2 minute read
Countdown to Election Day November 8!
LEARN MORE about how you can take action to protect your earned pay and benefits by reviewing NARFE Grassroots materials at www.narfe.org/advocacy.
With only days until the November 8 mid-term election, incumbents and new candidates are taking advantage of every second they can to interact with voters. NARFE members, especially those who successfully advocated during Grassroots Advocacy Month in August, have additional opportunities to continue their work educating politicians about NARFE’s legislative priorities while they are wrapping up campaign activities between now and Election Day.
As constituents and voters, it is our responsibility to be informed about and evaluate a politician’s policies before we elect them to work on our behalf to propose, support and create laws that govern the land. Therefore, meeting new candidates on the campaign trail to educate them about NARFE is crucial in building relationships and to our overall advocacy efforts. Additionally, NARFE’s robust and diverse membership, which is spread across the country, has an opportunity to educate every individual competing for a seat in Congress.
Meeting with incumbents while they campaign to discuss their actions on NARFE’s legislative priorities is a great way to thank them for their support (or educate them if they don’t have a history of supporting them). Likewise, don’t wait until the election is over to introduce yourself and NARFE to new candidates. Meet with them while they are stomping hard to secure your support so that you can secure theirs.
NARFE’s advocacy team is busy developing an “About NARFE” packet that will be available for download from the website at the end of December. The packet includes a summary of NARFE’s history and legislative priorities and information on the federal community, highlighting the size and influence of federal employees and annuitants in each state and district. Members can deliver this packet in person or mail or email the information to newly elected lawmakers and incumbents as soon as the 118th Congress begins in January 2023.
No citizen should sit on the sidelines on Election Day. NARFE encourages members to get out and vote. NARFE, like many nonprofit organizations, participates in election year activities to encourage its members, employees, families and community members to get involved in the political process. We’ve designed the NARFE GOTV 2022 Resource Center webpage located in the advocacy section of NARFE’s website at www.narfe.org. The webpage brings together nonpartisan, state-specific voter registration resources, all in one place, so that members can get ready to cast their votes on Election Day.
NARFE federations or chapters can organize nonpartisan get-out-the-vote (GOTV) campaigns. For clarity on what nonprofits can and cannot do during the election, visit the Internal Revenue Service website at www.irs. gov to access The Restriction of Political Campaign Intervention by Section 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organizations guide for staying compliant.
NARFE thanks you for your continued support of advocacy! Contact the advocacy team at advocacy@narfe.org if you have any questions.