What is a poem?
Qing Poetry Collection May 2015
Have you ever looked inside a raindrop, smelled a green, grassy, hillside, or licked your lips when they have (鱼⾹香) yú xiāng?
Reminder: “Every time you read this, you are as old and wise as you have ever been, and at the same moment, as young and curious as you will ever be.”-Dr. Tinker
This small collection of poems was created at the end of the 11th grade year as a “quick-write” exercise. The poems came as unwrapped gifts of words, thoughts from the students, who had chosen one single word they would want to be remembered as.
Book by Iris Pan What words My friends and relatives will use in my eulogy? What are the impressions of me, in their minds? Graceful? Grateful? Genteel? Lonely? Melancholy? Sentimental? No matter the adjective… Please let me be a book. Worthy of reading for a multitude of time.
Exist by (Alan) Li My world will end in Peace As my words hide in quiet Things around the world like moss But I Will still exist ‘till the world ends
Apathetic by (Michelle) Mai
Intelligence by (Eva) Lin Storm, roaring in brain Thunder, drumming in Long have I wondered Who will be done first? The exam or the examiner? Yet, intelligent as I am, care not about the exam, Nor the examiners, both are hams. Yes, hams they are, Sandwiches’ hearts, Eat it, Eat it, Eat it. And I am done!
If feeling more means having more pain and love, then when the pain kills the love, and the love heals the pain, there are only memories left. People always say feelings are the greatest things that humans have And sympathize those who feel less or do not want more They have never been in that place with less feeling, can’t realize - by themselves - that happiness is: existing, more valuable with less feeling. Doing nothing is not sad, Not everyone thinks the work they need to do for exchanging a better life, is worthy It’s enough, And I am happy wit it. Girl by (Yvonne) Qui She is made of sugar. She is made of spice. She has a dimpled smile She has dancing toes Everything is sweet Everything is nice.
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Benevolent by (Lucy) Xiao
We were exposed to devil, since the first day we sob Just like water was exposed to dirt, since the first day it roared.
We may scheme to earn wealth,
We may disguise to crave fame we may lose
Natural by (Miranda) Diao I watch the sky, darkness fills the space. Moon shows her head, stars never come. Where are those stars? They are hiding, child. But I don’t believe it. A firefly stayed on my window, faint light emitted from its body What a cute little creature i thought, reaching out I touched the tiny body. The light disappeared. At that moment the sky lit up Millions of stars shining, dancing in the night sky. Accompanied by the stars, I drift to my sweet dream.
Innocent by Shirley He When babies are born, They know nothing about the world, but they have the most valuable thing, That is a pure heart. Time passes, things change, babies grow up.
in the torture, happy and pain.
Struggling in frágile life When somebody whispers a sentence - in mind. She is so Benevolent throughout the time Everything went for a peaceful flight.
Reticent by (Eric) Tu Opportunity we leave to the man who is humble who is quiet who is sedate and who - with knowledge - inside.
Become a member of the tens of thousands, people lose the innocence, the best thing in the world. 3
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Loyal by Jacky Zhou A knight wearing his sword Behind his shoulders stood a lady alone “I will stand here until the last second of the word” He promised the world Kids laughing, everything of it How outdated the story was but one boy stood aside, staring the great body erected there stood in his head then the little boy picked up a stick, swinging acted like a man in his mind If there is something I should protect this should be my belief it can be a thought, an attitude, a love, a family whatever I want to protect. The knight holding his sword with both hands, inserting it into the ground legs shaking, eyes congestive but never an enemy can pass his body “I will protect you till the last second of my life”, he promised “I will”.
Energetic by (Jennifer) Li I jump, I shout, I run around; I sing, I dance, I lough out loud;
Genial by Mai Jin (Magic) Huang Don’t be so shy when you ask this guy for help for a guide though he looks slim and grim he will show he is warm and kind He might not be as smart as you think But he is the one you are free to trust He likes to be called “he” because he treats others as he did to himself.
Dimple by Yong En (Ally) Zeng I was small and a girl Scout Someone handed me a cookie “You look special you have those deep dents in your cheeks”, said he, not a friend. And I smiled, sweet as a raisin or a chocolate chip. It doesn't make sense to think we ourselves are ugly, because we never see ourselves, actually, we cannot see the dimple as it subtly appears on our face, we breathe in and out the air with our own rhythm.
I read, I draw, I write a lot; I trip, I cry, and I go along. 4
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Others by Blake
It would be better to be yourself, rather than imitate someone, it would be sad to live behind a shadow. Blindness cannot make life easier, existence can find you a path, if you aren’t starting to make a scratch, your life is not worth, living.
by Sam I used to lie to people My father I took his money once When I was seven years old That time He was Very angry with me I will never forget The disappointment in his eyes But now I am glad I did that when I was young Because, I will never be Faithless I thank my father for turning his disappointment into faith in me. Brave by Jin *** (David) Cao Time is limited, so, don’t spend your time living in other’s lives. Failing is not horrible, just a phase to be useful. What I am afraid, is not death, it comes more to how to use the limited chances I have. Standing on a spot in the air, although there was safety equipment on my back I could not stop trembling, I wanted to stop the oxygen . It is way harder for me to decide, weather to jump or stay… What can I do? Then a picture came into my mind, a young speaker raised his first iPhone to the world, A boy laying at the foot of a boxer, The power of heart, how to beat a big one Just like meditation, my body relaxed and my eyes were emitting lights, I jumped.
Opportunist by Amanda Cheung There is no such word as “Failure” in life. But, There will be people who live like losers They meet tons of chances, which may change their lives, they stand there watching gone. I want to be a person who believes there will always be chances, though fleeting in front of me, the secret key to change, My life and The World. All the accomplishment of human beings happened by accident, not necessity. Opportunities made the world and they will make me, the opportunist I want to be.
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Candid by Jin Hao (Jerry) Lu Walk straight to the end of the road, until old and lying on a bed. Sun rise when the clock points to seven , the authority is lost along with death. Run Over The Wall, Run Over The Wall, Faster than everyone, go straight on the road, honest to yourself. FRIDAY by Yu Ming (Chloe) Liao
Optimistic by Maggie He
Seven days in a week, Seven faces in a turn.
The sunshine never goes, we never lose hope.
People sleeping in the cycle, People cheering in the seventh.
smiling escapes from a frown, no-one breaks us down.
Friday is the unique seventh, Drawing smiles on the faces, feeding them candies in dreams.
no wall stops our pace, we always find the way, we never cry, because we see the light Always.
Helpful by Simon Xu
by Felix Zhang Like Ms. Yu always said; That I am not only a friend mentoring Jack showing him everybody’s knack, I told him not to be mad, calm down and be “flat” Although that is a fact and you know that Do not forget to thank when accepting others hand That’s what makes a person humble
Helpful is a really nice word, it is commonly distributed around the world. To be helpful is to be selfish, to want and assist in other’s selfishness. So, do not be grateful, when I was helpful, for I was only being selfish with the coat of “helpful” on my back.
Dream by Nelson Yin
You can have dreams in anytime when your standing, or walking, or sleeping. You have a dream, Dream comes like a stream, it arrives from your deep soul,it is what you want. It is what you want to achieve. Follow the dream, follow your soul.
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Inspirational by Erin Tao I cannot handle every subject well, I don’t have a super power to control the rainfall, All that I have is myself. I feel like creating when I feel delightful, I feel like screaming when i feel depressed, I like myself - being - when I do my best and I desire to be someone I like. I have a feeling I may become distressed in the future which I do not like I want to have MY moments moments for the ME to shine.
by Qiao (Kyle) Xiao
by Li Cheng (Peter) Huang
An unfailing flow of inspiration, It’s growing inside of me. Thousands of thoughts twist like twiney strings. I shall not unwind eternally.
Somehow it works that every successful man is odd, and I want to be one of them.
I had smashed down on a volcano with Thor’s hammer, watched it explode with colors bleeding, and it looked like the colors ran into each other, with no interruptions, just a band from violet to yellow to green. Maybe I could create a spectrum, If I owned this
He says that is so violent of you, that you strike him to the ground when you are driving to the basket. He says it is so valuable of you that you lead the team to the triumph. Am I aggressive or aggressive? What is so odd about odd numbers? And, why is it aggressive being aggressive?
CRAZY by Jay In Xu Splash - Not There? Why would I ever want it there? Change it! I like new things…NEXT! Don’t care, like that… Wait, Wait, Wait!
Reliable by Yu Tin (Andrea) I may not be the icing on your cake but, be the fuel on your snowy day I may not be the diamond on your clavicle but, hug you when you tremble. I may not be here when you enjoy your life but, when you need me I will be by your side.
by Hui (Julie) Ye
by Jin Yu (Diana) Lu
How does a person describe Western Women? Free and Exotic How does a person describe Eastern Women? Charming and Graceful.
Point out your complexities, and unwrap your rope.
“A ragged fringe is the floating heart, left and right we trail it; that mild-mannered good girl, awake, asleep, I search for her.”
speak your wishes and indicate what tangles you. I am not a Compass, certainly, But I can always help you, lead you, give you the power to break the obstacle that is set firmly in front of you, like a stimulant.
Waking up the first time when I saw the world, her smile’s face imprinted in my eye, she is my lovely mom, a traditional woman, the one who teaches me to speak politely, the one who scolds me when I touch something of others The one who fights me and my impertinent actions She is the one, who leads me to the way of grace.
Whimsical by Zhe (Delia) Wu Know one knew what she was thinking Neither did she.
Relying on the window of the train to see crossing my legs, watching the outside, a waiter passes me “ May I please have a drink, please?” Speaking Nicely “Of course my Graceful Lady”, he smiled. ENTHUSIASTIC! by Tian (Charlie) Jiang
For all her time she had been seeking a place on this planet to fit in but not be a part of. There were millions of people who came to that place before her, and there will be more coming after.
Enthusiasm is like a campfire; Feed it with your firewood of inspiration, love and courage grow, Determined by Yiqi (Betty) Lu Because of one word, I joined the school team. Because of one mind, I stick to the track.
In this life she is pointless But she shall not be obedient, for every time she was pushed to change she fought back. At the end of her days, she was just human.
Until I reach the line, I dare not stop. Until I hit the final, I keep going. Cleaning noises filled my ears, shutting my mind to everything but one,. Time keeps going and nothing can be waisted, like the paces on the track. 8 Grass is shining on dew,
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UNDERGROUND by Jing Bo (Charlie) Li Like the one who said; “The mainstream comes to you.” People live their life, they live above, undergrounds, they live below, they party - their own shows; People clap for the famous , underground sculpture, the greats, Because we have a bigger world, we don’t
Unpredictable by James Xu People are changing all the time, Plants are dying and growing, again and again, animals are hunting or being hunted, that is nature… the best explanation of Un-prediction. Mathematics, Science, Logic and Philosophy. People created ways of thinking to explain. Theories have been broken Principles have been destroyed A floating leaf exists in the infinite stream. Dark matter, holes, planets and galaxies, Universal control of everything including life and destiny. Atoms, the simplest things form the most complicated Unpredictable, Unpredictable and (Silence) Unpredictable!
ANCHOR by Zhe Han (Shawn) Tang Bits of broken glass that he swept, You were in every single sight, fleeting, In every single piece of stone hearts that he collected, The night it was so cold he strained. When a house was left in shamble, Who was there to handle all those bits of glass? He sang out to the night as the moon shines bright, The time is just right, Stake’s high. Falls the moonlight it lightens the sight. Casts on him, here goes the die, Count it with him until five, Yet to shrived, behind the curtain it hides. Leave him that silver lining as he holds the breaths, Cross the dark he sees the red, Cease the flame of crystal bed. Ever since that anchor’s set, he says, Five years flashes in a blink. Flowers he planted, seeds he laid, Faded as you bent.
Energetic by Terina Friends always say me indifferent No, I am not I just don’t like to express obviously Actually my heart is beating with full energy Closest friends know me, I am an energetic person Lives seem intriguing to me I would like to try anything new for me Do everything with energy try everything with energy Being an energetic person is an attitude Its about what you think of this world How you feel about this world Seeing things in a positive way and then you will always do things with energy
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Smile by Jerry Lin An Optimist, a row of white teeth
Balloon by (Blair) Huang Traveling to the sky through flying and floating To see the castle in the sky to visit someone that has been told they lived in the sky to find if there is another world hidden While I kept flying away and farther A voice raised, “just don’t fly too fast.” “It seemed I cannot see you anymore”
Ambivalent by (Winnie) Shen Smile is in fact an affection Tears are in act a relief To lie is in fact to protect Everything is not always what it seems
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Amity by (Skyler) Diao Amity is a ray of sunlight to warm the heart of strangers and friends just give your hand to those who need your amity a flower will blossom in your heart too People stop by to see the power of amity willing to give out their amity and the world will be a better place
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