Graphic Designer Graphic Designer Based in Jakarta, Based inIndonesia Jakarta, Indonesia
Portfolio Portfolio
Nanda Nanda HadiHadi Gustian Gustian
| 20212021
Portfolio Summaries Portfolio Summaries 2021 2021
LPDP LPDP Branding Visual Branding 01Visual 2017-2021 2017-2021
LPDP Anniversary 9th Anniversary 029thLPDP Branding Branding 2021 2021
Studium Studium Generale LPDP 2020 LPDP 2020 03 Generale Branding Branding 2020 2020
LPDP Al-FitrEid 1441H Al-Fitr 1441H 04EidLPDP Of�icial Greeting Of�icial Content Greeting Content 2020 2020
Posyandu: IntegratedIntegrated Health Health 05 Posyandu: Facilities Facilities for Indonesian for Indonesian Society Society 2020 2020
Drêma Drêma Packaging Coffee Packaging Design Design 06 Coffee 2020 2020
International Airport ofAirport of 07 International Sultan Syarif Sultan Kasim Syarif II Rebranding Kasim II Rebranding 2016 2016
Rakata RakataPowered Ethanol Powered ITB ITB 08 Ethanol Team Proposal Team Proposal 2016 2016
Nanda Hadi Gustian Full-Time Graphic Designer who responsible for daily graphic design content for a medium-sized government institution. Work regularly on graphics, data visualization, branding, and social media materials. Developed 250+ graphic design projects (data visualizations, brand identity, infographics, social media contents) since 2017 that increased brand implementation by 20%.
SDN 001 Sukajadi
SMPN 4 Pekanbaru
SMAN Plus Riau
Institut Teknologi Bandung
IALF Jakarta
Participate in several drawing and painting competitions, some of which got awards.
Top ten in the acceleration class.
Complete the education with the boarding school concept and semi-military discipline.
Bachelor of Visual Communication Design.
Mentorship and Preparation of IELTS.
Movio Studio
Buku Sakti OSKM ITB 2015
Visious Studio Internship Graphic Designer
LPDP of the Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia
LPDP of the Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia
Secretary to President Director
Full-time Graphic Designer
Freelance Asset Illustrator
Chief Editor
Pasar Seni ITB 2014 (Art Market) Member of Publication Department
Kementerian PKPK KMITB 14/15 Head of Internal Branding Development
Personal Information Jl. Lestari Gg. Lestari IV No.2, Pekanbaru, Indonesia +62 818 0911 8462 LinkedIn: Nanda Hadi Gustian Instagram: @nhgstn Website:
Poligrabs Studio Freelance Graphic Designer
OJK Institute Member of Branding Development Team
Chairman of The Association
Cipta Amara Event Organizer
In the secretarial team, I served as data, presentation, and marketing tools preparation for management and President Director.
I was promoted to be a graphic designer and handled the needs of designs, branding, and marketing tools for LPDP services.
Freelance Graphic Designer
Brand Design Editorial Design Data Visualisation
Software Competency
Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Adobe Photoshop Adobe After Effect Ms. Powerpoint
Language Proficiency
Bahasa Indonesia Native English IELTS (Band Score: 6)
Table Of Contents
Curriculum Vitae of Nanda Hadi Gustian
Table of Contents
LPDP Visual Branding
LPDP 9th Anniversary Branding
Studium Generale LPDP 2020 Branding
Brand Design 2021
Brand Design 2020
Brand Design 2017-2021
LPDP Eid Al-Fitr 1441H Official Greeting Content
Posyandu: Integrated Health Facilities for Indonesian Society
Drêma Coffee Packaging Design
International Airport of Sultan Syarif Kasim II Rebranding
Rakata Ethanol Powered ITB Team Proposal
Content Design 2020
Brand Design 2020
Brand Design 2016
Editorial Design 2016
“Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead, other times it will be behind. But brand is simply a collective impression some have about a product.” -Elon Musk
Packaging Design 2020
Building a brand design is the same as building the consumers’ impressions towards the products presented. A good impression makes the consumers have consideration, and consideration creates a decision to use or subscribe so that the audiences’ conversion occurs.
The following portfolios are arranged in order to apply for the GKS 2021 scholarship for the postgraduate program in the Visual Communication Design Department at SNU. Through these portfolios, I hope it can be a reference for the examiners regarding my work results and my interests in specific design fields.
LPDP Visual Branding
Materials & technique
Brand Design Digital & Print Implementation
Brand Guideline (Custom Magazine Size) Stationary (Various Sizes) Workstation Ambience (Various Sizes)
Year 2017-2021
Gribig Darodjat Berliana Abidah O. Jamika Nasaputra
LPDP Visual Branding is a set of visual branding systems from the LPDP of the Ministry of the Finance Republic of Indonesia. With concept the growth and development of Indonesian Human Resource according to the needs of time with the visual identity that put the color and identity of Indonesian culture. This was one of my first design projects since I started working in LPDP. This project was started by former Graphic Designer of LPDP at that time, and I was in charge as Co-Designer.
This project was directly supervised by the Head of Information and General Technology Division and Staff or LPDP’s Marketing Division staff. LPDP has quite a wide range audience segment on its services, ranging from communities, stakeholders and the company partners. Thus, this visual branding identity is highly needed to reinforce the image set in such a way to be in line with the different communication styles of each audience.
As we know, Government Institution is not like a private company or creative business model that has good capability of branding. One of the biggest challenges is the arrangement of literature and archiving the design assets in a Government Institution. We tried to assessing the branding aspect, which the values and ideas are still appropriate and relevant with the existing service condition to be raised again in the new branding concept.
2.1 Ikhtisar Identitas Ikhtisar Identitas yang kami miliki adalah identitas yang kuat dan mudah untuk diingat, sehingga ketika kami mengomunikasikan pesan akan tersampaikan secara jelas serta penuh percaya diri. Ketika stakeholder ataupun konsumen mengontak kami, mereka tidak akan ragu lagi mengenai apa itu LPDP dan apa yang bisa ditawarkan lembaga ini kepada mereka. Artinya identitas kami harus merepresentasikan satu kesatuan utuh dan konsisten, namun juga seluruh identitasnya haruslah fleksibel agar dapat mencakup kedalam berbagai macam bentuk komunikasi dan aktivitas. Untuk melakukan hal tersebut kami menyusun serangkaian konfigurasi identitas yang praktikal sehingga anda dapat dengan mudah membangun materi komunikasi serta mambantu brand LPDP untuk tampil konsisten, senanda dan dapat dengan mudah diingat dalam kondisi apapun. Ikhtisar konfigurasi dapat dilihat pada penjelasan berikut.
This project was started around the middle of 2017. Until this time, the visual branding and the system are always being updated to support the quality and relevance level of the LPDP brand communication contents. At the end of 2020, we succeeded in creating LPDP brand guideline for the first time since this institution was established.
Buku Panduan Penggunaan Branding Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan.
abcdABCD1234 abcdABCD1234
Identitas Visual
Fotografi Konsep Konsep - Umum - Umum Motif Motif Songket Songket 2.5 Identitas 2.5 Identitas Visual Visual
Buku Buku Panduan Panduan Penggunaan Penggunaan Branding Branding Lembaga Lembaga Pengelola Pengelola Dana Dana Pendidikan. Pendidikan.
Konsep Konsep - Umum - Umum 20
Konfigurasi Konfigurasi Identitas Identitas Konsep Konsep Konsep Konsep -- Umum Umum -- Umum Umum
Motif Motif Songket Songket
Visual Visual
JenisJenis kain kain tenunan tenunan tradisional tradisional rumpun rumpun Melayu Melayu di di Indonesia. Indonesia. Songket Songket ditenun ditenun dengan dengan tangan tangan dengan dengan 2020 benang benang emasemas dan perak dan2020 perak dan pada dan pada umumnya umumnya dikenakan dikenakan padapada acara-acara acara-acara resmi. resmi. MotifMotif Songket Songket hadirhadir untuk untuk merepresentasikan merepresentasikan 5 nilai 5 nilai utama utama LPDP.LPDP.
Riak Riak Air Air
Keuletan Keuletan sang sang penenun penenun dalam dalam menyongket menyongket Riak air terjadi air terjadi karena karena adanya adanya JenisJenis kain kain tenunan tenunan tradisional tradisional rumpun rumpun Melayu Melayu di di Riak melambangkan melambangkan Integritas. Integritas. Keterampilan Keterampilan dalam dalam gejala alamalam yaitu yaitu perambatan perambatan Indonesia. Indonesia. Songket Songket ditenun ditenun dengan dengan tangan tangan dengan dengan gejala
G v
Dalam Dalam proses proses kreatif kreatif penyusunan penyusunan menenun menenun melambangkan melambangkan Struktur Struktur Rajutan Rajun Motif Motif Motif Motif Songket Songket Songket Songket gelombang. gelombang. Menurut Menurut kamiProfesional. kami ini Profesional. ini benang benang emasemas dan perak dan perak dan pada dan pada umumnya umumnya Benang Benang emasemas melambangkan melambangkan Sinergi. Sinergi. SangSang penenun penenu identitas identitas nilai nilai utama utama dalam dalam Keuletan Keuletan Keuletan sang sang sang penenun sang penenun penenun penenun dalam dalam dalam dalam menyongket menyongket menyongket menyongket pantas untuk untuk merepresentasikan merepresentasikan dikenakan dikenakan pada pada acara-acara acara-acara resmi. resmi. MotifMotif Songket Songket pantas Jenis Jenisdan Jenis kain Jenis kain kain tenunan kain tenunan tenunan tenunan tradisional tradisional tradisional tradisional rumpun rumpun rumpun rumpun Melayu Melayu Melayu Melayu di di di di Keuletan sendiri sendiri melambangkan melambangkan pelayanan. pelayanan. Sejarah Sejarah kain kain yangyanl dampak dampak dan ketahanan ketahanan layanan, layanan, melambangkan melambangkan melambangkan Integritas. Integritas. Integritas. Integritas. Keterampilan Keterampilan Keterampilan Keterampilan dalam dalam dalam dalam jangkauan jangkauan kebermanfaatan & kalangan kebermanfaatan k hadir hadir untuk untuk merepresentasikan merepresentasikan 5 nilai 5 nilai utama utama Indonesia. Indonesia. Indonesia. Indonesia. Songket Songket Songket Songket ditenun ditenun ditenun ditenun dengan dengan dengan dengan tangan tangan tangan tangan dengan dengan dengan denganmelambangkan dipakai dipakai oleh&oleh kalangan terpandangan terpandangan melambangkan melambangka kamikami melakukan melakukan beberapa beberapa proses proses menenun menenun menenun menenun melambangkan melambangkan melambangkan melambangkan Profesional. Profesional. Profesional. Profesional. Struktur Struktur Struktur Struktur Rajutan Rajutan Rajutan Rajutan pendidikan pendidikan dan teknologi dan teknologi di di m Motif Motif Songket Songket LPDP.LPDP. Riak Riak Air Air benang benang benang benang emas emas emas emas dan dandasar, perak dan perak dandasar, perak perak dan danpada dan pada danpada pada umumnya umumnya umumnya umumnya kesempurnaan kesempurnaan diantaranya diantaranya stilasi stilasi bentuk bentuk Benang Benang Benang Benang emas emasemas emas melambangkan melambangkan melambangkan melambangkan Sinergi. Sinergi. Sinergi. Sinergi. Sang SangSang Sang penenun penenun penenun penenun tengah tengah masyarakat. masyarakat. Selaras Selaras k dikenakan dikenakan dikenakan dikenakan pada padapada pada acara-acara acara-acara acara-acara resmi. resmi. resmi. resmi. Motif MotifMotif Motif Songket Songket Songket Songket sendiri kemudian kemudian pengomposisian pengomposisian danacara-acara dan sendiri sendiri sendiri melambangkan melambangkan melambangkan melambangkan pelayanan. pelayanan. pelayanan. pelayanan. Sejarah Sejarah Sejarah Sejarah kain kainkain yang kain yangyang yang dengan dengan produk produk LPDPLPDP yaituyaitu ( hadir hadir hadir hadir untuk untuk untuk untuk merepresentasikan merepresentasikan merepresentasikan merepresentasikan 55nilai nilai 55nilai utama nilai utama utama utama yang yang terakhir terakhir dilanjutkan dilanjutkan pada pada dipakai dipakai dipakai dipakai oleh oleholeh kalangan oleh kalangan kalangan kalangan terpandangan terpandangan terpandangan terpandangan melambangkan melambangkan melambangkan melambangkan beasiswa beasiswa pendidikan pendidikan dan dan p LPDP. LPDP. LPDP. LPDP. kesempurnaan kesempurnaan kesempurnaan kesempurnaan penempatan penempatan warna. warna. Berikut Berikut proses proses Riak Riak Air Air Gelombang Gelombang Laut Laut pendanaan pendanaan riset.riset. kreatifnya; kreatifnya;
Riak Riak air terjadi air terjadi karena karena adanya adanya gejala gejala alamalam yaituyaitu perambatan perambatan
Riak Riak Riak Riak Air AirAir Air Riak RiakRiak air Riak airterjadi terjadi air airterjadi terjadi karena karena karena karena adanya adanya adanya adanya gejala gejala gejala gejala alam alamalam alam yaitu yaituyaitu yaitu perambatan perambatan perambatan perambatan gelombang. gelombang. gelombang. gelombang. Menurut Menurut Menurut Menurut kami kamikami kami ini ini ini ini pantas pantas pantas pantas untuk untuk untuk untuk merepresentasikan merepresentasikan merepresentasikan merepresentasikan jangkauan jangkauan jangkauan jangkauan &&kebermanfaatan kebermanfaatan &&kebermanfaatan kebermanfaatan pendidikan pendidikan pendidikan pendidikan dan danteknologi dan teknologi danteknologi teknologi di di di di Gelombang Gelombang tengah tengah tengah tengah masyarakat. masyarakat. masyarakat. masyarakat. Selaras Selaras Selaras Selaras dengan dengan dengan dengan produk produk produk produk LPDP LPDP LPDP LPDP yaitu yaituyaitu yaitu beasiswa beasiswa beasiswa beasiswa pendidikan pendidikan pendidikan pendidikan dan dan dan dan pendanaan pendanaan pendanaan pendanaan riset. riset.riset. riset.
Gelombang Gelombang Gelombang Gelombang Laut Laut Laut Laut gelombang. gelombang. Menurut Menurut kami kami ini ini
pantas pantas untuk untuk merepresentasikan merepresentasikan Gelombang Gelombang Gelombang Gelombang laut laut merupakan laut merupakan laut merupakan merupakan jangkauan jangkauan & kebermanfaatan & kebermanfaatan visualisasi visualisasi visualisasi visualisasi Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia sebagai sebagai sebagai sebagai pendidikan pendidikan dan teknologi dan teknologi di di negara negara negara negara maritim. maritim. maritim. maritim. Gelombang Gelombang Gelombang Gelombang tengah tengah masyarakat. masyarakat. Selaras Selaras laut laut laut sendiri laut sendiri sendiri sendiri menurut menurut menurut menurut dengan dengan produk produk LPDP LPDP yaituyaitu kebudayaan kebudayaan kebudayaan kebudayaan jepang jepang jepang jepang beasiswa beasiswa pendidikan pendidikan dan dan merupakan merupakan merupakan merupakan ekspresi ekspresi ekspresi ekspresi Mosaik Mosaik pendanaan pendanaan riset. riset. kekuatan kekuatan kekuatan kekuatan dan dan ketahanan dan ketahanan dan ketahanan ketahanan (representasi (representasi (representasi (representasi dari darilayanan dari layanan darilayanan layanan pengembangan pengembangan pengembangan pengembangan dana), dana), dana), dana),
Warna Warna Komposisi Komposisi
Gelombang Gelombang laut merupakan laut merupakan visualisasi visualisasi Indonesia Indonesia sebagai sebagai Mosaik Mosaik Mosaik Mosaik negara negara maritim. maritim. Gelombang Gelombang laut laut sendiri sendiri menurut menurut Merupakan Merupakan Merupakan Merupakan visualisasi visualisasi visualisasi visualisasi kebudayaan kebudayaan jepang jepang Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia sebagai sebagai sebagai sebagai negara negara negara negara merupakan merupakan ekspresi ekspresi kepulauan kepulauan kepulauan kepulauan yang yang yang yang membentuk membentuk membentuk membentuk kekuatan kekuatan danSedangkan ketahanan danSedangkan ketahanan archipelago. archipelago. archipelago. archipelago. Sedangkan Sedangkan (representasi (representasi dari layanan dari layanan mosaik mosaik mosaik mosaik mengekspresikan mengekspresikan mengekspresikan mengekspresikan pengembangan pengembangan dana), dana), keberagaman. keberagaman. keberagaman. keberagaman.
LPDP 9th Anniversary Branding
Video file attached to the usb: _portfolio_02_LPDP 9th Anniversary
Materials & technique Brand Design Digital Implementation
Visual Branding Asset (Custom Size) Publication (Web Optimized) Video Bumper (~40 sec.)
Year 2021
Internal Committees of LPDP Petra Legato (Motion Designer)
The anniversary of LPDP is the annual agenda of our office to commemorate the establishment of LPDP. In the 9th year, LPDP used the theme of service operations which still exist in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. Not only about that, but also be able to give a great benefit for Indonesian society with the tagline “Terus Bergerak, Memberi Dampak (Keep Moving, Make an Impact).”
I was entrusted to lead the creative team again, which was my 3rd year in LPDP. Therefore, my team and I tried to bring many innovations, especially in visual aspects and event details. We brought the concepts inspired by colors and philosophy of the evening, in which the concept wanted to be delivered to the audiences was about the maturity of LPDP services and institutions in the 9th year.
This event was held in early 2021, on the date and month the LPDP was established. As usual in starting every event, we started by brainstorming to formulate the event concepts, technical, theme, and event branding. After that, it was continued by execution. In the creative team, we prepared quite a lot of designs, including; live stream display assets, visual stage, ambience, and video bumper.
The concepts were supported by the visualization of vibrant color representing the evening and the analog illustration assets that seem to be directly illustrated by the illustrator’s hand. The video bumper for this event was quite different because we were assisted by a professional motion graphic designer in its execution so that the quality of video output could be maintained, and the rest we prepared independently.
Studium Generale LPDP 2020 Branding
Video file attached to the usb: _portfolio_03_Studium Generale LPDP 2020
Materials & technique Brand Design Digital Implementation
Visual Branding Asset (Custom Size) Live Stream Asset (Various Sizes) Video Bumper (~30 sec.)
Year 2020
The Committees of Studium Generale 2020 Jemari Studio (3rd Party)
Studium Generale LPDP 2020 is the LPDP public seminar/ talk show event to commemorate the Indonesian Youth Pledge Day. This event was guested by several strategic Ministries and the President Republic of Indonesia. It was also attended by approximately 1600 LPDP alumnus/awardees/researchers, public officials, and the general public.
With the creative team, we got a brief to arrange branding and event ambience by the theme of exclusive and nationalism. The overall event was organized by internal committees assisted by the third party, Jemari Studio as the operational Event Organizer. I took part as the head of the creative division and graphic designer at the same time.
Studium Generale 2020 became crucial for LPDP because besides coinciding with the momentum of commemorating the national youth movement, this event was guested by several strategic Ministries and the President Republic of Indonesia. It became a note for the team to create a well-design ambience so that this event became worthy of being attended by the important guests.
The event itself was held in Q4 2020 with the preparation process of approximately 1 month. One of the most fun yet challenging thing in this project was when we tried to adapt in new media design. There were many new and interesting things that we did and learned, such as designing a virtual stage, preparing live streams visual assets, also creating proper bumper video.
LPDP Eid Al-Fitr 1441H Official Greeting Content
Video file attached to the usb: _portfolio_04_LPDP Eid Al-Fitr 1441H Content.mp4
Materials & technique Illustration Stop Motion
Social Media Optimized Size (2000x2000 px)
Year 2020
Shanti Sukmawati Berliana Abidah O.
LPDP Official Greeting is a form of the official greeting from LPDP on every important day and holiday in Indonesia. This time, I was collaborated with Marketing Division lead by Mrs. Berliana Abidah to create a greeting for Eid Al-Fitr 1441H, a big day for Indonesian Muslims. We brought a fresh concept which this time was in the form of visual narrative motion graphic, the main story told about LPDP scholarship awardees abroad who could not come to Indonesia because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
She prepared her own Eid Al-Fitr by making lunch and sharing it for doctors and paramedics there. The visual was presented with a warm and humble tone with the signature color palette of LPDP. The narrative was built from a mother’s monolog conversation to her children through a telephone about her messages during Eid Al-Fitr for always grateful and share even in difficult conditions. In this project, I was an illustrator and motion graphic designer,
while the concept and story were arranged by Marketing Division LPDP and its supervisions. Eid Al-Fitr greeting from LPDP was a crucial thing in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, we used it to provide content with a deep message that can touch the audiences’ hearts. The motion design concept itself was also my experimental design project to test the motion graphic platform in the LPDP publication content.
As a result, we received positive feedback from audiences and stakeholders. Besides the narration presented quite touching, audiences really enjoyed our visual presentation, which could be seen by the increase in the percentage of our social media engagement during the Eid Al-Fitr last year. This motion graphic took approximately 2 weeks for production time until the publication date and was done through May 2020 before the day of Eid Al-Fitr 1441H in Indonesia.
Posyandu: Integrated Health Facilities for Indonesian Society
Materials & technique
Brand Design Digital & Print Implementation
Logo (Various Sizes) Stationary (Various Sizes) Sign Banner (Optimized Size) Uniform (Optimized Size)
Year 2020
Rebranding Posyandu: Integrated Health Post for Indonesian Society (Curated Finalist)
Rebranding Posyandu: Integrated Health Post for Indonesian Society is my submission to the competition with the same title. This competition was organized by Hellomotion in collaboration with the Agency and Several Strategic Ministries of Indonesia. In this rebranding proposal, I tried to use the common theme of building family quality. The idea was from a creative competition brief that used the topic of expanding services and the audience segment of Posyandu,
which initially focused on mothers and children to be a broader target, including all family members. The logo tried to visualize the efforts for work hand in hand with family members and the community in forming a large tree as the representation of solid services. The visualization of people on the logo was adapted from the iconic mascot of National Immunization Week in 1995, which portrays Indonesian two children (girl and boy) at that time. My rebranding design proposal was included as the curated finalist
and was displayed on Online Exhibition last November 2020 with the title of Posyandu - Together Build Family Quality. Starting from the collection of aspects and branding values that were still worthy of being used, one of which was the iconic mascot of Posyandu 1995. After that, I formulated a more comprehensive creative brief for my proposal. After the materials were collected, I tried to make a mood board, which is relevant with today’s service branding.
Continuing to the execution process stage, I tried to design the logo, created the derivative of the logo’s identity, and closed by preparing the implementation of stationary and marketing tools. However, it was unfortunate because I was not lucky during the selection of main finalists by the Ministry partner. One of the highlights of this proposal competition was that it was my first national scale branding competition. Being the curated finalist is my own pride.
Drêma Coffee Packaging Design
Materials & technique Packaging Design Visual Exploration
250ml 500ml 1L (bottle packaging optimized)
Year 2020
Drêma Coffee
Drema Coffee Packaging Design was a project in designing the brand new packaging of Drema Coffee, a local coffee brand owned by my office colleague. Drema has planned to launch its new coffee packaging in early 2021. Mr. Aldi, my office colleague, was quite impressed with my design portfolios and informed his team to ask me to collaborate on their new packaging. I agreed to that, and they approved my redesign proposal.
The latest Drema packaging design was inspired by adolescents’ lifestyle in productive age in Jakarta, with vibrant, festive, and quirky tones, which represented the market segment of Drema Coffee that is in demand by the young employees in a big city. This packaging was quite important for Drema Coffe because Drema was targeting an increase of sales in 2021 with one of their strategies,
which focused on being the main coffee supply for employees when working or overtime. For me, it was a challenge to explore deeper in how to choose the appropriate approach in visualizing the concepts, and it was my latest packaging design work since vacuum in the past few years. Packaging consists of several types of sizes to make the consumers easier to choose and adjust their needs in enjoying the coffee.
Packaging 250ml was for a single drink while 500ml-1L for coffee which can last several days in the refrigerator. The packaging design was made at the end of 2020 and finished production in early 2021 before soft-launching their new packaging.
International Airport of Sultan Syarif Kasim II Rebranding
Video file attached to the usb: _portfolio_07_International Airport of Sultan Syarif Kasim II
Materials & technique
Brand Design Digital & Print Implementation
Brand Guideline (Custom Magazine Size) Sign system (Various Sizes) Marketing Tools (Various Media)
Year 2016
Dodi Achmad, M. Si
Rebranding the International Airport of Sultan Syarif Kasim II is my final project when studying at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). This project was inspired by the renovation of an airport in my hometown, Pekanbaru, but it was not counterbalanced by the visual branding and ambience improvement of the airport. It used the theme of “festive” in accordance with a festive illustration of Malay culture and the touch of visual identity, color, and shape, which was directly adapted from the local cultural identity.
This rebranding project was directly supervised by my advisor, Mr. Dodi Achmad. He is known as one of the lecturers in my department with expertise in branding and sign system. Meanwhile, the execution was directly performed by me and assisted by my colleague from the interior design program for the sign system mapping. It was my design project with the theme of culture as a whole. Besides that, the culture used was the original culture of my hometown, so at least I understood well the culture and values contained.
This project was occurred from the middle of 2016 to testing in 2017, right before I had the graduation ceremony. Initially, for my final project of undergraduate study, I submitted several themes and topics, and rebranding the airport was the one chosen by Mr. Dodi Achmad because it had more potential and the cultural value carried became the additional values. After that, I was directed to collect the field data in the Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport, map the issues, capture the visitors’ experiences to explore the existing value of the airport brand.
After data were collected, it was continued by determining problems and the arrangement of design concepts, then the creative process and the execution of ideas. In the middle of 2017, I completed all processes in preparing the rebranding proposal and was ready to be examined by lecturer panelists for the final project. I successfully got an A score for my final project.
Rakata Ethanol Powered ITB Team Proposal
Materials & technique Print Implementation Editorial Design
A4 Magazine Optimized (210x297mm)
Year 2016
Creative Division, Finance Division of Rakata Ethanol Powered ITB
Rakata Ethanol Powered ITB Team Proposal is the design project that I worked on when I joined the ITB electric car racing team in 2015-2016. Rakata Ethanol was regularly invited to participate in regional to international electric car competitions. Before starting the competition, we usually have to find sponsors from major Indonesian companies. This time, the proposal team was aimed to prepare us before participating in the electric car competition of Shell Eco-Marathon Asia 2016 in Manila, Philippines.
The design concept of the proposal team was inspired by the story behind the Rakata brand, which inspired by thy history and cultural values of Krakatau mountain in Indonesia, then visualized in the form of antique carving/relics on the cover. Meanwhile, for the editorial layout, the application of the minimalist and clean concepts represented renewable energy as future energy.
Content from the proposal team included the team structure, Rakata achievements, vehicle specifications, sponsorship packages, and editorial that discussed why Rakata deserves to be funded by the companies concerning in renewable energy field. Here, I was an art director and graphic designer at the same time. Meanwhile, my colleague, Mr. Kurniawan Aji, the Head of Finance
Division in Rakata, had a role in print production and distribution. The proposal team this year was very crucial for us because 2016 was the year we were back in the international competition after a vacuum period. It was also a challenge for me to create a fresh and relevant appearance so that the major companies were interested in financing our team.
“Brand is just a“Brand perception, is justand a perception, perceptionand willperception match reality will match reality over time. Sometimes over time. it will Sometimes be ahead, it other will betimes ahead, it will other betimes it will be behind. But brand behind. is simply But brand a collective is simply impression a collective some impression have some have about a product.” about a product.” -Elon Musk
-Elon Musk
Nanda Hadi Nanda Gustian Hadi Gustian |
2021 Graphic Designer Graphic Designer Based in Jakarta, Indonesia Based in Jakarta, Indonesia