NARC. #183 May 2022

Page 45




Image by Piers Allardyce

CAMERON WRIGHT TALKS TO THE ROCK HEAVYWEIGHTS ABOUT THE RELEASE OF THEIR DEBUT ALBUM After a plethora of teased singles, it is finally time for the blistering release of Newcastle’s heavy prog rockers Giant Walker’s debut album. All In Good Time is quintessentially heavy. Crunching guitars churning out punchy riffs over pounding drums which waste no time capturing attention, and the commanding, snarling vocals drive each of the tracks into the stars. The first single, doubling as the album’s opener sets the ball rolling, immediately acting as a synopsis of the band’s powerful sound. “The Fact In Fiction was never meant to be the first single, we were originally going to use Katoomba, as it was the first song for the album we fully realised, but using the opening track as the first single is so exciting.” says vocalist Steff Fish. “It really is the introduction to Giant Walker. With streaming it’s so important to instantly capture people’s attention!” Where the single might be the perfect sound-bite for the digital age, All In Good Time is much more than that. The conscious and meditated approach to the more finite details of track order and thematic concepts weaving across the album mark it out as a truly fluid experience. “We love to think of this as an album, in the traditional sense! Obviously people now just click shuffle, but it’s a nice bonus when it works well as an album. All of our favourite albums have that. I remember my first time hearing Pearl Jam’s 10, it blew my mind! The album runs through seamlessly and it’s beginning and end merge so beautifully, it has all those elements that make it flow and repeat effortlessly. We wanted to capture that.” A reference to the grunge heavyweight isn’t as unexpected as you may anticipate. The lyricism across the debut beautifully harks back to that era, making it no surprise they cite Chris Cornell as one of their greatest influences. “Heavier music often seems to tackle huge issues with a subtlety and nuance in the songwriting. Cornell’s lyrics don’t lie, you can feel and hear

PEOPLE HAVE GREAT BULLSHIT DETECTORS, IF MUSIC IS GENUINE IN THE WAY IT ADDRESSES EXPERIENCES, TRAUMA AND EMOTION THEN IT’LL ALWAYS RESONATE WITH PEOPLE his demons, that’s why people turn to it for catharsis. People have great bullshit detectors, if music is genuine in the way it addresses experiences, trauma and emotion then it’ll always resonate with people.” With the album’s writing process taking form throughout lockdown, the lyrics tackle themes of loneliness and isolation, as Steff explains. “It was never consciously an album about lockdown, the wheels had been turning back in 2019, but ultimately the process was a victim of the Covid chronicles. During the pandemic you had nothing to do except be introspective, so it bled in.” Finally nearing the release date, the Geordie quartet are brimming with anticipation to get the record out in the world. With the singles garnering attention from Rolling Stone, Planet Rock and Classic Rock, All in Good Time is gearing up to deliver a suitable impact. Jumping back on the road, Giant Walker are embarking on a tour which will see their gnarled riffs and booming choruses entertain across the country. Making their way back home, they will play the intimate Bobik’s on Tuesday 7th June. “Being back to gigging non-stop is so exciting, it’s us at our best. I can’t wait.” Giant Walker release All In Good Time on 13th May. They play Bobik’s, Newcastle on Tuesday 7th June.


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