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Nantucket Historical Association Officers and Staff
President, Leroy H. True Vice-Presidents, Albert G. Brock, George W. Jones, Alcon Chadwick, Albert F.
Egan Jr., Walter Beinecke, Jr. Honorary Vice-Presidents, W. Ripley Nelson, Henry B. Coleman Secretary, Richard C. Austin Treasurer, John N. Welch Councillors, Leroy H. True, Chairman
Benjamin Richmond, Francis W. Pease, terms expire 1977; Mrs. R. A. Orleans,
Robert E. Tonkin, terms expire 1978; Robert D. Congdon, Harold W.
Lindley, terms expire 1979; Mrs. James F. Merriman, Miss Barbara
Melendy, terms expire 1980. Registrar, Miss Dorothy Gardner Historian, Edouard A. Stackpole Editor, "Historic Nantucket", Edouard A. Stackpole; Assistant Editor, Mrs.
Merle Turner Orleans.
Oldest House: Curator, Mrs. Kenneth S. Baird
Receptionists: Mrs. Margaret Crowell, Miss Adeline Cravott Hadwen House-Satler Memorial: Curator, Mrs. Phoebe P. Swain
Receptionists: Mrs. Irving A. Soverino, Mrs. Alfred A. Hall, Mrs. Harold
Arnold, Miss Helen Levins 1800 House: Curator, Mrs. Clare McGregor Old Gaol: Curator, Albert G. Brock Whaling Museum: Curator, Hugh R. Chace
Receptionists: Clarence H. Swift, Mrs. Herbert Sandsbury, Frank Pattison,
James A. Watts, Miss Lucia Arno, Abram Niles Peter Foulger Museum: Curator, and Director, Edouard A. Stackpole
Receptionists: Mrs. Clara Block, Joseph Sylvia, Miss Lalie Keesham
Librarian: Mrs. Louise Hussey Nathaniel Macy House: Curator, Mrs. John A. Baldwin
Receptionists: Miss Dorothy Hiller, Mrs.Henry C. Petzel Archaeology Department: Curator, Mrs. Roger Young
Field Supervisor, Miss Barbara Kranichfeld Old Town Office: Curator, Hugh R. Chace Old Mill: Curator, Richard F. Swain
Millers: William Searles, John Stackpole Folger-Franklin Seat & Memorial Boulder: Curator, Francis Sylvia Friends Meeting House-Fair Street Museum: Curator, Albert F. Egan, Jr. Lightship "Nantucket": Curator, Benjamin S. Richmond
Ship Keeper, Richard Swain