Substance Abuse Rehab – Giving You a Chance to Quit Drugs and Start a Healthy Life
Are you or someone close to you is addicted to drugs? Yes Do you feel that drug addiction is overrated and it is not a big deal? Yes Well, to answer your 2nd question the right way, it is indeed a big deal if you are addicted to drugs since you are not only putting yourself at risk, but also pushing away your family and friends. A rehab for substance abuse can help you or your close one to picture a life without drugs which is a lot more attractive. Do you know?
• 22.6 million United States citizens, aged 12 or older, have abused some sort of drug in the past month, which amounts to 8.7% of the population. • Illicit drug abuse costs have risen to an amount of $ 193 billion in the United States, making it the 2nd most pressing matter after alcohol addiction ($ 235 billion). Percentage of admissions in substance abuse rehab in America are in the following descending order:
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Alcohol (23%) Alcohol+Drugs (18%) Marijuana (17%) Heroin (14%) Cocaine (11%) Stimulants (6%) Opiates (5.75%) Other Drugs (4%)
• Reasons for not pursuing treatment can include: o Financial Issues o Confidentiality Factor o Treatment ‘Does Not Work’
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Anxiety/Fear Not Ready to Quit Yet Lack of Resources/Support Stereotyping/Stigma
At The Hills Rehab for substance abuse, your treatment is more important to us than bags of money. Drop by our facility and we can work out a plan. Visit
The Hills Treatment Center
8207 Mulholland Drive , Los Angeles, California Zip: 90046 USA PH: (800) 705-1909