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Legacies and Bequests
Membership in our Association proves that you are interested in its program for the preservation of Nantucket's famed heritage and its illustrious past, which so profoundly affected the development of our country. You can perpetuate that interest by giving to the Association a legacy under your will, which will help to insure the Association's carrying on. Counsel advises that legacies to the Nantucket Historical Association are allowable deductions under the Federal Estate Tax Law.
Legacies will be used for general or specific purposes as directed by the donor. A sample form may read as follows:
"f give, devise, and bequeath to the Nantucket Historical Association, a corporation duly organized under the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and located in the Town of Nantucket, in said Commonwealth, the sum of dollars."
Legacies may be made also in real estate, bonds, stocks, books, paintings, or any objects having historical value, in which event a brief description of the same should be inserted instead of a sum of money.
Please send all communications to the Secretary, Box 1016, Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554. Office, Union Street.