2 minute read
match.dog "HOW I MET MY TRUE LOVE"
love stories about real dogs + their humans
By Nancy Dewar – Publisher of Seacoast Bark
Flip-Flop came into my life 10 years ago as a 12-week-old puppy. Yup, a puppy; and I hadn’t had a puppy in 20 years. It’s a good thing our minds protect us! I had lost my special rescue Snazzy-Jazzy (a severely abused Portuguese Water Dog who had been a champion show dog) and my dear Polish Lowland Sheepdog, Emma-Louise. Suddenly, it was just me and Moose-Muffin; another beyondspecial rescue. For some crazy reason, I decided it was time to get a puppy.

Nancy, Flip-Flop & Moose-Muffin
Flip & Moose Snuggling
I’ve always had shaggy dogs, but never the same breed as I don’t want to try to replace any dog…just find another shaggy one to love. Somehow, I started looking into Bearded Collies and found an adorable little one online. I called my dear friend Nancy Massett. “I found the cutest little Beardie. But do I really want a puppy? Am I crazy?” Nancy said, “Let’s just go look!” Right. My parents always said, “You never just go look at a puppy!”
So, I didn’t just look. We came home with FlipFlop; one of the cutest puppies ever…and also one of the worst puppies ever! She was so BAD! She barked incessantly. It was awful. I think MooseMuffin, her new sister, hated it too. Moose would look at me with a “what the hell” exasperated expression. This precious little ball of fur was like a kangaroo. She could jump…and did jump….on most anything. The table next to my couch was a favorite perch. I’d come home and find her on the dining room table or on the kitchen counter. How could something so little jump so high?

Eventually she grew up and settled down. MooseMuffin, Flip-Flop and I established a great rhythm and a never-ending bond. Moose and Flip became best friends. Flip loved her big (little) sister, who definitely was the boss. We lost the Muffin girl seven years ago and Flip then became the top-dog. And a top-dog she is! She has wound her way into my heart in every way. We are an almost-always-together team. She understands almost everything I say (or so I think). She loves everyone and greets all with squeaks of love and lots of wags. When we’re out and about, I often hear, “Is that Flip-Flop?” They don’t know me but do know Flip!
What a gift this special, shaggy dog is in my life. I love the way she tilts her head when I talk to her. I love how she knows how to get me to do…what she wants to do! I love her generous spirit. I love how kind she is to everyone. I love her zest for life. I simply love this girl!
Flip-Flop at Her Special Place... Plaice Cove