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- Greet Claes -
The epidermis and the dermis constitute the two principal layers of the skin. The horny layer of the epidermis serves as a barrier preventing water loss and invasion of microbes and irritants, while the dermis provides physical and nutritional support to the epidermis. The horny layer provides a unique structure of dead cells embedded in a hydrolipidic film, where the presence of Linoleic Acid in the lipids is necessary for an intact barrier with a well hydrated, smooth skin surface as result.
Linoleic Acid improves the cohesion of the cells and naturally protects the skin structure from aggressions. The essential building bricks Linoleic Acid (Omega-6 Fatty Acid ) and Alpha-Linolenic Acid (Omega-3 Fatty Acid) are not produced in our body even though they are an absolute necessity for the synthesis of cell membranes and prostaglandins, for defense and growth mechanisms and for the physiological and biochemical procedures of cell regeneration. They are also anti-inflammatory, so they help calm and soothe skin conditions.
If Linoleic Acid is lacking during the healing process of the skin other available fatty acids will replace it, but this will result in an increased skin permeability and sensitivity, often leaving the skin dry and itchy.
Adding essential fatty acids through diet has a limited and time consuming effect on skin health . The epidermal layers of the skin do not contain blood vessels to supply the cells with nutrients, as blood vessels are only found in the dermis. Additionally the structure of the epidermis prevents the circulation of extracellular fluids . Therefore, the outer layers of the epidermis are provided with less nutritional support than the underlying cells. So how effectively supply the essential fatty acids then ? Fortunately the skin is directly affected by the use of topical applications. Topical application has been proven to be very efficient in supplying essential fatty acids to the skin.
To strengthen the skin and improve the skin regeneration NAQI offers a variety of solutions, check the website: https://www.naqi.com/en/products