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First Virtual Graduation

Following the country wide measures required to limit the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, on the 19th of March 2021, CIU like many other Universities across the world held its first ever virtual graduation. A total of 300 students graduated in the fields of Public Health, Nursing and Midwifery and Allied Health. The graduation was a colorful event aired live on the University’s social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook. Unlike previous years, where parents, gradaunds and staff were present for the graduation, this year was only attended by a handful of guests and the rest of the student body watched and received their degrees online.


In spite of the grave inconvenience, the event was still a huge success, as it featured a list of speakers that were both uplifting and inspiring in these particularly challenging times. In attendance was the Promoter Dr. Ian Clarke, the Chancellor Bishop Zach Niyingiye, the Vice Chancellor Dr. Rose Clarke Nanyonga, the chair of council, Dr. Galukande, faculty deans, and a few of our alumni and graduands. The guest of honor was none other than the Irish ambassador to Uganda, His Excellence William Carlos, who gave his commencement speech online.

In his speech the Ambassador praised the work done by CIU alumni on the front line. He encouraged health care workers to recognize patients as more than just a number, but as people. “In the domain of healthcare, we must never ever forget that every number is a person: a father or mother, a brother or sister, a son or daughter. Today is the official passage of you joining a precious pillar of society--one that seeks to protect and promote the health of others... such a noble profession.” He said.

The Vice chancellor Dr. Rose Clarke Nanyonga, thanked the Promoter Dr. Clarke for his commitment to growing the University. Amidst a country wide lock down, the University was able to move to its new permanent home in Bukasa. A significant milestone for the University. She also thanked the graduands and faculty for adopting to the Distance and E-learning platform ODeL. She noted that most of the student’s learning was disrupted and pivoted toward online learning. Some students and even faculty initially struggled with the adjustment, but persevered. This made it possible for graduands to complete their course work in time for graduation. Angela Musimenta, BScN, the valedictorian thanked her fellow graduands for enduring and not giving up in spite of all the challenges that came with graduating during a pandemic. She also thanked the parents and graduands for the endless support and sacrifices.

This is CIU’s 11th graduation ceremony.

CIU’s First ever Virtual Graduation!

2021 Graduation of Clarke International University

By Daphne Bukirwa

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