of a dog that “chases the dog that chases the ball” type…basic dog fun. What I find really dumb are “bubble machines” for dogs. These gadgets blow out thousands of flavored bubbles (think bacon, etc.) for us to chase…without ever a chance of sinking our teeth into one! Talk about frustrating the hell out of us. I think a “bubble machine” could throw any dog into long time therapy…a real flop in my dog mind.