16 minute read

Appendix B: Impact and Visibility (Community Involvement)

Themes Representative Quotes Provide Quality Services

1. “Am able to produce competent nurses and midwives who provide quality health care services to the community.”


2. “Understanding the community in relation to key drivers of malnutrition and designing community interventions”.

3. "Enhanced my knowledge and skills in health system strengthening implementation that has led to success in projects.”

4. “I serve in Medical Outreaches”.

5. “I have been able to promote quality improvement in the laboratories that I have worked in”.

6. “Improved in MNCH Indicators such as first ANC FIRST TRIMESTER”

7. “I have managed to save many lives of people within the community based on the knowledge and practical skills attained from CIU”.

8. “We have been able to make a difference on how healthcare services are offered to local people through engaging the community we work within”.

9. “I have been able to promote quality improvement in the laboratories that I have worked in.”

10. “By getting preventive intervention of diseases”.

11. “Improved in MNCH Indicators such as first ANC first trimester”.

12. “I have managed to save many lives of people within the community based on the knowledge and practical skills attained from CIU.”

13. “I have aided in delivery of quality healthcare.”

14. “Improved Clinical Practice”

15. “I am able to design public health interventions, monitor and review them through INGO's NGO's and public Ministries Departments and agencies.”

16. “Increased access and utilization of health care services to the pregnant, lactating and children under 5 years”.

17. “Training of health workers who improve quality of health services to the community”.

18. “Quality improved care has been provide to patients in different hospitals and mentorship of medical and nursing students in different Training institutions like Mulago SNM”

Knowledge and Critical Thinking.

19. “Public health opened my eyes to public health issues in my community. I have sensitised people about garbage sorting whenever I get a chance, focusing on disease prevention.”

20. “Individual youths and church platforms have been leveraged to address issues of child marriages and unwanted pregnancies among other Health Education topics.”

21. “Provided malaria prevention interventions to my community, i.e., LLINs, prevention messages on Prevention of malaria”.

22. “Many people from the community have been equipped with knowledge about nutrition in particular malnutrition and this has in the long run reduced malnutrition complication and early detection of malnutrition cases and early referral to management”.

23. “I am a second-generation humanitarian worker. I have worked in the field of SRH, GBV and also responded to COVID19. I have applied knowledge from campus like health promotion, health communication, health and conflict which was very key in refugee settings, public health nutrition and reproductive health. I have supported WASH projects because of the understanding I have of the theoretical subject matter.”

24. “I have used the skills and competencies gained at CIU to contribute towards capacity building of in-service health workers in Maternal, child, new-born and adolescent Health”.

25. “Trained over 450 mid-level health workers to offer quality health services”.

26. “Am able to produce competent nurses and midwives who provide quality health care services to the community.”

27. “It helped me while promoting health through nutrition programs in PHCCs & PHCUs for TSFP, PLW & Elderly.”

28. “Health Promotion”

29. “Am able to health educate the community confidently and I have set up a private health facility to serve the community.”

30. “Greatly. It has given me the knowledge and skills to handle community health problems with an informed outlook”.

31. “Provided me with critical and adaptive thinking ability. Enabling me to make quick decisions and take appropriate action as and when needed.”

32. “It has broadened my thinking and sharpen my analytical thinking Positively”.

Leadership, Policy, and Advocacy

33. “Enhanced my knowledge and skills in health system strengthening implementation that has led to success in projects”.

34. “Improved my understanding, knowledge and skills in diagnosis, treatment and patient care which has enhanced their treatment outcomes.”

35. “The knowledge and skills obtained have greatly helped me to serve the population more so in the field of health.

36. “I receive invitations to discuss public health matters and find solutions to community health problems.”

37. “It has improved my scope of offering leadership for the community. In the area of skilled leadership, better than before I am able to use my skills to write projects for the community and together try to forge a way ahead for development.”

38. “It empowered me with communication and interpersonal skills that enable me to relate effectively at different levels as I serve the community.”

39. “I'm able to contribute to key decisions concerning policies that concern the needs of the community”.

40. “Outstanding skills especially in leadership have enabled me effect goal-oriented health strategies in the community”.

41. “Improves leadership skills in managing ongoing challenges at the workplace.”

42. “Community debates about COVID'19, VACCINATION, ETC, I have been able to borrow examples and contribute to the influence of vaccination practices, Proposal development for the grants of the organization, I am a contributor.”

43. “Have helped create demand for health services through community mobilization and sensitization, especially during COVID-19 pandemic.”

44. “Linked people to health institutions for education and work.”

45. “Improves leadership skills in managing ongoing challenges at the workplace.”

46. “Contributed to local policies and strategies in relation to dietrelated diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.”

47. “Community mobilisation, partner coordination and resource mobilisation among others”

Community-based research.

48. “The management skills and knowledge acquired have helped me a lot to improve the service delivery and care of clients at both the health facility and community level.”

49. “I do offer consultancy services in Laboratory Quality Management Systems (LQMS) in South Sudan. To date, I still continue to serve them in that capacity though in selected months.”

50. “I was able to be promoted to lead /senior nurse within less than a year at my current workplace.”

51. “At work we conduct action research on how best to implement water and Sanitation services improvement.”

52. “I have been able to conduct community-based research and formulated and implemented interventions.”

53. “It aided as the foundation to propel into a research field. Currently, I am working with the Carrier Sekani Family Service, an organization that helps indigenous communities in rural and remote communities in the Northern Central areas of British Columbia. To help understand the prevalence of indoor air pollutants and their association with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.”

54. “I am consulted for mentorship and coaching for graduate students doing research”.

55. “It has eased my work with the design research process in reproductive health.”

56. “Identifying the needs of the community and developing research topics applicable for the current state of affairs in order to address the problem at hand.”

Project management or Initiation

57. “I developed the community mobilization strategies at Marie stopes international, then later coordinated the deployment of the Education management information system at the ministry of education. I am now supporting the knowledge hub for Africa on covid-19.”

58. “I am a Co-founder and Director with Girls Unstoppable Uganda an organization dealing with empowering marginalized adolescent girls.”

59. “I have started up a clinic and we are giving services like free immunization improving sanitation and hygiene-related issues”.

60. “I pioneered the opening up of triaging at my workplace, which eased the flow of patients in the facility.”

61. "Founded The Young Diplomats of Kenya, an organisation that is youth focused on PILLARS environment, business, political, religion and economic spheres. Member and chair of various School Leadership committees "

62. “I used the knowledge and skills to start a CBO, have been focal point advising people on health matters especially the COVID-19 adherence to SOPs.”

Appendix C: List of Recognition and Awards

• Worked with MLI & MUJHU for a research project where targets were set and I was the team leader. I managed with my team to hit the target 2 months before the deadline.

• Earned a certificate for the mission as the best-organised TB management centre in Kampala

• Awarded a certificate by the board for establishing and proper management of the Chemistry and Microbiology laboratories in the company.

• I was granted a scholarship by my organization to study MSc. Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. This was due to my excellent performance in the department.

• An excellent team leader in managing covid 19 Basically group awards for improving the quality of Laboratory services. Just part of an appreciation appraisal letter for one month of my work. I was the best in the nursing field and I was awarded shoes, socks, Shots, etc.

• Was able to be promoted to the senior and lead position. I am currently supervising a team of 24 nurses. It is really doing wonders as they work as a team. Team spirit

• Travel grant to poster presentations at the International Food Microbiology and Hygiene, Berlin Germany Sept 2018.

• Fellowships, scholarships and prize money, for being the most outstanding employee.

• I was an employee of the year, my department was the best overall department in the organisation and I got 'Exceeded Expectations' in my end-of-year appraisal for 3 consecutive years.

• Recognition for creativity and excellent performance.

• Best team player in Contract Management.

• Wrote a proposal and was funded.

• Funding for SRHR activities at my workplace

• Health facility in charge

• Employee of the week.

• Postgraduate diploma in monitoring and evaluation, a certificate in epidemiology and biostatistics level-1, a certificate-good clinical trials, a certificate in Water sanitation and hygiene, certificate in menstrual health management, certificate in project planning and management, certificate in monitoring and evaluation, certificate in research etc.

• It was recognition for work done during the first lockdown since we remained in the camp working.

• Certificate of recognition of dedicated service for the community by the Governor of a State in South Sudan.

• Had the highest ranking in work productivity.

• I work for the ICRC and it is a huge international organization with big operations in South Sudan. At the end of 2018, I was recognized by my department as the best Field Officer.

• Funding for operational research in improving the quality of VMMC programs and consultancy awards for measuring non-traditional health service indicators Because I excelled in Teaching and mentoring students both national and international in Mulago Hospital, I went to Sweden on Teacher and Student exchange program as a Clinical instructor in 2018.

• Was awarded best supervisor on nurse's day at my former workplace.

• Only promotion.


• None but I am hoping to immediately get a Job.

• I was part of a team that won a Research Grant from USAID last year. I also got the Dean's award for my Ph.D. research project,

• Quality and most loved staff.

• I was the emergency medical dispatcher of the year in 2019. It is an award given to the best employee of the year to recognise the efforts of the employees during that year. I won it in 2020.

• Smartest And Most Hardworking Employee (Male).

• Best Employee of the year - 2020.

• Long service award (made 15 years of working at MU-JHU) and spot award for diligence and commitment towards regulatory compliance.

• Best performing In charge in A&E.

• I developed a proposal for an adolescent sexual reproductive health project for 3 years and it was funded by UNFPA, and it's still being implemented with ADRA in South Sudan for the strategic year 2019-2021.

• Laboratory employee of the year 2020 at Lubaga hospital & Recognition for outstanding performance as Laboratory Quality Assurance Officer in 2018 at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital.

• The Best Project Manager of the Year for quality leadership, planning, and management of implementation.

• At Intra-Health International, staff are rated monthly based on agreed criteria by management. Staff then vote for their colleagues based on the criteria. I was voted the best staff of January 2021.

• Best employee of the month.

• Leadership (LC1) Chairperson.

• Chosen to make the speech to UNICEF global executive director among over 2000 who applied. We were the only 4 globally who made the speech and I was praised and got so much feedback. The video is recorded.

• A health educator on new preventive approaches, new courage and new insights on the prevention of COVID-19.

• Global health corps fellowship.

• Opportunity to do my PHD.

• I have been grant writing and I have won awards from donors for projects.

• "1. I was given an award for being the best intern nurse in 2017/2018. I also won a grant to set up sentinel steps for Blackwater fever in Uganda January, 2022

• One of the project grants was ending and I wrote the project report and requested for an extension which was accepted. But I also wrote a research paper and was accepted for presentation at a conference for which I got a certificate. That was my dissertation for the master’s I was awarded.

• Earned a design research grant from Elrha for the design of safe spaces for menstrual hygiene management for young women and girls.

• The awards were due to hardworking, and proper diagnosis of our clients. I hit the employee of the week for over 6 months recurrently because of my work ethics and quality and quantitative reports from my work

• We do not have some of those awards at work.

• Supervisory role of all Reproductive Health activities in the organisations and provision of technical support. I have participated in Organisation change interventions.

Appendix D: Description of leadership roles

• Leader of the VHTs in Mpigi

• As a supervisor of a research project at MLI, also I have been a medical facility in a charge of being a TB Focal nurse.

• Worked as acting deputy principal at Kabale school of nursing at the time l was senior tutor however upon transfer to Mulago was promoted to the level of principal tutor.

• Am currently the General Manager of my company.

• Head of Surge team and Covid-19 vaccination program in Garowe Puntland UN clinic. My skills have improved performance, efficient

• In charge of the laboratory. Ensuring that all patient samples are analysed and results sent to clinicians by the end of the day.

• Since qualifying I have been employed as Principal Nursing Officer

• I lead the Laboratory quality team.

• I was a Guild President of my former Nursing School

• Senior or lead nurse

• Motivation of teams, Teamwork building, encouraging others to achieve their best.

• Am currently the head of medical services at the international medical link, we were able to introduce an online clinic at the company where we interact with patients online

• Executive director growing a team that can reduce health inequities

• Community Development Worker; Refer to above (Impact and Visibility).

• In charge of clinical officers

• Head of the department at Mukwaya General Hospital and Head of Community Health at Palabek and Kiryandongo Refugee Settlements

• Regional Healthcare quality improvement officer/advisor and public health officer

• Laboratory Manager for FIND study

• Board member Remi East Africa and Alive Nutri Dietetic Clinic

• Delegation of responsibility, regular meetings, motivation of the subordinates

• Currently serving as a district secretary in Rotary district 9214. In this position, i empower youth to carry out meaningful community projects

• Health facility in charge at Masolya Health Center III, influencing change through qualitative service delivery to the people within the facility catchment area and beyond ensuring teamwork, respect, medical records management, Availability of all medical supplies at all times, etc.

• Laboratory Manager, Member of Health facility management, District Laboratory Focal Person

• Quality Improvement Committee Focal Person

• Monitoring and evaluation - I develop M&E tool Programme implementation, coordination and alignment - Coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the WASH First WAI (lead by Simavi) sub-programme in Bundibugyo and Ntoroko;Organize quarterly planning and review workshops with partners together with the WAI coordination office in-country; - Ensure alignment and close collaboration between the four WAI implementing partners; - Collaborate with other stakeholders present in the same intervention areas as the WASH First programme to ensure alignment and learning between WASH and COVID-19 programmes; - Support implementing partners to finalize the WASH First programme work plan; - Develop communication materials (position papers, learning briefs, blogs, videos, etc.) and targeted dissemination strategies; - Ensure that the cross-cutting theme of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) is effectively integrated in programme implementation; - Liaise with implementing partners and the WAI coordination office in-country to ensure that support is being adequately provided and activities are ongoing. Programme implementation, coordination and alignment - Coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the WASH First WAI (lead by Simavi) sub-programme in Bundibugyo and Ntoroko; - Organize quarterly planning and review workshops with partners together with the WAI coordination office in-country; - Ensure alignment and close collaboration between the four WAI implementing partners; - Collaborate with other stakeholders present in the same intervention areas as the WASH First programme to ensure alignment and learning between WASH and COVID-19 programmes; - Support implementing partners to finalize the WASH First programme work plan; - Develop communication materials (position papers, learning briefs, blogs, videos, etc.) and targeted dissemination strategies; - Ensure that the cross-cutting theme of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) is effectively integrated in programme implementation; - Liaise with implementing partners and the WAI coordination office in-country to ensure that support is being adequately provided and activities are ongoing. Programme implementation, coordination and alignment - Coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the WASH First WAI (lead by Simavi) sub-programme in Bundibugyo and Ntoroko; - Organize quarterly planning and review workshops with partners together with the WAI coordination office in-country; - Ensure alignment and close collaboration between the four WAI implementing partners; - Collaborate with other stakeholders present in the same intervention areas as the WASH First programme to ensure alignment and learning between WASH and COVID-19 programmes; - Support implementing partners to finalize the WASH First programme work plan; - Develop communication materials (position papers, learning briefs, blogs, videos, etc.) and targeted dissemination strategies; - Ensure that the cross-cutting theme of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) is effectively integrated in programme implementation; - Liaise with implementing partners and the WAI coordination office in-country to ensure that support is being adequately provided and activities are ongoing. Programme implementation, coordination and alignment - Coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the WASH First WAI (lead by Simavi) sub-programme in Bundibugyo and Ntoroko; - Organize quarterly planning and review workshops with partners together with the WAI coordination office in-country; - Ensure alignment and close collaboration between the four WAI implementing partners; - Collaborate with other stakeholders present in the same intervention areas as the WASH First programme to ensure alignment and learning between WASH and COVID-19 programmes; - Support implementing partners to finalize the WASH First programme work plan; - Develop communication materials (position papers, learning briefs, blogs, videos, etc.) and targeted dissemination strategies; - Ensure that the cross-cutting theme of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) is effectively integrated in programme implementation; - Liaise with implementing partners and the WAI coordination office in-country to ensure that support is being adequately provided and activities are ongoing. activity tracking and data collection system, alongside the MEL Officer and implementing partners; -I Coordinate the planning, monitoring, evaluation, and learning (PMEL) efforts of the programme (such as situational assessment, progress monitoring, reflective learning, and end-line evaluation) in line with the results framework; - I Assess programme data to measure progress and facilitate learning within programme implementation

• Coordinator for HIV prevention, able to coordinate teams and achieve the targets for the program

• Project officer

• Principal Tutor of Health Training Institute

• Head of the organization, I have been able to oversee strategic management and implementation.

• Supervise

• I am currently a Program Manager, I started working as a Field Officer in 2017 but I have shown quality leadership skills and have earned 2 promotions in the 3 years. I am now in-charge of the ICRC`s nutrition program in South Sudan and am using my leadership and networking skills to work in an organized manner with my team.

• Team leader

• Projects director-destiny doctors, programs coordinator-Mobiklinic these positions have given me unlimited exposure to influence policies and organization matters to introduce a bit of creativity and analytical thinking

• Knowledge Hub Coordinator

• Team leader-VMMC TEAMS where the influence has been in leading teams to achieve targets using quality improvement approaches for better response outcomes.

• I am the lead person on report writing for the department

• Head MNCH IN Oyam district in RHITES project

• Nurse In charge

• I've been a supervisor at A&E Nakasero hospital and unit Manager medical/surgical ward at IHK

• Am leading a department in charge and offer to study the theory of management. I realised that I was using a transition type of management and I changed to transformational which is better and it has improved communication, organizational development and employee job satisfaction.

• I was the president of all intern nurses at Soroti Regional Referral Hospital, I was also the welfare of all Medical interns at the same hospital in a year 2020-2021

• I am the School ISO coordinator, I ensure that the Quality Management Protocols are observed by the Six departments that I represent.

• In charge Cancer dept in Jinja, Led a team as principal Investigator of Black water fever, COVID 19 related stigma among others

• Helped the hospital with strategic planning.

• Being a former Guild president at CIU, I did learn a lot about social change, problem solving, and as of now at my current workplace, it has made me earn an extreme trust within a short period of time in which case I do represent the medical director in his absence. All this happens above all other senior medical officers I found at the workplace, and I attribute this to effective leadership, ethical conduct

• QC focal point/ supervisor, Nurse team leader

• As an ambulance team leader, I manage to use my skills in mentoring and training other health workers how to manage medical emergencies.

• Grants Manager

• Continuous Quality Improvement Focal Person

• WASH Coordinator

• Gender Focal Person

• Deputy Regulatory Affairs Coordinator in which we are responsible for research compliance to local, international and sponsor guidelines

• Head of palliative care department in Mulago SNM

• Am a technical officer in charge of behavior change and communications in Teso region and i have been able to coordinate demand creation activities in the entire region successfully for 4 years now

• In charge of emergency unit, enforced team working by carrying out hands on myself, on job coaching of Junior staff, motivating for a welcome job through recognising staff at meetings.

• Currently am working as Health Resilience Advisor with GOAL South Sudan under the momentum health resilience project funded by USAID, I was able to use my position to influence theory of change in the project.

• Laboratory Quality Assurance Officer for Lubaga Hospital. I spearheaded the certification of the laboratory by WHO's African Society for Laboratory Medicine in 2020. Currently championing the laboratory's roadmap towards international accreditation by SANAS and as a member of the hospital's CQI committee, I actively participate in the hospital's journey towards international accreditation by COHSASA.

• In charge medical store

• I am currently the HSSO for caritas, I influence change by collaborating with health workers to improve on performances.

• I head the triaging department ,which aids in quick flow of patients in the facility

• As Quality assurance specialist I supervise a lab mentor who i guide in QMS mentoring at hospital facilities

• Research coordinator

• Being a mentor and good team leader in critical care nursing

• Head of the mental health clinic

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