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OpportuniƟ es announcements
from NANO News 10
OCB Summer Science Workshop Woods Hole, USA 25 – 28 July 2016
Plenary sessions on Export Processes in the Ocean from remote sensing, biology of carbon export, southern ocean carbon, biogeochemical processes in the Indian Ocean, Marine ecosystem thresholds and regime shiŌ s, Workshops and poster session. Deadline 15 June 2016 Contact: mzawoysky@whoi.edu hƩ p://web.whoi.edu/ocb-workshop/
InternaƟ onal Conference on the Marine Environment of the Red Sea Thuwal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 14 – 16 November 2016
The aim of this conference is to share knowledge, sƟ mulate debate, encourage new thinking, and develop a regional Red Sea research map that generates new networks and partnerships going forward.
Deadline 15 May 2016
Contact: icmers2016@kaust.edu.sa hƩ ps://icmers2016.kaust.edu.sa/home
InternaƟ onal Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project 2016 Science Conference Breckenridge, USA 26 – 30 September 2016
This conference will highlight cuƫ ng edge scienƟfi c research on atmospheric chemistry, foster internaƟ onal collaboraƟ ons to address the most pressing global change and sustainability issues through scienƟfi c research, engage early career scienƟ st to culƟ vate the next generaƟ on of internaƟ onal researchers, highlight scienƟ sts and scienƟfi c research from developing and emerging economies and promote networking between scienƟ sts, policy makers and industry leaders. Deadline 1 September 2016 Contact: igac2016@igacproject.org hƩ p://www.igac2016.org/
17th InternaƟ onal Conference on Harmful Algae Florianópolis, Brazil 9 - 14 October 2016
InternaƟ onal Conference on Harmful Algae (ICHA) is carried out every two years to address the new problems faced by the HAB community, and the advances in research and management needed to tackle them. The ICHA is sponsored by InternaƟ onal Society for the Study of Harmful Algae (ISSHA) which was founded in 1997, in response to a request from the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO for an internaƟ onal program on harmful algae. Since then, ISSHA has promoted several acƟ viƟ es to foster research, scienƟfi c development and capacity building on the subject. Deadline 3 June 2016 Contact: contact@icha2016.com hƩ p://icha2016.com/
Colour and Light in the Ocean from Earth ObservaƟ on FrascaƟ , Italy 6 – 8 Septeber 2016
Workshop organized by the European Space Agency, in the context of the ScienƟfi c ExploitaƟ on of OperaƟ onal Missions (SEOM) programme element, and the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML).
Deadline 15 June 2016 Contact: envmail@esa.int hƩ p://congrexprojects.com/2016-events/Cleo/home
For more opportuniƟes in Ocean Sciences visit hƩ p://www.nf-pogo-alumni.org/OpportuniƟ es

For more news in Ocean Sciences visit hƩp://www.nf-pogo-alumni.org/Ocean+news