2 minute read
From the Editorial Board
from NANO News 20
Welcome to the 10�� Anniversary “NANO News”
I am very pleased and honoured to be the Editor-in-Chief of this very special issue of “NANO News” –the 10�� anniversary of NANO and the 20�� volume of its newsle�er. As an NF-POGO alumna as well as the editor–in-chief of the inaugural and 2ⁿ� volumes, I am delighted about the progress that “NANO News” has been achieving during the last 10 years. Dissemina�on of research findings and outreach ac�vi�es wri�en in a simple, free, and easy to read manner was one of the main goals of NANO. The newsle�er also paves the way to follow how early members are progressing in their careers and how new alumni engage with the vast ocean in their research ac�vi�es. The newsle�er mo�vates all members to keep the communica�on alive. Reading about important and high impact research ac�vi�es of enthusias�c young alumni makes all of us very proud and happy.
I cannot write this editorial without remembering and paying our tribute to one of our greatest strengths behind the crea�on of this newsle�er, late Prof. Trevor Pla�, whose la�er part of life was dedicated to capacity building, networking and mentoring. We dedicate this 20�� issue of NANO newsle�er to his never-fading memory of Prof. Trevor Pla�, for all the great things he has done to recognize ocean scien�sts around the world and for his friendly smile, down to earth personality and overwhelming kindness extended to all. Concurrently, the editorial board extends its hear�elt gra�tude to the patrons Dr. Shubha Sathyendranath (former POGO Execu�ve Director) and Dr. Sophie Seeyave (Chief Execu�ve Officer of POGO) for their unwavering and con�nuing support through the years and also to the Nippon Founda�on and POGO for all the financial and administra�ve support. The beau�ful and crea�ve layouts of the NANO News have been designed by Lilian Krug from its incep�on and her con�nued efforts are deeply appreciated.
We convey our warmest apprecia�on to our NANO family members who contributed to this special volume. In par�cular, we thank early alumni, mentors, and NANO friends, who sent brief accounts of how NF-POGO programmes, ac�vi�es and events have enriched and shaped their personal and professional lives over the years. The Editorial Board wishes “NANO News” a bright, successful and enduring future, passing through many more milestones.
With very best wishes to the NANO Family!
K�n��� Y�p� Editor-in-chief
NANO was founded by:
Shubha Sathyendranath and Trevor Pla� - Former Execu�ve Directors of POGO Sophie Seeyave - Chief Execu�ve Officer of POGO
NANO and NANO News are supported by:
Partnership for Observa�on of the Global Ocean (POGO) The Nippon Founda�on (NF) Editorial Board: Kanthi Yapa, Carolina Camargo, Rodrigo H. Moresino, Yohan Louis, Lilian Krug and Fiona Beckman.