1 minute read
This book is made possible by a number of friends, colleagues, and current and former staff members who took the time to read the manuscript and provide invaluable suggestions. Among them are:
• Former Superintendent Dr. Alan Leis

• Former Assistant Superintendent Kitty Ryan
• Former Chief Financial Officer David Zager
Each of them helped lead many of the initiatives written about in these pages. That same spirit has characterized all of the people at District 203 who have also worked hard in support of this project:
• Superintendent Dan Bridges
• Executive Director of Communications Alex Mayster
• Director of Community Relations Jacque Clermont
• Communications and Community Relations Specialist Betty Stevenson
• Assistant to the Superintendent Susan Patton
Lastly, thank you to those who provided insight, interviews, context and perspectives as well as those who immortalized the District’s history in local, regional, and national news media and Board of Education meeting minutes.