3 minute read
I love my job

MEET JESS & SCOTT WILLIAMS Owners of Beyond The Leash & The Quirky Dog Podcast
When & why did you start your podcast?
We began our podcast The Quirky Dog in August 2019. We had recently started our online business Canine Healing and planned to use the podcast as a vessel to advertise our virtual offerings. We also wanted to use our voices to help people throughout the country, and potentially people all over the world, because after decades of working with pet dogs on both coasts of the UnitedStates, we wanted to share our unique approach tospread the love.
Overview of The Quirky Dog…
Our podcast has 150 episodes jam packed with valuable information and casual banter. We highlight all our favorite products in the industry and share endless tips to help you help your dogs. We talk about anxiety, aggression, potty training, loose leash walking, barking, running away, destructive chewing and the list goes on.
How does one start a podcast?
First and foremost, we podcast at Studio 21 Podcast Cafe in Salem, NH and couldn’t be happier with their services. We even filmed an episode with Nancy and Flip Flop from Seacoast Bark at this spot! Another way to get some guidance on how to begin is by booking a discovery call with Crackers in Soup,which is a local New England podcasting company. Ideally, to begin you have a logo, high quality audio equipment, expertise in your field, a wide knowledge of topics to discuss and commitment.
How to find people to feature?
been friends or colleagues of ours at some point. We have also invited valued clients from our in-person dog training business Beyond The Leash to discuss some extreme case studies, and we have interviewed various companies to help promote their products or services.
Biggest challenges?
The biggest challenge is catching up! We just launched our very own website for The Quirky Dog this year and getting each episode on the website and clips of each episode onto TikTok (@thequirkydogpodcast) and Instagram (@ thequirkydogpodcast) is no easy endeavor! However, once officially caught up, it will be a cake walk to only be responsible for one episode clip weekly.
Favorite part?
Hands down what we enjoy the most is getting our message out to the masses. Dogs don’t have to be as complicated as everyone makes them out to be! We want to offer a simple approach to dog owners from all walks of life that promotes enjoying your dog, keeping your dog healthy and having control over your dog. It truly is as simple as that.
Least favorite part?
Scott: My least favorite part is the time it takes to get each episode recorded. Driving back and forth to Salem, NH and recording an episode takes up most of my Wednesday, which makes it harder for me to be on the road seeing my in-person clients on those days. However, we have a great community at the podcast studio between the employees who work in the adjoining cigar shop and our awesome producer, Chrissy Cunningham, so I suppose it all evens out in the end. Jess: As opposed to the structure of many other podcasts, we record live each week. Therefore, everything we say isn’t always as well thought out as other podcasts that can edit their audio and video before releasing their episodes. But if I’m being completely honest, the off-the-cuff format sometimes provides the most memorable moments of comedy and sometimes even clarity, so I probably wouldn’t choose to switch to a more formal set up today.

Anything else?
At the end of the day, we want to empower you and your dog no matter what your situation currently looks like. A reasonable plan of action and a competent professional can provide great benefit to almost every dog and owner. And having someone in your corner who believes in you and your dog often has the greatest impact as it relates to a team’s success. We believe in each andevery one of our listeners, viewers and their awesome dogs! Listen to the Podcast: TheQuirkyDog.com Online Dog Training: CanineHealing.com