G9 all reporting standards

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Music Studies: Instrumental 音乐: 乐器

N.09.IM.2 -Anchor Standard #6: Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner appropriate to the audience and context. #6: 通过展示音乐作品表达思想感情 N.09.IM.4 - Anchor Standard #2: Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts. #2: 组合并且发展音乐理念和作品 N.09.IM.5 - Anchor Standard #7: Select and analyze musical work. #7: 感受和分析音乐作品

Music Studies: Choral 音乐: 合唱

N.09.MS.1 - Anchor Standard #2: Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts. #2: 组合并且发展音乐理念和作品 N.09.MS.2 - Anchor Standard #5: Develop and refine musical work for presentation. #5: 改进和完善音 乐作品进行展示 N.09.MS.3 -Anchor Standard #6: Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner appropriate to the audience and context. #6: 通过展示音乐作品表达思想感情 N.09.MS.4 - Anchor Standard #7: Select and analyze musical work. #7: 感受和分析音乐作品

Visual Studies 美术

N.09.ART.1 - Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. 生成与概念化艺术理念和艺术创作 N.09.ART.2 - Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. 组织与发展艺术理念和艺术创作 N.09.ART.3 - Refine and complete artistic work. 改善与完成艺术作品 N.09.ART.4 - Perceive and analyze artistic work. 理解与分析艺术作品 N.09.ART.5 - Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work. 解释艺术作品的创作意图与意义 N.09.ART.6 - Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art. 综合联系个人知 识与经历进行艺术创作 N.09.ART.7 -Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding. 综合联系个人知识与经历进行艺术创作

Chinese 语文

N.09.CHI.1 -R1 Demonstrate the ability to analyze the theme of the text 、writing background and the influence of the author on the literary works. R1 正确理解文本的主题思想、写作背景、作者对文本的影响。 N.09.CHI.2 -R6 Demonstrate the ability to develop critical thinking towards the text, connect personal life experiences and compare with other texts to discuss and develop independent ideas. R6 能够对文 本有批判性的思考,并联系自身生活经验及其它文本展开讨论,形成独立观点。 N.09.CHI.3 -W1 Demonstrate the ability to write with a clear viewpoint、rigorous logic and clear structure. W1 能够写出观点鲜明、逻辑严密、结构清晰的文章。 N.09.CHI.4 -W2 Demonstrate the ability to choose appropriate formats of writing to write using different writing styles. W2 能够使用恰当的文体格式进行写作,掌握不同文体的写作技巧。 N.09.CHI.5 -W3 Demonstrate the ability to choose source materials with credibility and accuracy, quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others, follow a standard format for citation to avoid plagiarism. W3 在写作中能恰当地选择可信准确的信息材料,使用标准引用格式以避免构成抄袭行为。 N.09.CHI.6 -SL2 Demonstrate the ability to refine and summarize the audio/visual matierals and give positive comment and feedback. SL2 能够对视听材料进行精炼概括并给与积极的反馈和点评。 N.09.CHI.7 -SL4 Demonstrate the ability to deliver an oral presentation with credible supporting materials in a well-organized, well-structured and evidence-sufficient way. SL4 口语讲演中能够采用有针 对性的支撑材料进行逻辑、结构清晰,理据充分的表达。 N.09.CHI.8 -SL5 Demonstrate the ability to develop independent and critical thinking to enrich the content of the presentations. SL5 口语讲演中能有自己独立和批判性的思考,在演示材料外有自己的引申 发挥。 N.09.CHI.9 -SL6 Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate body language to support the oral presentation. SL6 口语讲演中能使用合理的演示材料和恰当的身体语言进行辅助表达。 N.09.CHI.10 -L2 Demonstrate good command of standard Chinese language in writing and speaking. L2 在写作与口语表达中表现出对标准现代汉语的掌握。

HPE 体育

N.09.HPE.1 -Participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that encourage lifelong participation in physical activity. A1 定期积极参与各 种体育活动,并且鼓励其能理解终身参与体育活动的因素 N.09.HPE.2 -Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of being physically active, and apply physical fitness concepts and practices that contribute to healthy, active living. A2 证明对身体活动的重 要性的认识,并应用有助于健康,积极的生活强身健体的概念和做法 N.09.HPE.3 -Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities. A3 在参与体育运动中,学习自身安全和他人安全的责任 N.09.HPE.4 -Perform movement skills, demonstrating an understanding of the basic requirements of the skills and applying movement concepts as appropriate, as they engage in a variety of physical activities. B1 展示运动技能,展示技能的基本要求和理解和施加运动的概念在适当时,将它们应用在各种体 育活动中 N.09.HPE.5 -Apply movement strategies appropriately, demonstrating an understanding of the components of a variety of physical activities, in order to enhance their ability to participate successfully in those activities. B2 恰当地运用运动策略,展示对多种体育运动的组成部分的认识,增强其对这些运动的 能力,使其能够轻松的参与其中 N.09.HPE.6 - Demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development. C1 理解 有助于健康发展的因素 N.09.HPE.7 -Demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well-being. C2 示范健康知识 和生活技能,作出合理的决定和适当的行动,是与他们的个人身心健康是有关系的 N.09.HPE.8 -Demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect their own and others’ health and well-being. C3 示范涉及他们的身心健康的联系——例如他 们的习惯和选择是会影响到他们自己和其他人,即使他们周围的世界因素也会影响自己和他人的身心健康

Integrated Math 2 数学

N.09.MAT.1 - Create equations that describe numbers or relationships. A.CED 为数或关系式创建方程表 达式 N.09.MAT.2 - Represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically. A.REI 用图像表示方程和不等 式,并在图上求解 N.09.MAT.3 - Solve equations and inequalities in one variable. A.REI 解一元方程和不等式 N.09.MAT.4 - Analyze functions using different representations. F.IF 运用不同的表达式来分析函数 N.09.MAT.5 - Interpret functions that arise in applications in terms of the context. F.IF 根据实际问题解 释函数表达式的含义 N.09.MAT.6 - Understand the concept of a function and use function notation. F.IF.1 理解函数概念和使 用函数表达式 N.09.MAT.7 - Find arc lengths and areas of sectors of circles. G.C 计算圆的弧长和扇形面积 N.09.MAT.8 - Understand and apply theorems about circles. G.C 理解和运用圆的定理 N.09.MAT.9 - Experiment with transformations in the plane. G.CO 平面图形变换 N.09.MAT.10 - Make geometric constructions. G.CO 几何作图 N.09.MAT.11 - Prove geometric theorems. G.CO 几何定理的证明 N.09.MAT.12 - Explain volume formulas and use them to solve problems. G.GMD 解释并运用体积公式 解决问题 N.09.MAT.13 - Translate between the geometric description and the equation for a conic section. G. GPE 理解对应的圆锥截面方程与其几何描述 N.09.MAT.14 - Understand congruence in terms of rigid motions. N.09.MAT.15 - Apply trigonometry to general triangles. G.SRT 运用三角学解一般三角形 N.09.MAT.16 - Define trigonometric ratios and solve problems involving right triangles. G.SRT 定义三角 函数比,并解直角三角形 N.09.MAT.17 - Prove theorems involving similarity. G.SRT 相似定理的证明 N.09.MAT.18 - Understand similarity in terms of similarity transformations. G.SRT 根据相似变换理解相 似的定义 N.09.MAT.19 -Understand independence and conditional probability and use them to interpret data. S. CP 理解独立概率和条件概率,并用其解析数据 N.09.MAT.20 -Use the rules of probability to compute probabilities of compound events in a uniform probability model. S.CP 运用概率公式计算均匀概率模型 N.09.MAT.21 -Make inferences and justify conclusions from sample surveys, experiments, and observational studies. S.IC 根据样本调查、实验和观察研究做推论,并证明 N.09.MAT.22 -Fit a linear function for scatter plots that suggest a linear relationship between variables. S.ID 找出散点图中的线性关系,并列出函数 N.09.MAT.23 - Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable. S. ID 总结、分析、解释一元数据 N.09.MAT.24 -Summarize, represent, and interpret data on two categorical and quantitative variables. S.ID 解释、分析、总结二元数据,包括分类型数据和数量型数据

Integrated Science 科学

N.09.SCI.1 -Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties. HS-PS1-2. 能够根据元素最外层电子个数,结合其在元素周期表上的位置,来判断元 素的性质。根据元素的性质来构建和修改简单的化学反应模式。 N.09.SCI.2 -Develop and use models to illustrate that energy at the macroscopic scale can be accounted for as a combination of energy associated with the motions of particles (objects) and energy associated with the relative positions of particles (objects). HS-PS3-2. 使用模型来论证能量是可以以肉眼 能看到的形式来衡量的。我们从颗粒(或者物体)运动时相对位置的改变来衡量其能量的大小 N.09.SCI.3 -Evaluate the validity and reliability of claims in published materials of the effects that different frequencies of electromagnetic radiation have when absorbed by matter. HS-PS4-4. 能够从公 共出版物中找到依据来论证物质吸收不同频率的电磁波所造成的影响,并且能够分析、判断这些依据的准确 性。 N.09.SCI.4 -Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis. HS-LS1-3. 能够计划并施行一项调查研究来证明反馈机制是如何维护体内平衡的。 N.09.SCI.5 -Develop a model to illustrate the role of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in the cycling of carbon among the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. HS-LS2-5. 建立一个 模型来说明光合作用和细胞呼吸作用在碳循环过程中所起的作用。碳循环包括在生物圈、大气层、水圈、岩石 圈等各个体系内的循环。 N.09.SCI.6 -Design, evaluate, and refine a solution for reducing the impacts of human activities on the environment and biodiversity.* HS-LS2-7. 设计、评估、并改进一个方案来减少人类活动对环境和生物多样 性的影响 N.09.SCI.7 -Evaluate the evidence supporting claims that changes in environmental conditions may result in: (1) increases in the number of individuals of some species, (2) the emergence of new species over time, and (3) the extinction of other species. HS-LS4-5. 收集、整理证据来证明环境状况改变可能造 成以下影响:(1)物种个体数量的增长(2)在一定时间内新物种出现的数量(3)其他频临灭绝的物种 N.09.SCI.8 -Use a computational representation to illustrate the relationships among Earth systems and how those relationships are being modified due to human activity. HS-ESS3-6. 能够用计算模型来表述地 球循环系统之间的关系,以及人类活动对这些关系的影响 N.09.SCI.9 -Analyze geoscience data and the results from global climate models to make an evidencebased forecast of the current rate of global or regional climate change and associated future impacts to Earth systems. HS-ESS3-5. 通过分析地球科学相关数据,结合全球气候模式,对目前全球、或者某地区的 气候变化速度以及这些变化对地球体系的影响作出有依据的预测 N.09.SCI.10 -Communicate scientific ideas about the way stars, over their life cycle, produce elements. HS-ESS1-3. 能够就元素在恒星发展过程中是如何产生的这一话题进行学术交流

Ancient Civilizations 古代文明

N.09.SST.1 -Identify patterns of change and continuity, relationships between people and events through time, and various interpretations of these relationships. 以时间轴的形式来探讨人和事件的关系, 以及这些关系的各种解释,从而识别变化和连续性的模式 N.09.SST.2 -Explain the causes and effects of interactions between societies including the role of trade, politics, war, and diplomacy. 分析社会之间互动的原因和影响,包括贸易,政治,战争和外交的作用 N.09.SST.3 -Identify the development of culture from the interactions between civilization and the physical environment. 从文明和物质环境的互动中确认文化的发展 N.09.SST.4 -Examine different perspectives of diverse social classes and interpret the development of social structures. 研究不同社会阶层的不同观点并解释社会结构的发展 N.09.SST.5 -Identify why societies create and adopt systems of governance and evaluate the distribution of benefits and burdens to their society. 分析为什么社会建立和采用管理制度,并评估他们对 社会的利益和负担的分配 N.09.SST.6 - Identify and evaluate the role of production, trade, and distribution in a society. 识别和评 估生产,贸易和分配在社会中的作用 N.09.SST.7 -Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information 引用具体的文本证据来支持对一手资 料和二手资料的分析,注意信息的来源和日期等特征 N.09.SST.8 -Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary and secondary sources. 比较和对比分析主要来源和次要来源中的同一话题 N.09.SST.9 -Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying data and evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims in a discipline-appropriate form and in a manner that anticipates the audience's knowledge level and concerns. 建立正面主张和公 正的反面主张,并对两种主张分别提供数据和证据,以本学科适当的形式和方式指出其优势和局限性,能预 测观众的知识水平和所关注的题。 N.09.SST.10 -Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. 从信 息文本中摘引有效证据来支持分析,反馈和调查。 N.09.SST.11 -Analyze and describe how societies have influenced and been influenced by scientific and technological developments. 分析并描述社会怎样影响科技的发展以及科技的发展如何影响社会

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