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Ha Nam Thang

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Tin Hoang Cong

Tin Hoang Cong

Memories of HABs training course in Bolinao, Philippines Ha Nam Thang

Faculty of Fisheries, Hue university of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam


Wikipage: hƩ p://www.nf-pogo-alumni.org/~Thang+Ha

Hello NF-POGO Alumni,

My name is Ha Nam Thang, a junior researcher from Vietnam. I currently work at Faculty of Fisheries, Hue University. We conduct research on fi sheries with parƟ cular focus on breeding, aquaculture, fi sh disease and water quality assessment. My previous work was about aquaculture, but recently have changed to GIS and remote sensing applicaƟ ons for aquaƟ c resources management. I would like to briefl y share with you some informaƟ on about my job.

My current research interests

GIS and remote sensing for aquaƟ c resources management and water quality assessment Ocean color remote sensing applicaƟ on for anomaly analysis in the coastal zones GIS and remote sensing applicaƟ ons for good pracƟ ce aquaculture in Vietnam Ocean color remote sensing in upwelling regions

ScienƟfi c achievements

You can refer them at: hƩ p://dearm.net/index.php/gvhnt

Extracurricular acƟ viƟ es

Environmental educaƟ on with Japanese student at the communes alongside Tam Giang Cau Hai lagoon Consultant for establishment program of marine protecƟ on area at Tam Giang Cau Hai lagoon Career orientaƟ on for students in the fi eld of aquaƟ c resources management

A biological conservaƟ on fi eld trip in Kenya

Team leader of GIS Remote sensing applicaƟ on for small projects of students


During my working Ɵ me, one of my favorite experience is to get acquainted with new friends. No maƩ er whether I work locally or in an internaƟ onal environment, I always learn a lot from them. Everybody has their own characterisƟ c in diff erent cultures that makes me more compaƟ ble and adaptable to new challenges. It has moƟ vated me to be friendly and have the desire to join in our NF-POGO research network in the world.

Professional goals

To receive a doctoral degree in the fi eld of fi sheries management (in general) To be an expert of GIS and underwater remote in the fi eld of fi sheries management Role of NANO (NF-POGO) in my career Establish and maintain research networks all over the world Support excellent laboratories for oceanographic and fi sheries research Support excellent training workshop in specifi c topics (including fi sheries researches) in the future Story/history of marine science studies in my country I think this topic is quite long to list here. Therefore, I wish to share to you later if I have any opportuniƟ es.

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