Jeni Schluter brings wholebody living to her exercise business
© Kassie Borreson |
VALERIE OWENS n an age where self-care has been thrust into the spotlight, fitness has been redefined, calling for an alternative approach. With an emphasis on both the mental and physical relationship, health and wellness professionals such as Jeni Schluter advocate for a healthier lifestyle strengthening the mind, body and soul. “The mental health aspect is what drives my business more than anything,” said Schluter, owner of Shift by Jeni. “We all need to put on our own oxygen masks and take care of ourselves so we can be the best version of ourselves. To get started, there are things we can do every day. Moving your body is the catalyst. Starting a habit, paying closer attention is a gift of health to your body long term.” A health, wellness and empowerment advocate, Schluter promotes whole living, a concept that incorporates physicality, nutrition and mindset. Shifting the paradigm over time. Getting her start as a promising ballet
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MARCH 2021