2 minute read
From the Editorial Board
from NANO News 21
Our ocean is now, more than ever, in the eyes of the general public. We have been encountering several challenges regarding the climate crisis and learning about how the ocean is crucial for our survival. This year, with the launch of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the new IPCC report, we have become even more aware that marine science needs to be further encouraged, financed and developed, and that marine scien�sts need support through the journey of working, communica�ng, advoca�ng and learning, especially under this pandemic. We are reaching places we had never before and we hope to proceed even further.
In this issue of the NANO News, I would like to invite you on a journey of reflec�on. We present here numerous impressive achievements from our alumni through the turbulent �mes we are living in, and we also express our gra�tude to those who are no longer in this journey but will always be an inspira�on for us. We acknowledge those working behind the scenes to provide us with high-quality training, and to support the several ac�vi�es developed by the NF-POGO programmes.
Here you will find the outcome of this year’s NF-POGO Centre of Excellence in Observa�onal Oceanography a�er 10 months of extensive training at the Alfred Wegener Ins�tute. This cohort was the first to experience a 100% hybrid framework and has taught us a lot about tools we can use in our favour and challenges imposed by COVID-19. As nothing in life can be achieved alone, here we feature a deligh�ul interview with Dr. Bärbel Wichmann and Dr. Eva-Maria Brodte about their excellent work delivering the CofE and suppor�ng the scholars in Helgoland and beyond.
We will also dive deep into the development of the NANO-DOAP global project and hear further from previous CofE scholars, Andréa Mesquita and Cá�a Ma�as, about how important this programme was and s�ll is for the career and personal growth of them and their colleagues.
Our members are definitely very grateful for their NF-POGO experiences but are also developing science, as we will see on the Research Communica�ons and the tes�monial from the Virtual Early Career Ocean Professional Day. We will con�nue by acknowledging the memories of NANO founder Prof. Trevor Pla�, with an ar�cle on the Founda�on under his name, and of NANO member Dr. Satya Prakash. Finally, we announce forthcoming scien�fic events, which can provide you with even more opportuni�es!
Calm seas don’t make good sailors, they say, but I would add that even in turbulent seas our marine scien�sts inevitably find an ocean of possibili�es.
Yours sincerely, F��n�nd� �I A���r� O�����r� Mato� Editor-in-chief
NANO was founded by:
Shubha Sathyendranath and Trevor Pla� - Former Execu�ve Directors of POGO Sophie Seeyave - Chief Execu�ve Officer of POGO
NANO and NANO News are supported by:
Partnership for Observa�on of the Global Ocean (POGO) The Nippon Founda�on (NF) Editorial Board: Fernanda DI Alzira Oliveira Matos, Wadanahaluge Nilanthi. C. Priyadarshani, Nguyen Thuy Dung, Yohan Didier Louis, Lilian Krug and Fiona Beckman. Contact us: --alumni.org NANO website: .--alumni.org Editorial design and layout: Lilian Krug