Dental Disease in Dogs – Tried and Tested Ways to Prevent Them Normally, the condition of your pet’s mouth showcases his overall health. The dental health plays a significant role for the overall wellbeing. Therefore, every pet parent has to understand why they need to keep their pet’s teeth clean and free from tartar and plaque build up. In void of proper dental care, numerous diseases creep up, at times, leading to dangerous consequences. Let us figure out the major dental conditions that may occur in your pet if proper oral care is not taken of your furry pal.
Gingivitis Normally, inflammation of the gums is known as gingivitis which is accompanied with bleeding, bad breath, redness and swelling of the gums. Bacteria attack the gum at the edge of the teeth. Pus starts to develop in the mouth. The effects can be ward off successfully during the early stages of gingivitis if proper care is taken. Dental cleaning along with certain treatment and daily home care can effectively aid in treating this disease. Periodontitis Periodontitis is the second part when gingivitis is not treated. This is irreversible damage to the deeper structures that support the tooth – bone and periodontal ligaments. When this is ignored or left untreated, the teeth fall apart and tooth loss occurs. Advanced Periodontitis Severe gum recession, mobile teeth and severe pain are some of the symptoms that occur due to advanced periodontitis. Further deteriorating the condition, Oronasal fistulae may occur which is recognized as the holes between the mouth and nasal passages. Predominantly, bacteria and viruses spread via the blood stream to major organs developing into systemic disease including: kidney failure, heart disease, liver and lung infections. Prognosis and timely treatment aids to overcome this condition.
Neck and Tooth Lesions Especially in cats, the gradual development of cavities lead to tooth and neck lesions. When the sensitive parts of the tooth are exposed, the tooth become extremely painful and generally needs to be removed to control further damage. To control all these periodontal diseases, preventive measures has to be taken care of. Preventive Measures Tooth Brushing The best way to clean teeth is brushing the teeth. It not only aids in removing the accumulated food particles but also hinders the bacterial growth as well as formation of tartar and plaque. Using the best quality toothpaste is also essential to prevent dental diseases in dogs. Dental Treats Numerous treats are available that are highly useful in cleaning the teeth. These dental treats are specially designed with textures that help in easy cleaning of the teeth, eliminating the food particles and controlling bad odour. These special treats contain enzymes that help to keep mouth clean and healthy. They’re a digestible snack especially designed to lower plaque and tartar build up. Oral Rinse Clinically proven mouth cleansers such as Orovet oral rinse and other formulations are highly beneficial in controlling the bacterial growth, bad odour
and keeping the mouth fresh. It also helps in preventing dental diseases along with further controlling the plaque and tartar formation. Taking simple steps towards your pet’s oral hygiene can prevent a lot more turmoil of dental diseases. Optimal dental health leads to the overall health of your pet.
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