What Would Be the Best "Hello World" for Biosciences? Generating a Method for Biohacking

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What Would Be the Best "Hello World" for Biosciences? Generating a Method for Biohacking The first step that a beginner hacker or programmer takes towards a technical and logical deepening is to program the famous Hello World. It is a kind of computer pattern, so, the first step for future algorithms. And there is no computer programmer or hacker in the world who has not already created a Hello World, even just to test a new compiler or a new programming language. However, if there is this pattern, or rather, this START for hackers and computer programmers, then what would be the best model pattern or start for biohackers? Some method for beginners to have as a model in the field of biosciences.

Researcher and innovator engineer

Biosciences are not something popular yet, and there is a great barrier for ordinary people to work on issues like genetics. It seems absurd to think that common people could work with genetics, even as Hobby, as well as work with other classical sciences. The same was true about computing in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, but with the advancement of the microtechnology industry, especially microelectronics, devices such as hardware have had a reduction in world prices and scales. With this advancement in popularization and access to materials, we all know how the advance in computing took place, forming a breeding ground for hackers. What is questioned now is the possibility of this same fact with biosciences. A popularization and access to materials, devices and knowledge to further strengthen the incipient hacker movement. There are cheap KITs and materials for biohackers, it's are already being made available, although considered amateur by some specialists, but, which hacker did not begin as an amateur, and in a short time, it flouted the highest technologies. We cannot deny that it is already a beginning, and there is a huge field to be improved. However, the focus of this article is on the search for a method, not the materials now. In the case, the method for biohackers is connected in a Hello World for the biosciences, for a model or a START to the new biohackers. Something so simple, but that carries the maximum of concept. A method to become standard for biohackers, just like there is Hello World. This method is what we are looking for right now! Recalling, the concept of method is an organized set of procedure, technique, or means of doing something methodically and patronized according to a highly organized, logical, and systematic plan or process of research, instruction, investigation and presentation. As important now as the growth of the biohacker movement is the pursuit of this standard, this method. Something like performing a PCR polymerase chain reaction, or even extracting DNA from cells, and even more sophisticated devices like the connection or interfaces between biological platform and computing. In relation to hackers these are self-taught and referring to the concepts to work with biosciences there are no excuses. Because we have never had so much knowledge on an open and organized platform as today, one example is the Microsoft ™ Khan Academy ™ platform. In addition to so many other examples. In short words, anyone today can become a hacker, as well as, become a biohacker with a basic method. A method for biohacking - An agile method, a step by step,

IENN – INSTITUTE OF NANOSCIENCES with the basic introduction, as the famous Hello World in programming, in which it will result in a revolution HYPE for biosciences. What would be required for a hacker or novice programmer is summed up with a machine that is a computer, a compiler, and the concept of programming logic. The first step of every computer is started by the famous "Hello World". You can say that programming Hello World is the gateway to the hacker and programming world. It is a practice, a standard in this field. The question we are raising in biohacking. It is formalized by the question: What would be the best "Hello World" for biosciences? So far, biosciences have been stuck in academies and private laboratories, but with the advancement of knowledge and easy access to new gadgets and handmade equipment's and instruments, at reduced prices, it has become easy and cheap to purchase materials for bioscience work in a popular way. It is a revolution like the advance of computers in its popularization, generating hackers. At present, the new breakthrough hacker is in adding the classic sciences in their actions. Thus, appearing characters or agents named biohackers and even nanohackers. These will make use of biosciences to hack into the human genome, as well as generate innovation. No one can deny a sentence: what would current computing be without hacking a few decades ago? We can even say that we are in a dilemma nowadays. The traditional means of producing science are stagnant and slow. And this new agent the biohacker as you begin your global operation will bring HYPE gas and acceleration to innovative science and technological innovations. About the actual science, an interesting case is presented in the plateau effect concept - more details can be seen in the book of the same name. This concept refers to a kind of paralysis in the progress of knowledge and science, a psychological slowness and other factors. The concept is well exemplified to those who are learning a new language, but at a certain stage, progress suffers a slow and paralysed due to several factors. It is not very different in the progress of biosciences, and one of the reasons for this laziness, faced with so many variables is the high complexity. However, just as the hacker movement has oxygenated computing with many innovations, the biohacker movement, while there are pros and cons, will undoubtedly oxygenate biosciences and other conceptual sciences. This new action matrix will bring an icebreaker, a kind of HYPE acceleration in what is stagnant. There is much academic concept and little practical use now. There is no denying, there is a new complex matrix in the formation. The CRISPR and biohacker movement has even been a subject of Nature ™ journals in 2017. In fact, not only is the question of the best method to generate a START, for amateur biohackers, in this case, a suggestion would be in a popularization of the PCR method, remember PCR as Polymerase Chain Reaction, but this is one of the possibilities in front of so many others. Opening to new business with the biohacking movement is unprecedented. The possibility of outsourcing for analytical tests, the leasing of laboratories, the sale of KITs for biohackers, new means of testing and a plethora of collaboration and unlimited competition. It is practically a new world that is forming in biosciences, a matrix in complex formation. By: research Mr. Edilson Gomes de Lima Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9865606

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