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My Sea-Faring Family - Chapter

Historic Nantucket

P u b l i s h e d Q u a r t e r l y a n d d e v o t e d t o t h e p r e s e r v a t i o n o f N a n t u c k e t ' s a n t i q u i t y , i t s f a m e d h e r i t a g e a n d i t s i l l u s t r i o u s p a s t a s a w h a l i n g p o r t .

Volume 35 July, 1987 No.l


Nantucket Historical Association of Officers and Staff

Editorial: On Preserving Nantucket's Outlying Land Search for Gold on Sunken Liner Obscures the Story of Passagers' Rescue My Sea-Faring Family - Chapter 3 By Nancy Grant Adams Bequests / Address Changes The Voyage of Captain Bartholomew Gosnold in 1602 to Cape Cod and the Vineyard by Captain John LaCouture 'Sconset before World War I was a Special Place By Miss Alice Beer 2







Historic Nantucket (USPS 246-160) is published quarterly at Nantucket, Massachusetts by the Nantucket Historical Association. It is sent to Association members and extra copies may be purchased for $3.00 each. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Nantucket Historical Association, P.O. Box 1016, Nantucket, MA 02554. c. N.H.A. 1986 (USSN 0439-2248).

Membership dues are: Individual $15., Family $25., Supporting $50., Contributing $100., Sponsor $250., Patron $500., Life Benefactor $2,500.

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Communications pertaining to the Publication should be addressed to the Editor, Historic Nantucket, Nantucket Historical Association, Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554

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