1 CORPUS CHRISTI AFT FALL 2019 SURVEY Q1: How often do you go to work early, stay late, and/or take work home in an attempt to keep up with lessons, reports, grading, scanning, and other responsibilities?
Q2: How often do you feel overwhelmed by your current workload?
2 Q3: Please answer the following questions.
Are you required to bubble scan sheets for your students?
Are you required to scan all the bubble sheets onto a USB external drive?
Are you required to upload the scan sheet data to DMAC?
Does the IT person on your campus scan the bubble sheets for you?
Q4: On average, how many hours each day do you work beyond your regular work day? Please answer in hours. AVERAGE: 2.8 hours per day
3 Q5: How many hours do you work weekly? (Include the time you work from home and on the weekends.)
4 Q6: Please indicate the level by which you agree or disagree with the following statements.
I feel the district is providing adequate training for programs being rolled out through the school year.
I feel there are enough supplies and materials available to implement new programs.
I feel campus infrastructure supports the implementation of new programs /initiatives.
I feel the amount of testing required from the district is developmentally age appropriate for my students.
Q7: List two ways in which we can promote transparency and accountability from the district administration. Accountability… “Publically hold the district administration accountable” Safety/Discipline… “Keeping parents aware of what is occurring in the District. Many parents may not be aware that many teachers are dealing with severely disruptive students every single day and all day.” “Explain their plan to address discipline on campus in order to instruct and meet student needs” Admin Structure… “Quit hiring relatives. Tell us the truth. Let us be the professionals we are and teach the way we were taught instead of having someone dictate what we have to do who hasn’t been in the classroom in years.” “Detailed Job Description of the ITA. Our ITA provides no assistance and is more like the Principal’s errand runner.” “Clear chain of command for programs” “Get rid of the Superintendent” “Creation of new jobs of people downtown who are creating more work for teachers to justify their positions.” Budget… “I and most of the teachers I know who have been in the district believe that we are being robbed of resources. whether it be personnel or instructional material. We are just not really sure what is going on here but it's not right.” “They need to be aware of curriculum cost and online resources before purchasing” “List amount of $ each school is given” Communication… “Need to know-Common assessments are not concrete evidence” “Explain reasons for policy changes during the school year with documentation to show why it's immediately necessary” “Campus administration needs to share with the staff what it is that's expected not only from the teachers but from themselves as well.” “Open, respectful communication” “Explain rationales for initiatives and changes” “They need talk to each other, district departments, so that they can see how much time each is spending on lesson per day. It is impossible to roll out new curriculum, new technology, and so much of it and then tell us that it ALL needs to be implemented with fidelity.” “Give the same information to everyone” “Too many “heads of” and communication is a game of telephone - enough they need to communicate clearly and concisely” “Why does CCISD change in middle of year-for example-elar-for 2 6 weeks one way, oops let’s now change #15 to another way. Also, same with our writing. We had training at beginning of year to look at students writing. Below level, on level etc. Now we have to change it for a more measurable data??? Seriously??! Why wasn’t this decided before school year began????” Curriculum… “Have everything ready before the year starts. This is the second year in a row that they mandate the IG's then they start to realize that they are not what they need to be and poof we have to start doing something else.” “District admin need to see what transpires in the classroom and how much time these required assessments detract from age level appropriate learning” “Implementation of new programs can only be done In August during professional development days. Once school year begins
6 nothing ‘new’ until next window of opportunity. Set dates.” “We are so much into data, data, data...reports, reports, reports. Let us teach!” “My US History (11th grade) district benchmark tests do not accurately reflect the recent changes made to the TEKS this year as downtown has simply recycled the same test from previous years, perfectly demonstrating the district's believe in regards to proper STAAR preparation.” “They need to be accountable for their IGs being completely boring in Language Arts yet they blame us for students not being engaged” “Explain how bubbling/scanning each week is going to make me a better teacher!” “Allow teachers to pace scope and sequence based on the needs of their students” Morale/Teacher Voice… “teachers should be allowed to have more input in decisionmaking on new programs being implemented.” “Let teachers teach without all that testing and see that our kids can be successful” “Ensuring they make decisions based on teachers needs and input. Demanding a process that includes teachers say before things are finalized.” “treat teachers as team members and not like subordinates” “Why do we not let teachers teach instead of using intimidation/harassment to make sure they are following IGs to the "T"? They treat us like we do not know what we are doing.” “Watch over and question the amount of paperwork that teachers are given” Support/Resources… “They need to follow through providing the supplies needed for the programs that they want implemented” “Consistent and have Instructional guides available ahead of time, not the week before we have to turn them in to our admin” Testing… “the district needs to focus on the students learning and not just on test scored. This district does not allow teachers to teach creatively in class. nor do they allow time for reteaching students who are not doing well. The pacing guide here for instruction is absurd for students. There is not teaching to mastery.” “Inform the community of testing expectations and how scores from every campus are shared across the district” “Past scores should be considered before mandating inappropriate testing (district testing/new materials are not comparable to the rigor of staar)” Q8: Describe the ways a new administrator can work with experienced teachers for the benefit of students. Seek teacher input… Listen to teachers… Create meaningful relationships with staff… Ask questions, seek advice… Use surveys to get input… Be available… Be responsive… “Show up for the students, be there for the teachers. Administrators need to stop having favorites on campus. Lots of nepotism is happening in CCISD including letting administrators, teachers, and staff bring their own children to their school. The result is that they choose their favorite teachers to teach their kids, thereby, forming perfect classrooms (higher kids, no behavior) for that classroom, students and teacher. It's not fair to the other teachers who are working just as hard or harder” … “They can work with the teachers instead of against us. They can gather information on strategies and data that has been proven to be successful from teachers that have been in the classroom. Many times the principals quote "policy" and they expect teachers to take on all the responsibilities because it is part of our job duties. We need a new
7 superintendent who is trustworthy, honest and has a true picture of what we do as teachers.” … “LISTEN!!! Don't make campus changes on your own - listen to opinions and experiences. Don't be a dictator! Support teachers in classroom management. Don't reward student bad behavior!!!!!!!! Reward positive and good behavior ONLY! Stick to the rules of the campus. Be transparent and consistent. No favoritism of students. Hold students accountable for their chosen negative behavior!!!! Don't expect teachers to give students who are persistently absent (unexcused) make-up work so that they can pass. Don't expect teachers to make packets or projects to take the place of a six weeks grade from another campus. Be professional in your appearance.” … “Good leadership is a supportive role. If a new administrator is put into a leadership role over experienced teachers, they need to become an active listener and value the experience of those teachers. The new can bring new ideas to table but its important to remember that good leadership and teaching is a balance of experienced practice, theory, and continuing education. I would hope the new administrator would see their role as protector of those teachers and their experiences. Support, listen, encourage, and protect... Be an advocate for teachers. Reverse the current top down... Teachers advocate for children... Principals advocate for teachers... and so forth. I feel principals are more worried about keeping the people above them happy and not the people under their supervision. I feel the district has put this pressure on principals and APs because of testing. New administrators are worried about keeping their positions.” … “Be an Instructional leader! Encourage and support your teachers! We are leaving this profession at alarming rates. More consequences are needed for discipline problems!!!”
8 Q9: Please indicate the level by which you agree or disagree with the following statements. I feel that the district gives me enough time in the scope and sequence to adequately teach all the required skills.
I feel my students are thoroughly prepared for weekly tests in the allotted time given by the district on the scope and sequence.
I feel that the scripted lessons are appropriate for meeting the needs of all students.
I enjoy teaching with the new ELAR (English/Language Arts/Reading) adoption materials.
9 Q10: List two issues in your community that have the greatest impact on your students. Lack of parent support… Poverty… Economics… Lack of resources… Attendance… Home life… Food insecurity… Mental health… Severe behavior problems… Lack of appropriate parenting skills… Lacks of academic support at home… Mobility… Homelessness… Domestic Violence… Lack of parent supervision… Drugs… Technology… Lack of healthcare… Limited opportunities post-graduation… Q11: List two ways that you help students who need assistance outside of academics. Teach social skills… Teach life skills… Provide school supplies… Provide clothing… Provide materials… Provide after school/before tutoring… Food pantry in classroom… Listen to students… Mentor students… Provide safe and nurturing environment… Referral to community services (Communities in Schools, etc.)… Refer to counselors or nurse… Building relationships... Communicating with parents… Provide extra-curricular activities… Support students in their extra-curricular activities… Emotional support…
10 Q12: Please indicate the level by which you agree or disagree with the following statements.
I feel that input from educators and staff is valued by central administration.
I feel that input from educators and staff is valued by my campus principal.
I enjoy working at my campus.
I enjoy working for this school district.
I feel pressured to volunteer for events at my campus during my off time.
11 Q13: Rate your morale level at your campus on a scale of 1-5. (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) 3 Q14: Rate your morale level at this district on a scale of 1-5. (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) 2 Q15: Please indicate the level by which you agree or disagree with the following statements.
I feel empowered to advocate for my students.
I feel empowered to advocate for my colleagues.
I feel empowered to advocate for myself.
12 Q16: In what ways can CCAFT do more to advocate for your students? Focus on and Support Teachers/School Personnel… Fight back against curriculum… Fight back against testing… Excessive paperwork a massive issue… Q17: In what ways can CCAFT do more to advocate for you? Communication: “listen to teachers… make sure parents are hearing what is going on in our schools.” “Call the principal monthly and report complaints, and report successes.” Advocacy: “Speak out about our issues at the board meetings.” “Listen and act.” “Speak for us daily at the district level. Show them this survey. We usually do not speak up at meetings because everyone is afraid to say how they feel!” Central Administration: “Let downtown know that we know how to teach. We are the experts not downtown.” “Help change the districts leadership. We need leaders that value us!” Accountability: “Help hold districts accountable.” “Advocate for a balance of testing and creativity in the classroom to help make learning more enjoyable for teachers and students. Teaching use to be fun and now it’s all about testing, aggressive monitoring, non-negotiables, fidelity, one size fits all teaching.” Curriculum “Put pressure on the district regarding the new ELAR adoption. It’s lacking and not preparing our students for the STAAR.” Hostile Work Environment “Push the district to remove administrators that make certain schools a hostile work environment, like the principal at Travis ES, and the principal at the ECDC, the principal at Yeager, and the principal at Woodlawn ES, and the principal at Webb ES. Teachers talk. We know what happens on other campuses.” “Protect us from being bullied from an AP creating a hostile environment.” Student Discipline: “Make sure students who are violent, or assault teachers are removed from the classroom and are put in programs to learn how to better express themselves.” Knowing Rights: “I like to know my rights when I work at campus and after school events and/or certain training during the planning period.” Excessive Paperwork: “Help lessen the load of paperwork.” “Teachers are swamped by so much paperwork and to-do lists on top of having to follow scripted lesson plans making it increasingly difficult to each.” Visibility “Maybe more visits to the schools.” “Stay in the media.” “Please be more visible. If the community knew more about what was happening, they would not stand for it. Be in front of the cameras.” “Continue to visit campuses.”
13 Lack of Positive Reinforcement “I am tired of doing so much and the best that I can and all of that going unnoticed. Everything said to us or marked on our walkthroughs are negative comments. A positive word goes a long way. We are literally abused teachers.” Testing “less testing, not being forced with staying in a certain schedule to follow the scope and sequence.” Improve Pay “Fight to provide adequate pay for those who have doctoral degrees (currently no stipend), fair pay for all the additional work teachers and administrators must perform beyond the school day.” “Higher Pay” Time “The job requirements are ridiculously insane in the things that must get done but could not possibly get accomplished throughout the day due to constant discipline issues being handled all day. No other work gets done therefore all that other very important stuff must get done on our own time.” Teacher Attrition “The turnaround at our school of teachers that have left since our current principal has taken her position is incredible, I have roughly counted at least 25 teachers that have left in FOUR years under her leadership. Why is that going unnoticed? Something is obviously wrong. The interesting thing is that they actually believe WE are the problem but fail to s elf reflect for what it is…. Terrible leadership.” Special Education Advocate for special ed and deaf ed to have time with our general education grade level teachers in order for us to have more of a connection.” Q18: Is there anything else you would like to share with us? "I’m a veteran teacher who loves teaching, but this year I feel defeated questioning myself of how much longer I can do this. I have spent more hours working on my own time than what I spend with my own family on nights and weekends. Every time I turn around there’s one more thing to do, for example this SecondStep program that we have to learn on our own time and then find time to teach it - again no adequate training. I feel this district doesn’t value or respect us as teachers ....proven by the disgraceful stipend and petty raise. We are in the trenches with no support. I strongly feel that district admin is padding their pockets while we’re working for free meeting their expectations." “I feel like my job is so demanding and I feel so worthless and unappreciated at times from downtown admin. There is so much miscommunication. You’re told one thing and then told something else after you have spent time doing something one way. They find it so easy to change things so quickly without realizing that my time is very precious to me. I redo things often because of the lack of communication within CCISD. They need to get it together.”
14 “It is getting very frustrating that we also have to be used as substitutes and have to take in other teacher's students because no sub picked up the job. It becomes a safety issue along with not being able to teach with students that don't belong to you. Sometimes I have had over 30 students in my class. Some teachers have had over 40 students in a class.” “Is anyone really out there to help anymore? I am disillusioned with downtown saying we all have to do the same thing and this is the best way ( jigsaw) I would like downtown to come into a class teach on scope and sequence and use jigsaw. Downtown seems to think most of our students are going to learn through osmosis.” “CCISD throws too many things at us at once without giving us any training. Why do we have to change things every year. We get use to one thing and are professionals by the end of the year, and then they change it up again. Raise??? Why are we the only profession that people don't take us seriously? We work our butts off and work as hard as we can for our children and CCISD sees the results but still they don't recognize us monetarily.” “Teachers are overwhelmed, over worked and underpaid. Very disheartening to be in a career that shows no respect or appreciation for its employees. No respect from parents, admin, students and downtown! No support for disruptive students. Students who hit, spit and curse at the teacher. I am now looking into a new career path and it breaks my heart because I love teaching. It’s getting ridiculous with all the ADDED workload. Please help.” “I love teaching my students. But this district has taken the joy of teaching away from me. It is a hassle to come to school and teach. I feel like I have drowned and I am a failure. I have great support at my school. But not the time to accomplish what I need to accomplish. I am ready to leave teaching. But do to the fact that the district did not explain and help to get my years transferred to TEA from Tennessee, I still have a few years left to teach, to be able to retire. I can not afford to pay for my years now. Yet I am still thinking about retiring early and finding another job to work.” “I love my job. I am so disappointed in the way we are treated as if we are in a business model. We work with human beings who are extremely diverse and the one way of doing things does not work for all. Thank you.”