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Some Notes on the Folgers (Foulgers



moneyed people to locate elsewhere, presenting a barrier to the influx of summer visitors which offers the only hope of resuscitation for Nantucket? We must resist the temptation to suddenly become citified."

One hundred years ago.

—Edouard A. Stackpole

S o me N o t es o n t h e F o lg ers ( F ou l gers)

THE FOLLOWING IS a contribution from a member ot the Association, Walter Weston Folger, 205 Island Avenue, Chattanooga, Tennessee:

V. E. Chandler 107 Bradford Street Needham, Massachusetts

In the Franklin treasure trove of the Historical Society is a letter from Mrs. John Folger, of Illington, dated ye 5, 1759. The genealogical data included is as follows:

"John Foulger, the Ancestor of our Family came out of the City of Norwich in the County of Norfolk — he married Miriba Gibs in Great Britain and Brought Hir and His Son Peter and One Daughter to New England — the Daughter Married to a Pairi^on Long Island and there is a numerous of Spring from Hir but for particulars I know nothing. Peter married with Mary Morrils a young woman that Came from England with Hew Peters, and had two Sons, John and Eleazer and Seven Daughters, namely Johanna married a Coleman, Dorcas married a Pratt, Barsheba married a Pope, Patience married Barker, Bethia married Barnard, Experience married to a Swain, Abiah married Franklin"

NOTE: The above was transcribed from a note furnished by Rev. Lyman Manchester Greenman on the above letterhead, February 8, 1935.

4-Mary Folger married Peter Paine. As his widow, she married Jeremiah Vail in 1660, according to my notes.

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