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Kenneth J. Thomas, Kathryn E. Hensley, Johann De Castro
NARFE Magazine
606 North Washington St. Alexandria, VA 22314-1914
Phone: 703-838-7760 Fax: 703-838-7781 Editorial: communications@narfe.org Advertising Sales: advertising@narfe.org
ON THE TELEPHONE: This publication can be heard on the telephone by persons who have trouble seeing or reading the print edition. For more information, contact the National Federation of the Blind NFBNEWSLINE® service at 866-504-7300 or go to www.nfbnewsline.org.
ON DIGITAL AUDIO: Issues of NARFE Magazine are also available in audio format through the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS). For availability, call 202-727-2142 or your local NLS service provider.
The Association, since July 1970, has been classified by the IRS as a tax-exempt labor organization [not a union]; however, dues and gifts or contributions to the Association are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
KENNETH J. THOMAS President; natpres@narfe.org
KATHRYN E. HENSLEY Secretary/Treasurer natsectreas@narfe.org
JOHANN DE CASTRO jdecastro@narfe.org
REGION I James C. Risner (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont) Tel: 207-540-6233 Email: rvp1@narfe.org
REGION II Gary Roundtree Sr. (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania) Tel: 443-929-7045 Email: groundtreesr@comcast.net
REGION III Clarence Robinson (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands) CELL: 404-312-8028 Email: crobin8145@att.net
REGION IV Robert L. Helfrich (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin) Tel: 317-501-1700 Email: rlhelfrich@yahoo.com
TO CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER OR EMAIL LISTING: CALL (TOLL-FREE) 800-456-8410 EMAIL memberrecords@narfe.org OR GO TO www.narfe.org, log in and click on “My Account”
606 N. Washington St. Alexandria, VA 22314 703-838-7760
Hours of operation: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. ET
REGION V Cindy Reneé Blythe (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota) Tel: 785-256-1450 Email: mrsdocbusyb@yahoo.com
REGION VI Marshall L. Richards (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Republic of Panama and Texas) Tel: 903-660-2784 Email: pappysdad@cobridge.tv
REGION VII Rodney L. Adelman (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming) Tel: 623-505-4719 Email: narfe7vp@cox.net

REGION VIII Robert H. Ruskamp (California, Hawaii, Nevada and Republic of Philippines) Tel: 703-628-3234 Email: rvp8@narfe.org
REGION IX Linda L. Silverio (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington) Tel: 503-391-2963 Email: l.l.silverio.narfe@gmail.com
REGION X William Shackelford (Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia) Tel: 703-830-6590, CELL: 703-201-6304 Email: rvp10@narfe.org
NARFE Magazine (ISSN 1948-4453) is published monthly except in February and July by the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE), 606 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314. Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, VA, and additional mailing offices. Members: Annual dues includes subscription. Nonmember subscription rate $48. Postmaster: Send address change to: NARFE Attn: Member Records, 606 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314. To ensure prompt delivery, members should also forward changes of address without delay. Because of the volume involved, NARFE cannot acknowledge nor be responsible for unsolicited pictures and manuscripts, although every reasonable precau tion is taken. All submissions become the property of NARFE. Copyright © 2022, NARFE. Advertisements in the magazine are not endorsements of products and/or services by NARFE, unless officially stated in the ad. We shall accept advertising on the same basis as other reputable publications: that is, we shall not knowingly permit a dishonest advertisement to appear in NARFE Magazine, but at the same time we will not undertake to guarantee the reliability of our advertisers.
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To support legislation and regulations beneficial to federal civilian employees and annuitants and potential annuitants under any federal civilian retirement system and to oppose those detrimental to their interests.
To promote the general welfare of federal civilian employees and annuitants and potential annuitants, to advise and assist them with respect to their rights under retirement, health and other employee and retiree benefits laws and regulations, and to represent their interests before appropriate authorities.
To cooperate with other organizations and associations in furtherance of these general objectives.
Until We Meet Again
Since its founding in 1921, NARFE’s mission has been to safeguard and improve the earned benefits of federal employees, retirees and their families. We are the only organization solely dedicated to the general welfare of all federal workers and retirees, delivering valuable guidance, timely resources and powerful advocacy.
For more than 100 years, NARFE has brought to the table the experience and knowledge necessary to contribute to this important discussion because our members understand what it means to serve. NARFE members have dedicated their careers to the betterment of our nation and want federal service to succeed in its mission well into the future.
Our members have seen their service evolve to meet the demands of the nation, and they understand that more must be done to keep pace throughout the 21st century. The federal government must be able to recruit the next generation of federal workers, and NARFE and its members are here to assist in the passing of the torch to ensure that the critical work of federal employees is completed on behalf of our nation.
As an association, we were off to the races in 2018 when the president announced the federal government would be shut down until further notice.
NARFE survived.
We did not know COVID-19 would enter our lives, infecting many millions and killing hundreds of thousands of Americans. The years 2020 and 2021 were canceled due to the pandemic. And COVID is still spiking, with businesses closed and millions of people out of work. Vaccines were developed and Congress passed relief packages, yet the economy still is out of kilter.
In NARFEtown, telework became de rigueur. Regional, federation, district and chapter meetings were canceled or held virtually. We went from zero to 60 digitally, and all of us became acquainted
with using Zoom and Go-To-Meeting technology in 2020—not just for federation and chapter meetings but also our National Executive Board meetings. We ran LEGcon21 and our Centennial celebration on a virtual event platform unlike anything we have ever done before.
NARFE launched our new website, and it makes a huge difference to be able to tap that magnifying glass in the top right corner and search for what you need.
I know we are all drowning in email, but I hope you take the time to read NARFE NewsLine each week. It is where we keep you up to date on your member benefits, legislative developments, common questions about your federal benefits, and all the goings-on at NARFE headquarters. And, what about that new social platform FEDHub?
NARFE will continue to advocate for:
• Enacting full COLAs for FERS retirees.
• Repealing or reforming the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset.
• Ensuring adequate oversight of proposals to reorganize the federal government.
• Providing substantive feedback on efforts to modernize the civil service.
NARFE will take a victory lap for getting postal reform DONE this year. It may have taken us 16 years to do it, but it has been signed into law.

I have welcomed your ideas by creating the Sage Group, the NARFE president’s kitchen cabinet of advisers. We are looking forward to meeting in person again and at in-person events. The future of NARFE is in our hands.
Remember, all that we do is made possible by you. Thank you for your membership, for your leadership, and for all that you do to help NARFE shine like a beacon for all government employees and retirees. It has been an honor to serve as your president.
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WHETHER you are planning your next vacation or move, buying a gift or planning for retirement, members can save money on everyday purchases with special discounts from our Affinity Partners. Visit www.narfe.org/perks or see p. 70.

Stay Informed About News That Matters to You
Want to stay on top of key federal news and benefits information?
Subscribe to NARFE Daily News Clips.
This newsletter features breaking news and informative articles from various outlets curated just for NARFE members, as well as NARFE media
statements, op-eds and more.
NARFE Daily News Clips is delivered to inboxes weekday mornings. To join the mailing list, visit www.narfe.org/clips.
Get the most recent monthly and annual Thrift Savings Plan returns (G, F, C, S, I and L Funds) online at www. narfe.org/tsp-funds


Catch up on past NARFE Federal Benefits Institute presentations in NARFE’s webinar archive, where you’ll find videos, slides and transcripts of question-and-answer sessions for webinars dating back to January 2019. View them at www.narfe. org/webinar-archive.
If you haven’t checked out NARFE’s new online community yet, what are you waiting for? NARFE designed FEDHub to support your federal journey, leveraging the knowledge and value of our entire community—all that’s missing is you. Join the conversation at fedhub.narfe.org/ quick-start-guide.
Find out how many retirement claims OPM Retirement Services receives and processes each month, with average processing times and total inventory, at www.narfe.org/opm-processing.

‘Preventing a Patronage System Act’ Passes House
This fall, the House of Representatives took action to try to protect the merit-based civil service from returning to the spoils system of the 19th century.
On September 14, 2022, the House passed the Preventing a Patronage System Act of 2022, H.R. 302, in a 225-204 vote. The bill, introduced by Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA, would protect merit-based civil service from being overridden by new excepted service schedules, such as “Schedule F” created by the previous administration’s executive order 13957.
Ahead of the vote, NARFE National President Ken Thomas sent a letter to the House voicing NARFE’s support for the bill and urging Representatives to vote in its favor. NARFE also organized and signed onto a letter to the House from the Federal-Postal Coalition, a group of federal and postal employee organizations.
Thomas emphasized the bill is a “real, bipartisan check preventing our nation from returning to the spoils system of the late 1800s and ensuring we remain a nation governed by laws.” Thomas also noted
the importance of maintaining the competitive, merit-based civil service, stressing how it ensures continuity between new administrations and preserves institutional knowledge and expertise within the federal government.
The bill was first approved by the House Oversight and Reform Committee in May 2021. The provisions of the bill have also passed the full House of Representatives twice before, as part of other bills.
H.R. 302 would prevent future administrations from reinstating Schedule F or similar provisions and maintain the current meritbased civil service standards. As of press time, the Senate had yet to take up the bill.
The Schedule F executive order, issued October 2020, was rescinded by the current administration before it took full effect, but has received elevated attention recently as some lawmakers and presidential contenders have continued to push the issue.

Schedule F threatened the existence of the meritbased, nonpartisan federal civil service, a standard in
Call or write to your Representative and ask him or her to contact their party leadership (Speaker Nancy Pelosi or Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy) to urge support for bringing H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act, to the floor for a vote. Use NARFE’s toll-free number, 1-800-456-8410, and choose option 5 to be connected to the Capitol switchboard, or visit the Legislative Action Center at www.narfe.org to send an email message. Thanks for your advocacy!
place since the late 1800s. If reinstated and interpreted broadly, it could result in tens, if not, hundreds of thousands of federal positions being classified outside of the competitive civil service. Removal from the merit-based civil service would result in career employees being subjected to the whims of whichever administration currently holds power. These
MYTH: Congress routinely passes funding bills for the federal government by the start of the fiscal year.
REALITY: Congress last passed full-year funding on time in 1996. Since then, Congress has routinely used continuing resolutions that extend into the new fiscal year to gain additional time to pass full-year appropriations.
employees would no longer be protected by laws and professional standards, allowing them to be fired over politically motivated actions or their perceived allegiance to the president or a political party.
Despite the executive order’s annulment, some lawmakers and candidates have raised the specter of additional threats to a meritbased system with their support
for Schedule F-type changes. In response, NARFE and its allies in Congress have been pushing to advance either standalone legislation, such as H.R. 302, or including similar provisions in year-end, must-pass legislation, such as the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) or omnibus appropriations.
Bill; Future Uncertain
On September 20, the House Committee on Ways and Means voted to report the Social Security Fairness Act, H.R. 82, out of committee, but without recommendation. This is the furthest a bill to repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) has advanced through the congressional process. Committee members expressed support for addressing the issue in some way, but the future of the bill remains uncertain.
As a reminder, both the WEP and GPO unfairly reduce Social Security benefits of Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) annuitants, as well as many state and local government retirees, due to their receipt of a government pension.
The committee markup of the bill comes on the heels of
a major push by NARFE at the national, grassroots and grasstops levels. Through coordination with NARFE’s congressional allies and other allied organizations, we have been able to secure 301 cosponsors for H.R. 82. to date.
Due to a House of Representatives rule, adopted at the start of the 116th Congress and carried forward since then, the sponsor of any bill that accrues 290 cosponsors may file a motion to place the bill on the House Consensus Calendar. If the bill then maintains the 290 cosponsors for 25 legislative days, it will be placed on the calendar; the House must consider at least one bill from the calendar each week that the House is in session. Any bill on the calendar will remain there until it is considered by the full House, or “reported
by the committee of primary jurisdiction,” in this case the House Committee on Ways and Means.
H.R. 82 accrued its 25 days on September 19, setting the stage for a House floor vote. With that vote imminent, the House Committee on Ways and Means held a committee business meeting where it reported the bill. In doing so, it removed the bill from the House Consensus Calendar, avoiding a floor vote.
While it was clear the purpose of the hearing was to prevent a floor vote on full repeal – due to concerns about Social Security solvency, primarily, according to committee leaders – every committee member who spoke at the hearing expressed a desire to address the inequities
LEARN MORE about how you can take action to protect your earned pay and benefits by reviewing NARFE Grassroots materials at www.narfe.org/advocacy
NARFE Advocacy Prepares for the 118th Congress

In just a few weeks, 2023 will be ushered in with the famous ball drop and fireworks in cities around the world. People anxiously anticipate what’s to come in the new year. NARFE shares those sentiments, as its advocacy team looks forward to the new year, new Congress and new bill introductions.
NARFE thanks its members for continuing to support advocacy efforts and communicating with their Representative and Senators about how their lives are affected by policies like the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) or costof-living adjustments. These communications put a face on the issues, localizing them and increasing the chances of gaining lawmakers’ support for policies that are in the best interests of their constituents.
Members mobilized and communicated with lawmakers through thousands of letters and phone calls. They also conducted hundreds of meetings and events, in person and by video conference, at town halls, candidate forums, meet and greets, coffee hours and other community events.
While the outcome on many issues remained uncertain at press time, NARFE’s member advocates did their part to move the ball forward. They urged lawmakers to support the Social Security Fairness Act (H.R. 82/S.
1302), a bill to repeal the WEP and GPO, increasing cosponsors and surpassing the 290 required to place it on the House Consensus Calendar to help force further action on the issue.
Members also urged members to support the Public Servants Protection and Fairness Act (H.R. 2337), legislation to reform the WEP and GPO; the Fair COLA for Seniors Act (H.R. 4315), a bill that would replace the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers with one that focuses on spending by seniors, to more accurately calculate a price index for Americans age 62 and older to determine annual COLAs for Social Security beneficiaries, federal annuitants, military retirees and certain veterans; and the Equal COLA Act, H.R. 304/S.4221, which would ensure that COLAs to Federal Employees Retiree System (FERS) annuities match the measured change in consumer prices.
Many engaged in Public Servants Recognition Week in May, Grassroots
Advocacy Month in August and participated in NARFE’s two biennial conferences, LEGcon21and FEDcon22. The 2022 mid-term election also gave members additional opportunities to engage with incumbents and new candidates. Members met them on the campaign trail to educate them about NARFE and prepared their community for Election Day on November 8, utilizing NARFE’s get-out-the-vote resource center.
Looking ahead to the 118th Congress, NARFE’s advocacy team has been busy planning its lobbying and grassroots strategies in anticipation of new and reintroduced bills. Advocacy leaders will also welcome all newly elected lawmakers in January 2023 with a welcome packet containing information about NARFE, its legislative priorities, and other federal employee and retiree community information.
NARFE thanks you for your advocacy and invites you to join its list of volunteers who dedicate their time to ensuring that Representatives and Senators understand how their actions affect the people they represent. If you would like to join NARFE‘s advocacy efforts, contact your chapter and federation. Also, don’t hesitate to contact NARFE headquarters’ advocacy team at advocacy@narfe.org

NARFE NewsLine – A weekly newsletter that goes out to NARFE members on Tuesdays and includes weekly recaps of legislative news, compiled by NARFE’s advocacy and communications teams.

LEGISLATIVE ACTION CENTER – A one-stop site to send a letter to Congress, and more, at www.narfe.org
P.9of WEP and GPO. Committee leaders support a more limited, reform approach as opposed to full repeal, but they did commit to working towards an agreement on mitigating the impact of the penalties. At the end of the day, there was reason for both hope and concern about the prospects of future action.
Prior to the hearing, NARFE National President Ken Thomas sent Congress a letter urging them to advance the bill. Thomas cited that the bill “represents an opportunity to provide real relief to our nation’s seniors and public servants.” Following its advancement through the House, Thomas released a media statement urging House leaders to “commit … to bring this bill to the floor for a vote.”
As we move forward, it’s critical that NARFE continues to pressure Congress to take action on this issue, lest it falls to the back burner of concerns once again. Please use NARFE’s Legislative Action Center to contact your representatives to urge them to support a floor vote on H.R. 82.
‘Public Service Reform Act’ Would Eradicate Merit-Based Civil Service
On July 28, Rep. Chip Roy, R-TX, introduced the Public Service Reform Act, H.R. 8550. If enacted, the bill would let all federal workers be considered at-will employees. It would also undermine or eliminate a merit-based civil service. This bill, in the vein of Schedule F, is the latest attempt to reinstitute the spoils system. Furthermore, H.R. 8550 is likely to contribute to a more divisive and unstable government going forward.
The bill would abolish the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), providing for only limited notification and opportunity to respond procedures, but no appeals to an independent authority. After notification and an opportunity to respond, there would be review by another agency official, but none outside the agency. Should an administration decide political allegiance was a requirement of employment, there would be little standing in its way to affect the wholesale change of personnel in the civil service.
Under current federal law, federal employees are hired based on their qualifications for the job – their knowledge and competency. This system was formed in response to the incompetence and corruption of the spoils system of the late 1800s. The current system
prevents the hiring of those who are found to be in political allegiance with a particular party, to avoid the abuse of power by the executive branch.
If this bill became law, the government could revert
chilling potential court challenges of illegal actions.
In a letter sent earlier this year, NARFE National President Ken Thomas urged Congress to oppose H.R. 8550, arguing that the bill “marks a
to the old patronage system, in which millions of federal employees risk being fired based on political allegiance with the changing of each administration.
The bill would also limit whistleblower protections. It would maintain a right to appeal adverse actions taken in retaliation for a whistleblowing disclosure, but it would threaten appellants with a 25 percent loss of their retirement annuity if the claim is found to be in bad faith, potentially

distinct threat to the integrity of the federal civil service that every American relies on and is part of the broader campaign to return federal service to the spoils system.” He further noted that “a competitive, merit-based civil service provides continuity through changing administrations, preserves institutional knowledge and expertise within the federal government, and safeguards the rule of law.”
H.R. 82/S. 1302: The Social Security Fairness Act / Rep. Rodney Davis, R-IL / Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-OH
Cosponsors: H.R. 82: 211 (D) 94 (R) S. 1302: 36 (D) 4 (R) 2 (I)
H.R. 2337: The Public Servants Protection and Fairness Act / Rep. Richard Neal, D-MA
Cosponsors: H.R. 2337: 190 (D) 0 (R)
Repeals both the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).
Advanced from the House Committee on Ways and Means without recommendation by voice vote 09/20/2022
Referred to Senate Committee on Finance (S. 1302) 04/22/2021
Reforms the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) by providing a monthly rebate of $150 to current beneficiaries (age 62 or older before 2023) and creating a new formula to calculate benefits for future WEP-affected individuals (turning 62 in or after 2023).
Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means 04/01/2021
H.R. 4788: Well-Being for Every Public Servant Act of 2021 / Rep. Julia Letlow, R-LA
Cosponsors: H.R. 4788: 0
H.R. 5723: Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust / Rep. John Larson, D-CT
Cosponsors: H.R. 5723: 202 (D) 0 (R)
Fully repeals the Windfall Elimination Provision for individuals whose combined monthly income from their non-Social Security covered government annuity and Social Security benefits is $5,500 or lower, with graduated implementation on benefits above that amount.
Expands and strengthens Social Security benefits, improves the solvency of the Social Security trust fund, repeals the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset, and provides for numerous other Social Security related improvements.
Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means 04/01/2021
H.R. 5834: Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2021/ Rep. Kevin Brady, R-TX
Cosponsors: H.R. 5834: 3 (D) 51 (R)
Reforms the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) by providing a monthly payment of $100 to current WEPaffected beneficiaries (age 62 or older before 2023) and $50 for an affected spouse or child. Creates a new formula to calculate benefits for future WEPaffected individuals (turning 62 in or after 2023).
Referred to the House Committees on Ways and Means, Education and Labor, and Energy and Commerce 10/27/2021
Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means 11/03/2021
H.R. 7657: Reducing the Effects of the Cyberattack on OPM
Victims Emergency Response Act Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-DC
Cosponsors: H.R. 7657: 1 (D) 0 (R)
H.R. 51/S. 51 Washington D.C.
Admission Act / Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-DC / Sen. Thomas Carper, D-DE
Cosponsors: H.R. 51: 216 (D) 0 (R) S. 51: 44 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I)
Provides a lifetime’s worth of free identity protection coverage for those whose data was breached during the 2015 hack of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform 05/03/2022
Provides for the admission of the State of Washington, DC, into the Union.
Passed the House 4/22/2021, by a vote of 216-208
Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 06/22/2021
NARFE’s Position: Support Oppose No position
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H.R. 302/S. 4702: Preventing a Patronage System Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Tim Kaine, D-VA
Cosponsors: H.R. 302: 13 (D) 3 (R) S. 4702: 15 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I)
H.R. 6066: Strengthening the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA
Cosponsors: H.R. 6066: 2 (D) 1 (R)
H.R. 6104: Building the Next Generation of Federal Employees Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA
Cosponsors: H.R. 6104: 3 (D) 0 (R)
H.R. 7376/S. 3487: Honoring Civil Servants Killed in the Line of Duty Act / Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-VA /Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-AZ
Cosponsors: H.R. 7376: 6 (D) 1 (R) S. 3487: 2 (D) 3 (R)
H.R. 6967/S. 3423: Chance to Compete Act of 2021 / Rep. Jody Hice, R-GA / Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-AZ
Cosponsors: H.R. 6967: 3 (D) 2 (R) S. 3423: 1 (D) 2 (R)
H.R. 3076: The Postal Service Reform Act / Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-NY
Requires presidential administrations to obtain the agreement of Congress to reclassify competitive service positions outside of merit system principles.
Passed the House by a vote of 225-204 09/15/2022
Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 08/02/2022
Codifies several recommendations for OPM by the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), such as clarifying that OPM stands at the center of federal civilian human resource management and ensuring the director of OPM possesses human capital and leadership expertise.
Establishes a comprehensive Federal Internship and Fellowship Center within the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to administer, manage and promote all federal internship and fellowship programs. The bill also credits fellows and interns who meet all qualifications with an additional five points in the competitive service examination.
Increases death benefits and funeral allowances for federal employees ($90,000 increase in death benefit for survivors and $8,000 increase to funds granted for funeral allowances).
Advanced from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform by a vote of 25-14 12/02/2021
Cosponsors: H.R. 3076: 58 (D) 44 (R)
Implements merit-based reforms to the civil service hiring system that replace degree-based hiring with skills- and competency-based hiring.
Advanced from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform by a vote of 20-15 05/11/2022
Advanced from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, 26-14 04/06/2022
Advanced from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 02/22/2022
Passed the House under suspension of the rules 09/29/2022
Advanced from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 02/02/2022
An amended version of the bill addresses previous NARFE concerns and includes provisions that would prevent unintended increases to Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) plan premiums for all federal employees and retirees, preserve choice for current postal retirees regarding whether to enroll in Medicare Part B, repeal the mandate to prefund future postal retiree health benefits, and codify the standard six-day mail delivery schedule.
Amended version of H.R. 3076 passed the House by a vote of 342-92 and the Senate by 79-19; signed into law 4/6/2022
H.R. 2954: Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2021 Rep. Richard Neal, D-MA
Cosponsors: H.R. 2954: 55 (D) 48 (R)
Increases the age at which required minimum distributions (RMDs) start and increases the limit on catch-up contributions to qualified employersponsored retirement plans, such as the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).
Passed the House by a vote of 414-5 03/29/2022
Referred to the Senate Committee on Finance 03/30/2022

H.R. 304/S. 4221: The Equal COLA Act Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Alex Padilla, D-CA
Cosponsors: H.R. 304: 29 (D) 4 (R) S. 4221: 4 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I)
H.R. 4315: The Fair COLA for Seniors Act / Rep. John Garamendi, D-CA
Cosponsors: H.R. 4315: 52 (D) 1 (R)
Provides Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) retirees with the same annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) as Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) retirees.
Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform 01/13/2021
Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 05/16/2022
Requires Social Security and federal retirement programs to use the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI-E) to calculate cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) to retirement benefits.
Referred to the House Committees on Ways and Means, Veterans’ Affairs, Oversight and Reform, and Armed Services 09/07/2021
H.R. 4268: Federal Retirement Fairness Act / Rep. Derek Kilmer, D-WA
Cosponsors: H.R. 4268: 69 (D) 20 (R)
H.R. 521/S. 129: First Responder Fair RETIRE Act Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Jon Tester, D-MT
Cosponsors: H.R. 521: 20 (D) 6 (R) S. 129: 2 (D) 3 (R) 1 (I)
H.R. 6398/S. 3518: The Federal Adjustment of Income Rates (FAIR) Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Brian Schatz, D-HI
Cosponsors: H.R. 6398: 59 (D) 0 (R) S. 3518: 15 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I)
Allows federal employees who started their careers in temporary positions before transitioning into permanent roles to retroactively contribute toward their retirement for the years they held a temporary position.
Allows disabled federal first responders (e.g., law enforcement officers, customs and border protection officers, and firefighters) to continue receiving federal retirement benefits in the same manner as though they had not been disabled.
Provides federal employees with a 5.1 percent average pay raise in 2023.
Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform 06/30/2021
H.R. 564/S. 1158: Comprehensive Paid Leave for Federal Employees Act / Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-NY / Sen. Brian Schatz, D-HI
H.R. 564: 37 (D) 0 (R) S. 1158: 9 (D) 0 (R)
H.R. 2499/S. 1116: Federal Fire Fighters Fairness Act of 2022
Rep. Salud Carbajal, D-CA / Sen. Thomas Carper, D-DE
H.R. 2499: 176 (D) 27 (R) S. 1116: 22 (D) 3 (R) 1 (I)
Extends paid leave to federal and postal employees for all conditions covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Passed the House by a vote of 417-0 07/12/2022
House bill advanced from the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 09/28/2022
Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform 1/13/2022
Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 01/19/2022
Advanced by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform 07/20/2021
Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 04/15/2021
Creates a presumption of occupational illness for federal firefighters, covering ailments such as cardiovascular disease, cancers and certain infectious diseases that 49 states already presume to be work-related for their state and local firefighters.
Passed the House by a vote of 288-131 05/11/2022
Advanced from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 05/12/2022
NARFE’s Position: Support Oppose No position

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The Service Benefit Plan will pay a hearing aid benefit for Standard and Basic Options up to $2,500 total every 5 calendar years for adults age 22 and over, and up to $2,500 total per calendar year for members up to age 22. FEP Blue Focus does not have a hearing aid benefit. Do not rely on this communication piece alone for complete benefit information. All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations, and exclusions in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan brochure. The Blue365® Discount Program offers access to savings on items that you may purchase directly from independent vendors, which may be different from items covered under the Service Benefit Plan or any other applicable federal healthcare program. For hearing aids, acupuncture, chiropractic and vision services, you must exhaust your Service Benefit Plan benefit first before accessing the savings of the Blue365®
Discount Program. To find out what is covered under your policy, contact the customer service number on the back of your member ID card. The products and services described herein are neither offered nor guaranteed under any local Blue company’s contract with the Medicare program. These items are not subject to the Medicare appeal process. Any disputes regarding these products and services are not subject to the Disputed Claims process. Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) may receive payments from Blue365 vendors. Neither the Service Benefit Plan, nor any local Blue company recommends, endorses, warrants or guarantees any specific Blue365 vendor or item. The Service Benefit Plan reserves the right to change, modify, or terminate any item and vendors made available through Blue365, at any time.
2 Price shown does not include cost of comprehensive hearing exam. Examination and testing for prescribing of hearing aids is covered under the Service Benefit Plan. The member should confirm that the provider rendering the hearing exam is a Preferred provider. If the provider is Non-preferred, the member may be charged a maximum fee of $45 for the exam, and the member may need to submit a claim for reimbursement. Must be a Service Benefit Plan member to access TruHearing discounted pricing. TruHearing is offered through Blue365, which provides exclusive health and wellness deals and is a program of Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies. The Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® words and symbols, Federal Employee Program®, FEP® and Blue365® are all trademarks owned by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

QI was born in 1966 and reached my FERS minimum retirement age (MRA) of 56 years and two months in September. I have 22 years of creditable service. I’m thinking about leaving federal service early next year to seize a job opportunity outside of federal service. I’ve heard that if I postpone my application until age 62, my pension would be computed with a more generous formula rather than claiming my pension at age 60. Is this true?
ATo qualify for the more generous 1.1% factor in the FERS formula, you would need to work to age 62 and then separate from federal service. This formula does not apply when you separate from federal service prior to age 62 and postpone your application for retirement under the “MRA+10” retirement rules. You may avoid the age penalty and begin receiving your unreduced FERS retirement benefit at age 60. Your retirement will be computed using the 1.0% factor. If you separate from service now, you should not wait until age
62 to apply for your retirement because you will forfeit two years of annuity payments.
It is important to apply for your retirement approximately 60 days before the designated commencing date. In your case, you may request a commencing date on the first day of the month after reaching age 60 because you have more than 20 years of service. You should apply for your postponed FERS retirement benefit on form RI 92-19 (Application for Deferred or Postponed Annuity). OPM will accept an informal written election that designates a specific
THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS & ANSWERS were compiled by NARFE’s Federal Benefits Institute experts. NARFE does not provide legal, financial planning or tax advice or assistance.

commencing date, but the election must be ratified on form RI 92-19.
QI’m planning to retire from federal service in 2024. Although I have been using TRICARE health insurance through my spouse’s military retirement for years, it’s my understanding that I could sign up for health insurance under the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program during the next Open Season and be allowed to maintain the coverage into retirement. Is that true? If so, what details should I be aware of?
AThat is correct. Time covered under the Uniformed Services Health Benefits Program (also known as TRICARE or CHAMPUS) or CHAMPVA counts towards the “five-year test” to continue FEHB in retirement. You must be covered under an FEHB enrollment at the time of retirement, however, to continue
coverage in retirement. If you enroll in an FEHB plan during the annual Open Season period, remember Open Season changes for most federal employees are effective the first day of the first full pay period that begins in January. Since the last day of the month is usually the best date for most FERS employees to retire, January 31st might be a good day to retire if you were planning to retire shortly after the FEHB coverage commenced.
Under certain circumstances, including coverage under TRICARE, retirees and survivor annuitants may “suspend” coverage and premium payments under FEHB. You would need to contact OPM for assistance. There is a regulation allowing individuals to revoke the suspension and reenroll in FEHB during the annual Open Season, or immediately if they are involuntarily disenrolled from the non-FEHB coverage. If the annuitant was enrolled in Self and Family or Self Plus One coverage when he/she suspended FEHB coverage and planned to leave a survivor annuity, the survivor annuitant can reenroll in the FEHB program under the same conditions as an annuitant. FEHB coverage and premium payments can be suspended indefinitely. Surviving spouses remain eligible for TRICARE unless they remarry, in which case the loss of TRICARE coverage would be a qualifying life event (QLE) to allow reenrollment in FEHB without waiting for Open Season. FEHB
coverage can continue for a surviving spouse but will not cover their new spouse or his or her dependents. A similar QLE would allow you to revoke the suspension your FEHB coverage if you lost TRICARE due to divorce.
QI waived my FEGLI coverage earlier in my federal career, but after taking a retirement planning class, I’m thinking about signing up for Basic coverage for the last 5 years of my career so I can keep it in retirement. I haven’t heard any announcements regarding an upcoming Open Season for FEGLI, and I don’t have any qualifying life events planned that would allow me to reenroll.
Is there any other way that I can enroll into FEGLI so I can retire with the coverage five years from now?
AThere have only been 10 FEGLI Open Seasons since the introduction of the program in 1954. The last Open Season was held in 2016. As of the time of this writing, there are no FEGLI open enrollments planned.
If at least one year has passed since the effective date of your last waiver of life insurance coverage, you may provide satisfactory medical information at your own expense using the Request for Insurance form (SF 2822). The SF 2822 is available for download at www.opm.gov/ forms/pdf_fill/sf2822.pdf. You
The Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPIW) increased 0.08% in September 2022. To calculate the 2023 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), the 2022 third-quarter indices were averaged and compared with the 2021 third-quarter average of 268.421. The percentage increase determined the 2023 COLA, 8.7%. September’s index, 291.854, is up 8.73% from the base.
The CPI represents purchases of food and beverages, housing, apparel, transportation, medical care, recreation, education and communication, and other goods and services.
OCTOBER 2021 271.552 0.92 1.17
NOVEMBER 273.042 0.55 1.72
DECEMBER 273.925 0.32 2.05
JANUARY 2022 276.296 0.87 2.93
FEBRUARY 278.943 0.96 3.92
MARCH 283.176 1.52 5.50
APRIL 284.575 0.49 6.02 MAY 288.022 1.21 7.30
JUNE 292.542 1.57 8.99
JULY 292.219 -0.11 8.87
AUGUST 291.629 -0.20 8.65
SEPTEMBER 291.854 0.08 8.73
For FECA COLA updates, visit narfe.org and search for FECA.
and your agency must complete part of the form, then you take the form to your physician or other medical professional. He or she will examine you, complete the rest of the form and send the form to the Office of Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (OFEGLI). If OFEGLI approves your request, you will automatically get Basic insurance the first day you are in a pay and duty status (unless you already have Basic). You will have 60 days from the approval date to elect Option A and/or elect Option B or increase your Option B multiples (up to a total of five) by completing a Life Insurance Election (SF 2817) and submitting it to your human resources office.
Online. OPM Services Online lets annuitants (federal retirees or their spouses, ex-spouses and children) manage accounts online. Your account is securely protected by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). You can learn more at www. servicesonline.opm.gov/
QWhy doesn’t OPM issue 1099-R statements the first week of January, like private sector companies do?
are usually available on OPM’s Services Online earlier than the mailing. If you want a duplicate form 1099-R for the current year or a previous year mailed to a different address, please call OPM toll-free at 1 (888) 7676738. OPM’s Customer Service Specialists are available during their regular business hours from 7:40 a.m. until 5 p.m. ET. OPM receives thousands of calls for duplicate 1099-R forms. If you do not have access to OPM Services Online, it can take several days to get through to OPM.
QWhen do we receive Notice of Annuity Adjustment forms (RI 38-38) from OPM?
ARetirees and survivor annuitants receive a “Notice of Annuity Adjustment” by mail. This notice contains information about the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) and any changes that will affect the amount of your monthly annuity. Although you may have direct deposit, OPM may still mail information to you. The notices are typically mailed out the last two weeks of December or the first two weeks of January, though in recent years they have been delayed until late January. To be sure you receive this notice and other mailings, OPM needs to have your correct mailing address. These notices should also be available at OPM Services
AThe 1099-R statements are mailed during the last week of January. OPM is required by law to make the 1099-R available to more than 2 million annuitants, survivor annuitants, heirs and assignees of deceased annuitants by January 31 of each year. You may view, download, print or request by mail your annual 1099-R tax form, which reports how much income you earned from your annuity. Sign into your online account at OPM Services Online and click 1099-R Tax Form in the menu to view your most recent tax form. You may select a year from the dropdown menu to view tax forms from other years (the last five years available to you online). Click the save or print icon to download or print your tax form. To request your 1099-R tax form by mail, sign into your account, click on Documents in the menu, and then click the 1099-R tile.
QMay I ask OPM to mail my 1099-R forms to my secondary residence?
A1099-R forms are typically mailed out to annuitants by the end of January each year to the mailing address that OPM has on file. These forms
You can also send an email to retire@opm.gov. Please include the title “Requesting duplicate 1099-R” in the subject line and provide the details regarding your request along with your CSA or CSF number in the body of the email.
QAs an annuitant, I occasionally need to communicate with OPM via regular mail. If I want to send a letter or form to OPM, what is the best mailing address for me to use?
AOPM has multiple addresses used for various purposes. If you receive a letter from OPM with instructions to respond via regular mail, please use the address provided. If you are downloading a form from OPM’s website, please use the address included in the form’s instructions. However, there may be times when OPM doesn’t provide a return address to use. There are times when the instructions on the forms won’t include a mailing address. In these situations, we recommend using the following address:
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Retirement Operations Center PO Box 45
Boyers, PA 16017

And as always, keep copies of everything that you send to OPM and ask the USPS to assist you with sending the communication using a method that helps you track the delivery, like certified mail with return receipt. This may prove useful if you ever need the information later, especially when something is time-sensitive.
QAs an annuitant, I occasionally need to communicate with OPM via regular mail. If I want to send a letter or form to OPM, what is the best mailing address for me to use?

AIf you receive Social Security benefits (retirement, survivors, or disability) or are enrolled in Medicare, you can change your address online by using a “my Social Security” account. www.ssa.gov/myaccount/

Go to the My Profile Tab once you are logged in.
This service is not currently available to people who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or do not have a U.S. mailing address. However, if you are receiving SSI, you can still check the address they have on record via the My Profile Tab.

If you get SSI, do not have a U.S. mailing address or are unable to change your address online, you can:
• Call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800325-0778), Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.; or

• Contact your local Social Security office.
If you do not currently receive Social Security benefits, SSI or Medicare benefits, you do not need to change your address.
To obtain an answer to a federal benefits question, NARFE members should call 800-456-8410 and select option 2 for the Federal Benefits Institute; send the question by postal mail to NARFE Headquarters, ATTN: Federal Benefits; or submit it by email to fedbenefits@narfe.org.
Health, Dental and Vision Care While Traveling or Living Overseas

Traveling or relocating overseas? Consider your health insurance coverage. You may find that some countries will allow you to participate in their national health care system, but it is a good idea to have a rough plan in place in the unlikely event you need care in an emergency or, even worse, if you need to be medically evacuated to the US.
All FEHB plans will cover emergency care overseas. Some plans cater to federal employees who may have overseas assignments, such as Blue Cross Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan, Foreign Service Benefit Plan and Compass Rose. Beware that some plans will require that bills be translated into English and currency converted to dollars. See Section 7 in your FEHB plan brochure for details on how to file claims. Find your brochure or link to your plan website at: www. opm.gov/healthcare-insurance/ healthcare/plan-information/ compare-plans/.

Moving overseas can be considered a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) if your FEHB plan is not available at your new location. Employees may use QLE 1I on form SF 2809, and annuitants may use QLE 2I on form OPM 2809 or call OPM at 1-888-767-6738.
Original Medicare (Parts A and B) only covers you when you’re outside the United States in very limited situations such as if you’re in Canada and have a medical emergency while traveling on a direct route between Alaska and another U.S. state. Medicare will also cover medically necessary care
on a cruise ship if the ship is in US waters, a US port, or within 6 hours from a US port. To learn more about Medicare and coverage outside the US, see www.medicare.gov/coverage/ travel-outside-the-u.s. On this page, you will find a link to a brief video regarding Medicare and travel. Remember, if you drop Medicare Part B because you
moved overseas and then later reapply for it when you return, you may be subject to a late enrollment penalty for the time you were not enrolled.
If you are eligible for TRICARE or TRICARE for Life (TFL) you will find information on services covered when overseas by visiting www.tricare. mil. TFL is the primary payer for care overseas—unless you have other health insurance— and Medicare pays nothing. You’re required to submit proof
of payment with all claims for care received overseas. Proof of payment may include a credit card receipt, canceled check, credit card statement or invoice from the provider that clearly states payment was received. Unlike other TRICARE beneficiaries, TFL beneficiaries should file claims in the overseas areas where they received care.
FEDVIP dental and vision plans (other than regional options) also provide international coverage. To learn more visit www.benefeds.com/ education-support/carriers-plans. Employees and annuitants may sign up for a FEDVIP plan during the annual Open Season.
The Department of State provides detailed information about finding health care while traveling abroad at this link: https://travel.state.gov/content/ travel/en/international-travel/ before-you-go/your-healthabroad.html
Exploring other parts of the world is one of my passions. If you share my love of travel, you may wish to check out overseas coverage options during this year’s Open Season, which runs from November 14 through December 12.

For a considerable number of civil servants, federal service can mean making a difference on the world stage.
In 2014, Ebola raged through West Africa, killing thousands of people and devastating communities. As this regional public health problem quickly intensified into a global crisis, the United States launched a massive effort to stop the disease from spreading and to protect American and foreign doctors going into the hot zones.
In November 2014, Mia Beers, then director of Humanitarian Policy and Global Engagement Division at the US Agency for International Development (USAID), arrived in Monrovia, Liberia. As leader of the 40-person USAID Ebola Disaster Assistance Response Team, she coordinated thousands of US personnel from five federal agencies working in four countries: Liberia, Guinea, Mali and Sierra Leone. Beers, who had a son who was 3 years old at the time, and her team deployed in the region, all willing to put themselves at risk to help with the humanitarian mission.
“We have the best job in the world--a job with a mandate to save lives, alleviate suffering and reduce the impact of disasters,” says Beers, who was honored for her service in 2015 with a Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal from the Partnership for Public Service and who now serves as deputy assistant administrator in USAID’s Bureau of Resilience and Food Security.
Working abroad can be an exciting career opportunity for a fortunate subset of federal civil service employees. But it can take effort to line up those gigs, and working abroad presents many challenges.
While at least 19 different agencies provide for full-time civilian federal employment abroad, most of those employees work at just three: the Defense Department (including all military branches), the State Department and USAID, with just a smattering of employees from most other agencies deployed abroad.

Full-Time, Non-seasonal Permanent (FTNP) Federal Civil Service Employees in Foreign Countries as of March 2022
Federal Agency # Employees
* Based on data from June 30, 2022
Source: OPM FedScope; State Department; Partnership for Public Service
When Department of Defense (DOD) subagencies are combined, DOD is by far the largest employer and offers the largest variety of jobs abroad.
“DOD employees often serve on big military bases providing a wide array of services, and you have positions from anything from GS-9 and below positions where people are operating the base, to nurses, and doctors and teachers, and mission support functions such as HR, IT, and procurement,” says Michelle Amante, vice president of federal workforce programs at the Partnership for Public Service. “Anything that you can do here, you can do abroad, more or less, with the military.”
The wide variety of job classifications of federal civilian employees serving abroad can be seen in the chart above, right.
Federal Civilian Employment by Job Classification
FTNP Employment - March 2022

Job Classification
Source: OPM FedScope; State Department; Partnership for Public Service
Many of the jobs abroad are similar to leading series in the US, such as IT, HR and program management analysts, the last often a catch-all position for various functions at different agencies. There are also many procurement positions available abroad.
Skewed to a large degree by duty stations at DOD bases, many federal civilian jobs are located in European countries, Japan and South Korea.
FTNP Foreign Duty Locations - March 2022 Agency
(This chart does not reflect State Department Foreign Service positions.)
JA-JAPAN 3,701

Source: OPM FedScope; State Department; Partnership for Public Service
The State Department also is a large employer of employees working abroad, with about 8,800 employees, most in the Foreign Service, with about 60 in non-Foreign Service positions, Amante says.
William Sandlin, who recently retired after serving 23 years in the Foreign Service following six in the Navy, says his years abroad have provided a life full of rich experiences.
“When you live and work abroad for two or three years, you get to experience and work with people and have an influence upon them, and have them influence you, in a way that you can’t anyplace else,” says Sandlin, whose postings included Sofia, Bulgaria; Libreville, Gabon; Kyiv, Ukraine; Minsk, Belarus; and, Ulaanbatar, Mongolia. “I’ve made lifelong friendships with people I would have not met otherwise. I keep in contact with everybody, locally, that I’ve ever worked with.”
On the other hand, dissatisfaction with promotions, evaluations and assignments are a frequent source of criticism by some employees of the Foreign Service, Sandlin says. A June 2015 NARFE Magazine article, Foreign Service: Global Opportunities, Personal Challenges, explored Foreign Service careers in depth.
As noted above, USAID employees serve in jobs that are in developing countries, helping to support anything from educational efforts to economies and health care.
As for the foreign postings of many other agencies with smaller numbers abroad, such as the Department of Health and Human Services, “it’s going to be positions mostly for people in the medical profession and scientists,” Amante says.
“When you live and work abroad for two or three years, you get to experience and work with people and have an influence upon them, and have them influence you, in a way that you can’t anyplace else.”
William Sandlin, Foreign Service retireePromoted to

Working abroad can be an exciting career opportunity for a fortunate subset of federal civil service employees. But it can take effort to line up those gigs, and working abroad presents many challenges.
For those who are married or have children, working abroad can present numerous challenges. A spouse’s career may suffer. However, some agencies assist foreign spouses in gaining employment, Amante notes. A feature on USAJOBS job postings uses an airplane icon to indicate jobs that are open to family members who are traveling or living abroad. Eligible applicants may enjoy Department of State and DOD preference for eligible applicants in that category, an example of Office of Personnel Management (OPM) making it easier for families, Amante says.
Leaving friends and family behind can be disruptive to social relationships, particularly for children who must move between schools, Amante says.
For most federal retirees, starting a federal job abroad would be financially undesirable unless there is a statutorily authorized hiring authority that creates an exception to the OPM rule governing reemployment of federal annuitants, which offsets pension benefits against new federal wages. Such statutory authorities usually give agencies discretion to offer such offset-excepted positions, which many agencies limit to hard-to-fill positions.
Many more positions abroad are available to contractors, and these positions do not face the same rehired annuitant offsets as most federal positions, notes Barbara Adams president and CEO of CareerPro Global Inc. (www.careerproplus.com), a career management firm that helps applicants find federal and contractor jobs that match their experience and to prepare federal job applications and other documents in a manner that can increase their odds of success. Generally, contractor jobs
pay more than civil service jobs but last for shorter periods, Adams says.
How to
Get a Federal Job Abroad

Many says the USAJOBS website (www. USAJOBS.gov) offers the best way to find out about federal jobs abroad and what they require. It allows searching by location. A late August USAJOBS website search, for example, found 675 jobs advertised in Germany, 608 jobs in Japan, 66 jobs in South Korea, 89 jobs in Italy, and 52 jobs in Bahrain.
Hiring existing civil servants abroad with status at that agency is often preferred because competitive hiring procedures need not be followed and the employee can simply transfer to the new position, Adams says.
The Foreign Service, however, involves a rigorous hiring process. That can involve unusual questioning, such as how to deal with unconventional situations, as well as a day-long oral examination and three-hour written test (see https://careers.state.gov/).

For USAID, “the agency has many hiring mechanisms, including civil service, personal services contractors and institutional contractors,” Beers notes. “You can find out more on USAJOBS and the USAID website.”
“We look for candidates who have strong interpersonal and communication skills, are results-focused, adaptable and have strong technical backgrounds,” says a USAID spokesperson.
The need to speak the language of the location abroad varies. For DOD employees working on or servicing a military base, there may be no such
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Feds Abroad
need because they will essentially be working in an English-speaking island, Amante notes. On the other end, for Foreign Service and USAID employees who will be interfacing with foreign native populations and officials, language skills may be essential, and assignments abroad may be predated by a period of rigorous instruction in the language of the new destination.
For all these jobs, past military service can be an important edge, both because of the veteran’s preference that is offered for many positions, and because of the public trust and flexibility such service shows. Service abroad in a previous job can also be a plus, Adams notes. In addition, OPM offers spouses of activity duty military personnel a preference in consideration for civilian competitive service positions.
Timing and hiring processes are generally under OPM or agency rules that govern domestic hiring.

The United States is at the top of the pay scale in the world. Thus, in many cases, federal employment abroad will pay more than could be commanded in the local jobs market and, given lower local costs, translate into an ability to save a considerable amount of money. An added plus is that those serving abroad get paid in dollars, Amante says, which makes paying taxes and bills more convenient. For DOD employees
serving abroad, a housing allowance on top of salary is sometimes provided, which can depend upon rank.
In addition, within DOD, after three years, civilian employees deployed abroad receive a paid trip home and get additional vacation, Amante says. “So basically, you get vacation that allows you to travel home, in addition to your normal vacation,” Amante says.
Relocation expenses and meals abroad are generally not provided by employing agencies to civilian employees serving abroad, Amante says.
Some Federal Employees Health Benefits Program health insurers provide coverage overseas, but applicants will want to carefully examine what care is available in what location and what receipts are required.
The Foreign Service has its own pay and benefits system. This is described in the 2015 NARFE Magazine story referenced above. USAID employees are either civil service or Foreign Service employees, with corresponding compensation and benefits packages.
For those retiring abroad, obtaining residency could be beneficial, potentially enabling free health care, though different countries have varied residency requirements. Taxation issues would have to be examined.

IS A FREELANCE WRITER BASED IN THE GREATER WASHINGTON,Do you have experience working for the federal government abroad? Are you interesting in public service in another country?
Visit fedhub. narfe.org and search for “Career Opportunities Overseas” to share your thoughts with fellow NARFE members.

Supporting Children With
Special Needs
BY EVERETT A. CHASEN“Planning for your child with a disability is like eating an elephant,” asserts Lucy Beadnell, director of advocacy for The Arc of Northern Virginia. “You’ve got to do it in bite-sized chunks.”
The Arc (www.thearc.org) promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.
Its chapters provide families with realistic, actionable information to help them make a wide range of decisions as their special needs child grows up, including how to protect their loved one’s financial future.
How to ensure the financial future of relatives with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Saving money is crucial for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live full lives. A financial plan can help determine how those people will pay for the things they want and need in the future.
At The Arc, “we have a special needs trust team,” explains Beadnell. “That team works on helping people save money, or allowing others to inherit money without jeopardizing their access to programs like Medicaid that can be lifesavers for people with disabilities.”
Special needs trusts enable families to plan for the future, allowing people with disabilities to derive the greatest possible benefit from family money, settlements, financial gifts, and other money and assets. Government agencies base benefits on the money a person directly controls. Monthly income, savings and assets must all be under low limits. A special needs trust avoids those limits on money because the money is controlled by a trustee.
The Arc also helps parents navigate the maze of support programs for people with disabilities. “It’s difficult for parents to know what services their children may have access to,” Beadnell tells us. “Some of them are complicated to figure out, and some have long waiting lists. You’re trying to plan for your child’s future when you don’t really know what’s going to be available, and when it’s going to be available—despite your best efforts. We encourage parents to apply for things as early as they possibly can.”
Every individual, she says, has different medical, housing, caregiver, communication and other needs. “We try to look at each person and say, based upon the resources and the needs you have, how do we start filling in this long-term puzzle to make sure you’ve got the best coverage and support?”
“There’s always another way to find an answer as long as we keep digging. It’s not always obvious.”
Financial Planners and Lawyers
Michael S. Miles, a Certified Financial Planner specializing in financial planning for federal employees and retirees, explains how he and his colleagues can help.
“Essentially, a good personal financial plan will ensure that lifetime spending needs are met without leaving less than the desired amount in the postmortem (after death) estate. The needs of dependents can be included in either or both of these categories.”
In cases where support for dependents will be needed after the parent’s death, a proforma financial plan can be developed for the dependent and the estate value that is initially needed following the parent’s death, and the dependent can become a part of the parents’ financial plan while they are still alive.
For example, if an analysis of the child’s need indicates that, in addition to other funds that may be available to the child, such as government subsidies, about $1 million will be needed to support the child’s standard of living as the parents’ survivor; this can be used as the basis for setting a goal for the value of an estate in the parents’ own financial plan.
Special needs trusts enable families to plan for the future, allowing people with disabilities to derive the greatest possible benefit.
“I recommend my clients work with a competent estate planning attorney to develop, implement and maintain a comprehensive estate plan,” he concludes.
Michael D. Toobin, PC, who manages the Law Office of Michael D. Toobin in Northern Virginia and specializes in estate planning and probate work, is one such attorney. Toobin, who has a disabled son himself, focuses on two areas: family planning, especially special needs trusts, and guardianship issues.
“There’s a portfolio of documents everybody needs, especially parents of young children,” he explains. “When families call me to talk about a special needs trust for their I/DD child, we first reference the preparation of wills, durable powers of attorney and advance medical directives.”
“Special needs trusts are limited in use. They can only be used for the special needs of the individual. Funds are not distributed to the child but for their benefit,” he continues. For example, a trustee can authorize the purchase of a car, if an individual needs it to go to work. But “if the individual says I want a Maserati, the trustee will say that’s probably not needed. I’ll buy you a Toyota.” Trustees do not give individuals a check to make such purchases, but use funds in the trust to purchase the auto.
Trust funds can also be used to supplement government benefit programs, including housing, but they cannot replace them. Parents who own real estate can convey their home to the trust so a child can continue to live at home even after the parents’ death. “We have to live with the government’s regulations as best we can, and then be realistic,” says Toobin.
There are two types of special needs trusts: third-party funded trusts and first-party funded trusts. Third-party funded trusts use assets never owned by the beneficiary, such as gifts from parents, grandparents and others.
First-party trusts are funded with assets actually belonging to the beneficiary, such as settlements from accidents; funds provided under the Uniform Gifts to Minors act that are, by law, to be distributed when a minor becomes 18; and military and veterans’ pensions.
In first-party special needs trusts for people who received Medicaid benefits during their
lifetimes, the government can collect funds equal to the amount they expended in caring for the individual once the person dies, before the rest of the trust’s assets are distributed to those who would inherit them. In third-party trusts, the heirs receive the entire amount.
Toobin sets up individual trusts for clients, in which family members or professional trustees manage the trust’s funds for the beneficiary and make decisions about how funds will be disbursed.
“Usually, parents act as trustees for their children for as long as they can,” Toobin explains. “But when they can’t, and if they don’t want to put a burden on the child’s siblings or other relatives,
Get Help Planning for the Future With
a Special Needs Child
• Keen & Pocock is a resource for NARFE members as they work ensure their relatives’ financial future.
• The professionals at Keen & Pocock offer services customized for federal employees and retirees in several key areas, including retirement planning, investment analysis and planning, financial planning and more.
• They also educate and advise clients on how they can use special needs trusts to provide for their children while protecting state aid.
• NARFE members receive a free 30-minute Insight Session to discuss your financial goals and help you determine if Keen & Pocock’s services are compatible with them. Members save $250 off the regular fee for their financial planning program, with six hours of custom, one-on-one sessions. Tell their representative you’re a NARFE member looking to take advantage of the available discount, and have your NARFE member ID number ready.
Visit www.narfe.org/keen-pocock to get started.
Advisory services offered through Strategic Blueprint LLC. Securities offered through The Strategic Financial Alliance Inc. (SFA), member FINRA/SIPC. Strategic Blueprint and SFA are affiliated through common ownership but otherwise unaffiliated with Keen & Pocock.
Join Mark Keen, CFP, on December 14 as he shows you how to build an effective estate plan that specifically addresses your federal benefits. Learn more and register at www.narfe.org/webinars
then an organization would serve as a trustee and manage it.”
The Arc and other non-profit organizations manage pooled special need trusts, in which the organization provides a professional trustee to manage the trust—someone who manages many such trusts for the organization’s clients.
“Generally, the advantage of having an organization name the trustee is that they have experience in this area. They know what the law tells you, and what can be used as expenditures and certain things that can’t,” says Toobin.
Guardianship and conservatorship is the second issue Toobin frequently deals with. In the United States, when minors turn 18, they are adults and possess all the rights, responsibilities and liabilities other American citizens have. People with disabilities, however, may be unable to exercise those rights, so Toobin and other attorneys apply to the courts for permission to appoint guardians to manage their personal affairs.
“It’s a big deal legally,” Toobin says, “because the basic rights we all possess can be revoked.” Before guardianship is approved by a judge, a guardian ad litem (GAL) is appointed to help determine whether a guardian is actually necessary. The GAL speaks to the individual, doctors, family members, and others and then reports back to the court, after which the judge decides whether a guardian should be appointed. “I’ve only been involved in a few contested guardianships,” Toobin recalls. “But they’re not pretty.”
Conservatorship involves someone being appointed by the court to manage the estate and financial affairs of a person with a disability. Sometimes, a disabled person will receive a significant financial settlement or an inheritance, and a special needs trust has not yet been established on that person’s behalf. In that case, a conservator may be appointed for the purpose of creating such a trust, and once it
has been established, he or she relinquishes the conservatorship.
Developing a Plan
For a person with a disability to live as independently as possible, Arc suggests planning for all stages of life—especially after a parent or caregiver is no longer able to provide support. According to the organization’s website, the plan should “reflect the wishes of the person with an I/DD as well as his or her parents, siblings, extended family members and friends, and other important people in his or her life.”
The organization recommends the planner first ask the question, “during a life transition, what would the person need for his or her daily routine?” Then a planner should create a vision for the person’s life after the transition. The plan should include information about all aspects of a person’s life, including his or her daily routines, needs or supports; living arrangements; finances; doctors; and medical history.
In addition, the plan should provide details about the person’s educational history, employment, leisure activities, religious beliefs, behaviors, interests, friendships and other important relationships.
During The Arc’s process, which is free to families and supported by donations, Beadnell and her colleagues help people navigate the services their children, especially their adult children, may have access to. They’ll also look at possible consequences related to those benefits.
“If a child needs to stay in his or her family home,” she asks, “can they inherit that home, or
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does that jeopardize their benefits? What happens if they have a roommate or caregiver who tries to move in? Who becomes the helper and the navigator—all these jobs that parents do for their children—that sometimes those with disabilities need assistance with for their whole life?”
She also works with families to make sure retirement savings, Social Security and other benefits are passed on appropriately to their children. She specifically mentioned health coverage for federal employees’ heirs.
“Do the children have medical coverage? Do they have someone to check on them and advocate for them? How can we get really creative and leverage any assets that this person has? Maybe those are not financial assets. Maybe it’s just that this person has a really big extended family and we say, who’s willing to drop in? Who’s willing to help out on a Monday morning? It’s up to us to help parents navigate these issues as best as possible, and get things lined up. Being a parent never ends. And being a parent of a child with an I/DD usually involves a lot more work over a much longer period.’
“The question I most often get from parents as they age is, oh my goodness, who does this? Who goes to millions of service planning meetings? Who fills out the annual paperwork for Medicaid renewals? Who goes and hugs my child? Who gives him or her a Christmas present when I’m not here?’
“It can feel so overwhelming. The best answer I can give is ‘let’s figure that out.’ Let’s think about who your network is. We live in a magical time for connectedness, so we’re no longer at the mercy of whether your adult child has a bunch of same-age siblings who live in the area. Even if the child has siblings who live in Switzerland, family members
can do FaceTime visits several times a week to check in.’
“And if you don’t have a ton of family, is there an old neighbor, a family friend, a teacher’s aide? What about the other parents you got to know on the sideline of a Special Olympics basketball game? You look out for their kids, and they’ll look out for yours. Your networks are always bigger than you realize.”
“There’s never a mom or dad 2.0,” she explains. “There’s never going to be somebody who can be what you are, but you can build a team. Think about all the things you do as a parent and let’s pick them off one by one. Let’s take them on in chunks—who can do what and what to do when we don’t have those unpaid people in our lives anymore.’
“We’re just going to build a whole network of support, because that way, when you’re not here to do this anymore, there are other people who will continue to carry the banner for you.”
“If you’ve got a colleague who has a disability, or colleagues with a family member with a disability,” she concludes, “give them a little bit of grace. They are navigating things you’ll never have to imagine, with really intense consequences. If they need a little extra time or a little flexibility, we should have that to give. And if you’re someone who’s lucky enough to know them more personally, know that it’s an honor to be asked to do whatever little part you can.”
“Everyone is better off when we have a community that’s more inclusive and flexible.”
Being a parent never ends. And being a parent of a child with an I/DD usually involves a lot more work over a much longer period.

The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) has been supporting federal employees for more than 100 years. As a proud NARFE sponsor, that makes us smile because we’re committed to federal employees, too. BCBS FEP Dental offers benefits to help ensure healthy smiles, including a large nationwide network, no deductible for in-network services and up to three dental cleanings a year. All for as low as $20 a month.
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This is a summary of the many features and benefits of BCBS FEP DentalSM. For a complete description, please view the benefit brochure. The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association is an association of independent, locally operated Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies. The Blue Cross ® and Blue Shield® words and symbols and BCBS FEP DentalSM are all trademarks owned by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
The 2022 federal benefits Open Season for changes to your Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program enrollment ends Monday, December 12. There is still time to review health plans and make an informed decision.

FEHB participants are able to pick from 271 health plan choices during this Open Season.
If you are a federal employee and not presently enrolled in the FEHB program, you may enroll during Open Season if you are not otherwise excluded from coverage because of the nature of your appointment.
If you are a federal annuitant and are not presently covered by the FEHB program as an enrollee or a family member, you cannot enroll in the FEHB program during Open Season, unless you previously suspended your FEHB enrollment in favor of coverage under TRICARE, TRICARE For Life, a Medicare Advantage HMO plan, CHAMPVA, Medicaid or as a Peace Corps volunteer.
Open Season changes for employees are effective at the beginning of the first pay period after January 1, 2022. Open Season
changes made by annuitants and survivor annuitants are effective on January 1, 2022, and the premium changes will be reflected in the February 1, 2022, annuity payments.
When deciding which plan is best for you, be sure to review your current plan’s 2023 brochure, as well as the brochures for other plans you are considering. The 2023 plan brochures for all FEHB plans can be viewed online and downloaded at
www.narfe.org/open-season/ fehb-plan-information-for-2023/. Each brochure is formatted the same way, with sections on specific topics, such as “How Our Plan Has Changed,” “Your Costs for Covered Services” and “Coordinating Benefits With Other Coverage.” And all plan brochures have a box on the cover that provides the page numbers to find the new premium rates and the plan’s changes for the new year. All plans provide a Summary of Benefits and Coverage with easyto-understand information about out-of-pocket costs, coverage and rights of enrollees.
The enrollee share of premiums for employees and annuitants will increase an average of 8.7% in 2023. The average increase in the government share of premiums will be 6.6%.
The overall average total premium will be 7.2% more in 2023, which is higher than the average FEHB increases
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Aetna Medicare is a HMO, PPO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in our plans depends on contract renewal. See Evidence of Coverage for a complete description of plan benefits, exclusions, limitations and conditions of coverage. SilverSneakers is a registered trademark of Tivity Health, Inc. © 2021 Tivity Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Health insurance plans are offered and/or underwritten by Aetna Life Insurance Company (Aetna). This is a brief description of the features of this Aetna health insurance plan. Before making a decision, please read the plan’s applicable federal brochure(s). All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the federal brochure. Plan features and availability may vary by location and are subject to change. Aetna does not provide care or guarantee access to health services. For more information about Aetna plans, refer to AetnaFeds.com/retireeplans
experienced in the past 12 years but in line with premium increases projected for or reported by other large private- and public-sector employers.
These figures are not an across-the-board increase per plan. It is the weighted average increase for the total premium (government and employee share) for all the plans in the FEHB program. This means
that some plans’ premiums decreased, some did not change at all and some increased.
Even if your plan’s premiums are not rising by much, make sure you read the plan brochure— particularly Section 2, “How We Changed for 2023.” This section will reveal which, if any, out-of-pocket expenses, such as copayments and coinsurance, will increase in 2023.
Another reason to check your brochure is that you should not assume that your coverage will not change. Procedures and medications that have been covered or not covered in years past may have changed. Also, note which costs are not included in meeting the plan’s yearly deductible. Out-of-pocket expenses can really add up.
The following are the 10 fee-for-service (FFS) and restricted FFS providers and select changes in benefits offered for 2023.
Please note that our summaries do not capture all the change details for 2023. Review the brochures, available at www. narfe.org/open-season/fehbplan-information-for-2023/ Many plans will include clarifications of existing benefits that could be beneficial when choosing a plan.
When reviewing each plan’s changes, take note of announced changes in preferred provider organizations (PPOs). If you live in a state where your plan is changing its PPO network, you need to contact the plan and ask for a new PPO directory for 2023 to ensure that your doctors, hospitals, etc., will be in the new network. Otherwise, you may wish to change plans during Open Season. Using your plan’s PPOs is a major way to save on out-ofpocket costs.
APWU Health Plan Brochure unavailable by press time. Please check www.narfe.org/ open-season Learn more: www.apwuhp.com
BlueCross Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan
Changes to Standard and Basic:
• Preventive low-dose CT screenings for lung cancer is covered for members aged 50 to 80. Previously, preventive benefits did not start until age 55.
• Prior approval for certain high-cost drugs obtained outside of a pharmacy setting is required.
• Computed tomography (CT) colonography is now covered under the adult preventive benefit for colorectal cancer tests.
• Weight loss medications to treat obesity are covered when obtained through one of the plan’s pharmacy drug programs. Previously, these drugs were not covered for the treatment of obesity.
Changes to Basic:
• Cost-share for outpatient surgical and treatment services performed and billed by a facility is now a $150 copayment per day per facility. Previously, you paid a $100 copayment per day per facility for these services.
• Cost-share for laboratory tests (such as blood tests and

urinalysis), pathology services, and EKGs is now a 15% coinsurance.
• The plan covers 12 acupuncture visits per calendar year.
Changes to FEP Blue Focus:
• Preventive low-dose CT screenings for lung cancer are covered for members aged 50 to 80. Previously, preventive benefits did not start until age 55.
• Computed tomography (CT) colonography is now covered under the adult preventive benefit for colorectal cancer tests.
• There is no longer a limit on the number of non-full sibling donor screening tests for transplants. Previously, non-full sibling donor test screenings were limited to three.
• Weight loss medications to treat obesity are covered when obtained through one of our pharmacy drug programs.
• The calendar year deductible is now waived for all overseas services.
Learn more: www.fepblue.org
GEHA Benefit Plan
Changes to High and Standard:

Eligible federal employees can enroll in FSAFEDS, the federal government’s flexible spending program, each year during the Federal Benefits Open Season. Under the program, employees contribute money from their salary into a FSAFEDS account before taxes are withheld and use it to get reimbursed for out-of-pocket health care and dependent care expenses.
The federal government offers three types of FSAFEDS accounts:
• Health care flexible spending account (HCFSA), used to pay for qualified medical costs and health care expenses that are not paid by an employee’s Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program plan or any other insurance.
• Limited expense health care flexible spending account (LEX HCFSA), only available to employees who enroll in an FEHB high
• Coverage for moderate sleep apnea has been added.
• Colorectal cancer screening age range has been updated to age 45-75 years. Prediabetes screening age range has been updated to age 35-70 years.
• One wig/cranial hair prosthesis will be covered, up to $350, when used for hair loss due to treatment of cancer.
Changes to HDHP:
• PPO plan allowable amounts will no longer apply to the nonPPO deductible.
• The catastrophic out-of-pocket maximum (OOPM) has been updated so that PPO expenses will no longer apply to the nonPPO OOPM.
• The Skilled Nursing Facility benefit will now be covered subject to calendar year deductible and plan coinsurance for up to 50 days per calendar year.
Learn more: www.geha.org
GEHA Indemnity Benefit Plan
Overall plan changes:
• The Plan will remove the reward for biometric screening
deductible health plan (HDHP) with a health savings account (HSA), and limited to dental and vision care services/products.
• Dependent care (day care) flexible spending account (DCFSA), used to pay for eligible dependent care expenses such as child care.
Open Season FSAFEDS enrollments are effective January 1, 2023. Current enrollees must enroll each year to continue participating in FSAFEDS. Federal retirees are not eligible for FSAFEDS.
under the Wellness Pays program, as it is duplicative. The comprehensive annual physical reward, which includes the biometric screening, will remain.
• The Plan will remove the 10-hour annual diabetes education limit and the American Diabetes Association certification requirement.
Changes to Elevate Plus:
• The orthopedic and prosthetic devices benefit includes coverage for bioelectric, computer-programmed prosthetic devices. Cost share in-network of 15% of the Plan’s allowance after the deductible will apply.
• Bone growth stimulators are covered under the DME benefit subject to prior authorization.
• Certain obesity management drugs prescribed through the pharmacy benefit are covered at standard prescription drug cost sharing.
• The Plan now has coverage for moderate sleep apnea, severe functional malocclusion, orthognathic procedures
for reconstruction following injury or illness that causes a functional deficit, frenectomy, frenotomy or frenuloplasty for functional deficits unrelated to teeth or their supporting structure.
Changes to Elevate:
• The orthopedic and prosthetic devices benefit includes coverage for bioelectric, computer programmed prosthetic devices. Cost share after the deductible in-network is 25% of the Plan’s allowance and out-of-network is 50% of the Plan allowance, and any difference between Plan allowance and the billed amount will apply.
Learn more: www.geha.org
Overall plan changes:
• The stand-alone imaging center benefit has been removed.

• Coverage has been added for anti-obesity medications.
• Organ/tissue transplant coverage has changed.
Learn more: https://mhbp.com

Overall plan changes:
• Weight loss drugs are now covered with prior authorization.
• The Hello Heart program is offered through CVS Caremark
Changes to High:
• There is now a 15% coinsurance for physical, occupational, cognitive, and speech therapy. Previously enrollees paid a $20 copayment.
Learn more: www.nalchbp.com
SAMBA Health Plan
Brochure unavailable by press time. Please check www.narfe.org/ open-season.
Learn more: www.sambaplans. com
Compass Rose

Overall plan changes:
• Professional ambulance service for transport (local)
Open Season changes for employees are effec tive at the beginning of the first pay period after January 1, 2023. Changes for retirees and survivor annuitants are effective January 1, 2023, and premium changes will be reflected in February 1, 2023, annuity payments. If verified enrollment is required, the change notice from OPM should suffice for annuitants; the notification from their agency will suffice for employees.
immediately following an inpatient admission when medical necessary is covered.
• Utilization management criteria requirements for bariatric surgery has been updated to include a structured weight loss program for a minimum of 3 months and within the last 2 years
• The Medicare subsidy amount for the Enhanced Benefit Opportunity through the UnitedHealth Medicare Advantage Plan has increased to $125 monthly.

Learn more: www. compassrosebenefits.com
Foreign Service Benefit Plan
Brochure unavailable by press time. Please check www.narfe.org/ open-season.
Learn more: www.afspa.org
Panama Canal Area Benefit Plan
Overall plan changes:
• New FDA-approved antiobesity drugs will be covered. Pre-authorization will be required and must be requested by the patient’s treating physician.
• There is no cost sharing for covered vaccines for POS members and for enrollees who reside in the United States under FFS US option. Vaccine coverage includes but is not limited to any new or newly available FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccines; Herpes Zoster (Shingles) vaccine for all adults aged 60 years or older, as well as adults between the ages of 19 and 49 years who have immunocompromised conditions, excluding those who are pregnant; influenza vaccination starting at age 19; and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine for people ages 19 to 64 and over age 65.
Learn more: www.pcabp.com. pa
Rural Carrier Benefit Plan
Overall plan changes:
• There is no longer a copayment for out-of-network inpatient stays for mental health and/or substance use disorders.
• Support services provided by certified doula are covered.
Learn more: www.rcbphealth. com
Open Season for the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) coincides with the Open Season for the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program. Eligible individuals will be able to choose benefits that cover dental care, vision care or both. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) sponsors the program, which offers participants a choice from 12 dental and five vision carriers.
Three types of enrollments are available: Self Only, for the enrolled employee or annuitant; Self Plus One, for the enrolled
employee or annuitant and one eligible family member; and Self and Family, for the enrolled employee or annuitant and all eligible family members. Typically, in-network coverage is covered by the plan allowance; out-of-network benefits are covered at the same plan allowance but with the member paying the difference between what insurance pays and what the provider charges. The coinsurance or copay of each tier of coverage (preventive and diagnostic, intermediate services, major services, and general services) varies by carrier and plan type. For more information,
including plan brochures, go to www.benefeds.com or call 877-888-3337.
There are seven nationwide and five regional carriers. Premiums are based on rating areas (a group of ZIP codes). Each plan can have up to five rating areas. See the chart on page 56 for nationwide plan premiums. To find out your rating area, visit www.narfe.org/ open-season and scroll down to “FEDVIP Dental and Vision Coverage.”
© 2021 Aetna, Inc. Plans offered by First Health Life & Health Insur ance Company. Plans contain exclusions and limitations. This is a brief description of the features of the plans. Before making a final decision, please read the Plan's Federal brochure. All Benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations, and exclusions set forth in the Federal brochure.
© 2021 Aetna, Inc. 19.22.320.1-OCT (8/21)
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Does MHBP have plans that work for retirees? We do.
MHBP has plans for every stage of your life. We offer plans with highly competitive rates that are full of great features. And we understand how a health plan’s programs can help you live a healthy lifestyle.
As we approach Open Enrollment, be sure to check out all your options.
Aetna Dental
Two plan options
• No deductible for High option; Standard option includes a deductible for Class B and C services: $50 to $100 in-network, $100 to $200 out-of-network, depending on whether you enroll as Self Only, Self Plus One, or Self and Family.
• Annual benefit maximum, High option: unlimited in-network, $2,000 out-ofnetwork; Standard option: $1,500 in-network, $1,000 out-of-network.
• Orthodontia for children and adults is covered at 50 percent with a $2,000 per person lifetime maximum.
Learn more: www.aetnafeds.com/ fedvip-dental.php.
Delta Dental
plan options
• No deductible for in-network providers.
• Annual benefit maximum, High option: unlimited in-network, $3,000 out-ofnetwork; Standard option: $1,500 in-network, $1,000 out-of-network.
• Orthodontia covered at 50 percent with no waiting period. High option: $3,500 lifetime maximum for children, $2,000 for adults (both in-and out-of-network). Standard option (children only): $2,000 lifetime maximum in-network, $1000 out-of-network.
• Additional cleaning for those with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes and during pregnancy.
Learn more: https://feds. deltadentalins.com/.
BlueCross BlueShield Dental
Two plan options
• No deductible for in-network services.
• Annual benefit maximum, High option: unlimited in-network, $3,000 out-ofnetwork; Standard option: $1,500 in-network, $750 out-of-network.
• Orthodontia for adults and children has no waiting period and is covered at 50 percent. High option lifetime maximum: $3,500, regardless of network; Standard option lifetime maximum: $2,500 in-network, $1,250 out-of-network.
• Three cleanings per year are included.
Learn more: www.bcbsfepdental. com/.
GEHA Connection Dental Federal Two plan options
• No deductible for in-network services for both options. Standard out-of-network deductible for Class B and C services is $25 Standard Self Only, $50 Standard Self Plus One and $75 Standard Self and Family.
• Annual benefit maximum: Unlimited for High option; $2,500 for Standard option in-network, $2,000 out-of-network.
• Orthodontia covered at 70 percent of network-allowed cost; no waiting period under High option, 12-month waiting period for Standard option. High option lifetime maximum: $3,500; Standard option: $2,500 in network, $2,000 out of network.
Learn more: www.geha.com/ plans/dental.
MetLife Federal Dental Plan Two plan options
• No deductible in-network for both options. Out-of-network deductible: $50 High option for Class A, B and C services;
$50 for Standard option Class A services, $100 for Class B and C.
• Annual benefit maximum: Unlimited for High option; $1,500 in-network and $1,000 out-of-network for Standard option.
• Orthodontia lifetime benefit maximum for High option: $5,000 child/$3,000 adult; Standard option: $2,000/ person.
Learn more: https://fedvip. metlife.com/.
United Concordia Dental Two plan options
• No annual deductible.
• Unlimited annual maximum in the High option for class A, B and C services (excluding implant services); $1,500 annual maximum in the Standard option (excluding orthodontics).
• Orthodontia covered at 50 percent of plan allowance; lifetime maximum: $3,000 per covered person under High option, all ages; $2,000 for Standard option, children only.
Learn more: www.uccifedvip. com/.
UnitedHealthcare Dental Two plan options
• No deductible for in-network providers in both options.
• Annual benefit maximum: unlimited under High option in network, $3,000 out of network; $1,500 for Standard option in-network, $1,000 out-of-network.

• Orthodontia covered at 50 percent of plan allowance with no waiting period.
Lifetime maximum benefit is $4,000 per person under the High option, $2,000 for the Standard option.
Learn more: www.uhcfeds.com/ fedvip.
Dominion National
Two dental exclusive provider organization (EPO) options
Service area: Mid-Atlantic Region, including the District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, most of Pennsylvania, and parts of Virginia and New Jersey.
• No maximum dollar limits, waiting periods or deductibles.
• No out-of-network benefits available, except for emergency services when an EPO in-network provider is not available.
• $10 office copays plus additional fixed copays (rather than percentage based) for major and minor restorative services as well as orthodontia.
Learn more: https://federal. dominionnational.com/.
EmblemHealth Dental
Two plan options
Service area: All of New York state and some counties in New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania.
• 100 percent coverage for in-network dental services.
• Deductible: $0 in-network; $50/person ($150/family) for Class B and C services out-of-network.
• No annual benefit maximum for Class A, B and C services.
• Orthodontia has no waiting period or deductible. Lifetime maximum of $4,000 under High option, $3,000 under Standard option.
Learn more: www.emblemhealth. com/.
HealthPartners Dental
Two plan options
Service area: Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota, and parts of Wisconsin and Iowa.
• No deductible for in-network providers.
• Annual benefit maximum for nonorthodontic services: unlimited for High option in-network, $3,000 out-ofnetwork; $2,000 for Standard option in-network, $1,000 out-of-network.
• Orthodontic lifetime maximum benefit under the High option is $3,500 in-network, $2,000 out-ofnetwork; under the Standard option, $2,000 in-network, $1,000 out-of-network.
• No waiting periods for any services. SEE FEDVIP ON P. 58
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KEY: Employees pay biweekly Annuitants pay monthly
PLAN NAME RATING SELF ONLY SELF PLUS ONE SELF AND FAMILY REGION biweekly monthly biweekly monthly biweekly monthly AETNA DENTAL

1 $16.48 $35.71 $32.96 $71.41 $49.44 $107.12 2 $18.15 $39.33 $36.31 $78.67 $54.46 $118.00 3 $19.32 $41.86 $38.64 $83.72 $57.95 $125.56 4 $21.32 $46.19 $42.65 $92.41 $63.97 $138.60 5 $23.16 $50.18 $46.31 $100.34 $69.47 $150.52
1 $9.19 $19.91 $18.38 $39.82 $27.58 $59.76 2 $10.11 $21.91 $20.23 $43.83 $30.33 $65.72 3 $10.76 $23.31 $21.51 $46.61 $32.26 $69.90 4 $11.85 $25.68 $23.70 $51.35 $35.55 $77.03 5 $12.86 $27.86 $25.72 $55.73 $38.58 $83.59
High 1 $18.02 $39.04 $36.05 $78.11 $54.07 $117.15 2 $20.19 $43.75 $40.38 $87.49 $60.57 $131.24 3 $21.98 $47.62 $43.97 $95.27 $65.95 $142.89 4 $23.81 $51.59 $47.62 $103.18 $71.43 $154.77 5 $26.65 $57.74 $53.29 $115.46 $79.94 $173.20
Standard 1 $9.19 $19.91 $18.38 $39.82 $27.58 $59.76 2 $10.07 $21.82 $20.15 $43.66 $30.22 $65.48 3 $11.45 $24.81 $22.89 $49.60 $34.31 $74.34 4 $12.36 $26.78 $24.70 $53.52 $37.03 $80.23 5 $13.65 $29.58 $27.31 $59.17 $40.96 $88.75
High 1 $17.64 $38.22 $35.29 $76.46 $52.93 $114.68 2 $19.35 $41.93 $38.70 $83.85 $58.04 $125.75 3 $21.23 $46.00 $42.46 $92.00 $63.70 $138.02 4 $22.60 $48.97 $45.19 $97.91 $67.79 $146.88 5 $26.34 $57.07 $52.67 $114.12 $79.01 $171.19
Standard 1 $9.17 $19.87 $18.34 $39.74 $27.52 $59.63 2 $9.99 $21.65 $19.99 $43.31 $29.98 $64.96 3 $10.78 $23.36 $21.55 $46.69 $32.33 $70.05 4 $11.37 $24.64 $22.74 $49.27 $34.10 $73.88 5 $13.02 $28.21 $26.04 $56.42 $39.07 $84.65
High 1 $17.25 $37.38 $34.50 $74.75 $51.76 $112.15 2 $19.40 $42.03 $38.79 $84.05 $58.19 $126.08 3 $21.21 $45.96 $42.42 $91.91 $63.63 $137.87 4 $23.70 $51.35 $47.40 $102.70 $71.10 $154.05 5 $25.69 $55.66 $51.39 $111.35 $77.08 $167.01
1 $9.53 $20.65 $19.07 $41.32 $28.59 $61.95 2 $10.69 $23.16 $21.37 $46.30 $32.06 $69.46 3 $11.71 $25.37 $23.37 $50.64 $35.06 $75.96 4 $13.07 $28.32 $26.10 $56.55 $39.16 $84.85 5 $14.15 $30.66 $28.30 $61.32 $42.44 $91.95
$18.42 $39.91 $36.83 $79.80 $55.25 $119.71 2 $19.43 $42.10 $38.86 $84.20 $58.28 $126.27 3 $21.58 $46.76 $43.17 $93.54 $64.75 $140.29 4 $23.48 $50.87 $46.96 $101.75 $70.43 $152.60 5 $26.13 $56.62 $52.27 $113.25 $78.40 $169.87
$10.22 $22.14 $20.45 $44.31 $30.67 $66.45 2 $10.87 $23.55 $21.73 $47.08 $32.60 $70.63 3 $12.12 $26.26 $24.24 $52.52 $36.36 $78.78 4 $13.37 $28.97 $26.75 $57.96 $40.12 $86.93 5 $14.15 $30.66 $28.31 $61.34 $42.46 $92.00
High 1 $16.53 $35.82 $33.06 $71.63 $49.56 $107.38
$18.55 $40.19 $37.09 $80.36 $55.64 $120.55
$20.60 $44.63 $41.17 $89.20 $61.78 $133.86
$22.63 $49.03 $45.25 $98.04 $67.88 $147.07
$24.66 $53.43 $49.31 $106.84 $73.95 $160.23
Standard 1 $9.64 $20.89 $19.28 $41.77 $28.92 $62.66
$10.83 $23.47 $21.63 $46.87 $32.45 $70.31
$12.00 $26.00 $23.99 $51.98 $35.98 $77.96 4 $13.16 $28.51 $26.32 $57.03 $39.49 $85.56 5 $14.33 $31.05 $28.65 $62.08 $42.98 $93.12

1 $21.74 $47.10 $43.49 $94.23 $65.23 $141.33 2 $22.83 $49.47 $45.65 $98.91 $68.48 $148.37 3 $23.96 $51.91 $47.92 $103.83 $71.88 $155.74 4 $27.59 $59.78 $55.18 $119.56 $82.76 $179.31 5 $32.48 $70.37 $64.96 $140.75 $97.44 $211.12
$10.61 $22.99 $21.21 $45.96 $31.82 $68.94 2 $12.01 $26.02 $24.02 $52.04 $36.03 $78.07 3 $12.91 $27.97 $25.82 $55.94 $38.73 $83.92 4 $13.58 $29.42 $27.17 $58.87 $40.75 $88.29 5 $15.78 $34.19 $31.56 $68.38 $47.34 $102.57
KEY: Employees pay biweekly Annuitants pay monthly
SELF ONLY SELF PLUS ONE SELF AND FAMILY biweekly monthly biweekly monthly biweekly monthly
$5.64 $12.22 $11.26 $24.40 $16.90 $36.62 Standard $3.12 $6.76 $6.24 $13.52 $9.36 $20.28
High $5.52 $11.96 $11.03 $23.90 $16.55 $35.86 Standard $3.53 $7.65 $7.05 $15.28 $10.58 $22.92
High $5.10 $11.05 $10.21 $22.12 $15.31 $33.17 Standard $3.34 $7.24 $6.67 $14.45 $10.01 $21.69
High $5.10 $11.05 $10.21 $22.12 $15.31 $33.17 Standard $3.33 $7.22 $6.65 $14.41 $9.98 $21.62
High $6.68 $14.47 $13.38 $28.99 $20.08 $43.51 Standard $3.54 $7.67 $7.07 $15.32 $10.62 $23.01
• No waiting periods for any services.
Learn more: www.healthpartners. com/fedvip
Humana Dental
Two plan options (one PPO and one EPO) Service area: All of Alabama, the majority of Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, DC, Florida, Georgia, the majority of Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and parts of Maryland.
• Deductible: $50 for individual under High option, in- or outof-network; $100 for family in-network, $150 for family out-of-network under High PPO option. No deductibles for Standard EPO option.
• Annual benefit maximum: $5,000 under High option; unlimited under Standard option.
• Orthodontia under the High option is covered at 50 percent of plan allowance, with a lifetime maximum benefit of $2,500; Standard option has fixed copays.
Learn more: https://your. humana.com/feds/dental.html
Triple-S Salud Service area: Puerto Rico
• No deductible and no annual maximum for Class A, B and C services.
• No out-of-network benefits except for orthodontia.
• Orthodontia benefits require a 12-month waiting period. It is covered at 50 percent of the plan allowance, with a $2,000 lifetime maximum benefit. Learn more at https://salud. grupotriples.com/
There are five vision carriers, each with two plan options.
Aetna Vision Preferred

• No deductible and $0 eye exams.
• Frame allowance: $300 for High option, $160 for Standard option; 20 percent discount on balance.
Learn more: www.aetnafeds. com/fedvip-vision.php
BlueCross BlueShield Vision
• No copays for covered eye examinations as well as
standard eyeglass lenses or “Collection” frames (up $195). Copayments for optional lens types and treatments.
Learn more: https:// bcbsfepvision.com/
Metlife Federal Vision Plan
• Annual eye exams with no copays.
• Frames/lenses or contacts once every calendar year for both plan options. Learn more: https://fedvip. metlife.com/vision
UnitedHealthcare Vision Plan
• Annual eye exam. Frames/ lenses or contacts are covered once every year for both plan options.
• One-time reimbursement of up to $1,500 for prosthetic eye.
Learn more: https://fedvip. myuhcvision.com/
VSP Vision Care
• No copay for progressive lenses.
• Retinal screening fully covered for members with diabetes who do not have diabetic eye disease.
Learn more: www.choosevsp. com

In the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program, prescriptions can be filled by health plans through the plan’s preferred retail pharmacies, nonpreferred retail pharmacies and the plan’s mail order service. The plans charge coinsurance and/ or copayments for prescription drugs when they are purchased through any of these sources. Some plans provide prescription drug plan benefits even if the plan’s annual deductible is not met. Other plans may have a specific annual deductible that must be met before the plan begins to pay prescription drug benefits.
Health plans will substitute
available generic equivalent drugs for brand-name drugs for prescriptions submitted to local pharmacies and mail order services unless the prescribing physician indicates that the patient is to receive only the brand-name medication.
To keep prescription drug benefit costs down for the plans, some are reducing out-of-pocket costs for generic drugs and raising them for brand-name drugs. This will make prescription drugs more costly for enrollees needing life-saving and life-extending medications, which are usually brand-name specialty drugs. You also will see that some plans have capped the yearly
amount of out-of-pocket expenses for prescription drugs to keep enrollees who need the expensive brand-name drugs—sometimes called specialty drugs—from possible financial hardship.
Enrollees covered by Medicare Part A and Part B may note that some plans waive their own deductibles, coinsurance and copayments for hospital and medical services. These waivers do not apply to the prescription drug copayments and/or coinsurance. Some plans will charge lower coinsurance and copayment rates for enrollees who are covered by Medicare Part A and Part B. In addition, there are some plans that
Blue Cross Blue Shield - Standard

Compass Rose
GEHA - Standard
GEHA Elevate Plus
MHBP - Standard
NALC - High
Generic: $7.50
Brand name: Preferred 30% of plan allowance / Nonpreferred 50% of plan allowance
Generic: $5
Brand name: Preferred $45 / Nonpreferred: the greater of 40% of the plan cost of $75
Generic: Lesser of $10 or pharmacy’s usual and customary cost
Brand name: Preferred: 25% for up to a maximum of $150 for a 30-day supply / Nonpreferred: 25% for up to a maximum of $200 for a 30-day supply
Generic: Lesser of $10 or pharmacy’s usual and customary cost
Brand name: Preferred: Lesser of $80 or pharmacy’s usual and customary cost / Nonpreferred: 50% of plan allowance
Generic: $5
Brand name: Preferred: 30% of plan allowance plus cost difference from generic equivalent, up to $200 / Nonpreferred: 50% of plan allowance plus cost difference from generic equivalent, up to $200
Generic: 20% of cost; 10% for hypertension, diabetes and asthma
Brand name: Formulary: 30% of cost / Nonformulary: 50% of cost (If enrolled in Medicare: NALC Senior Antibiotic Generic: $0; Generic: 10% of cost but 5% for hypertension, diabetes and asthma; Formulary brand: 20% of cost; Nonformulary brand: 40% of cost)
charge Medicare enrollees the same coinsurance and copayments as non-Medicare-eligible enrollees in one option, while charging Medicare enrollees smaller coinsurance and/or copayment amounts than non-Medicare enrollees in the plan’s other option.
Usually, patients will fill orders for short-term prescription drugs, such as antibiotics, at a local pharmacy. They will use mail order services for maintenance drugs, such as medications used to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol or heart disease, etc. It is wise to compare the prices of medications at local pharmacies with the cost of obtaining the
medications through mail order services. Sometimes, the cost of filling a prescription at a local pharmacy is less than the copayment for using a mail order service. Some plans charge the full mail service copayment even though the actual cost of the prescription drug is less than the copayment; other plans charge only the cost of the prescription drug if the actual cost of the drug is less for the mail service pharmacy than the copayment. In other words, do not expect the mail service pharmacy to charge less than the copayment because the local pharmacy has the prescription drug at a lower price.
Some plans have limitations on the amount and frequency of dispensing prescription drugs.
Plan members should be aware of those limitations and also should be aware that some plans have prior-approval requirements before certain prescriptions can be filled. The general rule for most plans is that refills can be obtained when 75 percent of the current supply is used up.
With some plans’ copayments for brand-name drugs increasing January 1, check your current prescription level to see if you can order a refill before the end of the year and avoid any increase.
45% of plan allowance
You pay all charges
Generic: Lesser of $10 or pharmacy’s usual and customary cost
Brand name: Preferred: 25% for up to a maximum of $200 for a 30-day supply/ Nonpreferred: 40% for up to a maximum of $200 for a 30-day supply
You pay all charges
Same as network
50% of plan allowance and the difference, if any, between plan allowance and billed amount
Generic: $15
Brand name: Preferred: $90 / Nonpreferred: $125
Generic: $10
Brand name: Preferred $90 / Nonpreferred: the greater of 40% of the plan cost of $150
Generic: Lesser of $20 or the cost of the drug Brand name: Preferred: 25% for up to a maximum of $350 for a 90-day supply/ Nonpreferred: 40% for up to a maximum of $500 for a 90-day supply
Generic: Lesser of $20 or the cost of the drug Brand name: Preferred: Lesser of $200 or the cost of the drug / Nonpreferred: 50% of plan allowance
Generic: $10 Brand name: Preferred: $80 plus difference between allowance and the cost of a generic equivalent / Nonpreferred: $120 plus difference between allowance and the cost of a generic equivalent
Generic: NALCSelect: $5 / NALC Preferred: $7.99 / generic: $15 Brand name: Formulary $90 / Nonformulary $125 (For 60-day supply: Generic: $10 / Formulary brand: $60 / Nonformulary brand: $84) Specialty drugs: $400 (60-day supply: $300; 30-day supply: $200)
How Are Mutual Funds Different From TSP Core Funds?
The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) rolled out the new mutual fund window over the summer, providing TSP participants a choice of nearly 5,000 mutual funds across 300 fund families in addition to the TSP’s core funds. This begs the question, what are mutual funds and how do they differ from the TSP core funds?
Mutual funds and the TSP’s core funds are similar in the sense they are both investment vehicles that pool money from investors to purchase a portfolio of securities, such as stocks, bonds and other securities, depending on the investment strategy of the fund. While there are similarities in the way both types of funds pool investors’ money to purchase securities, there are some notable differences.
For starters, mutual funds are investment companies regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) regulating the broker-dealers and representatives that sell mutual funds. Mutual funds are available to the public and may be purchased inside retirement plans, such as the TSP (through the mutual fund window) and IRAs, as well as in nonretirement accounts. The TSP’s core funds, on the other hand, are invested in collective trust funds (CTFs), which are only available in tax-exempt plans, such as the TSP, 401(k)s and defined benefit plans. Furthermore, they are regulated by the Comptroller of
the Currency rather than the SEC and FINRA.
CTFs have several advantages, including fee transparency, which is typically a single management fee, unlike the multiple layers of fees associated with many mutual funds. The fees tend to be lower, too, in part because they have fewer regulatory disclosure requirements compared with mutual funds, which can make them less costly to operate.
While CTFs offer several advantages to large retirement plans, such as the TSP, there can

be some drawbacks. For example, mutual funds are required to publish a prospectus and report their holdings and performance periodically to the SEC. As a result, key information on mutual funds, such as daily prices, returns, holdings and third-party commentary can be easily found in numerous sources, including newspapers and magazines.
Furthermore, there’s a plethora of screening tools offered by research firms, such as Morningstar, as well as brokerage firms, that investors may use to research and compare mutual fund performance, fees and other pertinent information necessary to make an informed decision. Information on CTFs is more limited, and investors typically must rely on the retirement plan for information.
Another significant difference is how mutual funds and CTFs handle the investment income, such as interest, dividends and capital gains generated by the securities held in the funds. By law, mutual funds are required to distribute, at least annually, the net investment income in the form dividend and capital gains distributions to the fund’s shareholders. While some mutual fund owners take the dividend and capital gains distributions in cash, other investors choose to reinvest those distributions, buying additional shares of the mutual fund.
CTFs have no such distribution requirements and, as a result, do not make dividend or capital gains distributions. This
NARFE OFFERS MEMBERS a wide range of information on federal benefits. Visit www.narfe.org/federal-benefits-institute.
has led some TSP participants to mistakenly believe the TSP core funds do not hold dividend-paying stocks or that they’re being short-changed, because they’re not receiving any dividend distributions. Neither assumption is true. Many of the stocks held in the C, S, and I Funds pay dividends, and the bonds in the F Fund pay interest. Rather than distributing this income to shareholders, however, the CTF simply collects this income and factors it into the daily unit price of the funds.
Tracking the dividends, interest and capital gains a fund’s investments generate, processing the distributions to shareholders and then handling the reinvestment of those distributions all comes at a cost. Simply collecting the investment income and
factoring it into the unit price helps reduce the CTF costs, which ultimately benefits the CTF investors. Mutual funds and collective trust funds share many similarities. Now that both are available within the TSP, it will serve TSP participants well to understand the similarities and differences.
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Fight for a Cure
Support as
This month’s column is dedicated to YOU, our generous NARFE members—both those who belong to chapters and national-only members.
• A very special thank you to NARFE National President Ken Thomas for allowing me to serve as the chair of the NARFE Alzheimer’s Committee. Thank you for all of your support of me, the NARFE committee members and our efforts in the fight to find a cure for Alzheimer’s.
• Special thanks to Region III Vice President Clarence Robinson for allowing me to continue to serve as the Region III Alzheimer’s Coordinator and for your support of our fight against Alzheimer’s disease.
• Also special thanks to Towanda Franklin and Marsha Padilla-Goad at NARFE National Headquarters, along with Alicia Dorman, Melissa LaBonge and Alan Flores from the Alzheimer’s Association.
I want to let you all know how very special you are to me. As chair of the NARFE Alzheimer’s National Committee, I appreciate all of your hard work and dedication.
Because of you, we raised $600,982.04 in fiscal year 2022, the largest amount that I can remember NARFE members raising. This means we will be able to award that amount in research grants for this year. This could not have happened
without your generous donations. More NARFE members are starting to give through mutual funds and other investments, and in memory of a deceased
Please continue to take very good care of yourselves and your love ones by staying physically and mentally active. COVID is on the rise again, and recent research indicates that COVID may affect the neurological system. A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that for every 1,000 seniors with COVID-19, seven will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s within a year, slightly above the five-in-a-thousand diagnosis rate for seniors who did not have COVID.
While many of 2022 Walks to End Alzheimer’s have been held, donations towards your Walk Teams—providing the Team was already registered prior to your scheduled City’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s—can still be made until December 15. Our National Walk Goal is $100,000. We can do this, so let’s push to the finish line. Visit www.alz.org/narfewalks to be a part of our success.
love one. I commend all of you for a job well done.
Recipients of the NARFE Alzheimer’s Research Grants for Fiscal Year 2022 were to be announced at the National Committee’s annual training event in October. They will appear in the March 2023 issue of NARFE Magazine.
Again, thanks for all you have done and are continuing to do in this huge fight against Alzheimer’s. The first survivor of Alzheimer’s is somewhere out there. Together, we will make progress toward the common goal of finding a cure.

to NARFE programs Donate
Join the Silver Circle
MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: NARFE (write Silver Circle on memo line)
PLEASE MAIL COUPON AND CHECK TO: NARFE / 606 N. Washington St. / Alexandria, VA 22314 or donate online at www.narfe.org/ silvercircle
With NARFE’s thanks, you will receive:
• A Silver Circle pin and recognition on narfe.org with a donation of $100 or more.
• A Silver Circle pin, your name plate placed on the Silver Circle plaque at NARFE Headquarters, recognition on narfe.org and recognition at the NARFE yearly conference with a donation of $1,000 or more.
Silver Circle contributions are NOT tax-deductible.
Credit Card Information: q M/C q VISA q Discover q AMEX Card Number: Expiration Date: (mm)/ (yy) Security Code: Signature: Date: / / Name: (please print)
Support Alzheimer’s Research
If you have any questions, write to: National Committee Chair
Enclosed is my NARFE-Alzheimer’s contribution: $ Every cent that is contributed is used for research.
Olivia Williams 22 Garden Springs Road Columbia, SC 29209
OR EMAIL: oeashf3@gmail.com
NARFE-Alzheimer’s Research (write your chapter number on memo line)
PLEASE MAIL COUPON AND CHECK TO: Alzheimer’s Association 225 N. Michigan Ave., 17th Floor Chicago, IL 60601-7633
Credit Card Information: q M/C q VISA q Discover q AMEX
Card Number:
Expiration Date: (mm)/ (yy) Security Code:
Signature: Date: / /
Name: (please print)
Name: Address: City: State: ZIP: Chapter number: Give to the
1641 Prince St. Alexandria, VA 22314
Your charitable contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Name: Address: City: State: ZIP: Your charitable contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. To
The NARFE-FEEA Fund supports NARFE members during disasters; provides scholarships to their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and funds other programs to support NARFE members at the direction of NARFE and FEEA.
Make This a December to Remember: Participate in NARFE’s Fall Membership Drive!
As 2022 comes to a close, there’s still time to recruit
new members, earn rewards and win great prizes!
NARFE’s Fall Membership Drive will run through December 31, 2022.
Current members can earn $10 for each new member who joins NARFE, and all recruiters will be entered into a drawing, one entry for each new member they have recruited. Each month, winners will receive $25 Amazon gift cards, and one grand prize winner will receive a Kindle Fire. All recruiters are eligible for both the monthly drawing and overall prize—the more you do, the more you win!
As a current member, now is the time for you to help NARFE grow by reaching out to active and retired federal employees in your local networks, chapters, federations and regions. We encourage you to use email, our website and social media to promote the valuable benefits of NARFE membership, such as the award-winning NARFE Magazine, networking through our new online community FEDHub, powerful advocacy dedicated to protecting your hard-earned benefits, access to
webinars, personalized answers to federal benefits questions from our team of experts and much more!
To assist you in your recruiting efforts, we have a wide range of resources available. Visit the Membership Drive Page at www.NARFE.org/ membership-drive to access many helpful tools, including:

• The NARFE membership brochure (F-135), with powerful talking points and a membership application
• An “elevator speech” to help you quickly and effectively explain the benefits of NARFE membership
• Access to videos, presentations and articles from NARFE Magazine to help you recruit via email, social media and the web
IMPORTANT REMINDER: When reaching out to prospective members, don’t forget to provide your Recruiter ID; your NARFE membership number can be found on the label of your copy of NARFE Magazine.
We’re here to help you succeed! If you have questions about the membership drive or recruitment materials, please email us at membership@narfe. org or call us at 1-800-456-8410 (press 1 for membership). Thank you again for your support of NARFE—have a great holiday season and best wishes for a prosperous 2023!
MARISSA ESGUERRA, MANAGER, MEMBER SHIP DEVELOPMENTThe Silver Circle donor recognition program supports the direct work of NARFE, allowing it to provide the advocacy and benefits information you rely on. Member dues alone cannot support this mission.

Thank you to these Silver Circle donors* for their generosity:
Rodney Adelman | Pa Albaugh | Gwen S. Austin | Bill R. Austin | Margaret L. Baptiste | Joseph A. Beaudoin | Jane A. Beaudoin | Donald A. Binder | Geneieve E. Boguslawski | Donald J. Book | Thomas Bosserman | Mabel B. Burton | Sandra S. Cagle | Paul Carver | Bruce P. Chambers | Dante C. De Mio | John Di Filippo | Margaret Dixon | John Ells | Lynn V. Engles | William Federhofer | Anthony Filardi | Dennis E. Foley | Calvin Fuchs | Michael Ganter | Amos I Garrison | Hagan E Gibbs | Joseph Godfrey | Thomas N. Grigsby | Ruth A. Grimes | Arlo H. Hagge | Martha Hamed | Roger W. Hammock | David L. Hansen | Mildred E. Harrison | H. Leon Harter | Henry W. Hartmann | Jo A. Hatfield | Bonnie Heckman | Oscar Honeycutt | Charles W. Houck | Lorna Howerton | Frank C. Impinna | Eleanor Johnson | Frederick C. Jung Jr. | Louis J. Jurus | Mercedes C. Kiles | Sunglee K. Kim | Carolyn S Klein | Vance J Klein | Charmaine Knighton | Lawrence Lancaster | Thomas J. Lankford | Owen J. Manning | William F. Martin | Gail A. Martin | Dorothy Martindale | Michael Massie | Malcolm McCollum | Betty Monday | Ruth S. Nejbauer | Evelyn E Phillips | James T. Phillips | Gary Pierson | Helen M. Reedy | Dennis Reichelt | Linda A Richards | Marshall L Richards | Lanny G. Ross | Rosemarie Russo | Donna J. Shackelford | William Shackelford | Marie C. Shepherd | Adrian W. Smith | R. David Smith | Earnest Smith | Dorothy Smith | Jerome S. Smith | Charles W. Snyder | Tom Solnit | Kathy Thigpen | Theodore Van Hintum | John R. Vogler | Irvina Wallace | Phyllis Waszkiewicz | Jannette Wesley | Inthena White | Henry Whitney | Marian Wiley | Richard Anthony Wilson Jr. | Michael Wynn | Beatrice F. Young | Lea D. Zajac | Helen L. Zajac | Louisa P Zeh
*As of October 21, 2022
Join the Silver Circle today, and with NARFE’s thanks, you will receive:
• A Silver Circle pin and recognition on www.narfe.org with a donation of $100 or more.

• A Silver Circle pin, your name plate placed on the Silver Circle plaque at NARFE Headquarters, recognition on www.narfe.org and recognition at the NARFE yearly conference with a donation of $1,000 or more.
With your generous help, NARFE will be well-positioned to continue the fight to preserve the benefits and recognition federal employees deserve for years to come. Donate at narfe.org/silvercircle.
NARFE Scholarship Winners
NARFE is proud to announce the 2022 NARFE Scholarship winners and their NARFE sponsors. Each student will receive a one-time award of $1,000 to put toward the 2022-23 school year.
In 1987, the Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund (FEEA) established a scholarship program for children and grandchildren of federal employees. Some 10 years later, NARFE joined FEEA’s Board of Directors and soon after that authorized creation of a scholarship program open to the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of NARFE members.
The program is funded by the NARFE-FEEA Fund, supported by NARFE members and administered by FEEA. To support the program, donations to the NARFE-FEEA Fund can be made online or by check payable to NARFE-FEEA Fund mailed to: NARFE-FEEA Fund c/o FEEA, 1641 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314.
NARFE thanks the volunteers who served on the Scholarship Selection Committee and to the staff members of FEEA who administer the program.
This year, a total of $10,000 was awarded to 10 high school seniors. Winners are listed by region of residence.
Mackenzie Shea Wellfleet, MA
Sponsor: Kenneth Shea
Eve Rosenblum Lewes, DE Sponsor: Linda Blumner
Nicole Stover Jacksonville, FL Sponsor: Scott Stover
Sofia Boensch Centerville, OH Sponsor: Frank Boensch
Bailey Newman Worthington, MN
Sponsor: Maynard Townswick
Aubrei Grisaffe Bixby, OK Sponsor: George Grisaffe
Abigail Voorhis Fairplay, CO Sponsor: Joshua Voorhis
Sean Pringle Carlsbad, CA Sponsor: James Pringle
Meghan Buchanan Vancouver, WA
Sponsor: James Ellis
Corbin Duncan Asheville, NC
Sponsor: Brian Duncan
The 2023 NARFE-FEEA Scholarship Program is open to high school seniors only. Applicants must be children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren of NARFE members. For more information and to access the application, visit www.feea.org/ our-programs/scholarships/

• Access the NARFE Federal Benefits Institute for powerful resources to help you fully understand and manage your benefits.
• Visit the Legislative Action Center to contact your representatives about bills affecting federal benefits.
• Get NARFE Magazine with news and insights for the federal community.
• Save time, hassle and money with NARFE Perks.
• The opportunity to get involved at the local level by joining a chapter in your area.
LOOKING TO MEET OTHERS in the federal community and participate in NARFE at a local level? Call 800-456-8410 to learn about a NARFE chapter in your area. Would you like to receive a FREE one-year chapter membership? Choose one: q Chapter closest to home OR q Chapter #____________
NARFE respects the privacy of our members. Personal information is used to provide content and relevant communications to our members, and will not be sold or rented to third parties.
ADT Home Security | 844-892-3513 | https://Partners.ADT.com/SSE-P1
Get your ADT-monitored home security system today for $28.99 a month with AND $100 Visa reward card from Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier Provider. *New customers only. Visit website for full details of offer.

GE Appliances Store | Use the link below to start shopping! Save with NARFE members-only access to the GE Appliances Store! You will enjoy up to 25% off MSRP every day on the latest in high-quality appliances. *Orders can not be shipped to P.O. boxes, APOS, Canada, Puerto Rico, HI, AK or U.S. Territories. https://www.myapstore.com/GEStore/Appliances/ Registration?AuthCode=MONARFE21
LegalShield | 410-419-7130 | www.legalshield.com/info/narfe

Whether it’s big, small or somewhere in between, you have affordable legal help when you need it. Members receive the discounted rate of $18.95 for families of 10 (two adults and up to 8 children) when you sign up through the website above.

ODP Business Solutions | 1-800-650-1222 | www.officediscounts.org/narfe

Because you’re a member of NARFE, you now have access to exclusive members only discounts at ODP Business Solutions (previously Office Depot/Office Max). Members save up to 75% off on ODP Business Solutions Best Value list of preferred products and can take advantage of products discounted off the officedepot.com regular prices. Restrictions may apply so visit officediscounts. org/narfe for details. Product and service discounts may no longer be available for in-store purchases.
Purchasing Power | www.PurchasingPower.com/NARFE

While not a discount program, Purchasing Power is an exclusive purchase program helps members buy brand-name computers, electronics, appliances and furniture via annuity allotment when cash is not an option. No credit check or down payments.
NARFE Insurance Services | 800-233-5764 | www.narfeinsurance.com
Designed exclusively for NARFE members, (plans administered by Mercer) Senior Age Whole Life Insurance, Senior Term Life Insurance, Hospital Income and Short Term Recovery Insurance, Dental Insurance, Vision Insurance, AssistPlus, Discount Prescription Plan and Pet Insurance.
Member Options | 833-378-8224
Coleman Allied | 850-375-0917 | jack.jacobs@colemanallied.com

With over 300 agency partners and an entire team dedicated to a quality move experience, Coleman Allied provides customized discount levels for all NARFE members for Interstate moves. *The NARFE pricing only applies to moves that leave the state you currently reside in.

Wheaton World Wide Moving | 800-248-7960 | narfe@wvlcorp.com
At Wheaton, we know interstate relocation is much more than trucks and boxes. With a network of top-quality agents throughout the United States, Wheaton provides peace of mind with every relocation.

Choice Hotels International | 800-258-2847 | www.choicehotels.com

With 6,400 hotels throughout the world, Choice Hotels offers something for everyone. As a member, receive 20% off your next stay at participating hotels when you use Special Rate ID 00801967.

Collette Travel | 844-311-6563 | www.gocollette.com
With over 160 tours to all 7 continents and travel styles varying from small group to river cruising, Collette offers something for everyone. As a NARFE member, you receive an additional $50-$100 off all tours including sales and offers! Just use your member benefit code NARFESAVE or let our reservation agent know you are a NARFE Member when booking.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car® | Book Now! | https://partners.rentalcar.com/narfe
When you’re ready to go, Enterprise Rent-A-Car makes it easy. We offer everyday low rates on a great selection of cars, trucks and vans and customers are picked up at no extra cost*. See website for exclusions.

Hotel Engine | https://members.hotelengine.com/join/narfe175

Hotel Engine, a private booking platform, connects organizations and their members to deeply discounted hotel rates.

Member Deals | https://memberdeals.com/narfe/?login=1
MemberDeals is your one stop for great discounts on nationwide travel and entertainment! Find exclusive discounts, special offers, preferred seating, and tickets to top attractions, theme parks, shows, sporting events, hotels, and much more. Visit MemberDeals and find savings such as up to 40% on top theme parks nationwide and preferred access tickets to your favorite concerts, sports & more!

National Car Rental® | 800-CAR-RENT | www.nationalcarrental.com

NARFE members receive great rates with National Car Rental! At National, we pride ourselves on always providing you with unsurpassed convenience and choice. https://partners.rentalcar.com/narfe
Brookdale Senior Living Communities | 877-713-2762 | www.brookdale.com/narfe
As the largest operator of senior living communities in the US, Brookdale has over 1,000 locations all across the country. Members are eligible for 7.5% discount at Brookdale Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care communities and 10% discounts on Brookdale Private Duty Home Care. Discounts are for new move-ins/customers only.
Life Line Screening | 800-324-9906 | www.lifelinescreening.com/NARFE
Life Line Screening, America’s leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will conduct health screenings using state-of-the-art ultrasound technology in your neighborhood. Operator code BKHN075.
The FBI’s 100,000,000th Fingerprint
A special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1947 takes movie star Margaret O’Brien’s fingerprint—the one-hundred-millionth fingerprint collected by the agency. Since 1924, the FBI has maintained fingerprint records to support its identification activities. Before they were digitized, the Bureau used to store the fingerprint cards in file cabinets and manually sort through them to find a match.

Today, the FBI receives nearly 200,000 fingerprint submissions a day. With the help of automation, it can turn around a criminal fingerprint check within minutes.
PHOTO from the Records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Archives, courtesy of the National Archives History Office, in collaboration with the Society for History in the Federal Government (SHFG), bringing together government professionals, academics, consultants, students and citizens interested in understanding federal history work and the historical development of the federal government. To join, visit www.shfg.org.
The FBI evolved from a small group of special agents appointed in 1908 as the Justice Department’s investigative force.
Learn more at www.fbi.gov/ history

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan members may be eligible for two fully covered hearing aids with zero out-of-pocket cost on many models when applying your hearing aid benefit*. HearUSA offers all these features and follows all safety protocols for our customers and employees. Call 1-855-252-0025 to discover more or visit www.blue365deals.com/hearusa.
EXPERIENCE - HearUSA has been changing lives through better hearing since 1987 and a proud NARFE Circle Sponsor since 2016.
CHOICE - All major hearing aid brands and styles available, including completely-in-the-canal, the smallest custom hearing aids on the market.
TECHNOLOGY - Smart technology helps you hear more clearly and eliminates annoying feedback “whistling”.

RECHARGABLE - Most models have rechargeable options; no need to ever replace batteries! Plus, many models connect with your cell phone!
TELEHEALTH - Take advantage of HearUSA Telehealth Services where you obtain quality care at home. Telehealth appointments are available.
*The Service Benefit Plan will pay a hearing aid benefit for Standard and Basic Option up to $2,500 total every 5 calendar years for adults age 22 and over, and up to $2,500 total per calendar year for members up to age 22. FEP Blue Focus does not have a hearing aid benefit. Do not rely on this communication piece alone for complete benefit information. All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations, and exclusions in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan brochure. Blue365

offers access to savings on health and wellness products and services that members may purchase from independent
Cross Blue Shield FEP Dental and/or Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Vision. These products and services will be offered to
year. During the year, the independent vendors may offer additional discounts on these products and services. To find out what is
regarding your health insurance products and services may be subject to your plan’s grievance process. BCBSA may
nor any Blue Company recommends, endorses, warrants, or guarantees any specific vendor, product or service