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A. Mondavi Consulting

Napa’s Freak of Nature


Angelina Mondavi doesn’t need to advertise the services she offers at A. Mondavi Consulting. Instead, clients come to her through word of mouth and social media, especially Instagram, which she uses to promote clients and play to a younger demographic. “Wine should be fun and a way of keeping in touch with friends,” Angelina shared, “And I keep it personal, handling all of the social media myself.”

Doing it all herself seems to be at the heart of Angelina’s success. At 39 years old, she has worked 35 harvests in both hemispheres, and she plunges herself into all that she does, from physical work, client questions, and holding hands throughout the long winemaking process. She uses her vast experience in the wine world to craft wine and advises clients on wine business strategies.

“My dad calls me a freak of nature because I can do it all and keep a sane mind,” Mondavi laughed. Her current client list covers Napa Valley to Sonoma County and includes Allora Vineyards, Aloft, Castlevale, Dark Matter, Flat Top Hills, Harrow Cellars, Brasswood Cellars, and Illum. She sees each client almost every day during harvest.

“I’m up at 4:00 A.M., writing work orders and whatever else is needed. By 7:00 A.M., I’m at a winery. By 8:00 A.M., I might be at another. In 2021, all the clients’ grapes ripened at the same time—Zinfandel, Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Malbec—and I had to hit every winery every day, all harvest.”

But she’s not complaining, especially not this year. “The flavors are unreal this year, better than anything I’ve come across since 2016, 2013.”

I love being in the vineyards and figuring out the challenges; every year is different.

Winemaking is in her blood, and Angelina went into the business of winemaking because she loves it, and she loves being outdoors. She feels she has the temperament that makes winemakers great. “I love being in the vineyards and figuring out the challenges; every year is different. I’m a Type A personality, like every winemaker.” She is also co-proprietor and board member for C. Mondavi and Family, which is comprised of Charles Krug, Flat Top Hills, Ck Mondavi, CR Cellars, and French Blue.

The Freak of Nature thrives on the mutability of the vineyards and the fact that we must accept what Mother Nature gives us. “Every vineyard has its personality, and my job is to think, ‘how do I bring out this personality in the wine?’”

Running her busy winemaking consultancy is not enough for the never-tiring Angelina. Together with her three sisters, she created Mondavi Sisters’ Collection. Angelina, Alycia, Riana, and Giovanna craft two highly acclaimed brands, Aloft and Dark Matter.

The quartet has total control over their Howell Mountain vineyards, and in addition to grape-growing and winemaking, they collaborate on the business of making wine. Alycia is the CEO and Brand Manager, and Riana and Giovanna are the West and East Coast Brand Ambassadors. Angelina handles the winemaking process from vineyard to bottle.

The four sisters carry a weighty Mondavi family tradition on their shoulders, and that tradition drives them. Angelina explained, “Our Grandfather (Peter Mondavi, Sr.) said we need to understand every part of the process, and that’s what we are doing.”

FOR MORE INFORMATION www.angelinamondavi.com

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