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Legacies and Bequests Address Changes


willingness to sometimes overlook factual accuracy in search of a broader truth. We want to believe in Crevecoeur's Nantucket and hence Crevecoeur's America. A descendant and biographer, Robert St. John de Crevecoeur, put it most eloquently when he described St. Jean's literary value and significance:

"Profoundly honorable and devoted to his country, intelligent and practical in talent, unwearied in bringing things to the use and love of the people; in literature sincere and of good intention; he added to the good fortune of achieving some good in the world, a merit, very rare among his contemporaries of never doing any harm."

Miss Keeshan is at present attending Boston University. During two summer seasons she worked for the Nantucket Historical Association at the Peter Foulger Museum.

Bequests or gifts to the Nantucket Historical Association are tax deductible. They are greatly needed and appreciated.

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PLEASE — your change of address to save postage and receive your copy. We are charged for all returned because of incorrect address.

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