4 minute read

To Capt. William Baxter

Of the "Side-Wheeler Swiftsure" Port of Nantucket

Ahoy there, Ancient Mariner,

Come o'er the bar and drop your anchor. Reel off your joke, my heart of oak,

To see your cargo how I hanker! For in your hold 'neath locks of gold

Are gems that brighten all existence; The fair sea-maiden on your bow

Hath charms for me beyond resistance! Full many a voyage to foreign ports

I've taken on your old "side-wheeler." Ship ne'er did launch more stiff and staunch,

And for close sailing she's a "peeler." For long or shorter "pilgrimage"

Your four-legged mate stands ever ready; And when stormy winds do rage

You take the helm and hold her steady. O'erhaul your log, my brave sea-dog,

For wond'rous yarns of foreign travel; The mysteries of your younger days

No human brain can e'er unravel! Oh, is it true that's told of you

That once you were a ruthless pirate, E'er burning ships, whose luckless skips

You held for ransom at a high-rate? It cannot be — some one has lied — (What honest soul escapes such malice.) From early youth you've loved the truth,

And told it, too, in hut and palace! Of queerest doings on sea and land

You ever gave a careful version; Though setting science at flat defiance,

You made new facts for each excursion. Full well I know, (with book to show)

How in the Ark you took the census; The thrilling tale of Jonah's whale

In later version you dispense us. O'er Madaquecham you say he swam

When you were but a barefoot urchin, And for some trace to mark the place

You've set a horde of tourists searchin'!

How you've discovered fishes queer

Ne'er seen before by bold sea-ranger; The "corn-pond," too, whose virtues new

You vaunted to the footsore stranger. When wedded pair were in your care,

You pointed out where berries were thickest, And sudden deafness seized on you

Just when your hearing was the quickest! You point out ancient land-marks, too, "Last Indian" graves, all marked with numbers, Quaint relics rare, and wild beast's lair,

Creations of your last night's slumbers. 'Twixt you and "Frank" you've ciphered out

Queer wrinkles new in navigation; Sly nods and winks and secret kinks,

Impossible of imitation. How you display your treasures, too,

Flotsam and jetsam of the Ocean — Your wooden maid, who throws in shade All other maidens, to your notion! Your presents, too, a ship-load sure — Gloves, ribbons, ties, all sorts and sizes, Fair portraits true and billet-doux, And countless sweet and dainty prizes. In good old 'Sconset days you served

Fidus Achates to all comers,

Ne'er known to fail, your "lightning mail" Made steady trips a score of Summers;

To those who on you pinned their faith,

Your sage advice was ne'er misleading, E'en though you brought them home-made news And last year's papers for their reading. In Winter time with crew discharged And ship safe moored in sheltered quarters,

You live in quiet on thinnest diet And dote on pills and colored waters;

And when the doctors give you up, And give your friends a last sad warning,

You signal to your trusty mate, And board your ship o'Monday mirning. Long may she float, your gallant boat, And "in her wake sound happy laughter, And when your voyage of life is o'er We'll hail you in the great hereafter. Ere yet "the flood shall bear you far," 0, list to hear the "Pilot" calling. Take Him for guide when tempests ride,

And deeper shades of night are falling!

Legacies and Bequests

Membership in our Association proves that you are interested in its program for the preservation of Nantucket's famed heritage and its illustrious past, which so profoundly affected the development of our country. You can perpetuate that interest by giving to the Association a legacy under your will, which will help to insure the Association's carrying on. Counsel advises that legacies to the Nantucket Historical Association are allowable deductions under the Federal Estate Tax Law.

Legacies will be used for general or specific purposes as directed by the donor. A sample form may read as follows:

"I give, devise, and bequeath to the Nantucket Historical Association, a corporation duly organized under the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and located in the Town of Nantucket, in said Commonwealth, the sum of dollars."

Legacies may be made also in real estate, bonds, stocks, books, paintings, or any objects having historical value, in which event a brief description of the same should be inserted instead of a sum of money.

Please send all communications to the Secretary, Box 1016, Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554. Office, Union Street.

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