Architecture Chapter I

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What we do for ourselves die with us, what we do for others remains and is immortal

- Albert Pine

I believe Architecture shouldn’t only be defined as doing; we don’t do architecture, we live it everyday. From the children who create havens from bed sheets, to the architects who design for our communities to grow from the lands of neighbourhoods. Throughout my studies I’ve learnt although function should always be mandatory, experience lies in the nebulous concept which can be described as the soul of the project. Most importantly I’ve discovered that it’s the empiricism that not only comes before but after that great architecture stands on.

OPENING THOUGHTS This portfolio admits that one can design for experience but as precedent will tell, some experiences come inadvertently and there is exactly where the magic of architecture and the unpredictably of the sociocultural factors collide effortlessly.


Architecture x Experience

Concept Growth


Adapt & Extend

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Collective Dwelling



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Architecture x Experience

Sustainable crop growth is becoming exceeding vital. The opportunity to use solar gain to grow remains one of the beneficial techniques. Rotating floors are put in place to maximise and regulate solar exposure to growing crops. Solar panels are equipped for the structure to power it’s own rotation. Mirroring the life of a crop, by night the structure remains in a stationary position waiting for a chance to grow again once the sun wakes and supplies it with power.

CONCEPT GROWTH “The structure had no intention of gaining a material of its own. It was designed to quietly operate, mirroring the vastness of the sea. Africa is beautiful enough; along with providing sustainable crop growth, it was there to reaffirm that fact. This would eventually be able to be built along Africa’s coastline, making it synonymous with new self sustaining Africa.


Architecture x Experience


Architecture x Experience

“-Peace, Work and Fatherland presented itself as the three pillars I would use to differentiate what was produced on each floor. � Development Diagram


Architecture x Experience

Concept Sketches


Architecture x Experience

Beach Visual

Sketch Elevation


Architecture x Experience

Solar Panels

Tomatoes, cucumber and beans need full sun

Vertical Windmill

Lettuce and spinage tolerate most shade

“-The concept came from the idea that the solar system rotates around the sun to survive, the idea was to downsize that mechanism; never straying from the fact that it’s the sun that gives life to the structure”



Architecture x Experience

Concept Perspective


Architecture x Experience

“Those who are at one regarding food are at one in life. -Malawian Proverb�


Architecture x Experience

Sheerness once known for its assemble of star forts presented itself as the defence of the isle of Sheppey. With time the need for capital defence decreased and in turn the interest in up-keeping the area diminished, leaving it starved of any sort of engagement. This project aimed to provide a catalyst by introducing a community centre point, where with the arts encouraged not only locals but inhabitants of England to rediscover Sheerness. Much like the reclamation of land in Sheerness, this was about reclaiming a poetic justice that this town deserves, for once it was the protector of our lands.

URBAN “It is noted that events fuel regeneration; if it is possible to provide such opportunity to a historic seaside town, then it is plausible to believe that sheerness can thrive again. This is about merging two towns,which have suffered over the years, to create fluent experience as the nucleus.�


Architecture x Experience


Architecture x Experience

Initial Sketches

Site Photo Inspirations


Architecture x Experience

Contextual Site Plan

“-It was important to romanticise the idea of Sheerness, It was when the sun would retreat that in essence one would see the true magic which exists. At night -as true as ever to its location- the design presented itself as ultimately containers lit by the activities of the people.�

Model Construction


Architecture x Experience




Usage Diagram

North Elevation


Architecture x Experience

Perspective From Church

Perspective Towards Apartments

“-The canopy was designed to be the statement, both from sky and ground level. Providing a visual continuance from the high street proved crucial to try and lead people into the flexible market it housed�

Long Section


Architecture x Experience

Church Render “-The ideology behind the concert hall closely related to Sheerness’ port. The outer shell represented the container, the core represented the product and together became exactly what Sheerness is now famous for.”

Concert Hall Inception

Long Section


Architecture x Experience

“-The church ruins were turned into a social area for visitors. The net on the upper deck created a floating landscape, These areas divided by tinted glass allowed for silhouettes of each others use to gently spill into one another, subsequently intertwining all visitors.�


Architecture x Experience

This project presented an opportunity to design an archaeological museum in the centre of Canterbury. The idea was to also adapt to the fabric of Canterbury and more so extend the already historically rich town. The museum design took inspiration from Libeskind’s thinking and poetic experience behind The Jewish Museum in Berlin. From conception in which points of value were identified and traced back to the site to the literal idea of while inside one is on their own journey to find what they were seeking. The museum centred around angled plains that opened but more excitingly distorted space within the museum.

ADAPT & EXTEND “These spaces and forms are not without sacrifice though; critics would argue that the museum martyrs functionality for the sake of the form. It is important to understand although skewed walls make it harder to place a desk or hang pictures, they manipulate perception proving a much more dynamic experience of the building. Architecture is more than function in that sense, what defines it is how it shapes our experience and ultimately shapes us.”


Architecture x Experience


Architecture x Experience

Long Section

1. 6 mm aluminum composite sheet aluminium supporting structure with 55/25 mm tubular guide-rails prefabricated timber box element: bituminous seal, multiple layers 18 mm chipboard 70/235 mm timber beam mineral-wool thermal insulation vapour retarder 12.5 mm chipboard melamine coating 2. 390 mm steel I - section 3. double glazing in 180/60 mm steel profile system. 4. column: 500 mm steel SHS 5. carpet; 145mm screed 45 mm impact sound insulation composite floor deck: 300 mm ribbed concrete with 200 mm corrugated metal 6. 300 mmreinforced concrete

Faรงade Detail


Architecture x Experience

Form Finding

“-The design would mirror the experience of being on an exploration, morphing fluently to reveal and obscure. Thus upon discovery one has felt like they’ve taken the journey to find these archaeological artifacts themselves.”

Exterior Render


Architecture x Experience

Initial Form Investigation

Sectional Perspective

“We must start from the centre, at the very heart of the circle from where the whole thing derives it’s source and meaning, and here we come back again to that forgotten, outcast word, soul.” Bachelard 1964

“-The designs purpose was never to unsettle Canterbury’s urban fabric, with materiality and the angled precedent, it’s purpose was to mutually complement the city’s history.”


Architecture x Experience

Spacial Development


Architecture x Experience

Site Plan

Front Elevation


Architecture x Experience

“ I wanted to museum to ultimately become part of Canterbury, Paint was used during this project to reaffirm, that in time just as the Marlow; it would be talked about the new wave of history being produced.�


Architecture x Experience

Ground Floor Plan


Architecture x Experience

Interior Perspective


Architecture x Experience

The objective of this project was to promote community, by designing a new living complex for residents and students. Though these two aspects would be housed in different buildings, it was important to not further divide the community. My main role in this project was to design the residential side of the project. I designed with the concept of making sky gardens due to the lack of space in the centre of Canterbury. Promoting community remained pivotal, all apartments were centred around one of two gardens.

COLLECTIVE DWELLING “It is important to remember that a community isn’t selective, providing landscaping like a generous boardwalk along the river bank only allows to further the concept of neighbour etiquette. This is pivotal because although we may be at different stages we can always respect and learn from our neighbours.”


Architecture x Experience


Architecture x Experience

“-The design worked on a multiple drawer scheme, pushing and pulling to create different floors and opportunities to explore�

Sectional Perspective

Shape Development


Architecture x Experience



Architecture x Experience

Initial Sketches

Interior Perspective


Architecture x Experience

“-It was the pockets of space that would pop up on each level that allowed for residents to almost create their own sanctuary.�


Architecture x Experience

Exterior Perspective

“The boardwalk provided quick links to the centre of Canterbury and the neighbouring apartments, ultimately bringing areas closer in location. Furthermore close in communication.

Form Exploration


Architecture x Experience



Architecture x Experience

A small sample in what other endeavours I try to explore alongside architecture, sometimes using other mediums and forms provide a sense of re-location of thought; different directions can sometimes lead to valid solutions.

ARTWORK “Architecture is an art form in itself, In theory this whole portfolio should be called art work. This section is to merely inform that different art forms sometimes sparks creative ideas that one can put back into architecture.�


Architecture x Experience


Architecture x Experience

A collection of photographs I’ve taken spontaneously in different locations. The aim is to provide a vivid memory of an opinion which was formed when I first looked at the element. Capturing design remains as a penultimate phase in development; because it importantly continues the question of how did it make us feel?

PHOTOGRAPHY “I believe a camera is an extension of ones sketchbook, it’s a craft I’m only beginning to explore but realising that this started long before I considered it to be one. The difference now is that the thought of the captured starts long before I’ve pressed the shutter.”


Architecture x Experience


Architecture x Experience

Thank You


Architecture x Experience


Architecture x Experience

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