2 minute read

Nantucket Historical Association Officers and Staff


President: H. Flint Ranney Vice President: Robert D. Congdon Secretary: Richard Austin Treasurer: Donald E.Terry

Walter Beinecke Alcon Chadwick

George W. (ones

Honorary Vice Presidents Albert Brock Mrs. Bernard Grossman

Presidents Emeritus Leroy H. True

Albert F. Egan, Jr. Mrs. R. Arthur Orleans

Edouard A. Stackpole

Edward B. Anderson Mrs. Kenneth Baird Mrs. John A. Baldwin Mrs. Marshall Brenizer Mrs. Paul A. Callahan Hugh R. Chace Mrs. James F. Chase COUNCIL MEMBERS

Mrs. George A. Fowlkes Mrs. H. Crowell Freeman John Gilbert

Mrs. Walker Groetzinger Reginald Levine Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Philip C. Murray F. Philip Nash, Jr. Mrs. Alan Newhouse Francis W. Pease Charles F. Sayle, Sr. Mrs. Jane Woodruff Mrs. Bracebridge Young, Jr.

ADVISORY BOARD Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Carpenter William B. Macomber Stuart P. Feld F. Blair Reeves

STAFF John N. Welch, Administrator Victoria Hawkins, Curator Renny A. Stackpole, Director of Education and Whaling Museum Elizabeth Tyrer, Executive Secretary Edouard A. Stackpole, Historian; Director, Peter Foulger Museum Historic Nantucket, Editor, E. A. Stackpole Assistant Editor, Mrs. R. Arthur Orleans Librarian, Mrs. Louise Hussey Archivist, Mrs. Jacqueline Haring Curatorial Assistant, Laura Evans

Oldest House: Mrs. Margaret Crowell, Mrs. Abram Niles Hadwen House-Satler Memorial: Mrs. Richard Strong Whaling Museum: James A. Watts, Alfred N. Orpin,

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dougan, Gerald Ryder Greater Light: Dr. Selina T. Johnson Peter Foulger Museum: Registrar, Peter S. MacGlashan;

Mrs. Everett Merrithew, Alcon Chadwick, Everett Finlay Macy-Christian House: Miss Dorothy Hiller, Mrs. Helen S. Soverino Old Mill: Millers: John A. Stackpole, Thomas Seager Fair Street Museum: Mrs. William Witt, Mrs. Kathleen Barcus Archeology Department: Vice-Chairman, Mrs. John D. C. Little Museum Shop: Manager - Thomas W. Dickson


P u b l i s h e d Q u a r t e r l y a n d d e v o t e d t o t h e p r e s e r v a t i o n o f N a n t u c k e t ' s a n t i q u i t y , i t s f a m e d h e r i t a g e a n d i t s i l l u s tr i o u s p a s t a s a w h a l i n g p o r t .

Nantucket Historical Association Officers and Staff

Editorial — "Nantucket's Challenge of the Present''

Waiting for the Telegraph Cable to be Completed -1886

The Swain Saga by Mrs. Nancy Foote

In Memoriam — Robert G. Metters

A Beggar's Funeral Near Concepcion, Chili

Observed in 1834

Address Changes/Bequests

The Nantucket Historical Association

Publishes' 'The Loss of the Essex'' 2








The Young Boy and the Sea: Ernest

Hemingway's Visit to Nantucket Island by Susan F. Beegal 18

Embarking on a New Voyage 31

Historic Nantucket (USPS 246460) is published quarterly at Nantucket, Massachusetts by the Nantucket Historical Association. It is sent to Association members and extra copies may be purchased for $3.00 each. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Nantucke' Historical Association, Box 1016, Nantucket, Ma. 02554. Membership dues are: Individual $15, Family $25, Supporting $50, Patron $100, Life $300. Second-class postage paid at Nantucket, Massachusetts. Communications pertaining to the Publication should be addressed to the Editor, Historic Nantucket, Nantucket Historical Association, Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554.

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