Bold Living and Growth Expert You know how it is. A new year comes and with it, a surge of resolutions and goals. We mean well. We do. Perhaps for the first few weeks of January we find ourselves to be unusually productive: we purge old files, motivated to fill the space with new leads; we mark up day planners in different colored pens; we make all-important networking calls, the ones we managed to postpone for months; we sign up to attend professional development events and then studiously follow-up with new colleagues via email.
Motivational Speakers on Change - All week I wrestled with wanting to do more. Sure I crossed things off my list, but I could not muster the energy to tackle some of the bigger todo’s. There’s really no explanation but lack of energy. Such feelings peaked midweek; I would have preferred to nap and read in bed all day, but lucky for me I had a longscheduled therapy appointment.
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