1 minute read
Jitraporn Phaksopa
from NANO News 11
Outreach acƟ viƟ es
Jitraporn Phaksopa
Department of Marine Science, Kasetsart University, Thailand Alumnus profi le: hƩ p://nf-pogo-alumni.org/profi le/jphakso/

ExhibiƟ on of “POGO-NANO” and “Coral Bleaching”
An outreach program was conducted during the 5 th Marine Science Conference at Bangkok, Thailand that took place on June 1-3, 2016. At this conference, there were about 900 parƟ cipants who are working on marine science including researchers, professors, and students from various universiƟ es, and insƟ tutes in Thailand. There were two main acƟ viƟ es including poster exhibits and a 3D-model of “Coral Bleaching” display. For the fi rst part, four posters were presented. The posters were aimed to announce the informaƟ on, missions, and acƟ viƟ es of POGO and the NANO. Moreover, we promoted 7 NANO members in Thailand, the South-East Asia regional projects on the eutrophicaƟ on and next coming acƟ vity in the region “DelŌ 3D-FLOW IntroducƟ on Workshop” held later in August 2016. AddiƟ onally, we established the small 3D-model of “Coral Bleaching” display because some areas are being seriously aff ected by coral bleaching. This acƟ vity gave some scienƟfi c informaƟ on on coral bleaching such as what is the main cause of coral bleaching and the eff ect of coral bleaching on marine ecosystem. To be more aƩ racƟ ve, we also prepared Q&A game with small giŌ s for those who visited our booth.

AcƟ viƟ es in “POGO NANO” exhibiƟ on during the 5 th Marine Science Conference at Bangkok, Thailand.

NANO Outreach DisseminaƟ on of knowledge, raising public awareness of threats to the Ocean and spreading good habits regarding marine environmental protecƟ on should be part of the job of every Ocean scienƟ st. More at hƩ p://nf-pogo-alumni.org/outreach/