Hope by Amy Kistler from a project abou infertility Hope is a shape-shifter. She has many friends and many enemies, and sometimes these circles overlap. She lives high above the clouds in a weightless world filled with the smell of water lilies. Occasionally she soars down to earth to lift up her dearest friends in times of need. She whispers sweet inspiration into their ears with a light breeze, giving them the courage to face another day. Hope holds their hands, giving them a shoulder to cry on, and reassures them that everything will be alright in the end, and if it’s not alright, it’s not the end. Other times Hope has a devilish night life. She flutters along in her lofty home, looking down upon those who call on her. Always flying just out of their reach, she teases them in their dreams with reveries that will never be. She visits them frequently, but escapes just before comforting Closure arrives. Hope gambles with Sadness and Helplessness, and sometimes sells out in the last round. She drinks a glass of uncertainty before bedtime, and wakes up to a dose of doubt. In her best form, Hope sings sweet lullabies to tiny closed eyes. She rocks a child to sleep with a soothing swing, surrounded by her favorite companions, Love and Joy. Hope weaves light blue and yellow blankets with a touch as soft as the silkiest yarn, looking after the little one with watchful glances, promising to protect him no matter the cost. She recalls her alternate identities and regrets that she cannot remain in the nursery forever. But even when she leaves, her bittersweet scent lingers to remind us that she will always be just above us, no more than a rainbow or two away.
Dr. Nancy Mack Multigenre Research Projects: Multifaceted, Multipurpose Writing Assignments Teachers College Press