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Mrs. Marie M. Coffin, an Appreciation
M r s . M arie M . C o ffi n A n A p p r e c i atio n
It is with a deep sense of loss that the Council of the Nantucket Historical Association records in this issue of Historic Nantucket the death of Mrs. Marie M. Coffin, wife of C. Clark Coffin, on April 24, 1976. Mrs. Coffin was a Vice President of the Association and a valuable member of several committees.
Most recently she had been working with other members of the Bicentennial Committee in securing information and making the necessary plans preliminary to the installation of the plaques assigned to houses on the Island built prior to 1812. Her knowledge of the history of Nantucket houses was unsurpassed by any present-day Nantucketer. Her wealth of information and her willingness to share this information has been of the greatest help to many organizations preparing for "open house tQurs" and in preparation of pamphlets and articles pertaining to our historic buildings.
Marie Coffin was a loyal friend to everyone on the Council, and many of them, only two weeks before her passing, had joined with her and her husband Clark on the occasion of his retirement as Town Clerk for a period of 35 years. She gave of her talents in many ways, willingly and unselfishly, oftentimes under stress in realizing she was pushing herself beyond her strength. Her devotion to the Nantucket Historical Association was only one of several, and the Council wishes to herewith acknowledge its appreciation.
Marie Coffin passed away on her birthday, suddenly and peacefully, and was buried on what would have been the fiftieth anniversary of her marriage.
With this brief tribute the Council and the officers of the Nantucket Historical Association expresses its gratitude for the many ways in which her help has benefitted, its sorrow in her passing, and its sympathy to those left behind. Her ideals and achievements will remain as an example for those who will endeavor to follow in her footsteps.