September 2022 NARFE Magazine

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A NARFE PUBLICATION FOR FEDERALSeptemberANDEMPLOYEESRETIREES2022 VOLUME 98 ★ NUMBER 7 28 ofanCultivatingAttitudeGratitude 40 The Appeal of Medicare Advantage Plans

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NARFE MAGAZINE 1 Contents SEPTEMBER 2022 PAGE 28 COVERFEATURESTORY PAGE 40 Washington Watch 8 NARFE Continues Push to Repeal WEP and GPO 9 House FY23 Appropriations Bill Paves Way for 4.6 Percent Pay Raise 10 NARFE Members Wrap up Another Successful Grassroots Advocacy Month in August 11 House Panel Approves New Federal Telework Bill 12 NARFE Urges Senators to Cosponsor Equal COLA Act 12 FLRA and MSPB Nominees Confirmed by Senate 13 Senate Confirms FRTIB Nominees 14 Bill Tracker Columns 4 From the President 26 Benefits Brief 52 Managing Money 54 Alzheimer’s Update Departments 6 NARFE Online 22 Questions & Answers 23 Countdown to COLA 56 NARFE News 58 NARFE Perks 60 The Way We Worked ON THE IllustrationCOVERbyTGD A NARFESeptemberPUBLICATION2022 28 ofanCultivatingAttitudeGratitude 40 The Appeal of Medicare Advantage Plans THE APPEAL OF MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLANS If you’re an annuitant who has not considered a Medicare Advantage plan, you could be paying thousands extra for coverage. CULTIVATING AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE What gratitude is, how to express it and how to make it a part of your life Connect with us! Visit us online NARFEFollow@narfehqFollowHeadquartersNARFELikewww.narfe.orgatusonFacebookNationalusonTwitterusonLinkedIn





REGION VIII Robert H. Ruskamp (California, Hawaii, Nevada and Republic of Philippines)

Editorial: Advertising Sales: Anita advertising@narfe.orgNelson

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REGION III Clarence Robinson (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands) CELL: 404-312-8028 Email:




REGION X William Shackelford (Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia) Tel: 703-830-6590, CELL: 703-201-6304 Email:


REGION II Gary Roundtree Sr. (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania)



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REGION VI Marshall L. Richards (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Republic of Panama and Texas) Tel:

p.m. ET NARFE Magazine (ISSN 1948-4453) is published monthly except in February and July by the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE), 606 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314. Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, VA, and additional mailing offices. Members: Annual dues includes subscription. Nonmember subscription rate $48. Postmaster: Send address change to: NARFE Attn: Member Records, 606 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314. To ensure prompt delivery, members should also forward changes of address without delay. Because of the volume involved, NARFE cannot acknowledge nor be responsible for unsolicited pictures and manuscripts, although every reasonable precau tion is taken. All submissions become the property of NARFE. Copyright © 2022, NARFE. Advertisements in the magazine are not endorsements of products and/or services by NARFE, unless officially stated in the ad. We shall accept advertising on the same basis as other reputable publications: that is, we shall not knowingly permit a dishonest advertisement to appear in NARFE Magazine, but at the same time we will not undertake to guarantee the reliability of our advertisers.


KATHRYN E. HENSLEY natsectreas@narfe.orgSecretary/Treasurer

REGION I James C. Risner (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont)

REGION VII Rodney L. Adelman (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming) Tel:

REGION IX Linda L. Silverio (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington) Tel:


NARFE HEADQUARTERS 606 N. Washington St. Alexandria, VA 22314

ON DIGITAL AUDIO: Issues of NARFE Magazine are also available in audio format through the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS). For availability, call 202-727-2142 or your local NLS service provider.



REGION V Cindy Reneé Blythe (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota)

EDITORIAL BOARD Kenneth J. Thomas, Kathryn E. Hensley, Johann De Castro CONTACT US NARFE Magazine 606 North Washington St. Alexandria, VA 22314-1914

The Association, since July 1970, has been classified by the IRS as a tax-exempt labor organization [not a union]; however, dues and gifts or contributions to the Association are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

REGION IV Robert L. Helfrich (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin)

To promote the general welfare of federal civilian employees and annuitants and potential annuitants, to advise and assist them with respect to their rights under retirement, health and other employee and retiree benefits laws and regulations, and to represent their interests before appropriate


PAY The 4.6 percent federal employee 2023 pay increase is on track. President Biden included the figure in his budget for fiscal year 2023, and neither the House nor Senate have indicated any desire to block it. In approving an initial version of the annual general government spending bill, a House Appropriations subcommittee took no position on a raise, as has been a frequent practice in recent years. When that occurs, the president retains the authority to set the raise for the next calendar year.

In the News A s I write this, there’s a lot going on of interest to NARFE members, as well as to the rest of the federal community.

TSP Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) requested a meeting with the Executive Director of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB), which manages the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), to discuss the ongoing problems with the new TSP website that federal employees and retirees are experiencing after the rollout of new features.

COLA Going into the third quarter of the year, forecasters are coming up with substantial COLA possibilities, with the most recent one being the potential of a 10.8 percent bump in January 2023. This latest projection comes from the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget and assumes a continuation of the pace of inflation seen since the third quarter of 2021. The actual COLA will not be known until October, and the most recent (June) figure stood at 8.99 percent towards the next COLA.

COVID U.S. adults may get updated COVID-19 shots this fall, as government advisers determined it is time to tweak booster doses to better match the most recent virus variants. COVID-19 boosters should contain some version of the super-contagious omicron variant as part of the anticipated fall booster campaign. Expect a combination shot that adds protection against either omicron or some of its newer relatives to the original vaccine. A tweaked booster might be urged only for older adults or those at considerable risk from the virus. But the FDA is expected to decide on the recipe change within days as Pfizer and Moderna update doses.

To support legislation and regulations beneficial to federal civilian employees and annuitants and potential annuitants under any federal civilian retirement system and to oppose those detrimental to their interests.

“The Thrift Savings Plan is so essential to federal employees and retirees that the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board must immediately fix the problems with the new online system,” Norton said.

Constituents have reported telephone wait times of over nine hours, disconnected calls, and missing and incorrect information in their accounts. According to Norton, “many TSP participants have been forced to change their passwords or other account information, often requiring them to get a security code delivered by mail, delaying access to their investments for weeks.


Toauthorities.cooperate with other organizations and associations in furtherance of these general objectives.

As the clock ticks closer to the midterm elections and voters back home struggle with the economy (higher gas, food, rent, and medicine prices) will Congress and the Federal Reserve come to the rescue? The 117th Congress’ days are numbered. Stay safe.


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TSP UPDATE ONLINE Get the most recent monthly and annual Thrift Savings Plan returns (G, F, C, S, I and L Funds) online at

READ NARFE MAGAZINE website now offers a digital flipbook of this and previous issues at www.narfe. . Read the magazine online on your computer, phone or tablet, or download it to peruse later. 24




26 Juneteenth and the Establishment of Federal Holidays 36 Under the VenturesGovernmentLesser-KnownRadar:


CATCH UP on past NARFE Federal Benefits Institute presentations in NARFE’s webinar archive, where you’ll find videos, slides and transcripts of question-and-answer sessions for webinars dating back to January 2019. View them at With NARFE: Find a Chapter Near You

Whether you are planning your next vacation, buying a gift or planning for retirement, members can save money on everyday purchases with special discounts from our Affinity Partners. Taking advantage of just one offer could more than pay for your annual membership. Visit (or see p. 58) to see how your savings could add up.

28 NARFE Members Step Up Advocacy Efforts in August 36 Inspectors General: Insight Into Program Oversight P. 32 Q&A with OPM Director Kiran Ahuja P. 44 NARFE CandidateOfficerStatements P.

If you haven’t checked out NARFE’s new online community yet, what are you waiting for? FEDHub supports your federal journey, leveraging the knowledge and value of our entire NARFE community—all that’s missing is you. Join the conversation at


A NARFE chapter is your local connection to NARFE. With more than 800 chapters, there’s a good chance you’ll find one close to home, wherever you are. Chapters offer a host of benefits and opportunities for their members, especially as in-person meetings return across the country. And when you join a local chapter, you can make your voice heard as part of grassroots advocacy campaigns engaging with local lawmakers. To find out more and locate a chapter near you, visit www.


NARFE Online Connect



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At press time, the Social Security Fairness Act, H.R. 82/S. 1302, introduced by Rep. Rodney Davis, R-IL, and Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-OH, had 280 bipartisan cosponsors in the House and 39 in the Senate. Per recent House rules, any bill that obtains 290 cosponsors may be placed on the House Consensus Calendar, allowing the bill to be considered so long as it maintains those cosponsors for 25 legislative days—essentially, days when the House is in session.

As of December 2021, the WEP affected nearly 2 million people, 1.9 million of those being retired worker beneficiaries. The remaining individuals were disabledworker beneficiaries and eligible family members of retired/ disabled worker beneficiaries. Additionally, the GPO affected more than 723,000 Social Security beneficiaries—52 percent spouses and 48 percent widow or widowers.

SEPTEMBER ACTION ALERT: URGE YOUR LAWMAKERS TO COSPONSOR WEP AND GPO REPEAL BILL Members must keep up momentum on grassroots efforts to increase cosponsors for the Social Security Fairness Act, H.R. 82/S. 1302. This bill would repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO). Thanks to member engagement, the bill is nearing 290 cosponsors, the number needed to have the bill placed on the House Consensus Calendar for a floor vote, per House rules. Use NARFE’s Legislative Action Center, located at , to personalize a message to your Representative and Senators urging them to cosponsor the bill.

ARFE has long supported the repeal of the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO). Even as we have built substantial support in Congress for repeal, neither chamber has yet passed any bill to repeal either provision. However, with the recent adoption of a House rule allowing bills with at least 290 cosponsors to receive a vote, we have inched closer to forcing a House vote on a bill, H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act, to repeal both WEP and GPO. While continued advocacy throughout the year helped tick up the cosponsor number on the bill, NARFE accelerated the push for House support in the spring and early summer.Asareminder, both WEP and GPO reduce the Social Security benefits of local, state and federal retirees who worked in Social Security-covered employment (e.g., private-sector jobs) and who also receive a government annuity from their non-Social Security covered government employment, such as federal employment covered by the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). WEP reduces the primary benefit, while GPO reduces spousal benefits.

NARFE Continues Push to Repeal WEP and GPO N

8 NARFE MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 Washington Watch


In the past, FSGG appropriations bills have specified amounts for acrossthe-board and locality pay increases, sometimes matching the president’s proposal and sometimes differing. But when Congress remains silent in the FSGG bill (and through any other legislation), the president retains the authority to provide a federal pay increase. In his FY23 budget, President Joseph R. Biden proposed a 4.6 percent average pay increase, indicating his future intent on the issue. The budget did not specify the breakdown of that average raise between across-the-board increases and locality pay, but statute directs the president to provide a 4.1 percent pay increase across the board, if he does not exercise any exception to that policy. The president will take the next step toward authorizing the pay increase when he delivers his Alternative Pay Plan to Congress by the end of August. If the 4.6 percent increase is enacted, this would be the largest increase in federal pay since 2002.

Even as NARFE’s advocacy efforts throughout the year helped build support for H.R. 82, we continued to push to gain additional cosponsors through the spring and summer, with the hope of gaining 290 by the end of July. As of this writing, the outcome was still uncertain, but our push continues, whether to make progress this Congress or build momentum going into next

House FY23 Appropriations Bill Paves Way for 4.6 Percent Pay Raise

O n June 16, the

While the FSGG bill did not specify a pay raise, other House members are pushing for a larger 5.1 percent pay raise in a standalone bill, H.R. 6398, the Federal Adjustment of Income Rates (FAIR) Act, which was introduced by Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-VA. You can write to your members of Congress to urge their support for the bill at NARFE’s Legislative Action Center at

REALITY: While current law provides for automatic COLAs to federal annuities based on the annual change in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), federal pay raises are based on the change in privatesector wages and salaries as measured by the Employment Cost Index (ECI), and must be authorized annually via affirmative congressional and/or executive action.



Notably,Congress.NARFE National President Ken Thomas sent letters to a targeted group of House holdouts urging them to cosponsor H.R. 82, as NARFE’s lobbying team conducted meetings to discuss the issues. Meanwhile, NARFE employed a targeted grasstops and grassroots advocacy effort, pushing NARFE members to contact lawmakers directly, and NARFE leaders to request meetings with their representatives or their staff. These efforts have helped increase the cosponsor number, one member at a time, toward the 290 mark.

GovernmentFinancialSubcommitteeAppropriationsHouseonServicesandGeneral(FSGG)advanced its fiscal year 2023 (FY23) appropriations bill. This bill historically has been the vehicle for Congress to assert itself with regard to federal pay rates for the coinciding calendar year. But if Congress remains silent, as the House has done with its FY23 version of the FSGG appropriations bill, the decision is left to the president, who proposed a 4.6 percent average pay increase in his FY23 budget.


Do you know if your Representative is a cosponsor of the Social Security Fairness Act? Visit the NARFE Legislative Action Center on and find out. You can personalize a message and send to your Representative directly. If your lawmaker is already a cosponsor, the system will prompt you to send a thank you message instead.

MYTH: Cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) to federal retirement annuities and federal employee pay raises both are based on the increase in consumer prices.


NARFE thanks all its members who participated in this year’s Grassroots Advocacy Month for their continued support for and commitment to NARFE’s mission.

NARFE Members Wrap up Another Successful Grassroots Advocacy Month in August



10 NARFE MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 Washington Watch

abor Day not only marks the unofficial end of summer— it also signals the end of the long summer congressional recess (or district and state work periods, depending on whom you ask), as lawmakers prepare to return to their Capitol Hill offices. It also marks the end of NARFE’s Grassroots Advocacy Month, which occurs each August in conjunction with the summer

NARFE’srecess.Grassroots Advocacy Month aims to ensure that the federal community’s legislative priorities continue to be discussed with lawmakers when they are back in their districts and states. These discussions provide a local touch when members weigh in with personal experiences of how policies like the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) affect their financial well-being. Members engaged in in-person and virtual events with lawmakers, including meetings, town halls, county fairs, picnics and more. Wellcoordinated groups of members wearing NARFE gear at community events help make local views of federal community issues more powerful by creating attention for tookAdditionally,NARFE.memberspartinsocialmedia activities, sent letters directly to lawmakers and editors of community newspapers, and made phone calls through the advocacy call center, urging lawmakers to repeal the unfair Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO). Before the start of Grassroots Advocacy Month, members engaged in a targeted grassroots effort to try to force a House floor vote on H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act, which helped to boost the total cosponsors of the bill as we entered the August recess campaign.Thisyear’s mid-term election presented opportunities for advocates to engage with new candidates to educate them about NARFE and familiarize them with NARFE’s legislative priorities before they take their seats on Capitol Hill in January 2023. Like NARFE, many constituent groups use the August recess to expand their advocacy efforts and keep discussions about their issues on the table. This means there is a multitude of competing interests and demands for lawmakers’ attention. Therefore, NARFE engages members in advocacy activities for the duration of the recess, increasing the likelihood its issues will remain fresh on lawmakers’ minds when they return to Capitol Hill after LaborNARFEDay. seeks volunteers to lend their voice and lead advocacy efforts at their federation. Contact your federation today and inquire about open volunteer senatorial leader (SL) or congressional district leader (CDL) positions. CDLs and SLs serve as liaisons between the lawmaker’s office and NARFE members in the state and district. NARFE headquarters provides advocacy training throughout the year to ensure volunteers are successful in their efforts. Contact the advocacy team at headquarters today at if you have any questions.




Reps. Gerry Connolly, D-VA, and John Sarbanes, D-MD, introduced the bill in early June. Connolly argued that Congress “must ensure that the federal government has the tools it needs to compete with the private sector for top talent.”

n June, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform advanced the Telework Metrics and Cost Savings Act, H.R. 7951, along party lines, 23-17. The bill focuses on developing standards and guidance, training for supervisors, and ensuring transparency and accountability through reporting, including on cost savings achieved via agency telework programs. It would also require agencies to give a month’s notice to OPM and Congress before an agency changes its telework policies.

NARFE-PAC, the political arm of NARFE, works to defend your earned pay and benefits by building strong relationships between NARFE and members of Congress. Support the PAC and help fight for the federal community. Below is the latest progress for the 2021-2022 election cycle, as of June 30, 2022.


“The whole purpose of this bill is to expand telework, to encourage telework [and] to build it into the architecture of the federal workplace,” Connolly explained at the hearing. “We can’t ignore the hard lessons that this pandemic has taught us. Enhanced need and demand for telework among federal employees and the national workforce should and will persevere. To remain competitive, the federal government has to keep up with the private sector. Telework saves money, helps recruit top talent, makes environmental sense, and it ensures a continuity of operations at agencies that families, businesses and veterans can rely on each Sarbanesday” noted that telework during the pandemic provided much-needed flexibility to “heighten work productivity, improve employee retention and deliver high-quality government service for the American people.”


House Panel Approves New Federal Telework Bill


n June 7, NARFE National President Ken Thomas sent a letter to Senators urging them to cosponsor the Equal COLA Act, S. 4221, which was introduced by Sen. Alex Padilla, D-CA, on May 16, with NARFE’s support. S. 4221, along with its House counterpart, H.R. 304, would ensure that adjustmentscost-of-living(COLAs)for Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) annuities match the measured change in consumer prices.Inthe letter, NARFE explained that the bill “fixes a longstanding issue afflicting federal retirees in the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), whereby their earned annuities fail to keep pace with inflation due to an inequitable policy that reduces their annual cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs).”Currently, FERS retirees do not receive a full COLA if consumer prices increase by more than 2 percent annually. If consumer prices increase between 2 and 3 percent, FERS COLAs round down to 2 percent. If consumer prices are above 3 percent, FERS COLAs are always 1 percentage point less. This policy, enacted in the 1980s with the establishment of FERS, fails to protect the earned value of FERS annuities.

NARFE Urges Senators to Cosponsor Equal COLA Act O


12 NARFE MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 Washington Watch

Cathy Ann Harris will serve on the MSPB, which adjudicates appeals of personnel actions, among other duties. Harris will serve as the acting chair of the MSPB after being initially nominated in 2021. She joins Raymond Limon and Tristan Leavitt on the board; the latter two were confirmed in March. Harris will serve a seven-year term that expires in 2028. The MSPB has already begun dealing with the daunting task of clearing out a five-year backlog of nearly 4,000 cases. Both confirmations were confirmed after months of waiting for Senate consideration. Previous vacancies in these positions have stymied both boards, which will now begin delivering decisions on backlogged cases.

FLRA and MSPB Nominees Confirmed by Senate T he Senate this spring confirmed nominees to two boards that protect federal employees.SusanTsui Grundmann was confirmed as a member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA). Grundmann, a former member of the Merit System Protection Board (MSPB), was confirmed by a vote of 50-49. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-AK, was the only Republican to vote in favor of Grundmann’s confirmation. The FLRA is an independent federal agency that administers the labor management relations program for 2.1 million federal employees.


To comply with federal law, we must use our best efforts to obtain, maintain and submit the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individ uals whose contributions exceed $200 each calendar year. NARFE-PAC is for the benefit of political candidates and activities on a national level. NARFE members have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal, and NARFE will neither favor nor disadvantage anyone based on the amount of a contribution or failure to make a voluntary contribution. The suggested amounts are only suggestions and not enforceable. Only members of NARFE may contribute to the PAC. Contributions from non-members will be returned. NARFE-PAC contributions are not deductible for federal purposes. lapel

NARFE NewsLine – A weekly newsletter that goes out to NARFE members on Tuesdays and includes weekly recaps of legislative news, compiled by NARFE’s advocacy and communications teams.

income tax

Senate Confirms FRTIB Nominees

LEGISLATIVE ACTION CENTER – A one-stop site to send a letter to Congress, and more, at


T he Senate confirmed four nominees to the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB) via voice vote June 9. Established as an independent agency, the FRTIB administers the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), the federal government’s retirement savings and investment plan. Currently, the TSP covers nearly 6.2 million participants, including current and former federal workers, as well as members of the uniformed services. Law directs the four new board members to administer the TSP solely in the best interests of plan participants. The new members are:


q Charge my credit card q MasterCard q VISA q Discover q AMEX Card #: Exp. Date: _____ /_________ mm yyyy Name on Date:Signature:Card: Mail coupon and/or check payable to NARFE-PAC to: NARFE-PAC Budget & Finance | 606 North Washington St. | Alexandria, VA 22314 NARFE Member #: State:City:Address:Name: ZIP: Employer:Occupation: Contribute to Make a one-time contribution: q $25 – Basic lapel pin q $50 – Bronze

Monthly contributors of $10 or more receive a sustainer lapel pin


• Stacie Olivares, a member of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System in Sacramento; • Dana Bilyeu, Executive Director of the National Association of State Retirement Administrators; • Leona Bridges, Commissioner for the San Francisco City & County Employees’ Retirement System; • Michael Gerber, Senior Managing Director at FS Investment, a fund management company based in Philadelphia, PA.


pin q $100 – Silver lapel pin q $250 – Gold lapel pin q $500 – Platinum lapel pin q Other: _________ n No pin for me. I’d like 100 percent of my contribution to go to NARFE-PAC. OR Contribute monthly through your annuity. Get started at Contribution totals are cumulative for the 2021-2022 election cycle




Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means 11/03/2021

(D) 0 (R) Expands and strengthens Social Security benefits, improves the solvency of the Social Security trust fund, repeals the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset, and provides for numerous other Social Security related improvements. Referred to the House Committees on Ways and Means, Education and Labor, and Energy and Commerce 10/27/2021



NARFE’s Position: Support Oppose No position

H.R. 5723: Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust / Rep. John Larson, H.R.Cosponsors:D-CT5723:202

(D) 0 (R) Provides a lifetime’s worth of free identity protection coverage for those whose data was breached during the 2015 hack of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

H.R. 4788: Well-Being for Every Public Servant Act of 2021 / Rep. Julia Letlow, H.R.Cosponsors:R-LA4788:0

H.R. 82/S. 1302: The Social Security Fairness Act / Rep. Rodney Davis, R-IL / Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-OH H.R.Cosponsors:82:203 (D) 81 (R) S. 1302: 34 (D) 4 (R) 2 (I) Repeals both the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).

H.R. 5834: Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2021/ Rep. Kevin Brady, R-TX H.R.Cosponsors:5834:3 (D) 50 (R) Reforms the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) by providing a monthly payment of $100 to current WEPaffected beneficiaries (age 62 or older before 2023) and $50 for an affected spouse or child. Creates a new formula to calculate benefits for future WEPaffected individuals (turning 62 in or after 2023).

Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (S. 51) 06/22/2021

DC STATEHOOD H.R. 51/S. 51 Washington D.C. Admission Act / Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-DC / Sen. Thomas Carper, D-DE H.R.Cosponsors:51:216 (D) 0 (R) S. 51: 44 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I) Provides for the admission of the State of Washington, DC, into the Union. Passed the House 4/22/2021, by a vote of 216-208

Fully repeals the Windfall Elimination Provision for individuals whose combined monthly income from their non-Social Security covered government annuity and Social Security benefits is $5,500 or lower, with graduated implementation on benefits above that amount. Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means 04/01/2021


Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means (H.R. 82) 01/04/2021 Referred to Senate Committee on Finance (S. 1302) 04/22/2021

H.R. 2337: The Public Servants Protection and Fairness Act / Rep. Richard Neal, D-MA H.R.Cosponsors:2337:189 (D) 0 (R) Reforms the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) by providing a monthly rebate of $150 to current beneficiaries (age 62 or older before 2023) and creating a new formula to calculate benefits for future WEP-affected individuals (turning 62 in or after 2023). Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means 04/01/2021


H.R. 7657: Reducing the Effects of the Cyberattack on OPM Victims Emergency Response Act Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, H.R.Cosponsors:D-DC7657:1

Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform 05/03/2022

NARFE WEBINARS Answers for the Federal Community Mark Keen, CFP Financial planner helping Feds prepare for retirement Tammy Flanagan Federal benefits and retirement expert NARFE WEBINAR PRESENTERS Questions? Members can call 800-456-8410 x2 or email NARFE’s federal benefits specialists at Not a member? Join NARFE today at SEPTEMBER 14 The TSP’s New Mutual Fund Window SEPTEMBER 29 To B or Not to B: Is Medicare Part B Right for You? OCTOBER 13 Understanding Medicare Advantage OCTOBER 25 Which FEHB Plan is Right for You? Active Employee Edition NOVEMBER 3 Which FEHB Plan is Right for You? Retiree Without Medicare Edition NOVEMBER 17 So Many Choices: Which FEHB Plans Work Best with Medicare Parts A & B? DECEMBER 14 Estate Planning Online Q&A sessions follow each webinar. For details and to register, visit’tMissOur Fall 2022 Webinar Series NARFE FEDERAL BENEFITS INSTITUTE

(D) 1 (R) S. 3487: 2 (D) 3 (R) Increases death benefits and funeral allowances for federal employees ($90,000 increase in death benefit for survivors and $8,000 increase to funds granted for funeral allowances).

POSTAL REFORM H.R. 3076: The Postal Service Reform Act / Rep. Carolyn Maloney, H.R.Cosponsors:D-NY3076:58(D)

3 (R) Requires presidential administrations to obtain the agreement of Congress to reclassify competitive service positions outside of merit system principles. Advanced from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform in a 22-18 vote 05/25/2021

H.R. 2954: Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2021 Rep. Richard Neal, D-MA H.R.Cosponsors:2954:55

Advanced from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform by a vote of 20-15 05/11/2022

H.R. 6066: Strengthening the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VACosponsors:H.R.6066:2 (D) 1 (R) Codifies several recommendations for OPM by the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), such as clarifying that OPM stands at the center of federal civilian human resource management and ensuring the director of OPM possesses human capital and leadership expertise. Advanced from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform by a vote of 25-14 12/02/2021

PERSONNELFEDERALPOLICY H.R. 302: Preventing a Patronage System Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, H.R.Cosponsors:D-VA302:9(D)

Advanced from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, 24-14 Advanced05/10/2022from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 06/22/2022 H.R. 6967/S. 3423: Chance to Compete Act of 2021 / Rep. Jody Hice, R-GA / Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, H.R.Cosponsors:D-AZ6967:3(D) 2 (R) S. 3423: 1 (D) 2 (R) Implements merit-based reforms to the civil service hiring system that replace degree-based hiring with skills- and competency-based hiring.

H.R. 7376/S. 3487: Honoring Civil Servants Killed in the Line of Duty Act / Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-VA /Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, H.R.Cosponsors:D-AZ7376:5

Advanced from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform unanimously Advanced04/06/2022from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 02/02/2022

(D) 48 (R) Increases the age at which required minimum distributions (RMDs) start and increases the limit on catch-up contributions to qualified employersponsored retirement plans, such as the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). Passed the House by a vote of 414-5 03/29/2022 Referred to the Senate Committee on Finance 03/30/2022

44 (R) An amended version of the bill addresses previous NARFE concerns and includes provisions that would prevent unintended increases to Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) plan premiums for all federal employees and retirees, preserve choice for current postal retirees regarding whether to enroll in Medicare Part B, repeal the mandate to prefund future postal retiree health benefits, and codify the standard six-day mail delivery schedule. Amended version of H.R. 3076 passed the House by a vote of 342-92 and the Senate by 79-19; signed into law 4/6/2022

NARFE’s Position: Support Oppose No position



H.R. 6104: Building the Next Generation of Federal Employees Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA H.R.Cosponsors:6104:3 (D) 0 (R) Establishes a comprehensive Federal Internship and Fellowship Center within the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to administer, manage and promote all federal internship and fellowship programs. The bill also credits fellows and interns who meet all qualifications with an additional five points in the competitive service examination.


H.R. 521/S. 129: First Responder Fair RETIRE Act Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Jon Tester, D-MT H.R.Cosponsors:521:20 (D) 4 (R) S. 129: 1 (D) 3 (R) 1 (I) Allows disabled federal first responders (e.g., law enforcement officers, customs and border protection officers, and firefighters) to continue receiving federal retirement benefits in the same manner as though they had not been disabled. Passed the House by a vote of 417-0 07/12/2022 Referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 07/13/2022

(D) 0 (R) S. 3518: 14 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I) Provides federal employees with a 5.1 percent average pay raise in 2023. Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform (H.R. 6398) Referred1/13/2022to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (S. 01/19/20223518) H.R. 564/S. 1158: Comprehensive Paid Leave for Federal Employees Act / Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-NY / Sen. Brian Schatz, D-HI H.R.Cosponsors:564:36 (D) 0 (R) S. 1158: 9 (D) 0 (R) Extends paid leave to federal and postal employees for all conditions covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Advanced by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform (H.R. 564) Referred07/20/2021tothe Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (S. 04/15/20211158) H.R. 2499/S. 1116: Federal Fire Fighters Fairness Act of 2022 Rep. Salud Carbajal, D-CA / Sen. Thomas Carper, D-DE H.R.Cosponsors:2499:176 (D) 27 (R) S. 1116: 20 (D) 2 (R) 1 (I) Creates a presumption of occupational illness for federal firefighters, covering ailments such as cardiovascular disease, cancers and certain infectious diseases that 49 states already presume to be work-related for their state and local firefighters. Passed the House by a vote of 288-131 05/12/2022 Advanced from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (S. 05/12/2021116)2

H.R. 4268: Federal Retirement Fairness Act / Rep. Derek Kilmer, H.R.Cosponsors:D-WA4268:53

(D) 16 (R) Allows federal employees who started their careers in temporary positions before transitioning into permanent roles to retroactively contribute toward their retirement for the years they held a temporary position. Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform 06/30/2021



H.R. 4315: The Fair COLA for Seniors Act / Rep. John Garamendi, H.R.Cosponsors:D-CA4315:51(D)


H.R. 304/S. 4221: The Equal COLA Act Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Alex Padilla, H.R.Cosponsors:D-CA304:29(D)4

(R) S. 4221: 4 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I) Provides Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) retirees with the same annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) as Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) retirees. Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform 01/13/2021 Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 05/16/2022

1 (R) Requires Social Security and federal retirement programs to use the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI-E) to calculate cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) to retirement benefits. Referred to the House Committees on Ways and Means, Veterans’ Affairs, Oversight and Reform, and Armed 09/07/2021Services

COMPENSATIONFEDERAL H.R. 6398/S. 3518: The Federal Adjustment of Income Rates (FAIR) Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Brian Schatz, H.R.Cosponsors:D-HI6398:57

NARFE’s Position: Support Oppose No position

Aetna Medicare is a HMO, PPO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in our plans depends on contract renewal . See Evidence of Coverage for a complete description of plan bene�ts, exclusions, limitations and conditions of coverage. Plan features and availabilit y may var y by ser vice area.

Ready to enroll? If you’re eligible: Enroll online at Or call the O �ce of Personnel Management (OPM) Retirement Information Center at 1- 88 8 -767- 673 8 (T T Y: 711) .

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SilverSneakers is a registered trademark of Tivit y Health, Inc. ©2021 Tivit y Health, Inc. All rights reser ved. Healt h insurance plans are o�ered and /or under written by Aet na Life Insurance Company (Aet na).

This is a brief description of the features of this Aetna health insurance plan. Before making a decision, please read the plan’s applicable federal brochure(s). All bene�ts are subject to the de�nitions, limitations and exclusions set for th in the federal brochure. Plan features and availabilit y may var y by location and are subject to change. Aetna does not provide care or guarantee access to health ser vices. For more information about Aetna plans, refer to Aet

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©2 0 21 Aetn a Inc. Y00 01 G RP 4 0 0 9 3 4 8 8 2021 M 19.12 .3 4 5.1 A (9/21) Aetna Advantage • $0 deductibles and copays • Prescriptions for as little as $2 from our preferred pharmacies • Low premiums • $900 annual credit toward your Medicare Part B premium • SilverSneakers® at no extra cost Aetna Direct • A fund to help pay prescription costs or your Medicare Part B premium • $0 deductibles and copays • $6 generic prescriptions from our preferred pharmacies Why not connect live with us and learn more about your health plan options? Connect with our team at and you can: There are great savings options for federal retirees Plans o�ered through the Federal Employees Health Bene�ts (FEHB) Program: onChatline Schedule a one-on-one consultation At tend live webinars With this plan, you can opt-in to our Medicare Advantage plan just for federal retirees without suspending your FEHB coverage.

All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations, and exclusions in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan brochure. The Blue365® Discount Program offers access to savings on items that you may purchase directly from independent vendors, which may be different from items covered under the Service Benefit Plan or any other applicable federal healthcare program. For hearing aids, acupuncture, chiropractic and vision services, you must exhaust your Service Benefit Plan benefit first before accessing the savings of the Blue365®

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Discount Program. To find out what is covered under your policy, contact the customer service number on the back of your member ID card. The products and services described herein are neither offered nor guaranteed under any local Blue company’s contract with the Medicare program. These items are not subject to the Medicare appeal process. Any disputes regarding these products and services are not subject to the Disputed Claims process. Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) may receive payments from Blue365 vendors. Neither the Service Benefit Plan, nor any local Blue company recommends, endorses, warrants or guarantees any specific Blue365 vendor or item. The Service Benefit Plan reserves the right to change, modify, or terminate any item and vendors made available through Blue365, at any time. this other ThanMore

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4 Rechargeable features may not be available in all models and styles. All content ©2021 TruHearing, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TruHearing® is a registered trademark of TruHearing, Inc. All other trademarks, product names, and company names are the property of their respective owners. Listed benefit amount may differ from customer's actual benefit. Actual customer payment will vary. Follow-up provider visits included for one year following hearing aid purchase. Hearing aid repairs, and replacements subject to provider and manufacturer fees. For questions regarding fees, contact TruHearing customer service. FEP_NARFE_AD_0221

2 Price shown does not include cost of comprehensive hearing exam. Examination and testing for prescribing of hearing aids is covered under the Service Benefit Plan. The member should confirm that the provider rendering the hearing exam is a Preferred provider. If the provider is Non-preferred, the member may be charged a maximum fee of $45 for the exam, and the member may need to submit a claim for reimbursement. Must be a Service Benefit Plan member to access TruHearing discounted pricing. TruHearing is offered through Blue365, which provides exclusive health and wellness deals and is a program of Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies. The Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® words and symbols, Federal Employee Program®, FEP® and Blue365® are all trademarks owned by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

TruHearing is an independent company that provides discounts on hearing aids. Prices and products subject to change. For more information, visit Rechargeable | Listed products are smartphone compatible3 SAMPLE PRODUCT RETAILAVERAGEPRICE TRUHEARINGPRICE ALLOWANCE (UP TO $2,500)1 YOU PAY2 TruHearing® Advanced $5,440 $2,500 –$2,500 $0 Widex Moment® 220 $3,320 $2,500 –$2,500 $0 ReSound ONE™ 5 $3,496 $2,590 –$2,500 $90 Signia® Styletto® 3X $5,166 $2,700 –$2,500 $200 Oticon More® 3 $6,750 $3,050 –$2,500 $550 Starkey® Livio® 2400 $5,704 $4,100 –$2,500 $1,600 Phonak® P-R90 $7,328 $4,390 –$2,500 $1,890 Call TruHearing today and start saving! Call 1-877-360-2432 | For TTY, dial 711 Example Savings (per pair) Made Available Through:

3 Smartphone compatible hearing aids connect directly to iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod® Touch devices. Connectivity also available to many Android® phones with use of an accessory.



I spent four years at one of the U.S. military academies before spending an additional 22 years on active duty. I retired from active duty and intended to keep my military retirement separate from my future federal civilian retirement. Can I make a deposit into the Federal Employees Retirement System for my four years at the academy without impacting my active-duty military retirement?

I am a special agent with Homeland Security Investigations. I am facing mandatory retirement at age 57 in November 2023. I would like to remain with my agency and not retire if possible. I know that I can request an extension up until age 60 but this is discretionary on the part of the agency. I have heard that if I do not wish to retire my agency is required to provide me with a non-covered position. I have asked my personnel department about this, but they have not yet responded.




A Yes, since your service at a U.S. military academy isn’t included in your military retirement, you can coordinate to make the necessary deposit for those four years with your agency retirement and payroll offices without impacting your military retirement. If you pay the deposit before you separate from federal service, it will add an additional four years of service credit under FERS for retirement eligibility and computation purposes. If you haven’t received one already, you should first request a transcript of your four years from the appropriate academy. Talk with your agency retirement office for assistance with computing the deposit amount due (including any applicable interest), and the effect that paying such a deposit will have on your federal civilian retirement. Your agency retirement office can walk you through the necessary steps and paperwork involved. If you intend to make this deposit, you must do so before you separate from federal service.


A Your agency is not required to find a position that allows you to continue federal service beyond your mandatory retirement age. You can attempt to find a position that is not covered by the special retirement provisions for law enforcement officers and transfer to the regular retirement provisions of FERS, which would allow you to continue federal employment until you are ready to retire.Thehead of your agency is authorized to exempt special category employees (such as law enforcement officers and firefighters) from mandatory separation until age 60 if it is in the public interest. Without

THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS & ANSWERS were compiled by NARFE’s Federal Benefits Institute experts. NARFE does not provide legal, financial planning or tax advice or assistance.


The Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPIW) increased 1.57 percent in June 2022. To calculate the 2023 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), the 2022 thirdquarter indices will be averaged and compared with the 2021 otherandcare,transportation,beverages,purchasesThepercent292.542,theincreaseTheaveragethird-quarterof268.421.percentagedeterminesCOLA.June’sindex,isup8.99fromthebase.CPIrepresentsoffoodandhousing,apparel,medicalrecreation,educationcommunication,andgoodsandservices.

TRANSFER OF DECEASED SPOUSE’S TSP Q I’m an active federal employee. Last year my spouse, who has been retired under FERS, passed away at age 65 and I inherited his TSP account. I decided to transfer his TSP balance into my TSP account. I am currently 62 and plan to retire in a couple of months. Is there anything I should be aware of?

Upon your death, the FERS survivor benefit that you elected for her will never affect the Social Security benefit that your wife earned for herself, and vice versa. Her Social Security benefit will never have a negative impact on her FERS survivor benefit payment from OPM.

Please see TSP Publication 26, Tax Rules about TSP Payments here publications/tspbk26.pdf

One major downside to a BPA from a tax standpoint is that death benefit payments made from a BPA must be paid directly to your beneficiary(ies). These payments are subject to certain tax restrictions and cannot be rolled over to an IRA or eligible employer plan. In addition, your beneficiary(ies) will have to pay the full amount of taxes on the taxable portions of the payment in the year it is received. Now that you’ve moved this money to your TSP account, it is important to understand required minimum distribution (RMD) and other tax requirements that will apply to your entire TSP account.

NARFE MAGAZINE 23 an extension, your agency must notify you in writing of your mandatory date at least 60 days in advance. Action to separate the employee is not effective until the last day of the month in which the 60-day notice expires.

Although I am a federal retiree, I’m also a surviving spouse of a MONTH CPI-W MonthlyChange% % Change from 253.412


A Initially, your late husband’s TSP account was used to create a “Beneficiary Participant Account” (BPA) for you. For surviving spouses who choose to keep the inherited BPA, please refer to the Beneficiary Participant Account Guide booklet 33 available at calculatepublications/tspbk33.pdf,theTSPwillanyrequiredminimum distributions (RMDs) to be paid in the year of the participant’s death using the deceased participant’s age, prior yearend account balance, and the IRS Uniform Lifetime Table. If your spouse was younger than 72 and would not have turned 72 before the end of the year, you must begin receiving RMDs by December 31st of the year your spouse would have turned 72. In the years following the deceased participant’s death, they calculate the annual amount of your RMD using your age, your prior year-end account balance, and the IRS Single Life Expectancy Table.

OCTOBER 2021 271.552 0.92 1.17 NOVEMBER 273.042 0.55 1.72 DECEMBER 273.925 0.32 2.05 JANUARY 2022 276.296 0.87 2.93 FEBRUARY 278.943 0.96 3.92 MARCH 283.176 1.52 5.50 APRIL 284.575 0.49 6.02 MAY 288.022 1.21 7.30 JUNE 292.542 1.57 8.99 SEPTEMBERAUGUSTJULY



I am a retired Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) employee.

For FECA COLA updates, visit and search for FECA.

When I retired, I elected a full survivor benefit for my spouse. My spouse is currently receiving monthly Social Security payments based on her own work record. If I predecease my spouse, will my spouse’s FERS survivor benefit from OPM be affected by the money she receives each month from Social Security? Will the Social Security benefit that she earned for herself be affected by the FERS survivor benefit that she would receive?


Questions & Answers federal retiree. I had a choice to keep my FEHB coverage under my retirement or my survivor benefit from OPM. I chose the latter. I recently got remarried and was told by OPM that I could not put my new spouse under my FEHB plan.



A A surviving spouse may be eligible for a spousal annuity supplement if they are entitled to a FERS current spouse survivor annuity and are under age 60. This benefit is paid in addition to the FERS spousal survivor annuity if the surviving spouse is entitled to Social Security survivor benefits at age 60 based on the deceased annuitant’s employment under Social Security and if the surviving spouse is not presently eligible for Social Security mother, father or disability benefits based on the deceased annuitant’s account. Although the regular survivor benefit elected may continue for the life of the surviving spouse, the FERS Spousal Supplement is only payable until age 60, regardless of whether the surviving spouse claims the widow/widower benefit from Social Security. The spousal annuity supplement is not subject to the Social Security earnings test, and it is increased by FERS COLAs.

I am retired under CSRS Offset* coverage.retirementMyspouse retired under FERS and elected the maximum survivor benefit for me that will provide 50% of her FERS retirement if she dies first. My spouse is currently receiving a larger Social Security monthly payment than I am. If my spouse predeceases me, will my survivor benefit from her FERS annuity be affected by the money I receive each month from Social Security? Will my Social Security benefit be affected by the FERS survivor benefit that I would receive?

A Upon your spouse’s death, you will be entitled to the full FERS spousal survivor benefit that she elected for you. The FERS survivor benefit payable to you will not affect any Social Security benefit that you earned for yourself, or any Social Security benefit that she may have earned for you. If you are younger than age 60 upon your spouse’s death, you would also qualify for a FERS spousal annuity supplement in addition to the regular FERS survivor benefit until the Social Security widow’s benefit becomes available to you (see previous question regarding the FERS Spousal Supplement).

What is a FERS Spousal Supplement?


I have been having an issue with not receiving spousal benefits when my husband claimed his Social Security retirement benefit last year. I am already receiving my own earned Social Security benefit. At 68, I am over my full retirement age for Social Security. I should be receiving 50% of my husband’s Social Security benefit, which is $110/month more than my own earned Social Security retirement benefit. Social Security has informed me that because I worked under CSRS in the 1980s, I am not entitled to this spousal benefit. They said that due to

Unfortunately, if you are receiving your FEHB coverage through a survivor annuity, a change in family status based on additional family members can only occur if the additional family members are family members of the deceased employee or annuitant. If you are also receiving an annuity based on your own federal career, you may be eligible to transfer your enrollment to your retirement annuity from your survivor annuity so that you can provide coverage to your new spouse and his/her children. For more information, see OPM pamphlet, Information for Retirees and Survivor Annuitants, RI 79-2 here ri79-2.pdfpublications-forms/pamphlets/



If you spent the last 60 months (five years) of your federal career paying Social Security taxes as a CSRS Offset employee, then you will be exempt from the Government Pension Offset (GPO) rule, which means that the Social Security benefit that your spouse earned for you will allow your Social Security benefit to increase if the widow’s benefit is higher than your earned Social Security retirement benefit amount.


Is that true?


*CSRS Offset was created in 1987 and accommodatesgenerallyemployees who had at least five years of prior creditable civilian service prior to January 1, 1987, covered under CSRS and were rehired after 1983 with more than a one-year break in service. CSRS Offset coverage requires paying the FICA tax along with a reduced CSRS contribution.

Be sure to watch the webinar archived in the Federal Benefits Institute on the NARFE website titled, CSRS Offset: The Best of Both Worlds or a Nightmare?

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the Government Pension Offset (GPO), my entitlement to spousal Social Security benefits is being reduced because I earned a pension from work not covered by Social Security. When I left the government, I took a refund of my retirement contributions, which forfeited my right to a CSRS retirement benefit. Why am I being penalized by the GPO? What can I do? For now, this is only a loss of $110/month, but should my husband predecease me, the amount will be much more substantial. A There is so much confusion about the “evil twins” (Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision). From time to time, even the “experts” get confused. The GPO reduces the widow’s benefit based on your late spouse’s Social Security record by two-thirds of your CSRS retirement. Since you are not receiving a CSRS retirement benefit, you are exempt from the GPO reduction. Here is a reference to the Social Security Program Operations Manual System (POMS) regarding the GPO for someone who forfeited their retirement under CSRS by receiving a refund of their CSRS retirement contributions. GN 02608.400 Determining Pension Applicability and Pension Amount: Withdrawals from a defined benefit plan, before or after eligibility for the pension, of only employee contributions plus any interest (i.e., none of the employer contributions are included in the employee forfeits all rights to a pension, are not pensions for GPO purposes. This rule applies even if the employer paid the employee contributions for the employee (i.e., some employers may pay for the employee’s contribution). Perhaps you can provide this reference when you contact Social Security along with a copy of your receipt from your refunded CSRS contributions to show why you should not be impacted by the GPO. To obtain an answer to a federal benefits question, NARFE members should call 800-456-8410 and select option 2 for the Federal Benefits Institute; send the question by postal mail to NARFE Headquarters, ATTN: Federal Benefits; or submit it by email

As explained last month, contributions from tax-exempt pay are not permitted in a civilian TSP account, so when Sarah requests to combine her two TSP accounts, the TSP will only transfer the pre-tax money to her civilian TSP account and leave the tax-exempt contributions in her uniformed services TSP account. At that point, Sarah may withdraw the tax-exempt contributions tax free or convert them to a Roth IRA. Participants with only a uniformed services TSP account may isolate the tax-exempt contributions as well. When a participant transfers money from the traditional balance in a uniformed services TSP account to another eligible employer plan or to an IRA, the TSP will always transfer the pre-tax money (tax-deferred contributions and earnings) from the traditional balance first.

For example, take Sarah, who retired from the uniformed services and now works as a civilian federal employee. While deployed, Sarah contributed $20,000 of her tax-exempt pay to the traditional balance of her uniformed services TSP account, which is now valued at $100,000. If Sarah were to take a withdrawal, 20% of the withdrawal will come from her tax-exempt pay and the remaining 80% will come from the pre-tax money (tax-deferred contributions and earnings). TSP participants with taxexempt pay in the traditional balance of a uniformed services TSP don’t have to settle for receiving a small portion of the tax-exempt pay with each withdrawal. Instead, a TSP participant may isolate the taxexempt pay in the traditional balance of a uniform services TSP and either distribute it tax-free or convert it tax-free to a Roth IRA.

What Do You Do If You Have Both a Military and Civilian TSP—Part II

As a civilian federal employee with a civilian TSP, Sarah can easily isolate the tax-exempt pay in her uniformed services TSP by submitting form TSP-65 to combine her two TSP accounts.

Therefore, a participant in a uniform services TSP who is eligible to take withdrawals may isolate tax-exempt contributions by transferring all the pre-tax money from the traditional balance to another retirement plan, such as a Traditional IRA. Once the pre-tax money has been transferred out, and only the tax-exempt contributions remain, the participant may withdraw the tax-exempt contributions taxfree or convert the tax-exempt contributions tax-free to a Roth IRA.A participant with only a uniformed services TSP doesn’t need to give up his or her TSP, either. As long as the participant keeps at least $200 in the TSP account after withdrawing or converting the tax-exempt contributions, the TSP will remain open, and the participant will have the ability to transfer the pre-tax money back to the TSP. Those participants with tax-exempt pay in his or her uniformed services TSP should take advantage of this opportunity.

ast month’s Benefit Brief pointed out that contributions from tax-exempt pay to the traditional balance of a uniformed services Thrift Savings Plans (TSP) are not taxed when distributed, but the earnings on those tax-exempt contributions are. Furthermore, when tax-exempt contributions exist in the traditional balance of a uniformed services TSP, any withdrawal will have the same percentage of tax-exempt pay that’s included in the TSP account.




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CULTIVATING AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE gratitude is, how to express it and how to make it a part of your life

“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.” That’s the moral of “Androcles and the Lion,” a fable told by the Greek writer Aesop more than 2,600 years ago. One such noble soul is 101-year-old Jeannette Feldman. Jeannette and her husband, Edward, served veterans for nearly 30 years as volunteers at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Baltimore VA Medical Center.




“We had such an unending gratitude for all the sacrifices veterans had made and are still making,” Jeannette explains. The Feldmans were retired when they began serving others. “We agreed we had to have a plan for something to do,” she says.


“And Ed said to me, ‘I would like to do something at the VA.’” She recalls answering, “Ed, you were in the Army for five years during World War II. You never liked it.” “’I didn’t like it because I was afraid I would die and I wouldn’t see you again,’ he responded. ‘I loved the rapport I had with the guys I served with. It would mean a lot to me to give back.’” “Well,” Jeannette said she told him, “that’s a good reason.” For more than 28 years, until Ed had a bad fall at the age of 90 (he passed away at 98), they served as escorts to take patients to appointments, as companions to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments, and in other roles.


here are many ways to feel and express gratitude, from writing a list to making a phone call to volunteering in your community. For those with the means, donating to charity is another method for demonstrating gratitude and boosting your own well-being. Research in 2014 by Elizabeth Dunn and her colleagues found that “both correlational and experimental studies have shown that people who spend money on others report more happiness.” Donating money is also a way to contribute to organizations you support but can’t volunteer with due to distance, time or health issues. But with so many potential worthy causes to champion, how do you pick which one(s) to give to, and how do you know that your contribution is being used effectively? Here a are a few tips.

Consider the cause(s) you’re most passionate about. You may want to write a personal charitable mission statement so that you can see whether organizations align with your goals and values. While brainstorming, think about what inspires you to give, what issues you’re interested in and why, and what legacy you might want to leave behind.


In a 2020 Real Simple article, a spokesperson for Charity Navigator noted that “Your money will generally go further if you donate the bulk of it to just a few places” rather than sending small funds to many different charities; therefore, it’s good idea to narrow your choices down to a few Itorganizations.mayalsobe helpful to consider whether to donate within the United States or internationally, and whether to choose large or lesser-known organization. Some argue that your money goes much further in developing nations, but others feel more connected to causes in their home communities. Some feel larger charities are better

“Gratitude is a felt sense of appreciationthankfulnesswonder,andforlife.”

Jeannette sometimes sat at the front desk in the hospital’s entryway and guided visitors to their destinations. “It wasn’t as if you’d just say, ‘go left’, if you did the job that was in your heart. You’d help every one of them with whatever troubles they had. So many patients were homeless people from downtown. They would come into the hospital just to socialize and would stop at my desk and talk to me. I heard a lot of life stories and life incidents. Sadness, happiness, all kinds of other things.” She says, “Anything I could do for them was never too much.”

• Withstand the pressure. If you’re being pressured to contribute (whether by phone, email or in person), don’t give in to overly aggressive tactics. Ask for additional information in hard-copy form and verify the details at a later time.

• Ask specific questions and look for specific answers. When engaging someone about contributing, a pattern of vague responses could point to inauthenticity.

• Check the authenticity of the organization. Look up its name in one of the charity evaluator websites mentioned above and/or see if it’s registered with your state charity registration office. Some scam charities try to use a name similar to that of a widely recognized legitimate one.

Think about what’s most meaningful to you and what may have the most impact. The evaluation tools in the next paragraph can help with your decision.

NARFE MAGAZINE 31 known and more trustworthy, while critics say big organizations are less transparent about their use of donations and may have higher overhead costs.

CONSIDER YOUR FINANCES. While it’s common to feel more philanthropic during the winter holiday season, remember that charities need donations at all times of the year. Any organization would welcome a one-time donation, but if your finances allow, consider setting up a monthly automatic contribution. That way, you can set a personal annual donation goal, work it into your budget, and know that you’re helping sustain an organization’s services throughout the year. If you’re unclear about how much you can afford to donate, it might be wise to talk to a financial planner who can work charitable giving into your overall financial goals. For information about tax benefits from charitable contributions, see Mark Keen’s Managing Money column in the May 2022 issue of NARFE Magazine. BEWARE OF SCAMS. Unfortunately, there are criminals who prey on the goodwill of others by posing as a charity to con victims out of money. Ensure that your donation is going to the right place.

• Never wire money or purchase gift cards. Scammers often use these methods because they are harder to track.

The following sites include more information on donating, how to protect yourself from charity scams, and how to report a scam: donate-to-charity and articles/giving-charity#Checklist.

DO YOUR RESEARCH. Several websites evaluate charities, helping donors confidently find organizations that will use their money effectively. Charity Navigator (www. is the largest and most wellknown, Charity Watch ( dubs itself “the only independent charity watchdog in the United States,” and ( is run by the Better Business Bureau. Each website explains the metrics they use to review and rate the charities. According to, efficient charities spend at least 65 percent of their expenses on program services. Once you find a nonprofit you’re drawn to, look at the organization’s own website and read its mission, program descriptions and annual report. You might even want to contact a staff member directly and ask how donations are used or what the organization’s major accomplishments were in the past year.

“There are many things we do that can evoke gratitude that we take for granted, but bringing intention to those things makes them in-themoment,” Clark explains.


Changing Your Emotional State Dr. Sabrina C. Clark, a psychologist specializing in the field of positive psychology and a long-time VA employee, calls Jeannette an “incredible woman.” To explain Ed and Jeannette’s dedication to helping others, Clark offers a modern update to Aesop’s definition of gratitude. She cites fellow psychologist Dr. Robert Emmons, who believes “gratitude is a felt sense of wonder, thankfulness and appreciation for life.”Is gratitude a feeling or an emotion? “Both,” says Clark, director of VA’s Center for Development and Civic Engagement. “It’s a state of being. You can have gratitude without feeling happy or even having positive emotions. In the midst of negative emotions, you can still feel grateful. “What’s interesting is that neuroscience tells us our brains can only focus fully on one thing at a time. That means if we were thinking about something negative and decide to focus on gratitude, the negativity goes away. Being thankful or showing appreciation dismisses those other feelings. It’s not that they don’t come back, but for that moment, you can really have a more positive attitude.” According to Clark, Ed and Jeannette’s longevity may have something to do with their ability to demonstrate gratitude to others. “There’s a lot of research on how our immune systems react to our emotional heath. Negativity in our thinking opens us up to disease, illness, pain and stress.”

To combat negativity, she suggests taking the time to be present. “This means when you’re having a conversation with someone, you’re not doing anything else—like when you’re on a Zoom call and writing a message to someone else at the same time.”She also suggests, “before you go to sleep, remind yourself about one good thing that happened during the day. And remember to think about someone who needs you to give them an encouraging word. Maybe it’s just one sentence, like ‘You’re going to be OK.’ That not only helps the person you’re supporting, but it also helps you for having taken the time to expressOtherit.”simple acts can help change your emotional state, such as remembering to take care of yourself, drinking enough water, getting sufficient sleep and eating nutritiously. Help your spouse, significant other or someone in need; pet your dog or other animals; and hug your loved ones.

“What’s interesting is that neuroscience tells us our brains can only focus fully on one thing at a time. That means if we were thinking about away.”negativityondecidenegativesomethingandtofocusgratitude,thegoes

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Taking a Approach“Person-fit”toGratitude

Some psychologists and others suggest the use of gratitude journals, personal outlets for reflecting on what one is grateful for in life. In the journals, people write down what they are grateful for each day. It’s a good way to acknowledge and absorb life’s positiveClarkattributes.cautions,however, that while gratitude journals have helped a lot of people, they are not for everyone. “Some people don’t like to write. Once keeping a journal becomes a chore and a task, it takes away some of the effect it otherwise may have.

The same method is not going to work for everyone.”

“Even in the midst of sad times and difficult moments,” Clark says, “gratitude really keeps you grounded and from being swept away in misery and sorrow.” She cited an experience in her own life: the loss of her beloved father, who recently passed away.

“There are so many ways to express gratitude,” Clark explains. “What people have to figure out is, what does that look like for me? It’s not just, I’m grateful for myself and how wonderful I am. It really is about how you fit in the world, how you engage with the universe and all the opportunities you have to contribute to the world.

The key to expressing gratitude, she explains, is a “person-fit approach” to how individuals go about their gratitude journey.

“When bad things happen in your life, gratitude can really keep you from being caught up in your emotions and feelings. It’s difficult to Federal employees and retirees have a special way to express their gratitude through donations: the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). CFC is the world’s largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign. Pledges made by civilian, postal and military donors during campaign season support eligible nonprofit organizations that provide health and human services benefits throughout the world. Since 1961, federal employees have donated more than $8.5 billion to participating charities. Donations to NARFE and its programs (the NARFE-Alzheimer’s Research Fund and the NARFEFEEA Fund) are also an option for giving. This can be done via completing the appropriate form on the “Donate to NARFE programs” form on p. 55 of this issue of NARFE Magazine and mailing it in. You can also contribute to NARFE online at

“For some people, that may involve picking up the phone to call someone who has had a big impact in their lives, or writing them a letter. Even if you never mail it, the impact on the writer is immediate.

“If I believe in a higher power, and that this power is being empathetic toward me, expressing grace toward me and being forgiving of me, and I’m grateful for that, I find myself more willing and capable to do that for other people.

Although deeply saddened by his death, Clark reminded herself that “moving my father here to Maryland from Ohio after my mother passed away was the best thing that could have happened, and having him have the opportunity to be part of my son Will’s life was awesome for them both.


Others use ‘love languages,’ like giving gifts or words of encouragement, preparing meals, or spending time with others.” And some incorporate religion into evoking gratitude. “Expressing gratitude to a higher being is a way to get outside of yourself and recognize you are part of a larger universe. Being able to bring your spiritual practices and beliefs into expressing gratitude is a wonderful way to generate feelings of joy and an excitement about life.

Experience a

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36 NARFE MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 navigate sometimes, but being able to stay present and use gratitude to stay connected to what’s real is truly important.

“After about 20 minutes, I said, ‘Are you ready to go in?’ and he shook his head vigorously. He absolutely did not want to go in. So, I decided, Jeannette, this is what you do. You stay with him until he wants to go.”

Finally, after about two hours, Ed came out to tell her it was time for the patient to go inside and for her to go home. “I called to check on him in the morning and was told he passed away in the night. I cried, I really did, but I was so happy he had gotten his final wish to be outside.”

“So, we sat outside side by side,” she recalls. “His head was lifted in the air as if he was drawing in every bit of fresh air he could. I asked him if he had relatives, and he said, ‘None.’ Nobody. He was alone.

There are many organizations that offer the opportunity to demonstrate gratitude by volunteering. A successful opportunity suits the skills of the prospective volunteer. For this reason, many federal retirees choose volunteer positions that allow them to continue to serve the public.

As part of Clark’s work, which includes managing VA’s volunteer program, she meets many people like Jeannette Feldman. “The No. 1 reason people decide to volunteer at VA is to give back to veterans. It’s almost like a mantra.”

“During a difficult time, I can always be grateful for those good moments and hold on to them. They allow me to lean forward, not fall back. Gratitude is how I keep my eyes focused forward and keep moving ahead,” Clark concludes.

Volunteering With the Federal Government

Among government agencies, the Peace Corps ( offers what it calls “lifedefining experiences” to serve abroad in more than 60 countries. provides opportunities for volunteers to help their communities prepare for disasters and other emergencies. And AmeriCorps ( enrolls more than 250,000 employees every year to work directly with nonprofit organizations to tackle our nation’s most pressing challenges. Other agencies offering volunteers the chance to contribute include VA, the Department of Agriculture, the Forest Service, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management and the Army Corps of Engineers. Check out www.volunteer. gov for information on these opportunities and many more.

Jeannette cited a contribution to a veteran’s life that she made as a volunteer that was “very, very touching.” The veteran was ill with throat cancer and wanted to go outside on an “absolutely magnificent” spring day.

In fiscal year 2021, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 25,000 VA volunteers worked more than 2.5 million volunteer hours. VA estimates that their support, plus gifts and donations provided by individuals and partnering organizations, provided more than $175 million in added value.

Anyone interested in volunteering to help veterans through VA can simply call their nearest VA facility and ask for the voluntary service office, Clark says. “They’ll be directed to someone who can tell them about current volunteer opportunities

There are organizationsmanythat offer the opportunity to demonstrate gratitude by volunteering. A successful opportunity suits the skills of the prospective volunteer.

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“We’re flexible,” she concludes. “We want to establish partnerships with people. So, if someone has a skill or a talent or a desire no one has ever brought to us before, that’s a welcome challenge for us. If that’s the way they want to express their gratitude, we’ll try to match that to a volunteer opportunity that’s customized for them. We’re not limited to the things we’ve always done or what’s currently in place. Volunteers can bring their own ideas, and we’re grateful for that.”

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The Appeal of Medicare


NARFE MAGAZINE 41 Advantage Plans New ProvideOptionsanArray of Benefits, Offer Part B Reimbursement BY DAVID TOBENKIN

It is important to note that some of the plans also require enrollment in Medicare Part D, which could add to the premium. Health insurance experts say this new breed of plans, specifically designed to serve federal annuitants’ unique retirement health insurance needs and interact well with their generous Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program benefits, may be worth a look. Many federal annuitants would likely be better served through participation in one of a number of federal-annuitant-tailored Medicare Advantage programs (in this article we’ll call them Fed-friendly MA plans offered under the FEHB umbrella) than traditional Medicare, say Walt Francis, principal author of the Consumers’ Checkbook Guide to Health Plans for Federal Employees, and Kevin Moss, director of marketing and fundraising for Consumers’ Checkbook.


“These new [Fed-friendly] Medicare Advantage plans have better benefits for federal annuitants than virtually all existing FEHB and [non-Fedfriendly Medicare Advantage] plans,” Moss says. “For the 2022 plan year, if you joined UnitedHealthcare (UHC) Choice Primary, with their Medicare Advantage plan option, you saved almost $2,000 compared to what you would have paid under the lowest-cost standard FEHB plan, which would be CareFirst’s HDHP. And if you switched from BlueCross Basic, you’re up to about $3,600 in savings per year. If you switched from BlueCross Standard, it’s over $7,000 of savings. So it’s dramatically less expensive than some of the other options that we know are popular with retirees.”

In 2022, in addition to UnitedHealthcare, carriers Aetna, APWU, Compass Rose, Kaiser Permanente, Humana, MHBP and Rural Carrier, all offered Fed-friendly Medicare Advantage plans, note Francis and Moss.

For most of the Fed-friendly MA plans there are three requirements: be retired, be enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B, and be enrolled in the regular FEHB version of the plan.

f you’re an annuitant who has not considered a Medicare Advantage health insurance plan, you could be paying thousands extra for coverage.

The Fed-friendly MA plans pair a Medicare Part B premium reimbursement—in some cases the full amount—with greatly reduced or no costsharing for health care expenses. Thus, they are better options than non-Fed-friendly MA plans, which either have additional premiums, co-pays, deductibles and/or out of pocket maximums or network limitations, and don’t offer Part B premium reimbursements, Moss says. “You’re not going to be able to find those benefits outside of theseInformationplans.” in this article is based on data for the current 2022 plan year. OPM usually announces the health insurance plan details, including Fed-friendly MA plan details, for the following plan year in the fall. This year’s FEHB Open Season, which will run from November 14, 2022, through December 12, 2022, will allow annuitants to select plans for the 2023 plan year. Once an annuitant enrolls in a Medicare Advantage plan, it will roll over from year to year unless it is replaced or eliminated by the annuitant.

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• Under Fed-friendly MA plans, FEHB coverage remains active and is not suspended. Plan reimbursements cover some or all of the costs of Medicare Part B and Part D premiums. • It is important to verify that a given Medicare Advantage plan is a FedFriendly MA plan, given that most MA plans available to the general public do not offer the same savings as the Fedfriendly ones.

While Medicare Advantage is part of Medicare, it is private insurance that traditionalinsurance,federal-government-providedreplacesalsoknownasororiginalMedicare.

Key Takeaways

• Many federal annuitants who retain FEHB in retirement could save money and maintain provider coverage by enrolling in Fed-friendly Medicare Advantage plans.

• Consumers’ Checkbook Guide to Health Plans for Federal Employees is one of the few resources that allows annuitants to easily perform plan comparisons between different Fedfriendly MA plans. NARFE members can save 20 percent on the guide by using promo code NARFE20 at www.

• For annuitants subject to a Medicare Part B and Part D surcharge—those with incomes in excess of $91,000 for individuals and $182,000 for couples— more careful cost-benefit analysis is required to see if Fed-friendly MA plans make sense.

First, the Basics Traditional Medicare is composed of four parts: Part A covers inpatient hospital care, hospice and skilled nursing services; Part B covers outpatient services ranging from physician services to labs to home health to surgeries; Part C is Medicare Advantage; and Part D is prescription drug coverage. While Medicare Advantage is part of Medicare, it is private insurance that replaces federal-governmentprovided insurance, also known as traditional or original Medicare. One must be retired and enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B to participate in Medicare Advantage. While Medicare Part A is offered free of charge, Parts B and D require monthly fees. Medicare has a limited initial enrollment period, with most seniors having a seven-month window surrounding and including the month they turn 65. There is a 10 percent penalty per year for eligible annuitants who initially decide not to enroll in Part B during their seven-month window and then later enroll. Federal benefits expert Tammy Flanagan wrote a NARFE Magazine article on the key related decision of whether to enroll in Medicare Part B in the November 2021 issue of NARFE Magazine; members can read “Finding Your Way Through the Medicare Part B Dilemma” by accessing the digital edition of the magazine at magazine-issues.Manyseniorsenroll in Medicare, but those who are not federal annuitants supplement Medicare by enrolling in Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, also known as Medigap. However, Francis says these plans do not make sense for federal annuitants enrolled in the FEHB program since the combination of most FEHB


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Many Fed-friendly MA plans now offer suspendcoveragemaintainbecauseandprovider,generoushospitalcareservicesparticipantsactiveFEHBratherthanit.

SEPTEMBER 2022 plans and Part B already provides better coverage, and adding a Medigap plan would add about $2,000 a year in premium costs with no better benefits than the “wraparound” option available in most national and many local FEHB plans. In addition, the cost of Medigap plans is high and leads many non-federal annuitants to switch from Medigap to Medicare Advantage plans, says Danielle Kunkle Roberts, a founding partner at Fort Worth, TX-based insurance brokerage BoomerUnlikeBenefits.somepast Medicare Advantage plans offered to federal annuitants, many Fed-friendly MA plans now offer generous provider, hospital and care services because participants maintain active FEHB coverage rather than suspend it.

“The great thing about what’s in the FEHB program today at UnitedHealthcare is that the Medicare Advantage plan is a custom, nondifferential plan, which means the benefit is the same for in and out of network,” says Kim Farner, chief growth officer for UHC Retiree Solutions. “As long as that provider accepts Medicare and the plan, they would be accepted into that program as well.”


Many Medicare Advantage enrollees like these programs for another reason—they often offer a bevy of services that traditional Medicare and even Medigap plans do not. Kaiser Permanente’s Medicare Advantage plan, for example, offers services like transportation to care providers, gym memberships, eyewear and hearing aids, says DiBuccio.

However, some plans do have a narrower network of providers and facilities. Kaiser Permanente is an HMO, and coverage is generally limited to its network, though Kaiser Medicare Advantage plan members can go anywhere they like for emergency or urgent care; they’re covered both nationally and internationally, says Anthony DiBuccio, director of Medicare sales for the MidAtlantic region for Kaiser Permanente.

TOFREEDOM.BEYOU. If you think oxygen therapy means slowing down, it’s time for a welcome breath of fresh air. Introducing the Inogen One family of portable oxygen systems. With no need for bulky tanks, each concentrator is designed to keep you active via Inogen’s Intelligent Delivery Technology.® Hours of quiet and consistent oxygen flow on a long-lasting battery charge enabling freedom of movement, whether at home or on the road. Every Inogen One meets FAA requirements for travel ensuring the freedom to be you. • No heavy oxygen tanks • Ultra quiet operation • Lightweight and easy to use • Safe for car and air travel • Full range of options and accessories • Clinically validated for 24/7 use Call 1-833-276-3265 or visit for a free consultation and info guide. MKT-P0256

The Consumers’ Checkbook Guide ranked UHC’s United Choice Primary Medicare Advantage plan as the top-ranked Fed-friendly MA plan for the 2022 plan year. But UHC only began offering Fed-friendly Medicare Advantage plans in 2020, says UHC’s Farner, who notes that the plan is available on 11 of the UHC federaloriented health insurance plans as well as Compass Rose and APWU plans.

The IRMAA can largely negate the benefits of Medicare Advantage plans over traditional Medicare for annuitants subject to higher (Tier 2 and above) tiers, Francis and Moss say.

It is important to keep in mind how the IRMAA works, as it examines the preceding two years of income. Thus, says DiBuccio, those separating from jobs as they qualify for Medicare, for example, might wish to use traditional Medicare or FEHB coverage for the first one or two years, and then replace it with a Fed-friendly MA plan as their earnings decline.

Some Fed-friendly MA plans only offer coverage in certain geographic regions. In 2022, according to the Consumers’ Checkbook Guide:

• Rural Carrier and Compass Rose are also available nationwide but have enrollment restrictions.

• Kaiser plans are available in these locations: Northern CA; Southern CA; Washington state; Hawaii; parts of Oregon and Idaho; and the

A Relatively New and Often-over looked Option

Consumers’ Checkbook Guide to Health Plans for Federal Employees clearly identifies the Fedfriendly MA plans and allows readers to assess their features against all other plan options. This year’s guide to Medicare Advantage and all other FEHB health care options for the 2023 plan year will be offered in early November and can be found in both online and paper versions at www.’s important for annuitants enrolling in the Fed-friendly MA plans to maintain active FEHB benefits and not to suspend them, as that is a condition of participation in these plans.

• The Aetna Advantage, APWU High, and MHBP Standard MA plans are available nationwide to all retirees.

Another situation in which Fed-friendly Medicare Advantage plans might not make sense is if annuitants desire international, nonemergency health coverage, Francis notes, such as that available from Blue Cross Standard or Blue Cross Basic, as most Fed-friendly MA plans do not offer this.

There are instances when Fed-friendly MA plans may not be your best option Notably, the federal government imposes an Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) surcharge on Medicare Part B and Part D participants. This surcharge is imposed in tiers, with the lowest (Tier 1) applicable to those with earnings of more than $91,000 for individuals and $182,000 for couples.

When Medicare Advantage May Not Be the Best Option


When considering which UHC FEHB plan to join, Moss says it makes sense to enroll in the least expensive version because “you’re getting the same Medicare Advantage benefits if you enroll in any of those plans.”

*Not valid on Not valid with any other offers or Not valid on refurbished models. Only valid towards purchase of a NEW Acorn Stairlift directly from the manufacturer. $275 discount will be applied to new

• UnitedHealthcare plans are available in almost half of the United States.

Actual enrollment requires a call to a representative at the FEHB insurance carrier offering Medicare Advantage. Be sure to verify that the carrier is, in fact, enrolling you in the Fedfriendly Medicare Advantage version of its plans.

• Humana Value Medicare Advantage plans are available in parts of Florida, Georgia, Arizona, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Texas and Tennessee. While many of the Fed-friendly MA plans should allow federal annuitants to access all their physicians and hospitals, Francis says, it may be worth it to confirm with those plans’ representatives that key physicians and hospitals do take a particular provider’s plan, given that they theoretically could refuse to do so.

previous purchases.

NARFE MAGAZINE 49 metropolitan areas of Washington, DC, Atlanta, GA, Denver, CO, and Fresno, CA.

—DAVID TOBENKIN, IS A FREELANCE REPORTER BASED IN THE WASHINGTON, DC, AREA. Those separating from jobs as they qualify for Medicare, for example, might wish to use traditional Medicare or FEHB coverage for the first one or two years, and then replace it with a Fedfriendly MA plan as their earnings decline.

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The Federal Family NARFE’s Resource on the Federal Family

CSRS 2021 FERS 2021 CSRS 2020 FERS 2020 CSRS 2019 FERS 2019 EMPLOYEE MEAN* $4,163 $1,693 $4,055 $1,639 $3,939 $1,576 EMPLOYEE MEDIAN $3,631 $1,355 $3,532 $1,304 $3,428 $1,247

50 NARFE MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 N ARFE provides the entire federal community with sources of information to advance advocacy efforts. The chart on the opposite page offers data on current and retired federal employees as well as a synopsis of demographic trends, such as increases or decreases in the number of employees and annuitants since the previous fiscal year.

SURVIVOR MEAN** $1,805 $688 $1,758 $645 $1,710 $620 SURVIVOR MEDIAN $1,593 $520 $1,553 $501 $1,514 $483 MEAN (AVERAGE) AND MEDIAN (MIDPOINT)

published by NARFE. NARFE encourages you to utilize this invaluable information when it’s time to interact with your lawmakers, as it displays the size and influence the federal community has in each district andIfstate.youhave any questions regarding the data provided here or about any other resources provided by the advocacy department, please call 1-800-456-8410 and select options 3, or email us at


The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the U.S. Postal Service serve as sources for this Federal Family chart. The chart includes the total number of annuitants in fiscal year 2021, which is further categorized into employee annuitants and survivor annuitants. Since fiscal year 2020, the number of annuitants increased overall, and the number of survivor annuitants remained unchanged. On the other hand, the number of both federal and postal employees decreased while pensions provided to annuitants increased.Although the number of federal employees and annuitants fluctuates annually, the federal community continues to maintain a presence in every congressional district nationwide. You are encouraged to use this chart and other NARFE resources in meetings with lawmakers.

Visit the NARFE advocacy webpage, advocacy, to access statespecific federal family fact sheets and policy issue briefs. The number of federal retirees and employees in each state, as well as the departments and agencies they work for, can be found in our advocacy resources. In addition, a comparison of the size of agencies to private-sector employers in each state can be found in these documents. Fact sheets detailing the number of federal annuitants in each congressional district are




* Employee Annuitants ** Survivor Annuitants

NARFE MAGAZINE 51 STATE/AREA ANNUITANTSTOTAL1 ANNUITANTSEMPLOYEE1 ANNUITANTSSURVIVOR1 ANNUITIESMONTHLY($000 s)1 EMPLOYEESFEDERAL2 EMPLOYEESUSPS3 TOTAL2 ALABAMA 59,764 47,772 11,992 $161,564 39,301 9,547 108,612 ALASKA 8,893 7,666 1,227 $23,558 11,299 1,628 21,820 ARIZONA 64,187 53,714 10,473 $165,014 32,707 10,020 106,914 ARKANSAS 25,340 20,386 4,954 $56,272 13,306 5,566 44,212 CALIFORNIA 211,574 171,197 40,377 $569,084 146,552 63,216 421,342 COLORADO 53,548 44,931 8,617 $150,548 38,744 10,350 102,642 CONNECTICUT 15,035 12,181 2,854 $38,623 8,125 8,216 31,376 DELAWARE 12,725 10,755 1,970 $41,323 3,237 2,116 18,078 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 42,895 36,193 6,702 $171,101 144,738 6,624 194,257 FLORIDA 196,946 163,769 33,177 $539,748 85,919 38,772 321,637 GEORGIA 94,040 77,088 16,952 $246,037 76,513 18,943 189,496 GUAM 2,416 1,659 757 $4,569 2,699 140 5,255 HAWAII 24,831 19,164 5,667 $72,721 23,723 2,640 51,194 IDAHO 17,404 14,644 2,760 $44,112 9,967 2,574 29,945 ILLINOIS 70,902 58,867 12,035 $191,050 42,068 29,530 142,500 INDIANA 39,209 32,434 6,775 $94,694 23,746 12,010 74,965 IOWA 21,872 17,903 3,969 $50,936 8,893 7,466 38,231 KANSAS 25,516 21,120 4,396 $63,247 16,599 6,403 48,518 KENTUCKY 34,880 28,695 6,185 $79,457 21,609 7,841 64,330 LOUISIANA 28,928 23,807 5,121 $71,649 18,683 8,816 56,427 MAINE 14,766 12,096 2,670 $35,796 11,662 3,361 29,789 MARYLAND 168,385 140,751 27,634 $663,156 135,385 13,061 316,831 MASSACHUSETTS 41,601 33,394 8,207 $111,810 24,986 16,048 82,635 MICHIGAN 48,974 41,594 7,380 $123,880 26,581 22,113 97,668 MINNESOTA 31,912 26,586 5,326 $77,960 16,936 11,870 60,718 MISSISSIPPI 26,744 21,635 5,109 $64,142 18,329 5,094 50,167 MISSOURI 56,158 46,464 9,694 $139,636 37,427 15,450 109,035 MONTANA 14,817 12,626 2,191 $37,520 10,749 2,019 27,585 NEBRASKA 13,981 11,423 2,558 $32,400 9,846 4,366 28,193 NEVADA 27,743 23,590 4,153 $72,328 12,610 5,242 45,595 NEW HAMPSHIRE 13,751 11,331 2,420 $38,015 4,412 3,447 21,610 NEW JERSEY 51,889 41,180 10,709 $154,153 20,975 21,078 93,942 NEW MEXICO 29,539 24,683 4,856 $77,343 22,039 3,248 54,826 NEW YORK 94,329 77,272 17,057 $232,763 51,336 44,075 189,740 NORTH CAROLINA 85,975 71,167 14,808 $231,650 47,239 20,047 153,261 NORTH DAKOTA 6,924 5,739 1,185 $15,447 5,557 1,731 14,212 OHIO 77,697 63,517 14,180 $206,842 51,239 23,563 152,499 OKLAHOMA 47,519 37,964 9,555 $113,842 40,441 7,072 95,032 OREGON 35,401 29,392 6,009 $92,809 20,249 7,018 62,668 PENNSYLVANIA 110,089 89,577 20,512 $293,151 62,836 28,914 201,839 PUERTO RICO 11,959 9,721 2,238 $24,684 11,991 3,297 27,247 RHODE ISLAND 7,603 5,989 1,614 $19,764 7,867 2,659 18,129 SOUTH CAROLINA 49,686 40,625 9,061 $127,486 22,760 8,743 81,189 SOUTH DAKOTA 11,667 9,875 1,792 $26,931 8,513 1,961 22,141 TENNESSEE 52,201 43,010 9,191 $131,419 27,696 13,542 93,439 TEXAS 184,351 149,581 34,770 $471,990 121,283 46,708 352,342 US VIRGIN ISLANDS 603 491 112 $1,283 397 153 1,153 UTAH 34,904 28,330 6,574 $91,554 32,074 5,296 72,274 VERMONT 4,938 4,119 819 $11,795 3,120 1,539 9,597 VIRGINIA 149,335 123,729 25,606 $530,481 131,928 16,410 297,673 WASHINGTON 72,347 59,992 12,355 $196,806 55,670 11,824 139,841 WEST VIRGINIA 19,548 16,426 3,122 $50,049 16,161 3,730 39,439 WISCONSIN 30,663 25,698 4,965 $70,254 16,538 11,149 58,350 WYOMING 6,481 5,578 903 $15,624 6,476 1,029 13,986 ABROAD & TERRITORIES 20,771 12,314 8,457 $35,708 31,175 23 51,969 TOTAL 2,706,156 2,221,404 484,752 $7,455,778 2,184,729 639,298 5,530,183 The Federal Family Federal Employees, Postal Employees and All Civilian Annuitants 1 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, FISCAL YEAR 2021 2 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT FEDSCOPE, SEPTEMBER 2021. (Location data of 291,818 employees suppressed for security and not included in individual state totals. Employee figure is included in overall total figure.) 3 POSTAL REGULATORY COMMISSION, MAY 2022 The chart is a snapshot in time of the federal family. Dates and sources of the data are listed below. Please note: federal and U.S. Postal Service (USPS) employee categories are based on place of employment, not residence. Use these numbers in communications with elected officials. (Note: Blue numbers denote annual decrease.)

Read This Before Using TSP’s Mutual Find

Using the mutual fund window. Participants cannot send contributions directly to Window

The law requires the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB) to “ensure that any expenses charged for the use of the mutual fund window are borne solely by the participants who use such window.” 5 U.S.C. 8438(b)(5) (B). As such, participants who choose to use the mutual fund window will incur fees and expenses that do not apply to participants who invest only in the TSP’s core funds.

The mutual fund window is a self-directed account that provides TSP participants the ability to invest a portion of their TSP balance in mutual funds. Through the mutual fund window, eligible TSP participants now have access to approximately 5,000 mutual funds across about 300 mutual fund families. Before you get too excited, however, there’s a considerable amount of fine print to be aware of. Eligibility. For starters, not everyone will be able to participate, due to the financial requirements and limitations. For example, the initial transfer to the mutual fund window must be at least $10,000, and TSP participants may not have more than 25% of their total account balance in the mutual fund window at any time. This means that TSP participants must have at least $40,000 in their TSP accounts to be eligible.


52 NARFE MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 Managing Money F or many years, Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) participants have asked for more investment options. After years of research and studies, the TSP answered participants’ requests and rolled out a mutual fund window in June 2022.

The additional fees associated with the TSP mutual fund window are: $95 annual maintenance fee – This fee covers the actual cost of maintaining a mutual fund window account. $55 annual administrative fee - This is a flat, variable fee that will be reviewed every three years and adjusted by multiplying the average mutual fund window account balance by the TSP administrative expense ratio. This fee ensures the use of the mutual fund window does not indirectly increase the TSP core funds’ administrative expenses for TSP participants who do not use the mutual fund window. $28.75 per-trade fee – This fee will be assessed with each purchase or sale of mutual fund shares and comes out of the total trade amount. When a participant sells a mutual fund, the trade fee will be deducted from the proceeds. When a mutual fund is purchased, the trade fee will be deducted from the trade amount. The trade fee goes directly to the mutual fund window provider. Other fees and expenses specific to the mutual funds – Like the administrative fees associated with the TSPs’ investment funds, each mutual fund will have annual operating expenses, which are disclosed in the form of an expense ratio. Expense ratios and other fees vary widely from fund to fund. It’s important for TSP participants to research and understand all the fees associated with any mutual fund he or she invests in.

Buyer beware. There’s no fiduciary oversight of the mutual funds offered in the mutual fund window. Unlike the lowcost, core TSP funds, the mutual funds offered through the mutual fund window aren’t vetted by a plan fiduciary. This doesn’t necessarily mean the mutual funds are bad options. It does mean TSP participants need to carefully research and review the prospectus for each mutual fund he or she is considering. Ultimately, it’s up to the TSP participant to decide which mutual fund(s) will best meet their goals and objectives. Fees, fees and more fees.

• A Silver Circle pin and recognition on with a donation of $100 or more.

Donate now to the Silver Circle at


• A Silver Circle pin, your name plate placed on the Silver Circle plaque at NARFE Headquarters, recognition on and recognition at the NARFE yearly conference with a donation of $1,000 or more.

For details on making a tribute gift in honor of, or in memory of, an outstanding NARFE member, and to learn more about the Silver Circle donor recognition program, please visit or send an email to To donate by check, please see the coupon on Page 47.

BENEFITS RESOURCES NARFE OFFERS MEMBERS a wide range of information on federal benefits.


NARFE MAGAZINE 53 the mutual fund window. Instead, participants will need to perform a fund transfer to move money out of one or more of the TSP investment funds and into the mutual fund window. Fund transfers, along with reallocations among the TSP investment funds, are limited to two transactions per month (there is no limit on fund transfers and reallocations if moving money into the G Fund). While the mutual fund window provides participants with a tremendous amount of investment options, the costs and risks need to be carefully considered. In fact, participants eligible to withdraw money from their TSP may be better served transferring some money from their TSP to an IRA where they’ll have many of the same funds to choose from without the extra administrative costs.


With NARFE’s thanks, you will receive:

On September 21, 2022, the NARFE Federal Benefits Institute will be hosting a webinar on the TSP mutual fund window. Please join me then to learn more.

a Contribution

The Silver Circle donor recognition program supports the direct work of NARFE: providing information and advocacy you rely on. Your donation to the association’s general fund ensures that NARFE has the resources to continue to fight for the financial security and earned benefits for you and the federal community. Member dues alone cannot support this mission.


Studies Find COVID-19 Quarantines

Negatively Affected People With Alzheimer’s Disease

54 NARFE MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2022 Alzheimer’s Update


ore than two years into the pandemic, researchers are still trying to understand the impact of the coronavirus as it continues to wreak havoc around the globe.


Several studies in the past couple of years, including one headed by Aida Juarez-Gonzalez and another headed by Laura Vernuccio, found that the quarantines that COVID-19 necessitated have had a negative impact on those with dementia. Another study led by Annachiara Cagnin in 2020 looked at the behavioral and psychological effects coronavirus quarantines had in patients with dementia and their caregivers. Cagnin and her team found an increase in behavioral and psychological symptoms in approximately 60 percent of the patients studied. The conditions most frequently reported included worsening irritability, apathy, agitation and anxiety. Two-thirds of the caregivers surveyed had increased stressrelated symptoms. In a March 2021 article covering this topic on the Community Medical Centers website, Dr. David Trinh, a geriatrician in private practice in Fresno, CA, notes that regular social interaction and physical activity are necessary to maintain good cognitive, emotional and physical health in older adults. The coronavirus quarantines that were designed to protect people who are ill, vulnerable or immunocompromised have made those interactions much harder to comeTrinhby. has seen a negative impact for those in the early stages of memory loss. Some patients have become more anxious and depressed, and mild cognitive issues in some cases have transitioned into dementia. As many people found during the pandemic, connecting with family and friends is important, and when physical distance separates close ones, phone or virtual chats can serve as alternatives. But for those with impaired vision, hearing or memory, connecting in such ways may be more challenging or even impossible, furthering their sense of isolation. It’s important to find methods that engage isolated loves ones. When visiting an older adult, especially someone with dementia, be sure to take coronavirus precautions, such as wearing an N95 or KN95 mask and spending time outdoors, if possible. Consider taking a COVID-19 test prior to making an in-person visit, as the virus can worsen memory problems. Some care facilities may continue to have stringent visitation rules, but you can look for other means for connecting, such as speaking through a closed window or having a caregiver facilitate a video call. In the aforementioned article, Trinh lists signs for caregivers, family and friends to watch for when checking on the well-being of those with dementia, such as whether they always have the same clothes on, look as if they haven’t showered or washed their hair, smell bad, are losing weight, or don’t have fresh food in the refrigerator. It may also be a good idea to ask whether they’re keeping up with medications. We encourage NARFE members share Alzheimer’s Update columns with friends and family and ask others to do same. Thank you for your continued financial support of the NARFE Alzheimer’s Research Program. For more information about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, connect with the Alzheimer’s Association at or call the 24-hour helpline at 800-272-3900.

Your charitable contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: NARFE (write Silver Circle on memo line)

PLEASE MAIL COUPON AND CHECK TO: NARFE / 606 N. Washington St. / Alexandria, VA 22314 or donate online at silvercircle

Give to NARFE-FEEAthe


Silver Circle contributions are NOT tax-deductible.

The NARFE-FEEA Fund supports NARFE members during disasters; provides scholarships to their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and funds other programs to support NARFE members at the direction of NARFE and FEEA.

State:City:Address:Name: ZIP: Your charitable contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. To make credit card or e-check contributions, visit

State:City:Address:Name: ZIP: Chapter number:

to NARFE programs

• A Silver Circle pin, your name plate placed on the Silver Circle plaque at NARFE Headquarters, recognition on and recognition at the NARFE yearly conference with a donation of $1,000 or more.

MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: NARFE-Alzheimer’s Research (write your chapter number on memo line)

PLEASE MAIL COUPON AND CHECK TO: 1641FEEAPrince St. Alexandria, VA 22314

Support Alzheimer’s Research If you have any questions, write to: National Committee Chair Olivia Williams 22 Garden Springs Road Columbia, SC 29209 OR EMAIL:

Credit Card Information: q M/C q VISA q Discover q AMEX Card ExpirationNumber:Date: (mm)/ (yy) Security Code: Signature: Date: / / Name: (please print) Credit Card Information: q M/C q VISA q Discover q AMEX Card ExpirationNumber:Date: (mm)/ (yy) Security Code: Signature: Date: / / Name: (please print)


• A Silver Circle pin and recognition on with a donation of $100 or more.

Enclosed is my NARFE-FEEA Fund Contribution: $ ________

State:City:Address:Name: ZIP: Email: Enclosed is my NARFE Silver Circle Contribution: $ ________

Donate NARFE members contributed for Alzheimer’s research: $15 Million Fund $14,619,699.08*

*Total as of date. 100 percent of all contributed funds go to Alzheimer’s research.

Enclosed is my NARFE-Alzheimer’s contribution: $ Every cent that is contributed is used for research.

PLEASE MAIL COUPON AND CHECK TO: Alzheimer’s Association 225 N. Michigan Ave., 17th Floor Chicago, IL 60601-7633

All donations go to the NARFE General Fund to support NARFE Programs and operations.

With NARFE’s thanks, you will receive:

ALASKA: September 24 online; contact Paul McIntosh, pjmac@gci. CONNECTICUT:net October 12 in FLORIDA:Cromwell October 13-16 in ILLINOIS:JacksonvilleSeptember 20-22 in WASHINGTON:Effingham October 11-13 online; contact Steven Roy, stevenroy1@ Federation election ends September 30; for information, contact Steven Roy, stevenroy1@ flyers, applications, copies of NARFE Magazine, etc.) to support your efforts. You can also click “Membership Officer Resources” and then scroll down and click on “NARFE Membership Recruitment Resources” to find complete rules and information about the Fall Membership Drive, as well as numerous valuable recruiting resources you can download, like an “elevator speech,” a membership presentation script andWatchmore.this column for more recruiting tips and information in future issues, and remember to provide your NARFE member ID number to the folks you recruit; to make sure you get credit, have them enter it when they join. If you have any questions, please email us at or call us at 800-456-8410.


NARFE’s lobbying efforts, postal reform legislation was signed into law which prevents increases to FEHB plan premiums for current and retired Feds and preserves choice for USPS retirees to enroll in Medicare Part B or not.

Membership Drive—Tools

N ARFE will sponsor a membership drive again this year from September 1 through December 31, 2022. Current members can earn $10 for each new member they recruit, as well as other prizes. With things opening back up this year, there are more opportunities to meet potential members and share the benefits of NARFE membership, but please continue to be cautious and stay healthy.

2022 CONFERENCESFEDERATION This information was correct as of press time in late July.


2022 NARFE Fall

Because NARFE does so much, it’s often hard to know where to start when talking to potential members. However, some achievements over the past few months can be used to highlight the value of NARFE membership:•Thanksto

• NARFE’s advocacy team met with the senior representatives at OPM to discuss lengthy delays processing transactions and providing retirement benefits to annuitants and survivors. They also recommended that Congress take action to ensure OPM addresses these issues. • Our Federal Benefits Institute staff has made hundreds of calls to OPM on behalf of members to help expedite delayed paperwork and get much-needed funds flowing to retired feds and survivors. • Our team has also relayed feedback from members directly to the TSP regarding their new website and issues arising from the transition to the new record keeper. To access tools and resources to help you communicate the NARFE membership value proposition, go to, mouse over “For Members” on the menu bar and select “Officer Resources” from the dropdown menu. Near the bottom of this menu, you’ll find a link to the F-18 Requisition for Printed Supplies interactive online order form where you can order printed supplies (membership

You Need to Get a ‘Yes’

• Visit the Legislative Action Center to contact your representatives about bills affecting federal benefits.

• Save time, hassle and money with NARFE Perks.

• The opportunity to get involved at the local level by joining a chapter in your area.

• Access the NARFE Federal Benefits Institute for powerful resources to help fully understand and


• Get NARFE Magazine with news and insights for the federal community.


#____________ (01/21)

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Active and Retired Federal Employees ... Join NARFE Today! The only organization dedicated solely to protecting and preserving the benefits of all federal workers and retirees, NARFE informs you of any developments and proposals that affect your compensation, retirement and health benefits, AND provides clear answers to your questions. Who Should Join NARFE? If your future security is tied to federal retirement benefits—federal retirees, current employees, spouses and individual survivors—you should join NARFE. q YES. I want to join NARFE for the low annual dues of $48. q Mr. q Mrs. q Miss q Ms. Full CityApt./UnitStreetNameAddress State ZIP EmailPhone I am a (check all that apply) q Active Federal Employee q Active Federal Employee Spouse q Annuitant q Annuitant Spouse q Survivor Annuitant q Please enroll my spouse Spouse’s Full Name Spouse’s Email PAYMENT OPTIONS q Check, Money Order or Bill Pay (Payable to NARFE) q Bill me (NARFE membership will start when payment is received.) q Charge my: q MasterCard q VISA q Discover q AMEX Card ExpirationNo. Date _____ /________ mm yyyy Name on Card DateSignature TOTAL DUES $48 Annual Dues X ___________ = ___________ Per Person # Enrolling Total Dues Dues payments are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. MAY WE THANK SOMEONE? Did someone introduce you to NARFE? Please provide their Name and Member ID. Recruiter’s Name Recruiter’s Membership ID NARFE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 1Q6 THREE EASY WAYS TO JOIN 1. Complete this application and mail with your payment to NARFE Member Services / 606 N Washington St / Alexandria, VA 22314-1914. 2. Join online at 3. Call 800-456-8410, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET. NARFE respects the privacy of our members. Personal information is used to provide content and relevant communications to our members, and will not be sold or rented to third parties.

LOOKING TO MEET OTHERS in the federal community and participate in NARFE at a local level? Call 800-456-8410 to learn about a NARFE chapter in your area. Would you like to receive a FREE one-year chapter membership? Chapter closest to home Chapter

OR q

manage your benefits.

Designed exclusively for NARFE members, (plans administered by Mercer) Senior Age Whole Life Insurance, Senior Term Life Insurance, Hospital Income and Short Term Recovery Insurance, Dental Insurance, Vision Insurance, AssistPlus, Discount Prescription Plan and Pet Insurance. Member Options | 833-378-8224

LegalShield | 410-419-7130 |

Whether it’s big, small or somewhere in between, you have affordable legal help when you need it. Members receive the discounted rate of $18.95 for families of 10 (two adults and up to 8 children) when you sign up through the website above.

Get your ADT-monitored home security system today for $28.99 a month with AND $100 Visa reward card from Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier Provider. *New customers only. Visit website for full details of offer.

GE Appliances Store | Use the link below to start shopping! Save with NARFE members-only access to the GE Appliances Store! You will enjoy up to 25% off MSRP every day on the latest in high-quality appliances. *Orders can not be shipped to P.O. boxes, APOS, Canada, Puerto Rico, HI, AK or U.S. Territories.


Because you’re a member of NARFE, you now have access to exclusive members only discounts at ODP Business Solutions (previously Office Depot/Office Max). Members save up to 75% off on ODP Business Solutions Best Value list of preferred products and can take advantage of products discounted off the regular prices. Restrictions may apply so visit for details. Product and service discounts may no longer be available for in-store purchases. Purchasing Power |



| 800-233-5764 |


PRE-PLANNING .................................................................................................................................. (Previously

ADT Home Security | 844-892-3513 |



INSURANCE .........................................................................................................................................NeptuneSociety | 800-NEPTUNE


Member Options Auto and Home Insurance Program - Save Money with Multiple Quotes! Get quotes from top-rated insurance carriers on Auto, Home, Renters, Pet insurance and more in a matter of minutes. Answer a few simple questions online or over the phone with our licensed insurance experts to compare multiple options that meet your specific needs. To review and choose what’s best for you, go to the link above or call 833-378-8224. (637-8863) |



While not a discount program, Purchasing Power is an exclusive purchase program helps members buy brand-name computers, electronics, appliances and furniture via annuity allotment when cash is not an option. No credit check or down payments.

Our prearranged plans cover all necessary expenses for one guaranteed price even if the services are not needed for 40 or 50 years. The Neptune Society offers a $100 discount to all NARFE members. offer is not valid for residents of Louisiana, Tennessee and Kentucky. Void Where Prohibited. Depot/OfficeOfficeMax)

ODP Business Solutions | 1-800-650-1222 |


NARFE members receive great rates with National Car Rental! At National, we pride ourselves on always providing you with unsurpassed convenience and choice.


With 6,400 hotels throughout the world, Choice Hotels offers something for everyone. As a member, receive 20% off your next stay at participating hotels when you use Special Rate ID 00801967.

With over 160 tours to all 7 continents and travel styles varying from small group to river cruising, Collette offers something for everyone. As a NARFE member, you receive an additional $50-$100 off all tours including sales and offers! Just use your member benefit code NARFESAVE or let our reservation agent know you are a NARFE Member when booking.

Hotel Engine |

Hotel Engine, a private booking platform, connects organizations and their members to deeply discounted hotel rates. Member Deals | MemberDeals is your one stop for great discounts on nationwide travel and entertainment! Find exclusive discounts, special offers, preferred seating, and tickets to top attractions, theme parks, shows, sporting events, hotels, and much more. Visit MemberDeals and find savings such as up to 40% on top theme parks nationwide and preferred access tickets to your favorite concerts, sports & more!

Collette Travel | 844-311-6563 |

TRANSPORT & ENTERTAINMENT ..................................................................................

Life Line Screening | 800-324-9906 | Life Line Screening, America’s leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will conduct health screenings using state-of-the-art ultrasound technology in your neighborhood. Operator code BKHN075.


Brookdale Senior Living Communities | 877-713-2762 |

With over 300 agency partners and an entire team dedicated to a quality move experience, Coleman Allied provides customized discount levels for all NARFE members for Interstate moves. *The NARFE pricing only applies to moves that leave the state you currently reside in. Wheaton World Wide Moving | 800-248-7960 | At Wheaton, we know interstate relocation is much more than trucks and boxes. With a network of top-quality agents throughout the United States, Wheaton provides peace of mind with every relocation.

Choice Hotels International | 800-258-2847 |

WELLNESS | 850-375-0917 |

When you’re ready to go, Enterprise Rent-A-Car makes it easy. We offer everyday low rates on a great selection of cars, trucks and vans and customers are picked up at no extra cost*. See website for exclusions.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car® | Book Now! |

National Car Rental® | 800-CAR-RENT |

SERVICES .................................................................................................................................NEW!

As the largest operator of senior living communities in the US, Brookdale has over 1,000 locations all across the country. Members are eligible for 7.5% discount at Brookdale Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care communities and 10% discounts on Brookdale Private Duty Home Care. Discounts are for new move-ins/customers only.



Connecting Calls for Congress DID YOU KNOW?

Harriott G. Daley became the first Capitol switchboard operator in 1898. She was the sole operator in charge of 50 extensions, answering fewer than 200 calls per day. By the time this photo was taken in 1928, Daley was overseeing 25 operators who handled 30,000 calls daily for more than 1,000 extensions. Daley retired in 1945, having spent 47 years connecting calls.

Today, the Capitol switchboard is computerized to help operators field the many calls.

PHOTO from the Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives, courtesy of Clerk of the House’s Office of Art and Archives, in collaboration with the Society for History in the Federal Government (SHFG), bringing together government professionals, academics, consultants, students and citizens interested in understanding federal history work and the historical development of the federal government. To join, visit

After the 1950s, members of Congress needed to dial telephone numbers to be connected, a change called “very time-consuming, unsatisfactory, and a perfect waste of our time.” Learn more at switchboard.


Connectivity made easy Simple, wireless connectivity to your favorite devices via Bluetooth®. Make hands-free calls, stream music, connect to smart devices and more! The hearing aid with built-in intelligence Works more like how the brain works because it learned through experience. Clinical studies prove Oticon More delivers 30% more sound to the brain and increases speech understanding.2 Never change a battery again A trouble-free rechargeable solution allows you to recharge at night for a full day of hearing. FREE charger included!1 Take advantage of your $2500 benefit Exclusive pricing for NARFE members. Your insurance may cover all or part of the cost. Call for more information.3 Why Oticon MoreTM could be the answer to your hearing problems. Oticon More with Brain HearingTM technology A revolutionary hearing aid that gives the brain more of the relevant information it needs to make better sense of sound. So you can get better speech understanding with less effort and the ability to remember more. 5 Great Reasons This special offer for federal employees and retirees is available only at Your Hearing Network locations. To find your location call 877-696-5335 1Lithium-ion battery performance varies depending on hearing loss, lifestyle and streaming behavior. 2Compared to Oticon Opn STM, Santurette, et al. 2020. Oticon More clinical evidence. Oticon Whitepaper. 3Your out-of-pocket costs may vary depending on plan benefits, eligibility, deductible, co-insurance, and model of device chosen. This is not a guarantee of coverage or payment. Benefit is not available through all insurance plans. Please call us to verify your coverage. 1 2 3 4 5

CHOICE - All major hearing aid brands and styles available, including completely-in-the-canal, the smallest custom hearing aids on the market.

During the year, the independent vendors may offer additional discounts on these products and services. To find out what is covered under your policy, contact the customer service number on your member ID card. Any disputes regarding your health insurance products and services may be subject to your plan’s grievance process. BCBSA may receive payments from vendors providing products and services on or accessible through the Site. Neither BCBSA nor any Blue Company recommends, endorses, warrants, or guarantees any specific vendor, product or service available under or through the Blue365 Program or Site.

TELEHEALTH - Take advantage of HearUSA Telehealth Services where you obtain quality care at home. Telehealth appointments are available.

EXPERIENCE - HearUSA has been changing lives through better hearing since 1987 and a proud NARFE Circle Sponsor since 2016.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan members may be eligible for two fully covered hearing aids with zero out-of-pocket cost on many models when applying your hearing aid benefit*. HearUSA offers all these features and follows all safety protocols for our customers and employees. Call 1-855-252-0025 to discover more or visit

TECHNOLOGY - Smart technology helps you hear more clearly and eliminates annoying feedback “whistling”.

Call 1-855-252-0025 to schedule a FREE in-person or telehealth hearing appointment today! out-of-pocket!PayMembers,$0 Three-year manufacturer’s warranty covers repairs Three-year loss and damage coverage provides peace of mind One-year of FREE batteries eliminates an extra expense One year of FREE in-office service will get you off to a great start!

RECHARGABLE - Most models have rechargeable options; no need to ever replace batteries! Plus, many models connect with your cell phone!

*The Service Benefit Plan will pay a hearing aid benefit for Standard and Basic Option up to $2,500 total every 5 calendar years for adults age 22 and over, and up to $2,500 total per calendar year for members up to age 22. FEP Blue Focus does not have a hearing aid benefit. Do not rely on this communication piece alone for complete benefit information. All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations, and exclusions in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan brochure. Blue365® offers access to savings on health and wellness products and services that members may purchase from independent vendors, which are not covered benefits under the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Federal Employee Program, Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Dental and/or Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Vision. These products and services will be offered to you through the entire benefit year.

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