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Nantucket Historical Association Officers and Staff
COUNCIL 1981 -1982
Walter Beinecke, Jr., Chairman Mrs. Bernard D. Grossman, Vice Chairman Leroy H. True, President - Chief Executive Officer
Albert F. Egan, Jr., Vice Pres. Mrs. R. Arthur Orleans, Vice Pres. Albert G. Brock, Vice Pres. Richard C. Austin, Secretary
Alcon Chadwick, Vice Pres. George W. Jones, Vice Pres. John N. Welch, Treasurer Edouard A. Stackpole, Historian
Donald E. Terry Miss Nancy Ayotte David D. Worth Mrs. Helen W. Chase Miss Dorothy Gardner Robert D. Congdon H. Flint Ranney Harold W. Lindley
Renny A. Stackpole, Director of Museums Edouard A. Stackpole, Editor "Historic Nantucket" Mrs. Merle T. Orleans, Assistant Editor Mrs. Elizabeth Tyrer, Executive Secretary
Oldest House Curator, 'Mrs. Kenneth S. Baird
Mrs. Margaret Crowell, Mrs. Abram Niles Hadwen House-Satler Memorial Curator, *Mrs. P. Prime Swain
Mrs. Richard A. Strong, Mrs. Bracebridge H. Young, Mrs. Everett B. Merrithew,
Mrs. Kathleen IT. Barcus 1800 House, Mrs. Helen S. Soverino Whaling Museum Curator, Renny A. Stackpole
Rev. Frank J. Pattison, Manager; James A. Watts
Mrs. Robert E. Campbell, Alfred N. Orpin Greater Light, Dr. Selina T. Johnson Peter Foulger Museum Director, 'Edouard A. Stackpole
Asst. Director, Peter S. MacGlashan
Mrs. Reginald F. Hussey, Librarian; Mrs. Norman A. Barrett,
Miss Marjorie Burgess, Miss Helen Levins, Alcon Chadwick, Mrs. Ruby O'Reilly Macy-Christian House Curator, 'Mrs. John A. Baldwin;
Miss Dorothy Hiller, Mrs. Edouard A. Stackpole, Mrs. Edna Docca Old Gaol Curator, Albert G. Brock Old Mill Curator, 'John Gilbert
Millers: John A. Stackpole, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dougan Fair Street Museum Curator, 'Albert F. Egan, Jr. Lightship "Nantucket" Curator, 'John Austin; Richard Swain, Everett Finlay Hose Cart House Curator, 'Francis W. Pease Archaeology Department Chairman, 'Rev. Edward Anderson;
Vice Chairman Mrs. John D. C. Little Building Survey Committee Chairman, 'Robert G. Metters Old Town Office Curator, 'Hugh R. Chace *Ex-officio members of Council