About templates
These templates are responsible for your website's layout and style when you log into it and are using Joomla's functional tools. These templates have the ability to make your online business run with efficiency and ease. They also ensure that your website approach remains systematic and organized. A final note on templates in general. Those willing to buy the software, take the time to learn it, and use a template should be aware that many templates are not "well coded." For the most part this may not effect or even matter to the template buyer. They will have a website and it will "work". Anyone who is also attempting to optimize their site for search engine placement, or who wants to make their site more efficient and use less code, should pay attention to the structure of the HTML files provided in the template. Many, though by no means all, templates, use a "tables" based layout that could be improved upon to make it more code efficient and make search engine optimization easier. As a matter of fact, web templates can really help you save up lots of money and time and best of all help you do professional work. Just imagine hiring a web designer to design your website. As most of you must be aware, a web designer can charge you anything between $50 to $200 for designing a single web-page! And then there is the time factor. Usually web-designers take a minimum of 10 -15 days to complete a website. Here's where web templates come to the rescue. Using a web template to create a website would cost you anything around $20 - $40 and that's not all; websites designed using web templates could be over within a day after editing and pasting graphics and will look professional too! So now it doesn't take an extraordinary mind to figure out which is more lucrative. Web page templates offer a number of solutions which can help both new and experienced web designers alike. For those who don't know, a web page template is a fully designed web page which contains blank elements that you fill in - such as title, content, etc. There was a time when web page templates were virtually non-existent, but once marketers began to see their potential, so did the demand from the public grow for them. These days you can find them everywhere, ranging from mere pennies to hundreds of dollars each.
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