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lectureS anD DebateS

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nanovic StaFF

nanovic StaFF

Among a wide range of sponsored and cosponsored lectures this year, the Institute hosted an especially lively debate on the future of the European Union, occasioned by the publication Europe United: Power Politics and the Making of the European Community (Cornell UP, 2011) by faculty fellow Sebastian Rosato. In an overflowing Hesburgh Center auditorium, Rosato debated the bearing of his book’s explanation of the EU project’s origins for the likely future of the European Union. In the absence of the USSR as a threat, could the EU project be sustained, or would European nations return to pursuing individual national interests and cause unification to fail? Visiting Italian Fulbright Professor Marina Calloni, from the European Commission and the University of Milan-Bicocca, argued that economic incentives, mobility in population, and cultural attitudes (especially among the young) will provide enough stability for at least some form of intergovernmental cooperation and organization to continue, if not in its present form. The presentations and rebuttals were followed by a lively question-andanswer session with students and faculty.

“This is what college is supposed to be!”


Jack YuSko, ‘14 Program in liberal StudieS

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