NARC. #161 May 2020

Page 28


Image by Art Mouse Design

WAX HEART SODALITY CLAIRE DUPREE PENETRATES THE HEART OF THE TEESSIDE SECRET SOCIETY DETERMINED TO DELIVER GARAGE ROCK-FUELLED SOCIAL COMMENTARY There is power in anonymity. Many use a cloak of secrecy to further a hidden agenda, but some – like the masked crusaders of graphic novels – use it for good. Teesside’s Wax Heart Sodality are firmly in the latter camp. Emerging late last year with a distinct garage rock sound, rich baritone vocals and lyrical themes which highlight society’s ills while also seeking to question the status quo, the band have remained cloaked in anonymity; something they deem necessary in getting their messages out there. “Anonymity is key because physical identifiers can weigh people down and act as a barrier or deterrent to getting where you need to go and, from a creative point of view, it can interfere with how others perceive the work you are trying to put out there.” They explain. “By wearing the masks we’re nullifying prejudice and expectation, allowing audiences to focus on our work and forcing us to use movement or musical intensity to


compensate for a lack of face. Plus, masks look nice and we enjoy making them and matching them with clothes to create different looks.” The band explain that their primary focus is to “try and elevate those lost and in despair, in contrast to other sections of society that purvey seductive, yet irrational attitudes and beliefs to those who want to belong, leading people down a much murkier life path.” If this is all coming off a bit ‘caped crusaders wage war against social injustice’ it’s not intentional; behind the glittery masks and Goth exteriors lay a group of musicians with a serious determination to create absorbing and thought-provoking music. Their output to date has dealt with subject matter which ranges from, in Hoodwinked, the perils of mainstream media and intellectual elitism, all wrapped up in an undeniably catchy refrain of frenzied, grungy guitar work and unhinged vocals; and on debut release Alphas, the conflicting

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