NAPAWF*NYC Health Resource Guide

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+ NAPAWF*NYC is a community of Asian Pacific American women dedicated to advocating for the advancement and wellness of APA women in New York City through the provision of multi-issue resources and a robust support network.

First Edition, March 2013


Table of Contents



Introduction............................................................................................................................ 3 How to Use This Guide ........................................................................................................... 4 Anxiety & Depression ............................................................................................................. 5 Body Image ............................................................................................................................ 6 Breast Cancer ......................................................................................................................... 7 Cervical Cancer ..................................................................................................................... 8 Domestic Violence ................................................................................................................. 9 Gender Identity & Sexuality ................................................................................................. 10 Pregnancy & Birth Control .................................................................................................... 11 STIs and HIV ......................................................................................................................... 12 Suicide ................................................................................................................................. 13 Tobacco Use ......................................................................................................................... 14 Urban NYC Health ................................................................................................................ 15 Additional Resources ........................................................................................................... 16 Sources ................................................................................................................................ 18 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. 21 Contact Us ............................................................................................................................ 22



Introduction Asian and Pacific Islander (API) women’s health issues are largely absent in conversations regarding health concerns in America. Stereotypes such as the model minority myth cause neglect of some major health disparities that plague the API female community. For instance, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Asian American women have the highest suicide rate among all women ages 15 to 24. In addition, rates of breast cancer in Asian American women are rising faster than any other ethnic groups. Some of these health concerns are highly treatable, but cultural traditions of self-reliance and fear of shaming discourage these women from getting the help they need. Thus, their concerns continue to go untreated. In New York City, APIs are nearly 13 percent of the total population. However, there is no comprehensive guide for health resources dedicated to API women. In response, NAPAWF*NYC, the New York City chapter of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum, set out to create this Health Resource Guide (HRG). The NAPAWF*NYC HRG serves to inform API English-speaking women ages 20-35 about and direct them to New York City community centers, nonprofit organizations, and public agencies according to their specific health interest and/or need. Additionally, this guide aims to raise awareness of prevalent health issues impacting API women. The HRG has been peerreviewed by various organizations including NAPAWF*NYC and NAPAWF National. Organized by topic, the HRG provide statistics and contact information for community resources in NYC’s five boroughs. Each health organization listing includes the name of the organization, contact information, and website link with information about the specific health topic. Looking ahead, the HRG can serve as a springboard for a broader effort that speaks to the diverse female API population in NYC. For example, this guide can be expanded with additional information for immigrant communities, and translations and broad distribution to centers and agencies within API communities. Should you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please refer to our contact information on the back page. Sincerely, Marilla Li, Stella Ma, Daria Ng, and Rachelle Ocampo NAPAWF*NYC Disclaimer: The HRG is not an all-encompassing guide that addresses every health issue API women experience. 3


How to Use This Guide Please read the Introduction before using this guide Each topic page is organized in the following way:

What You Should Know

Learn important facts on health topics.

Community Resources

Contact information for health organizations related to the topic.

Visit Additional Resources to learn more information on the topics. Visit Sources to see where we found information about the topics. Visit Contact Us to get involved with NAPAWF*NYC. 4

What you should know

Anxiety & Depression

Community Resources


Mental health among APIs is often difficult to assess due to the overlap of a number of factors, including the model minority myth, underrepresentation of APIs in epidemiological studies, mind-body conceptualization and role of racial discrimination. [1] APIs tend to be the least likely to seek mental health services. [2] Many studies report that APIs in the U.S. have acute levels of distress or severe symptoms because they did not seek help in a timely manner for problems that could have been easily addressed and treated. [3] While depression is a common and highly treatable disorder affecting over 17-20 million Americans each year, the pressures felt by many API women sometimes complicates their ability to get help—only 27 percent seek help and/or treatment. [4]

The National Alliance on Mental Illness of New York City, Inc. 505 Eighth Avenue, Suite 1103 New York, NY 10018 212.684.3264 Beth Israel Medical Center East 16th Street at 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10003 212.533.6374 (see additional resources under “Suicide”) 5

Recovery, Inc. International: Mental/Behavioral Health 2043 East 64th Street New York, NY 11234 + various locations 718.241.2220 Charles B. Wang Community Health Center Mental Health Bridge Services 268 Canal St, 2nd & 3rd Fl, New York, NY 10013 | 212.966.0228 136-26 37th Ave, 2nd Floor Flushing, NY 11354 | 718.886.1200

What you should know

Body Image

Community Resources


For Asian American, African American and Latina women, increased assimilation into “white culture” results in higher levels of body dissatisfaction. [5] Asian cultures tend to value self-reliance and the maintenance of family honor. Therefore, medical and psychological treatments designed to meet the needs of Asian American women should strive to avoid blaming or emphasizing that challenges such as eating disorders are the result of personal deficiencies or shortcomings within the family. [6] A number of qualitative studies have shown that Chinese women view seeking treatment for an eating disorder as a reflection of individual weakness. Even if the disorder is overwhelming, women remain unlikely to pursue treatment. [7]

NYC Department of Youth and Community Development DYCD Youth Connect 156 William St, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10038 800.246.4646 The Women’s Therapy Centre Institute 562 West End Ave, Suite 1C, New York, NY 10024 212.721.7005


Child Center of NY Asian Outreach 8708 Justice Ave Elmhurst, NY 11373 718.899.9810 x. 208 New York Coalition for Asian American Mental Health c/o Two Bridges 275 Cherry Street, New York, NY 10002 212.720.4524

What you should know

Breast Cancer

Community Resources


Breast cancer is a type of cancer that can be detected in its early stages with a mammogram (x-ray of the breast). It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among API women. [8] Compared to all other women in the United States, API women are the least likely to have ever had a mammogram. [9] Breast cancer rates in API women are rising faster than in any other ethnic group. [10] Young Asian women have lower participation in breast self-examination. [11] Based on a 2011 Temple University study, efforts to enhance screening rates must involve the empowerment and involvement of local health workers, culturally-tailored and linguistically-appropriate educational materials, and navigation assistance to overcome access barriers.[12]

APICHA Community Health Center Women and Youth Program 400 Broadway New York, NY 10013 212.334.6029 American Cancer Society New York’s Asian Initiatives 41-60 Main Street, Suite 307 Flushing, NY 11355 718.886.8890

Charles B. Wang Community Health Center Women’s Health Department 268 Canal St, 1st & 5th Fl, New York, NY 10013 | 212.966.0228 136-26 37th Ave, 2nd Floor Flushing, NY 11354 | 718.886.1200 Planned Parenthood of NYC Margaret Sanger Square 26 Bleecker Street New York, NY 10012 212.965.7000


What you should know

Cervical Cancer

Community Resources


Cervical cancer is a type of cancer most often caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Prevention can be increased through routine Pap smear tests and the HPV vaccine. The vaccine is available at most health centers.[13] API women are much less likely to get routine Pap smear tests than women of other ethnic groups. [14] Lower screening rates among API women may be due, in part, to the widespread misconception that API women are not at risk of cervical cancer. [15] API women have higher cervical cancer mortality rates than non-Hispanic White women, as well as lower Pap screening rates than their White counterparts. [16] Vietnamese women have the highest rate of cervical cancer of any race or ethnicity; five times higher than the rate for white women. [17] Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), women will be guaranteed preventive services such as birth control, mammograms, and cervical cancer screenings, with no deductibles or copays. [18]

APICHA Community Health Center Women and Youth Program 400 Broadway New York, NY 10013 212.334.6029 American Cancer Society New York’s Asian Initiatives 41-60 Main Street, Suite 307 Flushing, NY 11355 718.886.8890

Charles B. Wang Community Health Center Women’s Health Department 268 Canal St, 1st & 5th Fl, New York, NY 10013 | 212.966.0228 136-26 37th Ave, 2nd Floor Flushing, NY 11354 | 718.886.1200 Planned Parenthood of NYC Margaret Sanger Square 26 Bleecker Street New York, NY 10012 212.965.7000


What you should know

Domestic Violence

Community Resources


81 percent of women reported experiencing at least one form of intimate partner violence (domination/ controlling/psychological, physical, and/or sexual abuse) in the past year. [19] 41–61 percent of API women report experiencing physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner during their lifetime. [20] This is higher than the rates in a national study reported by Whites (21.3 percent), African Americans (26.3 percent), Hispanics of any race (21.2 percent), people of mixed race (27.0 percent), and American Indians and Alaskan Natives (30.7 percent), and Asians and Pacific Islanders (12.8 percent). [21] According to the 2000 Asian Family Violence Report for the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence, Asian women surveyed were the least likely to formally report any kind of physical victimization. [22]

New York Asian Women’s Center 32 Broadway, 10th Floor New York, NY 10004 212.732.0054 | Hotline 888.888.7702 Brooklyn Family Justice Center 350 Jay St, 15th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11201 Queens Family Justice Center 126-02 82nd Avenue Kew Gardens, NY 11415

Korean American Family Service Center P.O. Box 541429 Flushing, NY 11354 718.460.3801 | Hotline 718.460.3800

Arab-American Family Support Center The Manar Project 150 Court Street, 3rd Floor Sakhi for South Asian Women Brooklyn, NY 11201 P.O. Box 20208 718.643.8000 Greeley Square Station Family Justice Center New York, NY 10001 350 Jay Street 212.714.9153 | Helpline 212.868.6741 Brooklyn, NY 11201 718-250-5035 | 9

What you should know

Gender Identity & Sexuality

Community Resources


According to a 2004 report by New York’s Queer Asian Pacific Legacy Conference, 79 percent of respondents said that there were API-specific LGBT organizations in their local communities. Of those respondents, 79 percent stated they had attended events at these organizations in the last year. [23] According to a national survey of API who identify as LGBT, 75 percent of respondents reported experiencing discrimination and/or harassment based on their sexual orientation. [24] In the same survey, 88 percent of respondents from the NY-metro area agreed that homophobia and/or transphobia is a problem within the broader API community. [25] According to the 2000 U.S. Census, New York State ranks second out of the top ten states with the highest number of APIs in same-sex couples. [26]

Gay Asian & Pacific Islander Men of New York PO Box 30281 New York, NY 10011 Q-Wave South Asian Gay & Lesbian Association of New York City 208 West 13th Street New York, NY 10011

The Audre Lorde Project Manhattan 147 West 24th Street, 3rd Fl New York, New York 10011 212.463.0342 Brooklyn 85 South Oxford Sreet Brooklyn, NY, 11217 718.596.0342 The Dari Project


What you should know

Pregnancy & Birth Control

Community Resources


In 2000, about 35 percent of Asian American pregnancies ended in abortion, the second highest rate for all racial and ethnic groups behind African Americans, and almost double the 18 percent rate for whites. In 2007, the most recent year for which data is available, 13,488 APIs went to Planned Parenthood for abortions nationwide. [27] The rate of contraceptive use among API women, however, is much lower compared to other racial and ethnic groups. Although more than two-thirds of API women are sexually active, less than 40 percent use regular contraceptive methods during sex. [28] Studies indicate that a majority of API women identify themselves as “prochoice.” A report by the National Asian Women’s Health Organization found that nearly 70 percent of API women support a woman’s decision to have an abortion. Another 20 percent stated that they would support a woman’s decision to have an abortion in cases involving rape or incest. [29]

APICHA Community Health Center Women and Youth Program 400 Broadway New York, NY 10013 212.334.6029

Planned Parenthood of NYC Margaret Sanger Square 26 Bleecker Street New York, NY 10012 212.965.7000

Charles B. Wang Community Health Center Women’s Health Department 268 Canal St, 1st & 5th Fl, New York, NY 10013 | 212.966.0228 136-26 37th Ave, 2nd Floor Flushing, NY 11354 | 718.886.1200

National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum Emergency Contraception Issue Brief 155 Water Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 202.470.3170


What you should know


Community Resources


According to a 2008 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, “From 2001 to 2006,... [t]he largest proportionate increase (255.6 percent) in the number of HIV/AIDS diagnoses was among API MSM ages 13-24 years.” [30] HIV testing rates are lower for APIs as a group, despite their risk factors for HIV infection. Data from an HIV testing survey in Seattle indicated that of APIs surveyed, 90 percent perceived themselves at some risk for HIV infection, yet only 47 percent had been tested during the past year. [31] The Center for Disease Control’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System found that APIs are significantly less likely than members of other races or ethnicities to report testing for HIV. [32]

APICHA 400 Broadway New York, NY 10013 212.334.7940 Clinic 212.334.6029 Infoline 866.274.2429

Callen-Lorde Community Health Center Sexual Health Clinic 356 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011 212.271.7200

Chinese-American Planning Council HIV/AIDS Services 165 Eldridge Street New York, NY 10002 646.613.8420 Hotline 212.941.7992

Charles B. Wang Community Health Center Women’s Health Department 268 Canal St, 1st & 5th Fl, New York, NY 10013 | 212.966.0228 136-26 37th Ave, 2nd Floor Flushing, NY 11354 | 718.886.1200


What you should know


Community Resources


U.S. born Asian American women have a higher lifetime rate of suicidal thoughts (15.9 precent) then that of the general U.S. population (13.5 percent). [33] Among Asian American adults, those ages 18-34 have the highest rates of suicidal thoughts (11.9 percent), intent (4.4 percent) and attempts (3.8 percent) compared to other age groups. [34] API women between the ages of 15-24 have the highest rates of suicide among women in that age group. [35]

Charles B. Wang Community Health Center Mental Health Bridge Services 268 Canal St, 2nd & 3rd Fl, New York, NY 10013 | 212.966.0228 136-26 37th Ave, 2nd Floor Flushing, NY 11354 | 718.886.1200 Gouverneur Hospital Asian Bicultural Clinic 227 Madison Street, Room #3-100 New York, NY 10002 212.238.7332 South Beach Psychiatric Center Asian Bridger Program 777 Seaview Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10305 | 718.680.0006 13

Hamilton-Madison House Behavioral Health Services 253 South St 2nd Fl, New York, NY, 10002 + 20 Other Locations 212.349.3724 Henry Street Settlement Asian Bi-Cultural Mental Health Services 40 Montgomery Street, New York, NY 10002 | 212.233.5032

What you should know

Tobacco Use

Community Resources


The smoking rate fell faster among women (23 percent decline) than among men (15 percent decline) from 2002-2006 in New York City. Among all ethnic groups, Asian New Yorkers have made the most progress, with a 30 percent decline in the smoking rates, though Asian males still smoke at a rate of 16.4 percent. About five percent of female API New Yorkers light up, compared to about 10 percent in China and South Korea. [36] Among the five million adult non-smokers in New York City, Asians, particularly Chinese Americans, are more likely not to have smoke-free homes than other races (26 percent vs. 17–20 percent). [37] API New Yorkers have the highest prevalence of elevated cotinine, a biomarker for secondhand smoke, of any demographic group in either the city or national surveys. In New York City, the highest cotinine levels among nonsmokers were among adult Asian males ages 20–39 years. [38] Research is still ongoing, but a 2005 California Environmental Protection Agency report found that secondhand smoke acts as if it could be a cause of breast cancer in young women. [39]

New York State Smokers’ Quitline 1.866.697.8487 Stop Smoking Programs in Metro Area: NYC Quits Call 311 for questions about nicotine patch & gum program


NYC Coalition for a Smoke-Free City 40 Worth Street, 5th Floor New York, NY 10013 646.619.6400 American Cancer Society Asian Initiatives Free Nicotine Replacement Therapy Program 41-60 Main Street, Suite 307 Flushing, NY 11355 718.886.8890

What you should know

Urban NYC Health

Community Resources


Access to Fresh Food: According to a City Planning Report released in 2008, one-third of supermarkets in New York have either closed down or moved away in the past five years. Today almost three million New Yorkers reside in areas that are now described as being “underserved� by supermarkets and grocery stores. [40] Hepatitis B Infection Rates: According to a 2011 research at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, pregnant minority and immigrant women in the New York City area have high rates of hepatitis B infection. Most of these women do not receive education, follow-up testing or referrals, the standard of care for all persons newly identified as HBV carriers. [41] Pollution & Autism: Children whose mothers were exposed to the highest levels of vehicle emissions during pregnancy are three times more likely to be autistic than children of women exposed to the lowest levels. [42] Women make up 95 percent of nail salon workers, and most are of reproductive age. Asian women represent over 40 percent of all nail technicians nationwide. Workplace and nail product toxins impact many API women and families, which result in poor health outcomes. [43] Food Retail Expansion to Support Health (FRESH) program Call 311 for more information PlaNYC Air Quality

NYC Hepatitis B Coalition & Hepatitis C Task Force 42-09 28th Street Queens, NY 11101 - Cube 5-89 347.396.2416 NYC Hepatitis Services Online Site Locator



Additional Resources American Cancer Society Asian Initiatives

American Psychiatric Association

Anti-Violence Project

Asian American Psychological Association

Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum

Asian and Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence


Coalition for Asian American Children and Families

Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation

Health Information Tool for Empowerment

Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York


Mental Health Association of New York City



Additional Resources National Alliance on Mental Illness

National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association

National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance

New York Asian Women's Center

New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

New York State Department of Health

NYC Food

NYU Center for the Study of Asian American Health

Sanctuary for Families

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health 17


Sources Anxiety & Depression

[1] Ponce, N., W. Tseng, P. Ong, and YL Shek. The State of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Health in California Report. Prepared by the Health Work Group, University of California AAPI Policy Multi-Campus Research Program. Sacramento: California Asian Pacific Islander Joint Legislative Caucus, 2009. Print. [2] Africa, Jei, and Majose Carrasco. Asian-American and Pacific Islander Mental Health. National Alliance on Mental Illness, Feb. 2011. Web. Jan. 2013. < ay.cfm&ContentID=115281>. [3] Africa, Jei, and Majose Carrasco. Asian-American and Pacific Islander Mental Health. National Alliance on Mental Illness, Feb. 2011. Web. Jan. 2013. < ay.cfm&ContentID=115281>. [4] Duckworth, Ken. Depression and Asian American Women. National Alliance on Mental Illness. NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Health, Oct. 2009. Web. 3 Feb. 2013. < American_Women_Fact_Sheet.htm>.

Body Image

[5] Forbes, Gordon B. and David A. Frederick. The UCLA Body Project II: Breast and Body Dissatisfaction among African, Asian, European, and Hispanic American College Women. Springer Science + Business Media, LLC, 5 Dec. 2007. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [6] Ekern, Jacquelyn. Multicultural Issues & Eating Disorders. Eating Disorders Online, 2013. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [7] Lai Bovenkerk, Yuan. An Investigation of the Experiences and Perspectives of Immigrant Chinese Canadian Mothers of Sons with Disabilities: Parent Involvement, Coping, and Related Beliefs and Values. University of British Columbia, 2000. Web. Feb. 2013. <>.

Breast Cancer [8] Minority Women’s Health: Breast cancer. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health, 18 May 2010. Web. Feb. 2013. <> [9] Minority Women’s Health: Breast cancer. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health, 18 May 2010. Web. Feb. 2013. <> [10] Breast Cancer In Asian Americans Is Rising Faster Than Other Ethnic Groups. Science Daily, 29 Oct. 2004. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [11] Iammarino, Nicholas K. Asian Americans & Cancer. Rep. InterCultural Cancer Council, n.d. Web. Mar. 2013. <>. [12] Fang, C. Y., Ma, G. X., and Y. Tan. Overcoming barriers to cervical cancer screening among Asian American women. Temple University Center for Asian Health, 2011. Web. Feb. 2013. <>.

Cervical Cancer [13] Chen, Yi-Bin and A.D.A.M. Health Solutions. Cervical Cancer. PubMed, 17 Nov. 2012. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [14] Minority Women’s Health: Cervical cancer. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health, 18 May, 2010. Web. Feb. 2013. 18


Sources [15] Minority Women’s Health: Cervical cancer. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health, 18 May, 2010. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [16] Wang, J.H., V.B. Sheppard, M.D. Schwartz, W. Liang, and J.S. Mandelblatt. Disparities in cervical cancer screening between Asian American and Non-Hispanic white women. Georgetown University School of Medicine and Georgetown University Medical Center, 17 Aug. 2008. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [17] NAPAWF Urges HHS to Adopt Recommendations Proposed by the Institute of Medicine to Improve Access to Health Care Coverage for API Women and Girls. National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum, Jul. 2011. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [18] Why the ACA Matters for Women: Summary of Key Provisions. National Partnership for Women & Families, Jul. 2012. Web. Feb. 2013. <>.

Domestic Violence [19] Fact Sheet: Violence against Asian and Pacific Islander Women. Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence, Feb. 2011. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [20] Yoshihama, Mieko and Chic Dabby. Facts & Stats: Domestic Violence in Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Homes. APIA Health Forum, Sep. 2009. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [21] Tjaden Patricia and Nancy Thoennes. Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence. Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Jul. 2000. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [22] Yoshioka, Marianne R. and Quynh Dang with Nanda Shewmangal, Carmen Chan, and Rev. Cheng Imm Tan. Asian Family Violence Report: A study of the Chinese, Cambodian, Korean, South Asian and Vietnamese Communities in Massachusetts. Boston: Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence, Inc, Nov. 2000. Web. Feb. 2013. <>.

Gender Identity & Sexuality

[23] Dang, Alain and Mandy Hu. Asian Pacific American Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People: A Community Portrait. A Report From New York’s Queer Asian Pacific Legacy Conference. New York: National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute, 2004. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [24] New York, New Jersey and Connecticut (NY metro area) fact sheet: Asian and Pacific Islander (API) lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans. National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, n.d. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [25] New York, New Jersey and Connecticut (NY metro area) fact sheet: Asian and Pacific Islander (API) lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans. National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, n.d. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [26] Washington state fact sheet: Asian and Pacific Islander (API) lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans. National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, n.d. Web. Feb. 2013. <>.

Pregnancy & Birth Control [27] Macabasco, Lisa Wong. Why Abortion Rate Among Asian-American Women Is So High. Hyphen Magazine, 2 Sep. 2010. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [28] Issue Brief: Emergency Contraception & Asian & Pacific Islander Women. National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum, Aug. 2007. Web. Feb. 2013. 19


Sources <>. [29] Testimony of the Miriam W. Yeung, National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF). United States House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, 6 Dec. 2011. Web. Mar. 2013. <>.

STIs and HIV

[30] Trends in HIV/AIDS Diagnoses Among Men Who Have Sex with Men—33 States, 2001—2006. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 26 Jun. 2008. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [31] HIV/AIDS among Asians and Pacific Islanders. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 3 Aug. 2008. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [32] What are Asian and Pacific Islanders’ HIV prevention needs? University of California, San Francisco, Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS), May 2007. Web. Feb. 2013. <>.


[33] Duldulao, Aileen Alfonso, David T. Takeuchi, and Seunghye Hong. Correlates of Suicidal Behaviors Among Asian Americans. Archives of Suicide Research, 2009. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [34] Duldulao, Aileen Alfonso, David T. Takeuchi, and Seunghye Hong. Correlates of Suicidal Behaviors Among Asian Americans. Archives of Suicide Research, 2009. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [35] Suicide and Suicide Prevention 101. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, 8 Jul. 2008. Web. 3 Feb. 2013. <>.

Tobacco Use [36] New York City Smoking Rate Has Declined Almost 20% Since 2002. New York: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 21 Jun. 2007. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [37] NYC Vital Signs: Secondhand Smoke in New York City. New York: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Dec. 2010. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [38] Ellis, Jennifer A., Charon Gwynn, Renu K. Garg, Robyn Philburn, Kenneth M. Aldous, Sarah B. Perl, Lorna Thorpe and Thomas R. Frieden. Secondhand smoke exposure among nonsmokers nationally and in New York City. Oxford Journals, 17 Apr. 2009. Web. Feb. 2013. <>. [39] Secondhand Smoke. American Cancer Society, 17 Jan. 2013. Web. Mar. 2013. <>.

Urban NYC Health [40] Healthy Food Access & Awareness. New York: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2013. Web. Mar. 2013. <>. [41] Majority of urban NYC women with hepatitis B do not receive education, subsequent care. News-Medical.Net, 11 May 2011. Web. Mar. 2013. <>. [42] Studies Show Air Pollution May Be Even More Dangerous Than Thought. CBS New York, 4 Dec. 2012. Web. Mar. 2013.

<>. [43] The Nail Salon Industry and the Impact of Cosmetic Toxins on API Women’s Reproductive Health. <>. Feb. 2008. Web. May. 2013. 20


Acknowledgements The HRG was a collaborative effort and we would like to thank the following for their support and feedback: APICHA Community Health Center Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund Charles B. Wang Community Health Center National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum New York Asian Women’s Center Pilipino American Unity for Progress

Special thanks to the Citizens Committee for New York City for their Neighborhood Grant.



Contact Us @napawfnyc 22

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