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It is unlikely a pet will become infected and serve as a source of infection for people.
Coronavirus Pet Safety Facts and Tips for Dog and Cat Owners
There are many types of coronavirus. COVID-19 is new—a novel coronavirus—and there are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in dogs or cats. Dogs can become infected with a canine coronavirus. It is fairly species-specific and will not infect people, but can infect cats (without causing clinical disease in naturally infected cats). Most infected dogs do not show symptoms and recover without showing signs of infection; young puppies may exhibit mild diarrhea.
Cats have their own coronavirus that, like dogs, usually causes an asymptomatic infection, or may cause mild diarrhea or mild respiratory infection (especially in kittens). However, this coronavirus, for unknown reasons, can mutate in the GI tract and transform into the (usually) lethal feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) virus (this occurs in about 10 percent of infected cats).
Again, this feline coronavirus will not infect dogs or people, and only infects felids. (A curious note is that cats can become infected with the human SARS coronavirus experimentally and naturally, but do not become ill, and the original SARS virus was suspected to have originated from a mongoose.) As with human coronaviruses, canine and feline coronaviruses can survive outside of the pet’s body for a period of time, especially in a colder environment, but are easily killed with most soap or disinfectants.
Dogs and cats that develop their own coronaviral diseases will not infect people. However, by serving as fomites (objects that can carry an infectious organism on the surface), dogs and cats could potentially carry a virus on their coat or skin if an infected family member gets infected material (saliva, respiratory droplets, etc.) onto the animal. Like any other surface in the home, the virus could transfer from the surface of the pet to other uninfected family members. (This is usually by hand to face transfer.)
To be safe, it may be wise to keep the family pet away from the infected family member, or at least have the infected family member bathe and/or wipe the pet’s coat with a wet washcloth before the pet is exposed to uninfected family members.
Keep in mind that maintaining proper blood levels of vitamin D in people and in pets is important in minimizing infectious diseases. Shawn Messonnier, DVM, is the owner of Paws & Claws Holistic Animal Hospital, in Plano, Texas, and an award-winning author and host on Martha Stewart Radio. by Shawn Messonnier

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Physician is a Medicare Provider
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A TCM Perspective On How To Thrive Through And Beyond - Part I by Nancy Hiller, Acupuncture Physician, DAOM(c)
As the coronavirus outbreak continues to seep into everyday life, it can be hard to stay present and focused on our day to day non-virus-related lives and relationships. Unfortunately, this can be true for kids, too. Let’s make sure it’s put back into perspective and into the background of their lives. We can start moving forward on elevating our well-being right now and get a good jumpstart on a liberating May! Younger kids can perceive their caretakers’ stress and not much else. Older kids are better aware of what’s going on for their families and in the world around them — they can talk about things more easily (generally) and adjust better. But, they also need a safe place to talk about everything. So, as we navigate our own stress each day, we also have to protect our children from theirs. Using Traditional Chinese Medicine & Philosophy can be one of

those ways to support you in doing just that. Here’s how: In Chinese Medical Philosophy the 5 main emotions can greatly affect the 5 most important viscera. E.g. Anger can cause the liver to become imbalanced, but, a liver pathology can also cause anger to erupt. Fear/stress belongs to the kidneys, so, wetting the bed, growing pains or just lethargy or sadness could show up. Note that some kids react right away to stress (or act out right away), while others may have a delayed reaction or more difficulty verbalizing their feelings in general. For those children, fear might be expressed as physical – emotional pain or discomfort long before a word is spoken – this is more common than one might think.
QUESTIONS about how they feel, what they think is happening, etc. If your child is old enough to remember having a cold or when Mommy or Dad or brother had a cold — use that, or, any experience of being tired, or just not feeling happy and well. “We are staying inside more just to make sure that doesn’t happen”. What’s happening now is all about “Protecting” everyone from not feeling good. Simple. 2- GET THEM CREATING — studies show that expressing their feelings in spoken or written words, play-acting, and even drawing will alleviate much if not all of the fear they are having and most importantly, avoid the physical ramifications of “holding it in”. 3 – GET A ROUTINE — Daily routine is of the utmost importanc . Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches that we all need someone to care about and something to DO. The body has rhythms and a circadian clock ticking all the time. So, how about a morning walk at the
same time after breakfast every day? Put on a mask, glue a smiley face or laughing mouth onto it, and have a tiny parade in the neighborhood (sunglasses and eyegear are a wise idea, too, and that can be fun, as well!). Maybe, after nap time is ‘dance time’ or ‘write a letter’ to a hospital worker time? By the time children are 2 they show signs of empathy and may understand the reward of helping someone else, shortly after that! It’s very good thing to put on the daily routine’s To-Do list.
OF WATER, PLENTY OF SLEEP — Stretching is a good 15 minute item to put on your daily routine schedule. 2x per day, morning and evening, is even better. Along with breathing it is a top stress-buster. And, now, you have the best excuse ever to make optimum health a ‘Game’ you can play with the whole family! Cook, chop, prepare healthy, colorful, organic meals instead of the old prepared food from the box or jar. Everyone can participate (especially if we start early enough — we can still eat dinner on time).
WAY – I’ve seen just a few minutes of breathwork practices reduce everything from anxiety, skin rashes, insomnia, chronic fatigue, to asthmatic pathologies +. There are even fun videos for kids (google youtube, breathing for kids) and if they learn this valuable tool now, their lives are guaranteed to be just that much rosier in the future. A simple & effective one and one you can practice kids a couple of times per day or whenever tempers or anxieties flare-up: take any hand and cover the closest nosttril (to that hand) with the thumb and breath in and out with the open nostril. Using that same hand, switch to the index finger closing the opposite nostril & breathe in and out of the clear one. That’s one round. Build two to 14 rounds. You’ll see the lung capacity increase as any dizziness, felt at first, decreases to 0. Even kids find it difficult to continue a tantrum after this and I’ve seen miraculous 180s right in my clinic! (research on Alternate Nostril Breathing & the parasympathetic system: www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC3681046/). TCM practitioners are trained to look at each patient from a holistic, well-rounded perspective. From the beginning we are taught to see the mental and emotional, as well as, the physical signs & symptoms and how to calm first and allow the rest of the treatment to bring healing of the whole person. Further, TCM replaces much of the anti-anxiety and anti-stress (and anti-pain) medication in the modern hospitals and clinics of Asia with mild to very potent herbal formulas. Along with Acupuncture, herbal formulas (or MD prescribed “Kampo” in Japan) for stress and assisting the parasympathetic’s calming influence are well-known. While TCM doctors are by no means therapists, your Acupuncturist should be familiar with the “symptom” of fear or anxiety and how to quell it in any body of any age. Depression, to us, is not a disease, it is simply one symptom of a Pattern of a Disease. For example, depression can stem from “stuck” emotions in the liver or Hepatitis-C. The individual pattern diagnosis and treatment of the disease is what works to heal, rather than to simply mask a symptom. An anti-depressant, while it can be helpful in the short-term, will not rid the body of a congested liver or Heps-C. Lastly, while the Western Medical World is still ‘waiting’ for anti-viral solutions, TCM has been the treasure-trove of anti-viral herbs and formulas for over 2000 years (please see research tab ‘anti-virals’ & short video on COVID-19 page of AcupunctureMed.Org). So, In the wake of the outbreak of COVID-19, doctors of TCM in China have turned to tried and true Pneumonia-risk reducing and preventive herbal formulas and have also modified these anti-viral herbs for more specific herbal formulas to address distinct patterns and pathologies brought on by the coronavirus. If you or someone you know is affected by the coronavirus, you must, first, get to an MD or DO for testing (or testing Rx) and then contact us or your TCM doctor for information on these specific formulas. These formulas can fortify the lungs and increase the production of helpful T-cells and white blood cells to help the body fight off viruses (see Research tab). Many of us use these formulas every year keeping pneumonia at bay for patients stricken with seasonal viruses. If your TCM doctor makes house calls &/or provides a safe and sterile, low-traffic environment (like many since early March) she/he can also activate points to relax the nervous system and regulate the digestive and hormonal systems. Cultivating and maintaining balance in all these systems allows the body to heal and stay strong in stressful situations — a boosted immune system is the best preparation. Further, he/she can assist on facetime/skype for herbal consultation if or when needed. But, back to the kids — no matter how your kids are experiencing stress, the most important thing is to make sure they feel loved and cared for. If they have a routine with daily ‘things to do’, they’ll understand their lives are making the world a better place! They pick up EVERYthing from you, of course. So, for you and your kids, it’s very important for you to maintain healthy SELF-CARE habits. The better you take care of yourself during this time, the better you’ll be able to care for those around you. Stay tuned in June Edition for TCM Part II with specifics on acupuncture/acupressure points to relieve stress and anti-anxiety herbals and immune boosters. Lastly, remember, the sharpest families incorporate Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture principals into their lives sooner, rather than later! The point is: get ready NOW to bloom sometime in MAY! May your family stay safe and healthy during this unusual time, and know, of course, this shall pass, too! Dr. Nancy J Hiller, AP, DAOM(c) FSOMA, ASA, NCCAOM. New: COVID-19 Blog with Up To Date information. How to NOT get CV19 & What to Do if you Do. TELE-HEALTH HERBAL CONSULTATIONS AVAILABLE 561.223.1871. 311 Golf Rd. at The Flagler Institute Building, West Palm Beach, FL 33407

NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. No phone calls or faxes, please. Email calendar@napalmbeach.com to submit online.
Psychic Intuitive Medium w/Cinthya
Blanchard – 1-5pm Cost 15 min/$35, 30 min/$60, 45 min/$85, 60 min/$110. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
FREE Laura Norman Reflexology
Training Webinar - Wednesday, May 6th - 8:00pm-9:00pm. Talk with Laura Norman about: How to Add to Your Services • Start a New Career • Earn $75-$150 an Hour • FREE Registration online at www.lauranorman.com. Learn about Laura Norman’s unique, holistic Method of Reflexology, including powerful nurturing relaxation and Foot, Hand, Ear and Face Reflexology techniques you can learn through individualized, guided, hands-on instruction! Take your first step toward a new career in complementary healthcare, or expand your current practice! See our ad in this issue for our complete

class schedules starting May 16th. Location: The comfort of your home. Register online now at www.lauranorman.com.
Call to confirm May 8 BOOK SIGNING Kate White, Murder on the Beach Mystery Bookstore, 104 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444. 561-279-7790 www.murderonthebeach.com
Call to confirm May 12 BOOK SIGNING - AJ Sidransky, Murder on the Beach Mystery Bookstore, 104 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444. 561-279-7790 www.murderonthebeach.com
Call to confirm May 15 BOOK SIGNING Traci Hall, Murder on the Beach Mystery Bookstore, 104 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444. 561-279-7790 www.murderonthebeach.com
The Five Love Languages w/Jamar. If you want to change your relationships with family, friends, lover, partners or spouses, then this is the workshop for you! It could be with How do you speak "love"? Is your primary Love Language words of affirmation, physical touch, gifts, acts of service, or quality time? Through a simple self-test, come to understand your primary Love Language as well as that of your partner, family and friends. It becomes easy to see and understand what others are trying to communicate with their behavior. Once you see what’s really going on in your relationship, things will make a lot more sense. This workshop will help you discover how to express your love in a way that helps others see the gift that it is, and then helps you to open up to receive the same from others in a more satisfying way. 7-9pm Cost $40 or $35 by 5/14, $75 or $65 per couple by 5/14. To register or for more info: JamarCenter. com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
NIA® Dynamic Blend of Dance & SelfHealing w/Randy Miller. Every Wed & Sat 10:30-11:30am Cost Drop-in $20. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
Psychic Intuitive Medium w/Cinthya
Blanchard 1-5pm Cost 15 min/$35, 30 min/$60, 45 min/$85, 60 min/$110. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
You Are The Phoenix: Rise, Triumph, and Create The Life You Desire w/Joe Petroski. Rising out of the ashes himself, Joe will share his Expertise and Knowing as an Intuitive Energy Specialist. He will facilitate individual and group healings…everyone will get to experience Joe’s incredible gift! Joe’s proven methods have succeeded in leading fantastic workshops at the Jamar Center in the past and we are excited for him to share new and profound techniques to help us all live happier lives! You don’t need to suffer to live the life of your dreams. You deserve an extraordinary life…now! 3-5pm Cost $45 or $40 by 5/16. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
Kripalu Beginners Yoga w/Jamar.
7-8:30pm Every Mon. (6 week series) or drop-in $22. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
Transformational Breath® w/Jamar. Join us for a profound and deeply moving process that helps integrate, re-program and release negative beliefs or behaviors, replacing them with new feelings of passion, joy and hope. Experience the benefits and application of a full, deep, connected breath. Eliminate restrictive breathing patterns. 6:30-8:30pm Cost $46 or $42 by 5/18. Limited to 8. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
NIA® Dynamic Blend of Dance & Self-Heali n g w / R a n d y M i l l e r. 1 0 : 3 0 - 11 : 3 0 a m C o s t D r o p - i n $20. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
Transformational Breath® w/Jamar. Join us for a profound and deeply moving process that helps integrate, re-program and release negative beliefs or behaviors, replacing them with new feelings of passion, joy and hope. Experience the benefits and application of a full, deep, connected breath. Eliminate restrictive breathing patterns. 6:30-8:30pm Cost $46 or $42 by 5/20. Limited to 8. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
Mind Purge - Hitting the Reset w/Jamar. We all need an opportunity to reset and clear the mind. Hitting the reset button, as you know puts the hardware back into its original intended state of references and pristine state. Who doesn't want that? Clear your conditioning. Find the liberation that being in the present moment offers.. Using dyads makes it simple to speak from that place of inner awareness and deep knowing. Jamar is a trained Enlightenment Master. 6:30-8:30pm Cost $40 or $35 by 5/21. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)

Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them. ~William Arthur Ward
NIA® Dynamic Blend of Dance & Self-Healing w/Randy Miller. 10:30-11:30am Cost Drop-in $20. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
Standing in Strength: Accessing Your Personal Power with Maya Malay. How do we reclaim our misplaced personal power and spiritual strengths and where do we find them? Confidence, goodness and action are the keys to living from love, standing in our power, setting healthy boundaries and fulfilling our divine destiny. In this workshop, learn to live each day authentically, with a celebration of yourself and with the confidence and courage to have meaningful interactions and productive activities. Discover an inner strength that provides a sense of security, positive interactions with others and assured successes in every area of your life. Living from enjoying and appreciating with confidence and certainty. 3-5pm Cost $40 or $35 by 5/23. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
Kripalu Beginners Yoga w/Jamar. 7-8:30pm Every Mon. (6 week series) or drop-in $22. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
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Your Thyroid Regulates Your Metabolism! It is also an important part of your overall hormonal health and wellbeing. Do you know that there are over 20 different patterns of thyroid dysregulation and they do not always show up in basic blood work. So if you have thyroid symptoms and you are not getting the help you need… Give us a call.
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I find hope in the darkest of days and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.

~Dalai Lama

Transformational Breath® w/Jamar. Join
us for a profound and deeply moving process that helps integrate, re-program and release negative beliefs or behaviors, replacing them with new feelings of passion, joy and hope. Experience the benefits and application of a full, deep, connected breath. Eliminate restrictive breathing patterns. 6:30-8:30pm Cost $46 or $42 by 5/25. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561- 630-2280. (PBG)
NIA® Dynamic Blend of Dance & Self-Healing w/Randy Miller. 10:30- 11:30am Cost Drop-in $20. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
Practical Magic for the Inquisitive Mystic w/Claudia Marrero (3 week series or drop in) Come dance on a spectrum where science and magic meet: Learn the Tools of Empowerment and Connect to your Internal GPS (God/Goddess Power Source). Develop The clarity and confidence to manifest what you really want in life using the tools of “scientific magic” to transform your life; a systematic approach to magic and manifestation. Tap into your spirit guides and spirit animals. Claudia will be channeling and invites you to delve in with questions. Bring your pendulum. Thurs 6:30-8:30pm Cost $115 or $105 by 5/26
Transformational Breath® w/Jamar. Join
us for a profound and deeply moving process that helps integrate, re-program and release negative beliefs or behaviors, replacing them with new feelings of passion, joy and hope. Experience the benefits and application of a full, deep, connected breath. Eliminate restrictive breathing patterns. 6:30-8:30pm Cost $46 or $42 by 5/27. Limited to 8. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
Intimate & Personal Messages & Answers Event w/Joseph LoBrutto. Everyone receives a Medium or Psychic reading. Joseph known as a “direct dial” is able to connect to a crossed over loved one 95% of the time by knowing the relationship of the person you want to hear from, it’s like having a universal phone book! Like the ‘Magic 8 Ball’, Joseph’s lifepath readings are delivered by answering specific questions through his psychic abilities. Spirit No Shows: No matter how small of a group “NO Medium” can promise to connect with everyone in the room to bring in their loved ones but joseph can normally read an audience of 12 to 15 people 85-100% by using his direct dial method in contacting the deceased. After Joseph has exhausted all methods to connect you with your loved one with no success then you may benefit from Joseph’s award winning gift that named him one of America’s top 100 psychics by having him answer up to 4 life-path questions. 7:30pm - approx 9:30pm Cost $110 or $99 by 5/28. To register or for more info: JamarCenter. com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
Heal Thyself with Divine Healing w/Joseph LoBrutto. “Everything is within your power, and your power is within you.” Working with his own Collective of guides many have witnessed Joseph perform miraculous healing of major diseases, emotional and physical trauma, depression, and addictions. Everyone receives the benefit of spiritual balance for a healthy mind, body, and soul connection through his Divine Energy Healing Service. 2-4pm $40 or $35 by 5/29. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
NIA® Dynamic Blend of Dance & Self-Healing w/Randy Miller. 10:30- 11:30am Cost Drop-in $20. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
Speaking to Heaven w/Joseph LoBrutto. Witness Joseph’s outstanding demonstration of his Evidential Mediumship style as seen on TV! Noted by his own peers as being one of the best evidentiary mediums in the country, Joseph is on a fast track to becoming one of America’s most loved Mediums. During his gallery he brings through clear evidence about your loved ones in spirit, often clarifying questions you might have had since their transition. Recognized as a loving bridge to the departed he brings comfort and joy as he Randomly Reads for the audience members delivering heartfelt messages that will make your evening an unforgettable experience. 6-7:30pm Cost SPECIAL $40 or $35 by 5/29. To register or for more info: JamarCenter. com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
Sunday, May 31st - Mediumship Mentoring Session w/ Joseph LoBrutto. Are you a developing medium who desires focus, guidance, and positive direct feedback? Are you a working Medium who feels you have reached a plateau in your connection to Spirit? Want to develop deeper and stronger connections? Whether you are a long time intuitive who wants to enrich and expand your intuitive ability or someone who has just discovered your psychic and/or medium ability, Joseph will guide you in your journey to your full potential in a fun, engaging, experiential way. Discover and learn how to develop your intuitive ability and enhance and enjoy your connection to the divine. 1-3pm $40 or $35 by 5/30. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
Learn to Become a Channel w/Joseph LoBrutto. Joseph has dedicated himself to bring forth in trance Godly words of wisdom from the Ascended Masters and other beings of the God Source. Many of you are familiar with Joseph guides of the Collective by reading his book and now can hear them personally channeled by Joseph as he demonstrates the art of channeling. In this workshop Joseph will help you to connect with your own guides by helping you go into deep trance in connecting with your own guides. 4-6pm $40 or $35 by 5/30. To register or for more info: JamarCenter.com or call 561-630-2280. (PBG)
Let us act on what we have, since we have not what we wish. ~John Henry Newman
DEADLINE: 10th of the PRECEDING MONTH. Prepay at $6.00 per word for 3 months. Email your Classified Ad and Credit Card information to: classifiededitor@napalmbeach.com. Three month minimum.
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community resource guide
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. Deadline: 15th of the PRECEDING MONTH (e.g. Nov. 15th for Dec. Edition) Visit www.napalmbeach.com for pricing information
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GARDENS WHOLISTIC HEALTHCENTER Dr. Bill Rice, DC, LAc, DCBCN 4360 Northlake Blvd., 2nd Floor Palm Beach Gardens, 33410 561-439-6644 • Healthy-Answers.com
Experience Feeling Great! Dr. Rice – a wholistic physician serving patients since 1977 using Acupuncture, Kinesiology, Gentle Chiropractic care and Nutritional Counseling. We Listen • We Care We Get Results.
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Dr. Esther Elisha, AP is a Hadassah Medical School graduate MD practicing alternative medicine. *Acupuncture *Homeopathy *Holistic Therapy *Tailored Wellness Programs *Pain Management *General Health Enhancement We accept all major insurance companies. Call to see if your’s covers acupuncture!
ERIN SCHLOYER, CT, LMT SPA LAVAGE 5458 Town Center Rd, Suite 26 Boca Raton, FL 33486 Spalavage.com • erin@spalavage.com 561.617.0607
Spa Lavage is Boca’s premier colon hydrotherapy spa. Research studies suggest that a healthy colon p r o m o t e s h a p p i n e s s . T h e atmosphere of Spa Lavage is one of tranquility and cleanliness. It features Grace, an open system, Class II medical device. Grace is similar in design to the Libbe and Angel of Water. The device features a thin, sterile, single-use nozzle and has a flow controller that can adjust the stream of water to provide a gentle and relaxing experience. Lic. MM34363, MA78533
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You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. ~Abraham Lincoln
THERMAE RETREAT DELRAY Delray 205 NE 5th Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 561-332-5883 www.thermaeretreat.com
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All phases of dentistry for optimum health, holistic, bio-compatible dentistry. • Sedation dentistry • Removing of toxic metals • Replacing them with biocompatible materials • Laser dentistry for painless surgeries & extractions • Zirconia/ceramic implants • Natural bone augmentation / Plasma Rich Growth Factor • Oral DNA Testing • Add gums to receding gums
SOUL INSPIRED WELLNESS, HOLISTIC BIRTH CARE Brooke Sternberg BD, APD, CLC, RMT 561-403-2486 SoulInspiredWellness.co
Offering a holistic approach to childbirth with continuous labor support and ayurvedic postpartum care to cultivate a deep connection between your mind, body, and baby.
JULI EDWARDS FENG SHUI CONSULTING 561-367-5010 www.juliedwards.net
Juli Edwards has been practicing Feng Shui Consulting since 2009. Allow her keen, intuitive eye to safelyviewyourhomeoroffice via ZOOM to determine what areas need corrections to help increase your finances and improve your health.Good Feng Shui will help to reduce stress; bringing in love, joy and tranquility.Sometimes a few simple changes can make all the difference.
MADELEINE M CASTELLANOS, MD Functional Medicine / Holistic Psychiatrist 4800 N Fed Hwy Boca Raton, FL 33431 917.454.8444 * thebodymindmd.com
Western medicine would have you believe that medications will “cure” what ails you. I believe that the truth to your health starts with giving your body what it really needs to create health. Let me help you explore what imbalances are creating your symptoms, which toxins are causing dysfunctions in your system, and how to correct these to reverse and prevent “dis”ease. Fatigue, sleep issues, memory problems & dementia, mood changes, hormones, and disease prevention.
FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE MERNA MATILSKY, M.D. Board Certified Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine and Family Medicine 2900 N. Military Trail, Suite 245 Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-994-2007 • www.bocamed.com www.facebook.com/bocaimaginewellness
* Functional and
Integrative Medicine * Age Management Medicine * Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy * Healthy Lifestyle Management * Weight Loss Programs Call 561/994-2007 to attend a free seminar on the Solution to Imbalanced Hormones.
JULI EDWARDS Master Holistic Hairstylist and Feng Shui Consultant, and owner of: Healthy Life Salon & Organic Wine Bar 561-891-7527 • www.HLSalon.com 203 S. E. 1st Ave., Boca Raton, FL 33432
Hair color specialist using pure leapingbunnycertifiedHennaand ammonia free hair color, precision cuts, vegan gloss, organic facials, mani, pedi Small quaint two station salon & day spa with personalized service, organic wine, and organic herbal teas!
GLISTEN ORGANIC SALON 14545 S. Military Trail Delray Beach, Fl 33484 Phenix Salon Suites Suite 102 Nw Corner Atlantic Ave/ Military 561-767-0371 • glistensalon.com glistenorganic@gmail.com “ Where nature and beauty meet” A hidden jewel in the heart of Central Delray. Come and relax in the serene, privateenvironmentwhilereceivingthefinestinorganic and conventional services and products. Let years of experience and professionalism guide you to Delrays First and Best Organic Salon. Celebrating 12 years
IBANA VILLASENOR HAIR HOLISTIC Master holistic hair stylist 141 NW 20th St. Ste. B7, Boca Raton, FL www.HairHolistic.com HairHolistic@gmail.com • 561-372-5354
Hair services & products with a truly holistic approach! Ecofriendly lasting hair dyes: chemical free Henna + botanical colors, digital scalp-hair: analysis, detox & jet rejuvenation: holistic-vegan services for scalp hair loss, dandruff, rosacea, psoriasis. Formaldehyde-free keratine. Complimentary consultation. Visit our new location!
HEALING HEART HEALING HEART Nancy A. Keller, DVM, CVH, CVA, CVC 222 W. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 561-740-1313 FAX 561-740-0819
Integration of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Medicine. Holistic Veterinary Care for our animal friends. By appointment only.
QUANTUM HEALING DISCOVERIES Jill Avery, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner 561-305-3236 QuantumantumHealingDiscoveries.com
The subconscious mind controls 95% of our lives. By reprograming the subconscious mind, and removing negative beliefs, you can begin to live to your full potential. ~ Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Regression Practitioner • Kundalini Yoga/Meditation Instructor • Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner.
DEBORAH A. DEMARTA, MD, FACS, FAARFM Institute of Colorectal Health & Wellness 218 SW Atlanta Ave Stuart, 772-539-9556 InstituteHealthWellness.com
Anti-Aging, Functional and Regenerative Medicine. Colorectal Surgery and Functional GI, hormone replacement, food allergy and nutritional testing, IV vitamin therapy, heavy metals testing, medical aesthetics, THERMIva vaginal rejuvenation, ThermiSmooth skin tightening, HALO skin resurfacing, BBL BroadBand Light skin therapy, laserhairremoval, botoxandfillers, skincare, weight loss.
DELIA WEISS MD & WELLNESS Internal Medicine Primary Care - Holistic Health 2828 South Seacrest Blvd., Suite 208 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (561) 243–8783 • DeliaWeissMD.com
NEW OFFICE LOCATION FEB. 1, 2020. Located right across the street from Bethesda East Hospital. Acute and chronic illness treated; Nutrition; Weight; Supplement consults; Metabolism; Thyroid; Digestion; Fatigue, energy; Healthy aging; Blood vessel health; Avoid stroke, heart disease, cancer. Wellness screening. Experienced 20+ years, expert care, excellent results, supportive environment. We listen to you and focus on your concerns. We get to know you, we treat the whole person using a expert scientific approach, extensive clinical experience, plus natural therapies. Accepting: Most Major Insurances, Medicare, Direct pay. We are glad to assist you. HOME VISITS: For homebound Medicare Patients. Call or Text: Tel. (561) 243 – 8783 Online inquiries, appointment requests: DELIAWEISSMD.com
INTUITIVE HEALER/HYPNOIST JANE GRAY FORD 561-827-3319 • janegrayford.com
ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY Healing starts and ends in the energy field of the body. Over time blockages occur in the the physical body through karmic, genetic or experiences in this lifetime. This may go on for years creating pain, discomfort and disease in the body. Medically the body is treated and the symptoms go into remission. BUT...the problem may still exist in the energy/auric field.! When this is addressed, the healing is completed.Jane Gray Ford for over 20 years has served the community by releasing the causes of disease through Hypnosis or through an Intuitive understanding of energy frequencies. After experiencing a disease or trauma such as cancer, it is critical that the energy in the auric field be rebalanced.
LAURA NORMAN INSPIRED LIFE COACHING AND HOLISTIC REFLEXOLOGY Delray Beach • New York City • The Berkshires 561-272-1220 • 212-532-4404 • 413-854-2615 www.lauranorman.com
Laura created Inspired Life Coaching to empower you to: • Release old patterns that no longer serve you • Own your power • Get clear about your goals and priorities regarding relationships, career, prosperity, health and nutrition • Re-discover your greatness • Allow, embrace and manifest the life you desire
Experience a unique blend of tools for your mind, body and spirit, including: • Guided imagery and visualization • The power of conscious language • Breath work with Aromatherapy • Law of Attraction • Love, Forgiveness and Gratitude • Laura Norman Holistic Reflexology Claim your right to live an extraordinary life!
BEVERLY DOWDLE, LMT, LLCC FL Lic#MA6733 Advanced Lymphatic Therapy™ The Therapeutic Alternative 301 Camino Gardens Blvd.,Ste.102 Boca Raton ~ 561-392-3340 www.TheTherapeuticAlternative.com
Beverly is a Certified Lymphatic Specialist with over 27 years experience. See and feel the results; glowing skin, reduced swelling/ puffiness, improved immune function and better digestion. Decreases post-workout and post-surgical recovery time.

SCIENCE OF SPIRITUALITY www.lovetomeditate.org English (561) 715-3996 ~ Dave Espanol (954) 646-1715 ~ Nestor
If you want more than just stress relief and relaxation, meditation on the Inner Light could be what you have been searching for. Join us for weekly meetings focused on spirituality and meditation. No charge, no donations.
YINI PEREL, LMT FL Lic# MA24690 Ortho-Bionomy The Therapeutic Alternative 301 Camino Gardens Blvd., Ste.102 Boca Raton ~ 561-392-3340 www.TheTherapeuticAlternative.com Ortho-Bionomy is a gentle form of bodywork that reduces tension and discomfort. It works without being uncomfortable in the process. It is excellent for anyone seeking relief from pain, improved range of motion, increased flexibility, and improved postural alignment. Yini is a Licensed Massage Therapist and is certified as a Practitioner of Ortho-Bionomy by the Society of OrthoBionomy, International®. Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. ® and is used with permission.
LAURA NORMAN HOLISTIC REFLEXOLOGY Delray Beach • New York City • The Berkshires 561-272-1220 • 212-532-4404 • 413-854-2615 www.lauranorman.com Visit world-renowned expert Laura Norman and her experienced associates and enjoy private sessions in Holistic Reflexology and Inspired Life CoachingSto re-duce your stress, increase your energy, improve your health and love your life! Read Laura’s best-selling book, FEET FIRST: A Guide to Foot Reflexology and practice with one of our Instructional Foot, Hand and Face Reflexology DVDs with Laura’s Reflexology maps, her new Laura Norman Foot • Hand • Face Aromatherapy line and Laura’s other unique wellness products. Call or visit us online to register for one of our:
• Holistic Reflexology and Inspired Life
Coaching Sessions • Free Introduction to Laura Norman
Reflexology Training Webinar • Holistic Reflexology Certification Training
Programs • Foot • Hand • Face Therapy Products Claim your right to live an extraordinary life!
DEENA ELMORE LMT, Reiki Master/Teacher Integrated Therapies 561-271-2651 / www.deenaelmore.com Lic #MA45730 Personalized intuitive sessions integrating massage, Reiki, cranio sacral work, Chakra Rebooting, Angel Therapy & channeling, Lifeline technique, and Bach Flower remedies. These therapies assist to awaken each individuals’ own inner wisdom and healing abilities! Deeply relaxing and transforming! Over 25 years of teaching experience, Reiki Master since 1999. Ongoing Reiki classes, now offering Reiki Level 1 for 7 hours of CEU’s for Massage therapists. (NCBTMB certified) Reiki Healing/Sharing circles monthly. Visit website for details.
SARAHSPIRITUAL® 4047 Okeechobee Blvd, Suite 129 Tree of Life Plaza West Palm Beach FL 33409 561-682-0955 SarahSpiritual.com SarahSpiritual: spiritual advisor, radio personality, transformational coach, energy healer, musical messenger. Sarah is available for inperson, phone and Skype readings at her Expedito Enlightenment Center in West Palm Beach. SarahSpiritual empowers and transforms through Spirit-channeled classes and training programs. Sarah is a Featured Performer and Keynote Speaker. SarahSpiritual is the host of "Spiritually Speaking with Sarah®" and has been live on-air since 2009. Listen on WWNN 1470 AM and 95.3 FM in South Florida and nationally on iHeart Radio Wednesdays 5 – 8 PM Eastern. Watch SarahSpiritual on Facebook Live and YouTube.
THE CRYSTAL GARDEN 2610 North Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 561-369-2836 www.thecrystalgarden.com A unique gift store, book store and spiritual center with more than 50 events a month. Check the calendar and website for listings.
MY FLORA AURA Daily Classes,Unique Gift shop & Free Organic tea Tasting 26 SE 4th street, East Boca Raton, FL Jolie DeMarco / 561-901-5808 JolieMyFloraAura@aol.com www.MyFloraAura.com Please take a look at our web-site to see what events we offer this month. We have so many fun classes to attend. Floral designing, Channeling sessions,Master-Minds,Reiki, Meditation circles, Tea Parties and More! Stop in to say Hi, browse the store...or have a relaxing cup of Organic tea.
GOT SPROUTS? 8420 Resource Road Riviera Beach, Florida 33404 www.GotSprouts.com E-mail Info@GotSprouts.com 561-689-9464 P u r v e y o r s o f Q u a l i t y Wheatgrass, Sprouts, Juicers, Seed and Supplies. We supply Juice bars, Restaurants, Green Markets, Grocery Stores and The General Public with Healthy Sprouts! We Ship and Deliver.
STEM CELL PATCH HEALTH AND HARMONY Susan Forma 561-929-1627 SusanForma1@gmail.com Lifewave.com/HealthAndHarmony
A non-transdermal patch which activates your own Stem Cells. Dramatic Pain Relief, Increased Energy, Mental Clarity, Improved Sleep, Enhanced Skin Appearance, Improved Sports Performance. Contact me for samples.
TANTRA / SACRED SEXUALITY LOURDES STARSHOWER www.tantrahealerflorida.com lourdestantra@gmail.com 561-843-1261
Sacred Sexuality Coach, Clairvoyant E n e r g y H e a l e r , C l i n i c a l Hypnotherapist, Relationship Counselor, Tantra Practitioner Certification Provider. I specialize is healing and awakening orgasmic pleasure, emotional intimacy, selflove, sexual/spiritual wholeness and personal power.
WOODY’S CREW TREE AND LANDSCAPE 561.325.8917 Woodystreecrew@gmail.com www.woodystreecrew.com
Experienced, Licensed and Insured. ISA Certified Arborist Techniques Used. Trees Big or Small We Do Them All!
CONSCIOUS TREE TRIMMING Experienced, Licensed and Insured • ISA Certified Arborist
Trees Big or Small - We Do Them All! WELLNESS CENTER
COMMUNICATING ENERGY WELLNESS CENTER 370 W. Camino Gardens Blvd, Suite 112 Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-212-6862 www.communicatingenergyinstitute.com Colleen A. Haney, M. Ed., Integrative Energy Therapist
Individual sessions, classes, meditations, drumming circle, women’s groups and more. Eden Energy Medicine, Healing Touch, EFT, Nutripuncture, Peace through S urgery P r og ram, S pir itu al Counseling, Intuitive readings. Full spectrum integrative support and nurturing. Know your personal energy body’s needs and have the tools to thrive! Free 30 min Lunchtime meditation every Monday at 12:00 noon. Call in and join a group of like minds from all over the world to hold Divine Love, peace and health. Facilitated by Colleen Haney, For details: bocacolleen@aol.com.
To the healthcare professionals who are risking their lives during this epidemic, thank you for fighting COVID-19 on the front lines.

46 Palm Beach Edition napalmbeach.com S cientists recently discovered a way to kill viruses and bacteria.
Now thousands of people are using it to stop colds and flu.
Colds start when cold viruses get in your nose. Viruses multiply fast. If you don’t stop them early, they spread and cause misery.
In hundreds of studies, EPA and university researchers have confirmed that viruses and bacteria die almost instantly when touched by copper.
That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about microbes, but now we do.
Scientists say the high conductance of copper disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys the cell in seconds.
Tests by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) show germs die fast on copper. So some hospitals tried copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives.
The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. When he felt a cold about to start he fashioned a smooth copper probe and rubbed it gently in his nose for 60 seconds.
“It worked!” he exclaimed. “The cold never got going.” It worked again every time. He hasn’t had a single cold for 7 years since.
He asked relatives and friends to try it. They said it worked for them, too, so he patented CopperZap™ and put it on the market.
Soon hundreds of people had tried it and given feedback. Nearly 100% said the copper stops colds if used within 3 hours after the first sign. Even up to 2 days, if they still get the cold it is milder than usual and they feel better.
Users wrote things like, “It stopped my cold right away,” and “Is it supposed to work that fast?”
“What a wonderful thing,” wrote Physician’s Assistant Julie. “No more colds for me!”
Pat McAllister, 70, received one for Christmas and called it “one of the best presents ever. This little jewel really works.”
Now thousands of users have simply stopped getting colds.
People often use CopperZap preventively. Frequent flier Karen Gauci used to get colds after crowded flights. Though skeptical, she tried it several times a day on travel days for 2 months. “Sixteen flights and not a sniffle!” she exclaimed.
Businesswoman Rosaleen says when people are sick around her she uses CopperZap morning and night. “It saved me last holidays,” she said. “The kids had colds going round and round, but not me.”
Some users say it also helps with sinuses. Attorney Donna Blight had a 2-day sinus headache. When her CopperZap arrived, she tried it. “I am shocked!” she said. “My head cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.”
Some users say copper stops nighttime stuffiness if used just before bed. One man said, “Best sleep I’ve had in years.”
Copper can also stop flu if used early and for several days. Lab technicians placed 25 million live flu viruses on a CopperZap. No viruses were found alive soon after. Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the teams confirming the discovery. He placed millions of disease germs on copper. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched the surface,” he said.
People have even used copper on cold sores and say it can completely prevent outbreaks.
The handle is curved and finely textured to improve contact. It kills germs picked up on fingers and hands to protect you and your family.
Copper even kills deadly germs that have become resistant to antibiotics. If you are near sick people, a moment of handling it may keep serious infection away. It may even save a life.
The EPA says copper still works even when tarnished. It kills hundreds of different disease germs so it can prevent serious or even fatal illness.
CopperZap is made in America of pure copper. It has a 90-day full money back guarantee. It is $69.95.
Get $10 off each CopperZap with code NATA19.
Go to www.CopperZap.com or call toll-free 1-888-411-6114. Buy once, use forever.
New research: Copper stops colds if used early.
ADVERTORIAL Seven years without a cold? New device stops cold and flu
Dr. Bill Keevil: Copper quickly kills cold viruses.
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Hurry won't last at this price $925,000 Call Doug Martin for more information on 561-318-1844 or 561-339-3299
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Starting June 14 our immersive retreats at Hippocrates Health Institute are back in full swing. Detox with yoga and infrared saunas, enjoy the most nourishing raw vegan cuisine in the world, and discover bliss with energy medicine therapies. Book a reservation with an arrival date between June 14 and September 13 and receive a $250 Hippocrates gift card to spend on supplements and additional services. S T A Y W I T H U S : - - W e c o u l d al l u s e W an t to ar r i v e s o o n e r ? W e ar e taki n g l i m i te d o n c am p u s r e s e r v ati o n s fo r th o s e wh o wo u l d l i ke to e x p e r i e n c e a fu l l y c u s to m i z e d p r o g r am wi th o u r D i r e c to r s B r i an an d A n n a M ar i a C l e m e n t. C al l u s fo r d e tai l s ! B R E A T H of F R E S H A I R a