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Historical League Bulletin
Financial Report
C Principal and interest Restricted as noted
M / M R i c h a r d S w a i n ( S a t l e r M e m o r i a l ) 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0
Old Mill Preservation 1,164.62
W. E. Gardner (rebinding) 766.59
Jethro Coffin House (restoration) 799.06
Susan E. Brock (Friends Meeting) 1,000.00
Henry Carlisle (Whaling Museum) 2,000.00
M / M R i c h a r d S w a i n ( O l d M i l l ) 5 0 0 . 0 0
M / M R i c h a r d S w a i n ( P a i n t i n g s ) 1 , 9 6 8 . 9 5
Mrs. Winthrop Coffin (Oldest House) 10,000.00
Jas. Reid Parker (grounds O. House) 1,000.00 20,229.22
Total $106,042.03 * The amounts shown in the following funds are those as of the original (Jate of donation.
Nantucket Historical Association
From Bay State Historical League Bulletin (5,< The Association, during 1971, acquired two new additions to its museum exhibits. The Peter Foulger Museum, a fine new brick, two story museum next to the Whaling Museum on Broad Street, was opened to the public. Of Greek type architecture, this building was the culmination of hopes and plans which had been entertained since 1928. A trust fund, set up by Admiral William Mayhew Folger, terminated and the proceeds were made available by his will to the Association for the construction of this building.
Much of the material from the Fair Street Museum was moved into the new structure.
The second addition was a new wing on the Whaling Museum built and presented to the Association by the Nantucket Historical Trust for the purpose of displaying a whale skeleton which had been salvaged from a whale that had come ashore on Nantucket in 1967.
This interesting exhibit is one of very few complete skeletons which are available for the public's observation.